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Meet Mariupol!

same time calm,as we have many places for

Welcome to my hometown. Mariupol is a a quiet rest (Boichenko, “Ridnii krai”).
city of regional significance in south eastern Do You Like To Swim ?
Ukraine, situated in the Pryazovia region. In addition to this, I can tell you about
Mariupol is the tenth-largest city in Ukraine, another very popular location -central beach
and the where people like to spend their free time.
second You can find a lot of picnic and camping
largest in the locations there and spend a nice time with
Donetsk your family and friends. Mariupol is situated
Region with in the south of the Donetsk Oblast, on the
a population coast of Azov Sea and at the mouth of the
of 431.859 Kalmius River. It is located in an area of the
people ( “All Azov Lowland that is an extension of the
about Mariupol”). Mariupol is an ideal city Ukrainian Black Sea Lowland (“All about
for tourism and cultural activities that offers Mariupol”).
a good time in such places as: parks, houses Tetrapods
of culture, city beach, an alley of tetrapods, And in 2014 when the way of war
museums and restaurants. covered my city,
The Most Famous Park our volunteers
By now, Park Gorkogo is the most created a new
popular park which is situated in the center symbol of peace
of our city. Gorky Central Park of Culture and kindness-
and Leisure is a central park in Mariupol, tetrapods.
named after a very popular writer - Maxim Tetrapod is a
Gorky.The Park's 90th anniversary was figure with a special Ukrainian symbol’s
celebrated in August 2018 (“Mrpl city form and drawings on it. Usually people
parks”). draw Ukrainian traditional flowers or use
Petrikivka- drawing style. (Benchuk,
Cultural Capital Of Donetsk Region “Priazovsky Rabochii”).
What's more, in Mariupol we have more
than seven houses of culture where children Let’s Learn Some History !
can do their after school activities. For Furthermore, Mariupol is well known for
example: dance, art, phycological and its museums because they preserve
literature classes. Also they offer an Ukrainian history. The historical
opportunity to try yourself in doing sports. background is also very interesting. The city
We have one of the strongest soccer teams was founded by immigrants from Greece in
in the region and we are very proud of our 1778, so we have a large Greek diaspora in
boys.This makes our city active and at the Mariupol (Benchuk, “Priazovsky
Rabochii”). Also, in addition to Greek, we
learn Ukrainian, Russian and Polish. After
the ninth grade, 2 foreign languages are
additionally chosen. Thank You For Being An Amazing
We know Tourist !
many In conclusion, I can say that I am proud
languages, so of my city, the way it is rapidly developing
we often host and becoming
international better (“Mrpl
conferences. city parks”).
You can hear We have a lot
about this in of
the central museum of Mariupol’s culture. opportunities
Mariupol is also known for the fact that the not only for
famous landscape painter Arkhip Kuindzhi recreation, but
lived in it. He was also an immigrant from also for quality education, so Mariupol is
Greece and did much for the city's always waiting for you with open arms.
prosperity. So it's always very interesting to
hear something new during a museum
Are You Hungry After This Journey ?

And the last but not the

least place to visit - our
restaurants. They are very
popular because
you can try not only
traditional food
like vareniki, golubci’
and borscht, but also international cuisine
dishes ! They serve Korean, Polish and other
food that is very delicious (“All about

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