Asking and Giving Suggestion (Teacher Club)

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Asking Suggestion/Meminta Saran

Sebenarnya ada banyak sekali cara meminta saran baik secara eksplisit
maupun implisit, namun di bawah ini beberapa ungkapan yang sering

 What should I do?

 Do you have any advice/suggestions?

 What’s your advice/suggestion?

 What do you suggest?

 If you were me, what would you do?

 Can you give me any advice/suggestions?

 I need your advice/suggestion.

Giving Suggestion/Memberi Saran

 I suggest that…

 You should/ought to…

 If I were you, I would…

 It would be better if you…

 I would recommend you…

 Why don’t you….

Accepting and Rejecting Advice

Ketika kita mendapatkan saran, rekomendasi, maupun nasehat, tentu

ada kalanya kita mau menerima atau menolak saran tersebut
dikarenakan berbagai alasan. Kira-kira apa ya ungkapan yang bisa kita

Accepting Advice

 Thank you for your advice/suggestion.

 That’s a (good/great/brilliant/etc) idea.
 Oh, I’ll do that, thank you.
 You’re right.
 Okay, I’ll try.
Rejecting Advice

 I don’t think that’s a good idea.

 I can’t do that.
 Do you have any other suggestions/advice?
 I’m not sure about that.

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