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Type of Control -User Interface- Find in Store- input field to find product’s availability in

store will only allow numeric data

Description: Customers browsing weekly add online can find store availability of the desired

products on sale/ promotion. The product page will have a tab – Find in Store. Clicking on this

tab will pop up a window with search box. Customers can only enter Zip Code. This will be a

number box and numbers will be entered to locate store and find availability of the product.

This user interface control will prevent user frustration from mistakes they make in data

entry. The limitation to only process numeric data will make the system more efficient and will

return specific results, i.e. the store that falls in near proximity of the zip code. Data entered in

the numeric field should be checked to ensure it is numeric. If the user enters anything other

than numbers, send an error message- location not found, please enter valid Zip Code number.

2. Type of Control - Business Rule - Add to Cart: an order should have minimum of 1 item.

Description: Customer browsing the weekly add should be able to buy the item online from

the same page. The product page will have tab Add to Cart, the quantity box will have a

minimum of 1 product to Add to Cart.

The business rule control will ensure that the customer does not forget to enter the

quantity needed. If this field is left blank, the entire process of buying online will be frustrating

and may take lot of time as it will be difficult to price the order without quantity. A series of

messages / emails will be sent back and forth confirming the quantity required to place to
order. When the fields for quantity are left blank the form cannot be processed. If the quantity

is not mentioned a message is retuned - please enter quantity.

3. Type of Control - Flow logic - place hold- Customer cannot place hold on the available

product in the store till online payment is made.

Description: Customer browsing the weekly add who wish to pick promoted product or put

hold on the product in store, cannot do so until they checkout online.

The flow logic control will ensure that the products are placed on hold for serious buyers

only, who are willing to pay for the product. Many times people just place a hold on product

without intention to buy it. This in turn depletes the stock for real buyers which in turn will

cause lost business for the store. If the user did not check out the available product the hold is

not placed. User is redirected to checkout page with message – unable to hold

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