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Operating Concern 


An operating concern represents an organizational unit in your company for which the sales market has a uniform structure.
It is the valuation level for Profitability Analysis (CO-PA).


You structure an operating concern by selecting

 Characteristics

You should ask yourself at what level your analyses should be performed, such as the sales organization,
region, product, or customer level.

 and value fields (only in costing-based Profitability Analysis)

You should ask yourself which values and key figures should be analyzed, such as revenues, sales deductions,
costs, or quantities.

 as well as G/L accounts (only in account-based Profitability Analysis)

This structure may vary greatly from one company to the next. For example, the structure of total production costs in a
manufacturing company differs from that in a wholesale or retail company. Consequently, you need to "model" CO-PA in
Customizing by defining the characteristics and value fields that you want to analyze.

The system then generates the necessary database tables for CO-PA transaction data and access programs based on how
you defined your operating concern.

See also:
For information on the procedure for defining an operating concern, choose Structures  Define Operating Concern in

Characteristics for Profitability Segments

All the characteristics in the operating concern are used in the line item. However, you can restrict the characteristics for a
profitability segment that forms the basis for valuation. This is because it is unnecessary and impractical for a profitability
segment to use characteristics that are almost always populated and each has a different value. You should deactivate
such characteristics when creating a profitability segment. Otherwise the data volume of the profitability segments is too
large and hampers system performance.

One characteristic that should not be used in profitability segments is the sales order in repetitive manufacturing.

You specify in Customizing which characteristics are to belong in which profitability segments. For more information about
this function, see Define Profitability Segments Characteristics (Segment-Level Characteristics).

COPA - Deactivation of Operating Concern     Reply

Posted: Jan 18, 2011 12:20 PM

In our SAP environment there are 4 controlling areas (and 4 company codes). My goal is to configure and activate
COPA with one common Operating Concern for all of them. The issue is that currently 1 of these company codes has
active Operating concern. I cannot use it as a global one, as this operating concern is using company code currency
(GBP), while for the new Operating Concern I need to use global currency (USD). Other company codes use EUR
currency as local.

What is the best way of deactivating existing operating concern without causing issues for other modules (SD, FI,
CO...). A helpful fact is that currently COPA is not being used for reporting by finance team in the company code where
it is active, so the loss of reporting functionality or tracebility in COPA is not an issue.

After having deactivated the operating concern I will activate the newly configured for all controlling areas.

Please advise the best way of handling this.

Thank you,

Re: COPA - Deactivation of Operating   Reply

Posted: Jan 18, 2011 12:41 PM   in response
Posts: 5,198
to: Karol
Registered: 3/21/08
Forum Points: 12,352 Hi Karol

It is not just deactivation of COPA, but re-assignment of your existing Contr Area to the
new op Concern...

Refer Note 199959_Change assignment of KOKRS to Operating concern.... This note

deals with the same situation... Follow the steps mentioned there in....It is definetely a

Moreover, in your case, there will be a change in currency as well...

I would suggest you to have 2 Op Concerns, rather than going for Just one...

BR, Ajay M

Re: COPA - Deactivation of Operating   Reply

Posted: Jan 18, 2011 1:07 PM   in response to:
Posts: 168
Ajay Maheshwari
Registered: 3/27/07
Forum Points: 0 Hi Ajay,

Many thanks for your reply. I read the note you mentioned and it does not look easy and
safe solution, which confirms what you said.

I am wondering if there is another way to have one common COPA for all the sites.
Maybe I could use the existing operating concern and change its currency from GBP to
global currency USD. I think it is possible to change the operating concern currency but
then all existing transactional data in copa will be changed from GBP to USD without
exchange rate just 1:1.

I do not know which steps are required to change the currency of operating concern, but
I think it is not an issue for us from a business perspective, as COPA is not used by any
department at the moment and no reports are generated. Is is only a technical issue for
me how to best run this. I would not like to have separate operating concerns as
common analysis and comparison would not be possible.

Thank you,

Edited by: Karol on Jan 18, 2011 1:08 PM

Re: COPA - Deactivation of Operating Concern   Reply

Posted: Jan 18, 2011 2:09 PM   in response to:
Posts: 5,198
Registered: 3/21/08
Forum Points: 12,352 Hi Karol

I dont think currency in Op Concern can be changed just like that... Better raise an OSS
msg and check with SAP...

As far as existing COPA data is concerned, you can just archive that.. It wont be an

What you said about 1:1 currency translation, it applies to Contr Area currency... I am
not sure if it applies to Op Concern currency

Please raise an OSS msg to SAP and check or check

Ajay M

Re: COPA - Deactivation of Operating   Reply

Posts: 168 Posted: Jan 18, 2011 2:34 PM   in response to:
Registered: 3/27/07 Ajay Maheshwari
Forum Points: 0 Thanks Ajay,

I will close this thread then as you answered my original question. I will try to search
with SAP on the currency change for Operating Concern.

When I use F1 help on currency field in Operating Concern settings in configuration, I

get this information:
' Operating concern currency
In costing-based Profitability Analysis, actual data is always updated in the operating
concern currency.

You can change the operating concern currency as long as no data has been posted in
the operating concern. Once data has been posted, however, a change in the operating
concern currency would cause the existing data to be interpreted as if it were posted in
the new currency (for example: USD 1000.00 in old currency -> DEM 1000.00 in new

I don't know if it means that it is possible to change it after data was posted or not. I will
try to find answer on If I find no good answer I will opean another
thread on forum.

Thank you,

HI Co specialists,
In sandbox created a co code and co area
Defined Operating concern and assigned
with CO area and co code.
But when I go to Maintain Contrllin
(OKKP) the Profitability Analysis
component is Not active.Whereas in
Operating concern KEA0 is active.
How can I make the Profitability segmnet
is active under OKKP.
I have not activated SD .Wil it be the
Thanks, Chitras
Sivakumar Gopal...

Posts: 1,225
Registered: 9/17/07
Forum Points: 2,156 Top of Form
Re: COPA   Reply
Active in
Posted: Oct 7,
2007 1:45 PM  
in response to:
The steps are:

1 create company code.

2 create controlling area.
3 Assign company code to
controlling area
4 Create operating concern.
5 Go to KEA0 and generate
the operating concern.(ensure
that it is green)
6 Once u generate the
operating concern u make the
assignment to controlling area.
7 You can see the COPA
active here.
I could able to do.

Re: COPA Active in Operating concern     Reply

Posted: Oct 7, 2007 1:57 PM   in response to:
Sivakumar Gopal...
Posts: 1,225
Registered: 9/17/07 I also face the same problem.
Forum Points: 2,156

Re: COPA Active in Operating concern     Reply

Posted: Oct 8, 2007 8:07 AM   in response to:
Sivakumar Gopal...
Posts: 243
Registered: 5/10/07 Hi Kamal,
Forum Points: 64 I did the steps given by you . I have already created co code and co area .Without
Then I created Operating concern by copying from standard and acivated

After creating the OP concern and activated both client dependent and clientr
independent Icons. It became green after creating the environments.

Then I assigned the Operating concern to Co area.

After assigning on checking the Maintain controlling area it is showing still GRey and is
inactive. It didnt allow me to make it active.
I have deleted the Operating concern and tried again. THe effect is same. What is the
reason it is grey and am i missing anything..

Why it is grey all the time even after the Operating concern is active. I dont have created
SD config in the system . Will it be a problem for this...?

Could you send ,the mail Id so that I can send you the scren shots if need be
THanks, Chitras.

Message was edited by:


Re: COPA Active in Operating concern     Reply

Posted: Mar 2, 2011 5:54 PM   in response to:
Posts: 243
Registered: 5/10/07 Resolved
Forum Points: 64
Edited by: Chitras on Mar 13, 2011 8:18 AM

Re: COPA Active in Operating concern     Reply

Posted: Mar 13, 2011 8:19 AM   in response to:
Posts: 243
Registered: 5/10/07 Resolved
Forum Points: 64

Hi Experts,

(Env. working in : BI
7.0/ECC 6.0)

Recently we have
come up with a
requirement for COPA
that we may need to
add few accounts or
do some adjustments
on the source side for
COPA operating
concern ( adding
and/or deleting few
fields ) and that should
be reflecting in our BI

To start with we are

proceeding in
sandbox, where we
removed/added few
chars/value fields in
operating concern and
regenerated the
operating concern on
source system.

The issue is when we

checked the DS on the
source system
whether it reflects the
changes or not , it
does not and we can
not have those
changes replicated to
BI system since it is
not reflecting on the
DS/Extractor on the
source side.

I am guessing at the
moment that there are
probably few manual
steps which we need
to perform on the
source side after doing
the operating concern
level changes, but
which i am not aware
of, at the moment.

Can you please help

what we need to do in
order to get those
changes adjusted on
the source
DS/extractor, and
coming all over to BI
side afterwards once
we replicate the
adjusted DS/extractor
from the source

Please ask for any

more information

Team BW

Posts: 7
Registered: 3/18/10
Forum Points: 12 Top of Form
Re: COPA   Reply
changes on
Posted: Aug 17,
2010 4:08 PM  
in response to:

You can not change a COPA

DS. After having re-generate
the operating concerns you
need to re-create the COPA
data source and flag all the
fields you need (including the
new ones).


Re: COPA Operating concern changes on   Reply

Posted: Aug 17, 2010 4:37 PM   in response to:
Posts: 3,391
Registered: 7/31/06
Forum Points: 9,378 You can't adjust/enhance COPA DS ..
Delete the existing DS and re-create again and replicate to BI .. Prerequisite is to extract
all the delta reocrds from Source to targets and delete copa ds and recreate and do re-

Re: COPA Operating concern changes on   Reply

Posted: Sep 13, 2010 8:17 PM   in response to:
Posts: 42
Registered: 12/20/07
Forum Points: 6 Thanks guys for your helpful answers...

Account based copa - operating concern currency   Reply

Posted: Aug 12, 2010 8:08 AM
Hello All,

we have implemented Account based copa and the operating concern currency in EUR.

no other fields in KEAo is activated like the company code currency and other fields.

the company code currency and the controlling area currency is SEK (Swedish Kroner)

sap note 69384 specifies that For account based PA, the operating concern currency is

when we are trying to post a FI document, it is not asking for conversion from SEK to EUR

i tried posting to cost center and it got posted without asking for the conversion rate from SEK to

but when we are trying to post a controlling document(Account based COPA), it is asking for a
converision rate from SEK to EUR.

can some one please clarify on why the conversion rate is required for account based copa.

Kind regards
SAP student

  Re: Account based copa - operating   Reply

concern currency significance  
Posted: Aug 12, 2010 8:33 AM   in response to:
Posts: 5,198
Registered: 3/21/08 sfaipco
Forum Points: 12,352 Hi

As far as posting to cost center is concerned, it is concerned with your

controlling area.. It has nothing to do with your op concern.. Since your
comp code and contr area currency is same, it does not ask for
exchange rate

But the moment you post into COPA, where in you have specified
another currency EUR, it asks for a conversion reason being your
comp code currency is not same as EUR...

Even though op concern currency not reqd for account based COPA,
but since you have specified it as EUR, it wud ask for a conversion

Hope this clarifies

Ajay M

  Re: Account based copa - operating   Reply

concern currency significance  
Posted: Aug 12, 2010 9:05 AM   in response to:
Posts: 89
Registered: 8/31/09 sfaipco
Forum Points: 60 Hi Ajay,

does the values in the EUR gets stored in any table.

can we fetch the value in EUR for any of the KE30 reports.

kind regards
sap student

  Re: Account based copa - operating   Reply

concern currency significance  
Posted: Aug 12, 2010 9:40 AM   in response to:
Posts: 5,198
Registered: 3/21/08 sfaipco
Forum Points: 12,352 Hi

In case of accounting based COPA, data is stored in BSEG and other

usual line item tables... you can check the tables

You should be able to see it in KE30 reports also... While you define
form in KE34 or report in KE31, i guess you will have an option to
choose currency type (op concern currency or comp code currency)


Ajay M
  Re: Account based copa - operating   Reply
concern currency significance  
Posted: Aug 12, 2010 9:42 AM   in response to:
Posts: 5,198
Registered: 3/21/08 Ajay Maheshwari
Forum Points: 12,352 Hi

You can also check the posted COPA document as well.. You should
be able to see all the currencies in that document

Ajay M

  Re: Account based copa - operating   Reply

concern currency significance  
Posted: Aug 19, 2010 8:31 AM   in response to:
Posts: 89
Registered: 8/31/09 sfaipco
Forum Points: 60 Hi Ajay,
Thanks for your inputs.

the controlling document is not displaying the values in the EUR.

it is only showing in SEK only.

In BSEG and most of the copa tables i found only value in SEK only
and not in EUR.

kind regards

Setting the Operating Concern 

Before you can execute some of the functions for Profitability Analysis (CO-PA), you first need to
specify the operating concern for which the function is to be performed and the type of Profitability
Analysis (costing-based or account-based) you wish to use.

You set the operating concern by defining its settings and specifying the desired type of
Profitability Analysis in a dialog box. The settings in this dialog box are then valid until you log out
of the system or reset the operating concern.

There are two ways of accessing the dialog box:

 By choosing Environment  Set Operating Concern in the CO-PA menu

 By choosing Structures  Set Operating Concern in CO-PA Customizing
When you first call up a function that requires an operating concern, the dialog box appears
automatically if the operating concern has not yet been set.

If you only have one operating concern or generally only work with one operating concern, it
makes sense to enter this operating concern and the required type of Profitability Analysis in your
user master data. By doing so, the dialog box will no longer appear, even when you logon again
to the system. The system then uses the operating concern and the type of Profitability Analysis
stored in the user master record. Moreover, you can call up the dialog box at any time to switch to
a different operating concern or to the other type of Profitability Analysis. The entries stored in the
user master record then apply all the while you are still logged on to the system.

You store an operating concern and the type of Profitability Analysis from the dialog box for
setting the operating concern. Enter the desired data and choose .

COPA-Add a new characterstic to

operating concern
Asked by thomas_seb2004 | posted Dec 29, 2008 | Replies (5)
Hi COPA gurus,
We are in the process of adding a new characteristic VBAP-KONDM to an operating concern. This operating concern is already live in
In this context please let me know the following:
1) What are the requirements necessary while creating the transport request in KE3I
2) Is there an outage required while transporting to production
3) What are the prerequisites/precautions necessary to be taken care .

Thanks in advance,
This is an area I have always tried to be cautious with.
I have documented the process for when we make these changes and in
summary it is:

1-Make the characteristics available for the operating concern. (KEA5)

2-Maintain the operating concern to be able to use the new available

characteristic. (KEA0)
2a) Go to data structures tab and then click on the change button
2b) select the field you want and move it to the left box
2c) ensure that the operating concern is active
2d) choose ONLINE for the data conversion re structure activation (this
can take some time)
2e) when exiting, say YES to generate operating concern environment
(also takes a few minutes)
2f) confirm operating concern STATUS is active and back out

3-Transport the new structure. (KE3I) (I like to do this after hours

when nobody is using the system - just being cautious)
3a) select your operating concern and click on EXECUTE
3b) create transport request using both customising and workbench fields
3c) Select the 3 STRUCTURE check boxes only
3d) from SE10 locate the 2 transports (one each for customising and
workbench) and release them.

4-Generate client dependant items

4a) after the transport has been completed to the destination clients,
generate the client dependant data - tran code KEBC.

5-Note if you have frozen COPA reports, they will be lost with the new
setup and will need to be generated again.
Hope this helps.


I have actually been working with this as well recently and I was looking
forward to the response, I thought that was a good summary. I do have one
question, if you don't change the record types or the number ranges, do you
really need to select that structure checkbox? Or do you move those items
just to be safe? I originally thought the only one necessary to move was
the ABAP Repository Objects if you where adding a characteristic?

Reply from KenThomson | posted Jan 6, 2009 | Replies (5) 0

Hi Karen,

Good point ... but for my limited experience, my predecessor and now I
too have always done all 3 even though we have not changed record types
or number ranges, so I guess its just a habit of ours but it has never
given any trouble.

Regards, Ken

Hi, this may be a silly question, but when you add a characteristic to an
operating concern, then create the transport, does it only copy the
characteristics from the field catalog that are associated to the selected
operating concern? The reason I ask, the transport I have seems to only
list the field catalog characteristics associated with the operating
concern, but none of the others from the field catalog, such as one
characteristic that was created as a test but is not associated with the
operating concern on the transport. Or will it move everything regardless
of what I see on the transport?


will only copy the structure of the Operating concern you are working with. You would have `set' a operating concren when you start work.
Also, I select the 1st and 3rd selections on the pop-up only as only they are relevant from a `structure' change perspective.

hi SAP CO Gurus,
I am trying to maintain data structure in operating concern whre I am able to see the required characteristics in fixed fields like distribution
channel, division, material group(2) etc.
But the same fixed fields I am not able to see in KEA0 screen in my data structure...
Please guide how to bring these fixed fields into the data structure so that i couldbe able to build the structure to set the Profitability

please check if you have activated the characteristics in KEA5.


Heay Vinod,
You can see the fixed fields in KEA0. In KEA0 Screen to go menu Extras and click on Display Fixed Fields, in the characteristic tab, you
should be able to see the fixed characteristics and the ones which you are looking for,

Let me know is this helped you



In my SAP environment there are 4 controlling areas. Only one of them is assigned
to Operating concern. The remaining 3 have COPA inactive.

Hello experts,

I would like to extend the existing operating concern to remaining 3 controlling

areas, but before I do that I need to change the Operating concern currency as the
one currently set is only relevant for only one controlling area and company code
which is GBP. I need to change it to group currency - USD.

When I use F1 help on currency field in Operating Concern settings in configuration, I

get information that 'once data has been posted, however, a change in the operating
concern currency would cause the existing data to be interpreted as if it were posted
in the new currency (for example: USD 1000.00 in old currency -> DEM 1000.00 in
new currency).'

Even though we have transactional data posted in that operating concern , it is not
being used by any department and we are quite happy to have existing data
interpreted in USD instead of GBP. No reports are being generated in COPA currently
so it will not be an issue for us. We want new data to be proper and constistent.
When I try to change the currency in operating concern config, the field is greyed
out. I believe there is more complex workaround for that, but the only note I found
on this is 651142 which says that SAP provides different tools to reorganize
operating concern. But no further details are included.

If anybody managed to change operating concern currency, please help me with




Hi Zumba,

I read the note given by you.. It asks you to contact the SAP for SLO Service
(System Landscape Optimization )

This is a chargeable service by SAP... In case you decide to go ahead with this, do
share your experience with us

Create an OSS msg and give ref of this note... I would suggest to go with SAP
service and not with any one else's experiences... The tools that SAP is talking about
are available only with SAP..

You may try to archive the existing data from COPA tables and then see if the
currency field opens up for editing.. I am not sure about it..

Friday, June 10, 2005
SAP CO-PA : Setting up an Operating Concern

Binatang apa lagi nih Operating Concern. Itulah pertanyaan yang

terngiang di pikiranku pertama kali dengar istilah ini.

But this SAP Help from Allison Transmission will be very usefull. Click

Setting up an Operating Concern

After defining the characteristics and value fields, you can create the operating concern itself.
This means that you have to maintain the attributes and data structures for the operating concern.
You define a fiscal year variant and the desired currency settings in the attributes. You select the
desired characteristics and value fields in the data structures. After you have made this choice,
you need to generated the data structures.

From a technical standpoint, data structures determine the structure of the

database tables (ABAP Dictionary). These are created when you generate the
data structures. They are independent of the client, which means they are
equally accessible in every client of a system.

The following individual activities are required:

1. Enter the name of the operating concern.

2. Define the attributes.
3. Specify the types of Profitability Analysis types.
4. Select the characteristics.
5. Select the value fields.
6. Save. (This will save the structures of the characteristics and of the value fields in the
ABAP dictionary.)
7. Activate. (This checks and activates all created tables in the ABAP Dictionary. Any
consistency problems occurring are displayed in an activation log.)
8. Generate the environment. (This generates all required programs, update modules,
views, etc., that are related to the tables created.)
9. Activate Profitability Analysis (Customizing 
Controlling Profitability Analysis Flows of Actual Values  Activate Profitability

The following steps will not cause a new operating concern to be defined. Instead, those
structures already present will be displayed.

1. On the Display IMG screen, choose to the left of Maintain Operating Concern.
2. On the Maintain Operating Concern screen, enter IDEA in the operating concern field.

3. Choose Attributes under Selection and then choose Display.

You now see on the screen Display Attributes that the operating concern currency is
DEM and that the company code currency was activated.

For further information on the company code currency, see the scripts Transferring Billing
Documents and Multiple Currencies in Planning.

The fiscal year variant is K4 (calendar year with 4 special periods). The fiscal year variant
is of significance for the documents transferred into Profitability Analysis. It ensures that
the correct billing period is used. As a rule, you should use the same variant as that used
for the assigned controlling areas. It is only by doing so that you can assess cost center
costs to Profitability Analysis.

4. Choose to return to the Maintain Operating Concern screen.

5. Choose Data structures under Selection and then choose Display.

6. Choose in the Operating Concern Settings

dialog box.

On the screen Display Data Structure: Characteristic Screen, you find the same
characteristics as in the previous activity Display Characteristics in Operating Concern.

7. Choose Change view under Processing.

A further table with the title copy from then appears, listing all characteristics defined for
the system. In the change mode, you could now transfer further characteristics into the
operating concern IDEA.
8. Choose Extras  Display fixed fields and the system’s fixed characteristics appears on
the dialog box Fixed fields.

9. Choose to close the dialog box.

10. Choose Goto  Value fields to access the view of the value fields. The system displays
the Display Data Structure: Value Field Screen


Under Data structure, you also see the chosen value fields for the operating concern
IDEA, and on the right, under Copy from, you see further value fields which could be
added to the operating concern IDEA in the change mode.

11. Choose to return to the Maintain Operating Concern screen.

12. Choose Goto  Status.

The Status: Operating Concern dialog box indicates that the operating concern is active.

13. Choose Details.

All the Profitability Analysis tables are activated. At the end of the dialog box Details you
find the following information: the environment has been generated, the attributes have
been created and the tables contain data.

14. Choose twice.

15. If the operating concern has not been generated, you have to choose Generate

If the operating concern has not been generated, no postings can be transferred
to the data tables of the operating concern. Instead, an error message is issued
for every business transaction that relates to CO-PA

COPA- operating concern differences

Moderators: Snowy, thx4allthefish, Baz, darkduck

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COPA- operating concern differences

by Guest on Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:23 am

Hi FICO gurus,
In COPA, There are operating concern for cost base and account base. Can anyone able to explain this to me the purpose for these 2 ?

What is the difference results if we choose cost base relative to account base in our Financial Statement ????




by Guest on Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:59 am

Read in

by Guest on Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:51 am

Anonymous wrote:Read in

hi co gurus,

besides read help, any suggestions, i like to know the answer.



Re: COPA- operating concern differences

by Guest on Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:38 pm

Anonymous wrote:Hi FICO gurus,

In COPA, There are operating concern for cost base and account base. Can anyone able to explain this to me the purpose for these 2 ?

What is the difference results if we choose cost base relative to account base in our Financial Statement ????



Hi CO gurus,

Can any senior CO gurus, explain this to me. Thanks


by jakth on Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:40 am

These two or different approaches . The revenue recognition on two approaches is different . You can further in sap help.

by eeee on Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:37 am

1.Costing based - Values will be updated in Value fields

Account Based - In GL/Cost elements
2. Data will be updated when Invoice raised - CO - COPA
Data will be updated when Invoice raised and Quantity released also.
We need to Map the Value fileds with conditions types and others inCO-COPA.

But there is No Mapping necessary in Account based.


by ahudgins on Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:07 am

Costing Based gives better detail in reporting because it allows for individual condition types to be mapped to specific value fields. This allows for better visibility. For example, if
you had five different condition types for five different kinds of freight charges, you could direct them to individual value fields and be able to see how much revenue was
accumulating for each. In Account-based, all five would probably go to one GL account - Freight Revenue - and you would not be able to see the detail.
Posts: 51
Joined: Wed Jan 22, 2003 11:38 am
Location: Charlottesville, VA

by Guest on Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:49 pm

ahudgins wrote:Costing Based gives better detail in reporting because it allows for individual condition types to be mapped to specific value fields. This allows for better visibility.
For example, if you had five different condition types for five different kinds of freight charges, you could direct them to individual value fields and be able to see how much
revenue was accumulating for each. In Account-based, all five would probably go to one GL account - Freight Revenue - and you would not be able to see the detail.

hi ahudgins,

Thanks for your kind explaination. Appreciate.




Doubt in CO-PA when the company code currency is different from

the Oprating concern currency.

The company code currency and the operating concern currency is

different. When the posting is made in company code currency,for
COPA the same is converted into Operating concern currency based
on the current exchange rate. But again in Operating concern
document if the values are viewed in company code currency, then
the value which is entered is not displayed , but the system
converts the value in operating concern currency back to company
code. Thus there will always be difference between the value in
Finance and Profitability Analysis.

Explanation with the help of example :

Operating concern currency is USD

Company code currency is RMB
Exchange rate is 8.5
When a FI posting is done with PA segments for e.g with amount as
9999 in SGD. The posting in COPA is converting this into USD
(Operating concern currency) so posting in USD is 1176.35, and if
the COPA posting is seen is company code is 9998
(i.e.) it converts 1176.35 back to company code currency i.e
1176.35 * 8.5. Thus there is always a difference between the FI
posting and the value in COPA ( both seen in the same currency)

On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 Sampath Uchil wrote :

>Hi Santosh,
>Thank you very much for the information. I will go through the
>standard derivation and find out more details. With regard to
>you have added in :
>not able to go to the file directory.
>On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 SANTOSH puthran wrote :
>>Hello Sampat,
>>My answers are in A.
>>--- In, "Sampath Uchil"
>><sampathuchil@r...> wrote:
>>>With regard to COPA I have the following doubts :
>>>1. When throgh FI postings the COPA segments are entered, the
>>>material code is entered, and when the 'Derivation' button is
>>>clicked the other related characteristics are also derived
>>>e.g. product hierarchy, material group, but even though
>>>center is maitained in the material master, it is derived as
>>>'Dummy' can anyone tell me, as to how the profit center also
>>>be derived from the material master like other
>>A- SAP has given default derivation strategy. Check it out in
>>IMG. What is happening is that you are entering a parameter
>>different from the standard derivation. So it is not giving
>>results. You may getting a message whenever this
>>happens "Profitability Segment Derieved new".
>>>2. Can Cost center and Profitability analisis segments be
>>>at the time of FI postings. This is required as the entry
>>>be analysed in the cost center reporting as well as PA
>>A - You may try that out. In SAP, ultimately cost collected in
>>Center are assessed to Profitability Segments. What you can do
>>collect the costs in the cost centers and then run a PA
>>cycles at the end of the month to settle it to profitability
>>>Thanks in advance.
>>I have added a file in the
>> click on file. Product
>>Costing made easy. It will help you to know how profitability
>>analysis is mapped for various industries.
>>Santosh Puthran
>>>Sampath Uchil
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Sampath Uchil

Re: COPA- Operating concern currency and Comapny code currency

Hello Sampath,

Please refer to SAP Note 122008, 119428, 120380. This should help you.


Santosh Puthran

Number 119428
Version 20 from 13.12.2002
Status Released for Customer
Set by 13.12.2002

Language EN
Short text Controlling area: Currency type 20 or 30

Responsible SAP AG
Component CO


Long text

You can choose currency type '20' (controlling area currency) if
want to manage your cost accounting in a currency different
Financial Accounting.
> If data is returned from Controlling to Financial Accounting in
ap plication, for example via order settlement, you must use a
type in the controlling area which is also used as a currency type of
parallel currency in the assigned company codes. Typically these are
currency types for group currency, hard currency or index-
> If this is not the case, you can use currency type 20 and any
cu rrency in the controlling
Also refer to the online documentation (OKKP - Basic data - F1 on
currency type).

Question: How do currency types 20 and 30 (group currency) relate

each other?
Response: Currency type 20 is only known by cost accounting,
currency type 30 is known generally in Financial Accounting.
data transmission via the modules CO, AM, and FI works without
difficulties if type 30 is used by all. Otherwise, difficulties can
arise if, for example, AM expects 30=USD but receives 10=USD and
with different values from CO for the settlement.

Question: Can the currency type be changed from 20 to 30 if the

key remains the same?
Response: Customizing for the controlling area never allows a change
the currency settings (including currency type) if transaction
already exists in the controlling area. You can use the attached
ZCHGCTYP to change the currency type from 20 to 30. The program may
be executed if the currency key does not change, meaning the
currency is the same as the currency which has been entered in the
data of the controlling area up to now.
This only applies for this special case if the available transaction
data does not change.
As of 4.6A, this program is no longer required. The currency type
also be changed for dependent data in the controlling area, if the
currency key is not changed and fits the new currency type.
Caution: If you want to change the currency type to be able to
company codes with another currency, the prerequisites from Note
have to be met. Please particularly note the explanations regarding
"All currencies" indicator.
Page 2

Question: What changes are necessary in Profit Center Accounting if the

currency type is changed in the controlling area from 20 to 30?

Response: If currency type 20 has also been set in Profit Center
Accounting, it should be changed in the same way as for the
area from 20 to 30. Program ZCHGCTYP takes this case into account. If
has already been set you do not need to take any further action. If
has been used up to now, you can assume that an alternative currency
the controlling area is used. Consequently, program ZCHGCTYP does
deal with this case.

Question: Should you change the PCA currency type to 30 if the

type for the controlling area is 30 and that for PCA is 20?
Response: Yes. The currency type in PCA should also be 30.
ZPCACTYP takes this into account. As of 4.6A, this program is no
required either. The currency type can be changed despite of
data, if the currency key is not changed and fits the new currency

Question: The group currency (currency type 30) is managed in

Accounting as a parallel currency. What do you need to consider
Response: You should also use currency type 30 in the controlling
We particularly recommend this if you have set up a depreciation area
Asset Accounting for the parallel currency, and you settle orders
projects to Asset Accounting within Investment Management, for
Background: The parallel group currency of FI must be used 1:1
throughout CO. Otherwise, rounding differences occur due to
translations when data are flowing back from CO to FI. You have
possibilities of using the group currency:
a) You also use the group currency in the controlling area
type 30),
b) all account assignment objects have the group currency as
currency. In both cases, flag "update all currencies" must be set.

Question: You need to work with multiple valuation approaches.

affect does this have on Controlling?
Response: Currency type '10' or '30' has to be set in the controlling
area (other currency types are not supported in this instance).
currency type '10', there is the additional requirement that all
codes assigned manage the same currency as the controlling

Question: The multiple valuation approaches are to be

subsequently. What needs to be considered?
Response: see Note 120380.
Additional key words

Cause and preconditions

Implement the corrections as set out in the attachment (non-R/3

Source code corrections

COPA Config Notes

Submitted by dkaps on 22 February, 2006 - 14:35.
 Controlling (CO)

Basic configuration in COPA involves creation/maintenance of Characteristics, Value

Fields, and Operating Concern. This blog gives some of that background:

You can also

manually define new characteristics that you only want to use in Profitability Analysis. Since these
characteristics have no

table of origin, their values are not automatically derived from other characteristics. You therefore need
to define

derivation steps for them. The name of new characteristics must begin with "WW" and consist of 4 or 5
characters. Depending

on the desired attributes, you must choose one of the following variants:

* With own value maintenance

In most cases, you will define new characteristics with their own value maintenance. In this case, the
system creates a

check table and text table. In the Customizing activity Maintain characteristic values , you can then enter

values and texts for these. Only those values maintained here are permitted values for that characteristic.
If the

values for a characteristic are only semantically unique when in conjunction with other characteristics,
you can display this

fact by defining a dependency (characteristic compound).

To define this type of dependency, proceed as follows:


When creating a characteristic, use the Display compound icon to switch to dependency display. At the
top of the display, you

find the characteristic that has just been defined.

2. Use the Insert row icon to insert the same amount of empty rows as

the amount of higher-level characteristics that you would like to assign. Then enter the higher-level
characteristics into

those rows.
Once you have saved the characteristic, you cannot make any changes to the dependencies.
If you would

like to display a multi-level dependency, you need once more to assign a higher-level characteristic to
another higher-level

characteristic in the latter's characteristic value maintenance. However, when defining dependencies, you
should avoid

ending up with complicated, multi-leveled chains of dependencies.

When you save, the system displays a dialog box in which

you can specify how the check table should be created. Normally you will want to to choose "Automatic",
which means that the

names of the check tables are numbered sequentially with the name "T25xx" (where xx = number). You
can also enter these

numbers manually in order to avoid naming conflicts when you transport the operating concern to
another system. In that case,

you need to make sure that the numbers issued in these systems are not synchronous. For more
information on transporting

these tables, see the section Transport objects.

* Without value maintenance

This option lets you

define characteristics with no check table. This means that there is no set of allowed characteristic values
and texts.

Consequently, no validity check takes place for values of these characteristics.

These characteristics cannot be

used as receiver characteristics for period-based allocations.

* With reference to existing values

This type of characteristic is only required in special cases. Here you assign the characteristic to a data
element that
already exists in the system. The characteristic takes on the attributes of that data element (texts, length,
check table,

text table).

Value Fields

You define these values independent of any operating concern and any


Before you create a new value field, you should take a look at the ones that already exist. It may be that

can use a value field you have already define or one defined in the standard system.

Once you are in the "change"

mode, you can define a new value field by choosing the "Create" icon:

Enter a 4- or 5-character name that begins with

"VV" for your value field. Here you also need to specify whether this field is a quantity field or a field for

amounts. All the currency fields in any single line item use the same currency. This currency is defined in
the attributes of

each operating concern. Each quantity field, on the other hand has its own field that defines the unit of
measure. Thus you

can have quantities in different units in the same line item.

On the next screen, you can enter texts to describe the

value field, as well as how the values in this field are to be aggregated over characteristics of time . In
most cases, you

will use the aggregation rule "SUM" (summation) to add up the values over periods. The aggregation rules
"Last value" (LAS)

and "Average" (AVG) are only of significance if the value field is to contain a statistical non-cumulative

Operating Concern

The structure of the operating concern is defined by the characteristics and -

in costing-based Profitability Analysis - by the value fields as well:


Characteristics are the segments of your organization for which you want to analyze your data

in CO-PA.
Several fundamental characteristics are predefined in every operating concern. These are called "fixed

characteristics". You can display a list of the fixed characteristics by choosing Extras -> Fixed fields.
In addition to

these predefined fields, you can define up to 50 of your own characteristics in each operating concern.
You can select these

from a list of additional predefined characteristics, or you can create your own using the Customizing
function Maintain


* Value fields

Value fields are the fields in costing-based CO-PA in which the

system stores the amounts and quantities. They thus determine the structure of your costs and revenues.
An operating

concern can contain up to 120 value fields. The standard system contains a list of predefined value fields
(such as "Sales

quantity" or "Sales revenue").

If you want to define additional value fields, you can do this using the Customizing

function Maintain Value Fields.

To add fields (characteristics or value fields) to your operating concern, select the

desired fields on the Edit Data Structure screen (right side of the screen). Then use the function Transfer
fields to copy

these fields to the data structure. You can only transfer fields with an active status. AN operating concern
cannot contain

two fields for which the meaning, the short text, or the field title overlap.

Once you have defined your data

structures, you need to activate them. When you activate the data structures, the system creates the
tables for plan and

actual data in the database system.

If you choose to add new characteristics or value fields at a later stage, you

should note that these do not work retroactively. However, you can supply new value fields with existing
planning data using

the "Automatic planning" function or the "Periodic valuation" function. To fill new characteristics
retroactively, you need

to perform the "Realignments" function

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