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W06 Paper: Final Reflection

Title: W06 Paper: Final Reflection

Name Jose Eduardo Callaù Silva

Brigham Young University-Idaho

W06 Paper: Final Reflection

I chose the theme of water because it is the life of the planet and of all living beings.

1 Two years ago in a city in my country called Ciudad de La Paz, there was a drought,

and unfortunately that city is supplied by artificial lagoons that are filled by rainwater.

Due to the drought the artificial lagoons dried up, the lack of a planned sewerage, and the

water was collected, the city half was left without drinking water. At first the municipality began

to bring tanks of drinking water to the areas without water, this generated discomfort for people,

people could not work quietly because they had to wait for the cistern with water to supply


Soon the problem began to get bigger, people from one area began to fight with those

from another area, because they asked for more tanks, and others took the water tanks to other

areas, there were physical fights, insults.

So I thought the following: In a couple of years, there will be countries that need more

water for their crops, drinking water for people. And because they do not have water or rivers,

they will start to make war with nearby countries in order to obtain their water. This will lead to

deaths and wars over water.

Japan, a lonely country on an island that suffered long ago due to lack of drinking water,

after those great sufferings, Japan strove to create in the big cities with 12 million inhabitants, a

giant sewer system. Your system collects and does not waste rainwater to clean, process, and

return it to drinking water.

W06 Paper: Final Reflection
Practically 2 Japan became a rainwater accumulator. This country is surrounded by salt

water all around it, that is why it decided to rescue rainwater, use it as drinking water and energy.

Not only am I concerned about the war between neighboring countries over water, but

about the increase in the disproportionate population, which will require more water to survive

and more water for the manufacture of products.

My SMART goal will be:

-Do not use polluting products, such as aerosols that contain CFCs, detergents, etc.

- Search at home for products such as sprays and chemicals that contaminate the home

- Change the light bulbs in my house yellow for the white ones, because they are ecological

- Buy colored plastic bags and for two weeks teach my daughters to recycle garbage, and teach

them why we should do it.

Unfortunately, I am allergic to humidity, when the sky is very cloudy and the greenhouse effect

occurs, it causes pain when breathing, and my chest contracts, making it difficult for me to

W06 Paper: Final Reflection


1.- Water crisis: La Paz suffers the worst drought in the fourth century. (2016, December 19).

Recovered from


2.- Zarza, L. F. (2018, 15 febrero). Agua y arte nipones: la historia de las alcantarillas de Japón.

Recuperado de


3.- Molina, F. (2016, November 21). Bolivia declares a national emergency due to drought.

Recovered from

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