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Signature and Name of Invigilator Roll No.

1. (Signature) (In figures as per admission card)

Roll No.
2. (Signature) (In words)
Test Booklet No.
J—1 0 0 5 PAPER—III
Time : 2½ hours] SOCIAL WORK [Maximum Marks : 200
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 36 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 26
Instructions for the Candidates ÂÚUèÿææçÍüØô¢ ·ð¤ çÜU° çÙÎðüàæ
1. Write your roll number in the space provided on 1. ÂãÜðU ÂëDU ·ð¤ ª¤ÂÚU çÙØÌ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ¥ÂÙæ ÚUôÜU ِÕÚU çÜUç¹°Ð
the top of this page.
2. ÜUƒæé ÂýàÙ ÌÍæ çÙÕ¢Ï Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ ÂýàÙô¢ ·ð¤ ©žæÚU, ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ Ùè¿ð Øæ
2. Answers to short answer/essay type questions are
to be given in the space provided below each question ÂýàÙô¢ ·ð¤ ÕæÎ ×ð¢ çÎØð ãéØð çÚUQ¤ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ãè çÜUç¹ØðÐ
or after the questions in the Test Booklet itself. §â·ð¤ çÜ° ·¤ô§ü ¥çÌçÚUQ¤ ·¤æ»Á ·¤æ ©ÂØô» Ùãè¢ ·¤ÚUÙæ ãñÐ
No Additional Sheets are to be used.
3. ÂÚUèÿææ ÂýæڐUÖ ãôÙð ÂÚU, ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¥æ·¤ô Îð Îè ÁæØð»èÐ ÂãÜðU
3. At the commencement of examination, the question ÂUæ¡¿ ç×ÙÅU ¥æ·¤ô ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¹ôÜÙð ÌÍæ ©â·¤è çِÙçÜç¹Ì
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5. One page is attached for Rough Work at the end of 5. ©UžæÚU-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ·ð¤ ¥‹Ì ×𢠷¤“ææ ·¤æ× (Rough Work) ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤
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J—1005 1 P.T.O.
âæ×æçÁ·¤ ·¤æØü


NOTE : This paper is of two hundred (200) marks containing four (4) sections.
Candidates are required to attempt the questions contained in these sections
according to the detailed instructions given therein.

ÙæðÅ Ñ Øã ÂýàÙ˜æ Îæð âæñ (200) ¥´·¤æð´ ·¤æ ãñ °ß´ §â×ð´ ¿æÚ (4) ¹´Ç ãñÐ ¥ØçÍüØæð´ ·¤æð §Ù ×ð´ â×æçãÌ
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J—1005 2
¹´Ç U— I
NOTE : This section contains five (5) questions based on the given paragraph. Each
question should be answered in about thirty (30) words and each carries five
(5)marks. (535525 marks)
ÙæðÅ Ñ §â ¹´Ç ×ð´ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ¥Ùé‘ÀðÎ ÂÚ ¥æÏæçÚÌ Âæ¡¿ (5) ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·¤æ ©žæÚ Ü»Ö»
Ìèâ (30) àæŽÎæð´ ×ð´ ¥ÂðçÿæÌ ãñÐ ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ Âæ¡¿ (5) ¥´·¤æð´ ·¤æ ãñÐ (535525 ¥´·¤)

The Chipko movement began in 1973 in the Chamoli district of Garhwal region of
Uttar Pradesh (UP) as a local village cooperative came in conflict with the government
over the forest resources. It was initially started for economic reasons but later took on an
ecological character. The movement arose out of a spontaneous eruption of resentment of
the villagers, especially the women who hugged the trees to save them from axes. During
the course of their struggle for preserving the forest resources, women redefined the meaning
of development as a condition of well-being which fulfilled their day-to-day family needs
on an immediate and long term basis, with less physical and psychological strains. Illiterate
village women developed many unique innovative, indigenous strategies of protest. These
include hugging trees, stealing axes, tying Rakhis, working as ‘watchmen’ and so on
(Bhatt, 1996).
Appiko movement originated in 1983 in the hilly region of the district of Uttara Kannada
in Karnataka. The crisis here arose from the adverse impact of exploiting natural forests for
commercial use and the eventual change in the ecological balance of the area. This change
had a serious effect on the lives of the local people and their agriculture. As the people were
clearly able to see a link between deforestation and ecological changes, they decided to take
some action. Initially the protest action was taken by the local youth who had formed a
youth club and were active for some time in campaigns for preventing gambling and drinking
alcohol by some villagers (Hegde, 1984).
Appiko movement was an attempt by the local people to evolve an alternative strategy
for sustainable development. It has used well known rural communication techniques such
as street plays, folk songs and dance-dramas to convey the message of preservation of nature
to a large number of people. In addition to these, the Appiko activists launched numerous
Padayatras in the interior villages to spread the message of the movement (Hedge, 1984).
Both Chipko and Appiko movements were deeply influenced by the Gandhian
philosophy of non-violent protest by the people to secure for themselves what is their
rightful share of public resources. While well-known Sarvodaya workers had played a
major role in organising the local people into a cooperation in Dashuli in UP, the Appiko
movement was guided by a young professional social worker who had acquired a first
hand knowledge of the experience and lessons of the Chipko movement.

ç¿Â·¤æð ¥æ´ÎæðÜÙ, çÁâ·¤æ ¥æÚÖ ©žæÚ ÂýÎðàæ (Øê.Âè.) ·ð¤ »É¸ßæÜ ÿæð˜æ ·ð¤ ¿×æðÜè ÁÙÂÎ ×ð´ âÙ÷ 1973 ×ð´ °·¤

SÍæÙèØ âã·¤æÚè ·¤æØü ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ãé¥æ, ßÙ-â´âæÏÙæð´ ÂÚ âÚ·¤æÚ ·ð¤ âæÍ â´ƒæáü ×ð´ ÚãæÐ àæéM¤-àæéM¤ ×ð´ §â·¤æ ¥æڐÖ

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J—1005 3 P.T.O.
çÎÙ-ÂýçÌçÎÙ ·¤è ¥æßàØ·¤Ìæ¥æð´ ·¤è ÂêçÌü ·¤×-âð-·¤× àææÚèçÚ·¤ ÌÍæ ×Ùæðßñ™ææçÙ·¤ ÌÙæß ·ð¤ âæÍ ·¤ÚðÐ ¥âæÿæÚ

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1996) Ð
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¥æñÚ âè¹æð´ ·¤æ ÂýˆØÿæ ™ææÙ ÍæÐ

1. Explain the significance of ‘Chipko’ and ‘Appiko’ movements from Ecological

Òç¿Â·¤æðÓ ÌÍæ Ò°ç·¤æðÓ ¥æ´ÎæðÜÙæð´ ·¤è ×ãžææ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ÂæçÚçSÍçÌ·¤èØ ÎëçC·¤æð‡æ âð ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 4
2. Why illiterate women got motivated to be major stakeholders in the ‘Chipko’
movement ?
¥âæÿæÚ ×çãÜæ°¡ Òç¿Â·¤æðÓ ¥æ´ÎæðÜÙ ×ð´ Âý×é¹ Öæ»Sßæ×è ÕÙÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° €Øæð´ ¥çÖÂýðçÚÌ ã駴ü?

3. Point out the different strategies used by ‘Chipko’ and ‘Appiko’ movements.
Òç¿Â·¤æðÓ ÌÍæ Ò°ç·¤æðÓ ¥æ´ÎæðÜÙ ×ð´ ¥ÂÙæ§ü »§ü çßçÖóæ ©ç€ÌØæð´ ·¤æ ©ËÜð¹ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 5 P.T.O.
4. “ ‘Chipko’ and ‘Appiko’ movements are based on Gandhian philosophy”. Critically
examine the statement.
ÒÒ Òç¿Â·¤æðÓ ÌÍæ Ò°ç·¤æðÓ ¥æ´ÎæðÜÙ »æ´ÏèßæÎè ÎàæüÙ ÂÚ ¥æÏæçÚÌ ãñÓÓ §â ߀ÌÃØ ·¤æ ¥æÜæð¿Ùæˆ×·¤

ÂÚèÿæ‡æ ·¤Úð´Ð

5. Give appropriate title to the paragraph with proper justification.

©ÂÚæð€Ì ©Î÷ÏÚ‡æ ·ð¤ çÜ° °·¤ ©ÂØé€Ì àæèáü·¤ Îð·¤Ú àæèáü·¤ ·¤æ ¥æñç¿ˆØ çâh ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 6

¹´Ç U— II

NOTE : This section contains fifteen (15) questions each to be answered in about thirty
(30) words. Each question carries five (5) marks.
(5315575 marks)

ÙæðÅ Ñ §â ¹´Ç ×ð´ Âæ¡¿-Âæ¡¿ (5-5) ·ð¤ ´Îýã (15) ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·¤æ ©žæÚ Ü»Ö» Ìèâ (30)
àæŽÎæð´ ×ð´ ¥ÂðçÿæÌ ãñÐ ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ Âæ¡¿ (5) ¥´·¤æð ·¤æ ãñÐ
(5315575 ¥´·¤ )

6. Explain the term globalisation.

ßñàß跤ڇæ ÂÎ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 7 P.T.O.
7. Define voluntary social work. List the names of five prominent voluntary social workers
of India.
Sßñç‘À·¤ â×æçÁ·¤ ·¤æØü ·¤æð ÂçÚÖæçáÌ ·¤Úð´Ð ÖæÚÌ ·ð¤ Âæ¡¿ Âýçâh Sßñç‘À·¤ â×æçÁ·¤ ·¤æØü·¤Ìæü¥æð´ ·ð¤ Ùæ×


8. What do you understand by ‘Gender Aware social work’ ? Explain with an example.
ÒçÜ´» Áæ»M¤·¤ â×æÁ-·¤æØüÓ âð ¥æ €Øæ â×ÛæÌð ãñ´? °·¤ ©Îæãڇæ Îð·¤Ú ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 8
9. What is a women’s self help group ? Explain.
°·¤ Ò×çãÜæ Sß-âãæØÌæ ÎÜÓ €Øæ ãñ?

10. Explain the significance of home visit in social work practice.

â×æÁ ·¤æØü ÃØßãæÚ ×ð´ »ëãæßÜæð·¤Ù ·¤è ×ãžææ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 9 P.T.O.
11. What do you understand by countertransference in worker-client relationship ?
·¤æØü·¤Ìæü-âðßæÍèü â´Õ´Ï ×ð´ ÂýçÌ¥´Ìڇæ âð ¥æ €Øæ â×ÛæÌð ãñ?

12. Write briefly the different stages of group work.

â×êã ·¤æØü ·ð¤ çßçÖóæ ¿Ú‡ææð´ ·¤æ â´çÿæŒÌ ©ËÜð¹ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 10
13. Explain the concept of parapolitical process in community organization.
â×éÎæØ â´»ÆÙæð´ ×ð´ ÂÚæ-ÚæÁÙèçÌ·¤ Âýç·ý¤Øæ ·¤è ¥ßÏæڇææ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

14. What are the characteristics of a good hypothesis ?

°·¤ ©žæ× ©Â€·¤ÜÙæ ·ð¤ ¥çÖÜÿæ‡æ €Øæ ãñ?

J—1005 11 P.T.O.
15. Explain the role of child line in protecting the rights of children.
Փææ𴠷𤠥çÏ·¤æÚæð´ ·¤è âéÚÿææ ×ð´ Ò¿æ§ËÇ Üæ§ÙÓ ·¤è Öêç×·¤æ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

16. Define the term ‘differentially able’.

ÒÕãéçÖóæ M¤Â âð Øæð‚ØÓ ÂÎ ·¤æð ÂçÚÖæçáÌ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 12
17. What are the steps in project formulation ?
ÂçÚØæðÁÙæ çÙM¤Â‡æ ·ð¤ çßçÖóæ ¿Ú‡æ €Øæ ãñ´?

18. List out the social assistance schemes in India.

ÖæÚÌ ×ð´ âæ×æçÁ·¤ âãæØÌæ ·¤è ØæðÁÙæ¥æð´ ·¤æð âê¿èÕh ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 13 P.T.O.
19. Define sustainable development.
â´Âæðá‡æèØ çß·¤æâ ·¤æð ÂçÚÖæçáÌ ·¤Úð´Ð

20. Explain how growth and equity is co-related.

ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´ ç·¤ ßëçh ¥æñÚ â×Ìæ ç·¤â Âý·¤æÚ âã-âÕç‹ÏÌ ãñ´?

J—1005 14

NOTE : This section contains five (5) questions from each of the electives /
specialisation. The candidate has to choose only one elective / specialisation
and answer all the five questions from it. Each question carries twelve (12)
marks and is to be answered in about two hundred (200) words.
(1235560 marks)

ÙæðÅ Ñ §â ¹´Ç ×ð´ ÂýˆØð·¤ °ðç‘À·¤ §·¤æ§ü / çßàæðá™æÌæ âð Âæ¡¿ (5) ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð ¥ØÍèü ·¤æð ·ð¤ßÜ °·¤
°ðç‘À·¤ §·¤æ§ü / çßàæðá™æÌæ ·¤æð ¿éÙ·¤Ú ©âè ×ð´ âð Âæ¡¿æð´ ÂýàÙæð´ ·¤æ ©žæÚ ÎðÙæ ãñÐ ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ÕæÚã
(12) ¥´·¤æð´ ·¤æ ãñ ß ©â·¤æ ©žæÚ Ü»Ö» Îæð âæñ (200) àæŽÎæð´ ×ð´ ¥ÂðçÿæÌ ãñÐ
(1235560 ¥´·¤)

Elective - I

21. Discuss Concept and approaches to Human Resource Management. Explain how HRD
sub-systems promote employee development.
×Ùß â´âæÏÙ ÂýÕ´ÏÙ ·¤è ¥ßÏæڇææ ÌÍæ ©Âæ»×æð´ ·¤è ¿¿æü ·¤Úð´Ð ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´ ç·¤ ×æÙß â´âæÏÙ çß·¤æâ ·ñ¤âð

ÚæðÁ»æÚ-çß·¤æâ ·¤æð Õɸæßæ ÎðÌæ ãñ?

22. Define Industrial Dispute. Discuss effectiveness of dispute settlement machinary

provided in Industrial Dispute Act, 1947.
¥æñlæðç»·¤ çßßæÎ ·¤è ÂçÚÖæáæ Îð´Ð ¥æñlæðç»·¤ çßßæÎ ¥çÏçÙØ× 1947 ×ð´ Îè »§ü çßßæÎ çÙÂÅæÚæ Ì´˜æ ·¤è

ÂýÖæßàæèÜÌæ ·¤è ¿¿æü ·¤Úð´Ð

23. Clarify the concept of ‘Collective Bargaining’. Examine the impact of recent
amendments in Industrial Dispute Act on the process of collective Bargaining.
Òâæ×êçã·¤ âæñÎðÕæÁèÓ ·¤è ¥ßÏæڇææ ·¤æð SÂC ·¤Úð´Ð âæ×êçã·¤ âæñÎðÕæÁè ·¤è Âýç·ý¤Øæ ÂÚ ¥æñlæðç»·¤ çßßæÎ

¥çÏçÙØ× ×ð´ ÙßèÙ â´àææðÏÙæð´ ·ð¤ ÂýÖæß ·¤æ ÂÚèÿæ‡æ ·¤Úð´Ð

24. Discuss the role of welfare officer in using social security legislations for the welfare of
working class in India.
ÖæÚÌ ×ð´ ·¤æ×·¤æÁè ß»ü ·ð¤ ·¤ËØæ‡æ ·ð¤ çÜ° âæ×æçÁ·¤ âéÚÿææ ·¤æÙêÙæð´ ·¤æ ©ÂØæð» ·¤ÚÙð ×ð´ ·¤ËØæ‡æ ¥çÏ·¤æÚè ·¤è

Öêç×·¤æ ·¤è ¿¿æü ·¤Úð´Ð

25. ‘Protection of employees’ interests, Prevention of exploitation and their development is

the concern of the welfare officer’. Critically examine the statement.
ÒÒ·¤×ü¿æçÚØæð´ ·ð¤ çãÌæð´ ·ð¤ â´Úÿæ‡æ, ©Ù·ð¤ àææðá‡æ ·¤è Úæð·¤Íæ× ÌÍæ ©Ù·ð¤ çß·¤æâ âð ·¤ËØæ‡æ ¥çÏ·¤æÚè ·¤æ

âÚæð·¤æÚ ãæðÌæ ãñÐÓÓ §â ßQ¤ÃØ ·¤æ ¥æÜæð¿Ùæˆ×·¤ ÂÚèÿæ‡æ ·¤Úð´Ð

OR / ¥Íßæ
J—1005 15 P.T.O.
Elective - II

21. What are the major health concerns of disadvantaged groups ?

ÂýçÌ·ê¤ÜÌæ - »ýSÌ â×êãæð´ ·ð¤ SßæS‰Ø ·ð¤ ×éØ ×égð €Øæ ãñ´?

22. What is the relevance and role of child guidance clinic in view of the contemporary
challenges faced by Indian families ?
ÖæÚÌèØ ÂçÚßæÚæð´ ·ð¤ â×é¹ ¥æÙðßæÜè â×âæ×çØ·¤ ¿éÙæñçÌØæð´ ·ð¤ ÎëçC·¤æð‡æ âð ÕæÜ-×æ»üÎàæüÙ ç€ÜçÙ·¤ ·¤æ

¥æñç¿ˆØ ¥æñÚ ©Ù·¤è Öêç×·¤æ €Øæ ãñ?

23. The emphasis on community based rehabilitation in psychiatric setting requires an

active participation of civil society. Explain.
×Ùæðç¿ç·¤ˆâèØ ÿæð˜æ ×ð´ â×éÎæØ ¥æÏæçÚÌ ÂéÙßæüâ ÂÚ ÕÜ ÎðÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° Ùæ»çÚ·¤ â×æÁ ·¤è âãÖæç»Ìæ ·¤è

¥æßàØ·¤Ìæ ãñÐ ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

24. Define Crisis. Explain the role of social worker in Crisis Intervention.
â´·¤Å ·¤è ÂçÚÖæáæ Îð´Ð â´·¤Å-ãSÌÿæð ×ð´ â×æÁ-·¤æØü·¤Ìæü ·¤è Öêç×·¤æ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

25. Elucidate the role of social worker in the rehabilitation of deaf persons.
ÕçÏÚ ÃØç€ÌØæð´ ·ð¤ ÂéÙßæüâ ×ð´ â×æÁ ·¤æØü·¤Ìæü ·¤è Öêç×·¤æ ·¤è çßàæÎ÷ ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

OR / ¥Íßæ

Elective - III

21. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of the present Community Development

Programmes initiated by the Government.
âÚ·¤æÚ mæÚæ ÂýæÚÖ ç·¤° »° âæ×éÎæçØ·¤ çß·¤æâ ·¤æØü·ý¤×æð´ ·¤è ÂýÖæßàæèÜÌæ ·¤æ ¥æÜæð¿Ùæˆ×·¤ ×êËØæ´·¤Ù ·¤Úð´Ð

22. Discuss how Panchayat Raj system has contributed to the development of leadership
among rural women.
»ýæ×è‡æ ×çãÜæ¥æð´ ×ð´ ÙðÌëˆß çß·¤æâ ×ð´ ´¿æØÌ ÚæÁ Âý‡ææÜè Ùð ç·¤â Âý·¤æÚ Øæð»ÎæÙ ç·¤Øæ ãñ? ¿¿æü ·¤Úð´Ð

23. What do you understand by slum improvement ? What are your suggestions for slum
improvement ?
×çÜÙ ÕSÌè ©óæçÌ âð ¥æ €Øæ â×ÛæÌð ãñ´? ×çÜÙ ÕSÌè ·¤è ©óæçÌ ·ð¤ çÜ° ¥æ·ð¤ âéÛææß €Øæ ãñ´?

24. Discuss the role of NGOs in the development of tribal areas.

ÁÙ ÁæÌèØ ÿæð˜ææð´ ·ð¤ çß·¤æâ ×ð´ »ñÚ âÚ·¤æÚè â´»ÆÙæð´ ·¤è Öêç×·¤æ ·¤è ¿¿æü ·¤Úð´Ð

25. Suggest measures to alleviate urban poverty.

àæãÚè »ÚèÕè ·¤æð ·¤× ·¤ÚÙð ·ð¤ ©ÂæØæð´ ·¤æ âéÛææß Îð´Ð

OR / ¥Íßæ

J—1005 16
Elective - IV

21. Explain the problems of dual earner families.

©â ÂçÚßæÚ ·¤è â×SØæ¥æð´ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´ çÁâ ·ð¤ ΐÂçÌ ×ð´ âð ÎæðÙæð´ ·¤æ×·¤æÁ ×ð´ ãñ´Ð

22. ‘Human Rights are Women’s Rights’. Comment.

Ò×æÙß ¥çÏ·¤æÚ ×çãÜæ¥æ𴠷𤠥çÏ·¤æÚ ãñ´Ó - çŌ‡æè ·¤Úð´Ð

23. Explain the significance and role of pre-marital counselling.

çßßæã-Âêßü ÂÚæ×àæü ·¤è ×ãžææ ÌÍæ Öêç×·¤æ ÕÌæ°¡Ð

24. What are the problems of elderly in the changing social scenario ?
ÕÎÜÌð ãé° âæ×æçÁ·¤ ÂçÚÎëàØ ×ð´ ßØæðßëh ÃØç€ÌØæð´ ·¤è â×SØæ°¡ €Øæ ãñ´?

25. Elucidate the challenges faced by parents of a mentally challenged child.

°·¤ ׋ΠÕéçh ÕæÜ·¤ ·ð¤ ×æÌæ-çÂÌæ ·ð¤ â×é¹ ¥æÙðßæÜè ¿éÙæñçÌØæð´ ·¤è çßàæÎ÷ ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

OR / ¥Íßæ

Elective - V

21. Explain the various justifications of Punishment.

Î‡Ç ·¤æð ©ç¿Ì ÆãÚæÙðßæÜð çßçÖóæ Ì·¤æðZ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

22. ‘Criminals are not born but circumstances make them’. Critically examine the statement.
Ò¥ÂÚæÏè Á‹×ÁæÌ Ùãè´ ãæðÌð ÕçË·¤ ÂçÚçSÍçÌØæ¡ ©‹ãð´ ¥ÂÚæÏè ÕÙæÌè ãñÓ - §â ·¤ÍÙ ·¤æ ¥æÜæð¿Ùæˆ×·¤ ÂÚèÿæ‡æ


23. Discuss merits and demerits of Institutional care.

âæ´SÍæçÙ·¤ Îð¹Ú𹠷𤠻é‡ææð´ ¥æñÚ Îæðáæð´ ·¤è ¿¿æü ·¤Úð´Ð

24. Critically evaluate the salient features of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection)
ÕæÜ ‹ØæØ (Îð¹Úð¹ ÌÍæ â´Úÿæ‡æ) ¥çÏçÙØ× - 2001 ·ð¤ Âý×é¹ Üÿæ‡ææð´ ·¤æ ¥æÜæð¿Ùæˆ×·¤ ×êËØæ´·¤Ù ·¤Úð´Ð

25. Examine the functions of Probation services in relation to juvenile and adult offenders
in India.
ÖæÚÌ ×ð´ ÕæÜ °ß´ ßØS·¤ ¥ÂÚæçÏØæð´ ·ð¤ â´ÎÖü ×ð´ ÂçÚßèÿæ‡æ âðßæ¥æ𴠷𤠷¤æØæðZ ·¤æ ÂÚèÿæ‡æ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—1005 17 P.T.O.
J—1005 18
J—1005 19 P.T.O.
J—1005 20
J—1005 21 P.T.O.
J—1005 22
J—1005 23 P.T.O.
J—1005 24
J—1005 25 P.T.O.
J—1005 26
J—1005 27 P.T.O.
NOTE : This section consists of one essay type question of forty (40) marks to be
answered in about one thousand (1000) words on any of the given topics.
(4031540 marks)

ÙæðÅ Ñ §â ¹´Ç ×ð´ ¿æÜèâ (40) ¥´·¤æð ·¤æ çÙՋÏæˆ×·¤ ÂýàÙ ãñ çÁâ·¤æ ©žæÚ çِÙçÜç¹Ì çßáØæð´ ×ð´ âð
·ð¤ßÜ °·¤ ÂÚ, ֻܻ °·¤ ãÁæÚ (1000) àæŽÎæð´ ×ð´ ¥ÂðçÿæÌ ãñÐ (4031540 ¥´·¤)

26. Critically analyze the implications of the shrinking role of the state in the social and
welfare sectors to the functions of social work profession in India.

ÖæÚÌ ×ð´ â×æÁ·¤æØü ÃØßâæØ ·ð¤ ·¤æØæðZ ÂÚ âæ×æçÁ·¤ ÌÍæ ·¤ËØæ‡æ ÿæð˜ææð´ ×ð´ Úæ’Ø ·¤è ƒæÅÌè ãé§ü Öêç×·¤æ ·ð¤

çÙçãÌæÍü ·¤æ ¥æÜæð¿Ùæˆ×·¤ çßàÜðá‡æ ·¤Úð´Ð

OR / ¥Íßæ

State the principles underlying Gandhian philosophy and critically review its relevance
for contemporary social work practice.

»æ´ÏèßæÎè ÎàæüÙ ·ð¤ ×êÜÖêÌ çâhæ‹Ìæð´ ·¤æ ©ËÜð¹ ·¤Úð´ ÌÍæ â×âæ×çØ·¤ â×æÁ ·¤æØü °ß´ ÃØßãæÚ ×ð´ §â·ð¤

¥æñç¿ˆØ ·¤è â×èÿææ ·¤Úð´Ð

OR / ¥Íßæ

Write a detailed essay on the nature of social work interventions in the field of HIV/

°¿.¥æ§ü.ßè. / °Ç÷â ·ð¤ ÿæð˜æ ×ð´ â×æÁ·¤æØü ãSÌÿæð ·¤è Âý·ë¤çÌ ÂÚ °·¤ çßSÌëÌ Üð¹ çܹð´Ð

J—1005 28
J—1005 29 P.T.O.
J—1005 30
J—1005 31 P.T.O.
J—1005 32
J—1005 33 P.T.O.
J—1005 34
J—1005 35 P.T.O.
Marks Obtained













1 26 51 76
2 27 52 77
3 28 53 78
4 29 54 79
5 30 55 80
6 31 56 81
7 32 57 82
8 33 58 83
9 34 59 84
10 35 60 85
11 36 61 86
12 37 62 87
13 38 63 88
14 39 64 89
15 40 65 90
16 41 66 91
17 42 67 92
18 43 68 93
19 44 69 94
20 45 70 95
21 46 71 96
22 47 72 97
23 48 73 98
24 49 74 99
25 50 75 100

Total Marks Obtained (in words) .....................................

(in figures) ....................................

Signature & Name of the Coordinator ...............................

(Evaluation) Date .............................

J—1005 36

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