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Cisco came up with technological solutions for the problem. Being the biggest networking company in the world
with 77 acquisitions since 1999, more than 51,000 employees including 16,000 engineers operating in 117 countries
with one third of the world population, coordinated coaching for this enormous number of employees becomes almost
Strategic alliance with an advanced E-training provider becomes a feasible solution, a training provider who can tailor
sales interactive coaching models that are built around integrated complementary classroom and distance activities.
Experts all over the world can deliver these modules in classes nearer to Cisco operations in 15 different languages,
followed by telephone coaching sessions that reinforce the skills and competencies taught in class. Cisco ally in this
is Richardson, an American training organization with a customer driven culture that demonstrates the same values
and business ethics of Cisco.

a skills and competencies gap between current and expected performance levels exists.
Training departments became unable to close this gap fast enough, nor to cope with the in-house training demands
restricted by inflexible deadlines. New methods of training had to be developed in order to satisfy the increasing on-
going demand on coaching the field teams. Complementary training activities to the training departments had to be
initiated, and new training modules as well. Modules that address marketing and sales people behavior, being both
efficient and effective, and consume less time than the traditional classroom training.

HRD INC-( this is a name of the company)


HRD Inc.(HRD) believes in continuous learning and skills updating which will brighten the chances of success in the highly
competitive IT and business industry.

HRD provides e-learning services to our client candidates as well as its employees to help them get placed well in the IT and other
industries. This e-learning tool provides over 2000 interactive courses with blended training approach and specially designed
Instant Mentoring Sessions to get immediate solutions.


Our empowering, engaging and effective e-Learning now comes with real-time access to subject-matter mentors 24 hours/day, 7

Students can use Instant Mentoring to clarify concepts, fine-tune solutions, confirm a process or simply seek assurance that they
understand an application. Coupling Instant Mentoring with our robust e-Learning platform allows students to adjust their training
method as their need dictates the best of both worlds.

Instant Mentoring provides the back-up to ensure complete understanding and synthesis. Students can also have their course
exercises reviewed by a Mentor by attaching it to an email. The exercises are not graded but do provide a one on one evaluation
with a subject matter expert.

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