Logic Rev.9 Ce Flexible Inglese

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Use And Maintenance

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This manual is an integral part of the packaging machine from which it must not be separated even if
the machine is moved or re-sold; it is the responsibility of the user to maintain it intact and in good
working condition.

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. reserves the right to change the contents of this manual at any
moment and without any previous warning.

The rights of translation, reproduction, total or partial adaptation and in any way (including photostat
copies films and microfilms) are reserved and prohibited unless written authorisation has been
obtained from Hayssen Systems S.r.l..

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000
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This manual is an integral part of machine and should not be separated even if the machine is moved
or re-sold; it is the responsibility of the user to maintain it intact and in good working condition.

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. reserves the right to change the contents of this manual at any time
and without any previous warning.

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000
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1. GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 7

1.1 SUPPLIER DATA ................................................................................................................. 7

2. WARNING- PRECAUTIONS - GENERAL ADVICE......................................................................... 7

2.1 SAFETY...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Warnings Concerning The Points Of Use ....................................................................................... 7

3. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 10

4. GENERAL SAFETY REGULATIONS ............................................................................................ 11


5. TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................................................................ 14

5.1 IDENTIFICATION ..................................................................................................................... 14

5.2 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL.................................................................................................. 14
5.3 NOISE ...................................................................................................................................... 14

6. UNPACKING ........................................................ ERRORE. IL SEGNALIBRO NON È DEFINITO.

7. INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................................. 16

7.1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ...................................................................................................... 16

7.2 PNEUMATIC SYSTEM ............................................................................................................. 17

8. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS................................................................................................. 18

9. IP: PROTECTION LEVEL OF THE MACHINE CASING ............................................................... 18

10. MOUNTING THE REEL OF FILM .............................................................................................. 18

10.1 FILM ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM (FIG. 2) .................................................................................... 19

10.3 QUICK FILM JOINING (FIG .8) .............................................................................................. 21
10.4 DECOILER ALARMS ............................................................................................................. 22

11. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................. 23

11.1 CLEANING THE BAGGER ..................................................................................................... 23

11.2 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................... 23
11.3 PROGRAMMED MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................... 24

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12. CHANGING THE BAG FORMER ............................................................................................... 25

12.1 ADJUSTING THE COUNTERSTROKE BUFFER (FIG.14) .................................................... 26

11.2 ADJUSTING THE VERTICAL SEALER ON THE BAG FORMER (FIG.15) ............................ 26

13. CHANGING THE BELTS ........................................................................................................... 27

14. CHANGING THE KNIFE ............................................................................................................ 28

15. TURNING ON AND STARTING THE BAGGER ........................................................................ 29

15.1 TURNING ON ........................................................................................................................ 29

15.2 STARTING ............................................................................................................................. 29

16. USER INTERFACE .................................................................................................................... 30

16.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE KEYS............................................................................................... 31

16.2 EMPTY BAGS / FULL BAGS KEY .......................................................................................... 32
16.3 PHOTO ELECTRIC SENSOR KEY ........................................................................................ 33
16.4 FILM CENTERING KEY ......................................................................................................... 33
16.5 MENU KEY ............................................................................................................................. 35

17. EXECUTE CYCLE...................................................................................................................... 35

18. MENU PAGES............................................................................................................................ 36

18.1 RECIPES LIST ....................................................................................................................... 36

SOFTWARE UPGRADE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................. 38
18.2 RECIPE DATA ........................................................................................................................ 39
18.3 MACHINE PRODUCTIVITY ............................................................................................... 48
18.4 MACHINE CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................ 49
18.5 SERVICE ............................................................................................................................ 55

19. SIGNALS – ALARMS – REMEDIES .......................................................................................... 58

19.1 SIGNALS ................................................................................................................................ 58

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All information in this manual refer to the series and models listed below. For technical characteristics
of the model indicated refer to the Paragraph "TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION”.

Manufacturer: Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l.

Via Trieste n. 53 - 35035 Mestrino (PD) - Italy
Tel.: +39 049 900 6511 • Fax : +39 049 900 2035
P.IVA IT06668850966 • CF 06668850966 • REA PD 386762
Capitale sociale €50.000 P.E.C.: hayssenpadova@pec.it

 Machine: SIMIONATO Bagger model LOGIC



This manual is intended for operators.Before starting any operation make sure that this manual has
been read and understood. If in doubt, qualified personnel should be consulted for any explanations

Non-observance or neglect of the safety regulations are the main cause of accidents in the use and
maintenance of the machine; Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. will be happy to offer all the help it can
to explain or solve any doubts that may arise.

Do not carry out any modifications or maintenance not described herein; it must be remembered that if
the machine is not installed and started up correctly, it would still operate but would represent a

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. is not liable for damages, to persons or things, due to careless
reading or negligent putting into practice of what is written in this manual.

2.1.1 Warnings Concerning The Points Of Use

Do not under-estimate the repeated references to: “DANGER - ATTENTION - CAUTION” , appearing
in this manual and on the machine.
In order to attract attention and give safety messages, potentially dangerous operations are preceded
by notes and symbols that point out the danger they could represent and explain what attitude to

These symbols are of three types, and are identified as follows:

DANGER: imminent danger that causes serious lesions or death.

ATTENTION :risky behaviour that could cause serious lesions or death

CAUTION : Behaviour that could cause lesions that are not serious or damage to

Furthermore there is also a symbol for attracting attention to the technical notes
considered particularly important; this is the HAND symbol.
Notes preceded by this symbol are of technical nature and make operations easier

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Tunnel for machine

CE version

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Ref. No. Symbol Type Description

Do not operate on live electric

2 DANGER Hand squashing

3 DANGER Warning hot surface

4 FORBIDDEN Do not oil, clean or repair whilst in motion


Do not operate on live electric equipment
However specific authorisation must be
obtained from the pertaining authority
6 FORBIDDEN Not less than two persons must operate
in dangerous condictions

7 FORBIDDEN The opening of the panel allowed to the
electricians only.

8 DANGER Use specific anti-cut gloves

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The text of the manual is grouped in sections, chapters and paragraphs according to the topics.

Here follow some examples of how to identify them.


chapter 1.1. SAFETY

This manual has been written for operators with a mid-average education; before starting any
operation make sure that this manual has been read and understood.

paragraph 1.1.1. Warnings

Do not under-estimate the repeated references to : DANGER - ATTENTION - CAUTION,
appearing in this manual and on the machine

For explanation of the notes and symbols “DANGER-ATTENTION-CAUTION” see “1.1.1 Warnings
And Instructions Concerning The Points Of Use”
Within the text reference is made to the figures as follow:

…….loosen nut (1) to bring the belt pulleys close enough so the belt can be pulled out from
underneath and then nut (2)

2 1

The words right, left, forward, back, front, rear, high and low, if not specified otherwise, refer to the
operator position and situation of manoeuvre and control. (e.g. for a motor car, the operator will be in
drivers seat behind the steering wheel; for a machine with a built-in control panel, the operator will be
in front of the control panel).

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Before using the machine get to know the positions and operation of all the controls, since the
operator must be able to carry out the controls described in this manual without hesitating.
The machine has been designed and realised in such a way that the safety devices cut out any kind of
risk for the operator.
So, any risk or damage caused by interfering with these devices, make the operator, or whoever is in
charge of the machine at that moment, penalty liable.

Maintenance, lubrication and regulation of the machine are to be done with the
machine at a standstill (no air and electricity supply.)


The packing machine has been designed and built so that, besides being reliable, it is also as safe as
However, in order not to run into dangerous situations, the following rules for safety must be followed:

√ it is severely prohibited to discharge products or product waste or pollutants into the sewers,
water courses or into the environment in general. These products or substances must be
collected in special containers, stored and recycled;
√ make sure that the energy sources supplying the machine are of the type required and that the
connections can bear whatever has to flow through (electrical current, air or other) necessary
for the proper operation of the machine;
√ the operator must wear overalls (or other protective clothing) and a cap to cover his hair;
√ if substances or material dangerous to health are used or dealt with, adequate protective
clothing must be worn (gloves, goggles, masks, aprons, shoes, etc.);
√ it is compulsory to use caps and gloves made of the right material during product processing,
for which are specifically required special characteristics from the point of view of hygiene;
√ before carrying out the machine any work near welded parts, wait until these have been cooled
down to a convenient temperature;
√ whether the machine is operating or whether it is idle, make sure that no unauthorised people
approach it;
√ after use and during pauses from work, do not leave the machine plugged in and live (even if it
is not operating) and unguarded;
√ before doing anything on the machine, make sure that the energy sources have been physically
disconnected (electric plugs and compressed air hoses and pipes disconnected);
√ do not lie down under the machine or climb on top of it, not even with the help of a ladder;
√ do not approach the roll-holder-rear unwinder when the machine is operating;
√ do not approach moving parts during machine operation;
√ before machine start-up make sure that the safety magnets work and that all protection has
been properly placed;
√ do not manhandle or alter the safety systems in any way;
√ do not modify the machine separately from the system or configure it differently from what has
been foreseen by the manufacturer;
√ be careful when handling sharp parts while carrying out the operations allowed(replacing knives

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000
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√ periodically check the efficiency of the electricity system grounding and the good state of the
electric wires;
√ do not come near the machine with hands, other parts of the body or clothing if they are wet, or
without wearing suitable shoes;
√ electrical connections must not be different from those provided for, neither should the rated
power be exceeded for the power terminals on the machine;
√ a magneto-thermal safety cut out switch must be installed upstream of the electric system to
protect from short circuits or overloads;
√ the machine must not come in the way of people or things that have to pass;
√ keep the area around the machine free from grease, oil, water or other substances that could
hamper the operation of, and access to, the machine;
√ in the room where the machine is kept do not keep inflammable material and avoid dangerous
fumes from accumulating there;
√ as a safety measure keep fire-fighting material (fire extinguishers, buckets of sand) near the
√ avoid splashing water or other liquids onto the machine;
√ do not switch on the machine with the control cabinet not properly closed;
√ carefully check the state of the electric cables: replace if necessary with other cables
corresponding to the same specifications (type, section, colour, etc.)
√ provide for the correct evacuation of the treated material;
√ each time work is suspended and in case of black-out, disconnect the machine from the mains;
√ the machine is equipped with control and safety equipment, even though for safety reasons, the
systems must always be considered live;
√ each detail that is replaced must be of the type approved or supplied by Hayssen Flexible
Systems S.r.l.;
√ if uncertain or in doubt, contact Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. before doing anything the

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000
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Safeting Devices
The bagger machine is provided of asome safety devices that if activated put the machine in halt
status. They consist of emercengy buttons and magnetic microrelays those are activated when the
safety doors are open. The position of the safety devices are indicated in the following figures:



If the bagger machine is combined with the vacuum device some safeting microrelays put the machine
in halt if the doors are removed.


Hadded safety

If the bagger is combined with the vacuum device some added safety doors are provided. If the User
wants to work without the vacuum anyway these added safety doors are also provided with additional
magnetic switches.

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A metal plate on the machine casing shows :

⇒ Manufacturers name and address.

⇒ serial number of the machine

Furthermore on the machine there will be:

⇒ the denomination of the series and model
⇒ the rated supply voltage and phases

NOTE: the serial number and the series or model of the machine must be quoted in each
communication sent to Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l..


Parts coming into contact with product AISI 304 stainless or special steel,
Pneumatic parts Aluminium
Gaskets Teflon or Silicon
The special parts are made entirely of AISI 304 stainless or special steel: if the
packaged product allows it, even plastics may be used (PELD/PEHD/TEFLON)


In the working position assimilable to the operator stationing (A-fig.2), the machine when is working
without any product presents an acoustic continuous pressure equivalent and pondered “A” level lower
than 80 dB (A), according to CE regulation 2006/42/CE, that repeals the CE regulations n° 98/37/CE
and n° 89/392 (better Known as machinery Directive) and following modifications and also according
to the regulation EN ISO 11202 : 2009.

The packing machine does not need any vigilance because it works automatically, but, it
is possible to identify a working position next to the control panel, assimilable to an
operator stationing, to be imployed for the starting and stopping of the working cycles of
the machine.


There are no particular instructions to follow in unpacking the machine; however it is best to follow the
instructions set out below.

ATTENTION :Do not under-estimate the weight of the machine.

The size or volume of the machine could be deceptive.
Check that the capacity of the equipment being used is suitable for the weight and
volume of the machine.

ATTENTION: Do not move too speedily

In lifting and handling the machine ( whether still packed or not) do not let the load
pass or hang over people or things.

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Check that the floor on which the packed machine will be placed and where the machine will be
positioned is level and sufficiently smooth.
Keep the packing, which will be useful for moving or storing the machine.

Do not drop or put the packing machine down with force, the blows received could
cause damage.

For the machine handling, please use a fork lift which might have the capacity related to the
machine weight (1500 kg). Stirrups to be fixed in front of machine. They are supposed to stick at least
40 cm out from the opposite side. Lift the machine up not more than it is necessary for the machine
handling (around 10 cm). See picture pag. 15.

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After you have removed the bagger from its packaging, place it in the point wanted (make sure the
floor can withstand the weight of the machine which is about 2,000 Kg.) and level it by turning the
screws on the feet using a size 30 spanner.


Below are the electrical connection data:

Voltage (Vac) 400 +10/-15%*

Phases 3 F + Earth
Frequency (HZ) 50
Max. consumption of electricity (KVA) 4
Cable section 4x6 mm2 up to 10 metres

* the machine can be powered at 230Vac by adapting the electrical system.

This alteration must be done by authorised personnel only.

With a cable rated for the machine’s load, check that the voltages correspond and then connect to
the rear outlet (1-Fig.1).


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The machine features an air treatment unit that captures solid particles larger than 5µm. The oil parts
are not intercepted and, as concerns water, the unit can only eliminate it in the liquid state (automatic
discharge) and not in the gaseous state. For this reason the user must provide a DRIER.

Before connecting the machine to the pneumatic supply line we suggest draining it if it has not been
used for some time.

Below are the pneumatic system data:

Inlet air pressure from 6 to 12 Bar (to check on the gauge upstream) 1
Pneumatic consumption per bag (using the
basic machine without any accessories) 3NL2

Air supply pipes 12/10 or 12/9 mm (ext/int)

Pneumatic system “dry” (not lubricated)
Quantity of water
Quality of the Max. dew point under pressure3 [°C] -20
compressed air
(DIN ISO 8573-1 Quantity of oil contained Max. oil concentration [mg/l] 1
standard: class 3) Max. particle size [µm] 5
Solid particles
Max. particle density [mg/m3] 5

Maintenance: If the filter is dirty the drop in pressure on the filtering element could be such that the 5
bar system pressure cannot be maintained despite the 6 bar manifold pressure. In this case we
recommend changing the filter.

Check pressure is at least 6 bar on a gauge upstream from the system and check that the Festo air treatment
unit gauge gives 5 bar.

2 By “Normal litres” we mean the volume of the cylinders by air pressure.

Dew point is the temperature at which moist air must be cooled down to (maintaining both the pressure and
steam content constant) in order to reach saturation.

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The temperature of the room where the machine is installed must be between 0°C and 50°C; for the
special versions for frozen foods, they can work in a room where the temperature is between -10°C
and +50°C.
No other particular environmental conditions are necessary except those specified by the standards
concerning work and safety.


The protection level of the machine can be IP 54 or IP 65 according to the version the customer
IP 54 and IP65 refer to the protection level of the machine’s casing against dust and water.

The penetration of dust is not stopped 100%
but limited to a quantity considered not Protection is guaranteed against sprays, i.e.
IP 54
harmful for the components inside the drops falling on the casing.
The casing is protected against jets of water
IP 65 The penetration of dust is stopped 100%.
whatever direction they come from.


The decoiler reel shaft is pneumatic with expansion of the reel fixing strips.

To fit the reel on the shaft, proceed as follows:

• First lift the end of the shaft opposite the electrical panel and pull it out from the tightening control
• After you have chosen the reel according to the product to bag, position the stop so the end of the
stroke is not reached when the decoiler moves.
• Fit the reel so that the film unwinds in the direction of the arrow, as shown in the following figure.
• The reel must be up against the stop. Now put the shaft back in place.
• Inflate the expansion shaft, fitting the gun provided in the relative valve at the end of the shaft, by
the hex headed pin. To deflate the shaft simply press the valve with your hand.

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Fit the ends of the film between the rollers as shown in the diagram.


See the Enclosure B in case of zip device.

Check on the optical film reading unit on top of the machine that the edge of the film is inserted
between the two plates and in line with the V reference mark (fig. 3).

When mounting the film between the rollers, the compensator could be in a position that prevents the
reel runout sensor from detecting, consequently the machine is in the alarm state. In such an event,
we suggest tightening the film by turning the reel in the direction opposite to that indicated by the


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Pull the film over the last output roll and then cut the end at 30° (fig. 4).



Follow the arrows to mount the film correctly.

- Open the belts and vertical sealer.
- Insert the beginning of the film between the collar and tube from the left, until it comes through at the
bottom (fig. 5).


- With two hands, accompany the film on the tube turning it slightly and pulling down to centre it on the
V reference mark (fig. 3).

- The two edges of the film must overlap at least 4 mm but no more than 10 mm (figs. 6-7).

Mono sealer Bisealer

Fig.6 Fig.7 Fig.7

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The quick film joining system consists of a film suction system that causes the film to adhere to the two
perforated bars.

• When the machine is not moving, turn the pneumatic cock located on the side of the decoiler
where the electrical panel is, so the film adheres to the bars.
• Cut the film in the gap between the two bars.
• Change the reel as illustrated previously.
• Join the film with transparent tape about 40 mm wide.

♦ Film without notch

Put a strip of adhesive tape to fix the entire width of both ends of the film. Fold any excess
adhesive tape under the film (Fig. 8).

♦ Film with notch

Repeat the operations described for “Film without notch” making sure the old/new reel cutting
step notches overlap perfectly, thus always ensuring the same step at the same point in the
film. Hence discarded bags will only concern those with the join.


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Two sensors on the decoiler (one by the tightening roller and one on the film runout device) activate a
specific alarm situation indicated by an acoustic signal and by the flashing red traffic light. In this case
the bagger is in the STOP STATE.


Fig.10 Fig.9


The reel of film is finished and no more bags can be This alarm tells us the reel of film is finishing. It is
made. This alarm is activated by a sensor located by activated by a sensor that functions each time the
the decoiler unit’s compensator that stops the bagger rod resting on the reel moves down to where there
working cycle immediately, putting it in the STOP is only so much film left on the reel.
state. The film runout warning must be adjusted to a few
millimetres more than the diameter of the reel’s
If the sensor’s green LED is on it means film tension core, according to the time needed to prepare a
is correct. new reel.
To adjust the film runout warning sensor, unscrew
the nut under the sensor support and turn the top
one enough until it is in the right position and then
tighten both nuts.

If the sensor’s green LED is on it means the film is

almost finished.

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The bagger must only be serviced, cleaned and adjusted when it is not moving
(without air and electricity). Before starting work on the machine wait until the jaws
and heated surfaces are cool enough (about one and half hours).

Maintenance of the bagger involves checks that need to be carried out periodically if the machine is to
be in perfect working order.


• The bagger must be cleaned regularly so that product residuals cannot deposit on the machine’s
moving parts leading to malfunctioning.

• Clean the parts that do not come into contact with the product with a damp cloth and food-grade
detergents, rinse with water and dry if such parts are not made of stainless steel.

• The parts that come into contact with the product include the bag former (see Chap. 6 for the
instructions on how to remove the bag former assembly). Once the bag former has been removed,
wash it with food-grade detergents and rinse thoroughly with water.

• In very dusty or particularly dirty environments, it is advisable to clean the belts each day with
alcohol to make sure the film does not slip.

• Clean the horizontal jaws, the slit in which the knife is slotted and the vertical sealer thoroughly
before starting a new production because it often happens that residuals of product or film get
stuck on their inside walls which could be due to a bag that broke or that was badly sealed. To
clean the jaws first of all brush them with a brass brush and then go over them with a hard bristle
brush and food-grade detergent. Rinse with water.

• In very dusty or particularly dirty environments and if the bagger has not been used for a long
period of time with the film mounted, it is advisable to run the film through that has been exposed to
dirt before you start bagging.

• If you are bagging products such as sweets, salt, sugar, etc., if residuals are not removed promptly
they can form quite a thick deposit and seriously damage the decoiler rollers which, if they jam,
would create considerable friction with film feeding, ultimately leading to tearing.


It is up to the operator to judge the condition of the machine and its suitability for use. Always stop the
machine and service it whenever functioning is not optimum.

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As regards machine maintenance, it must be cleaned after use and the following checked regularly (at
least once a month):

• condition of the electrical wires and earthing of the metal parts;

• operation of the emergency push buttons;
• tightness of the screws;
• condition and tightness of the feed belts;
• condition, cleanliness and exit of the knife;
• cleanliness of the photo electric sensor;
• condition of the filter on the air treatment unit.

To ensure the machine continues working properly the following parts should be changed by
authorised personnel after 50,000,000 strokes (the number is displayed on the “machine productivity”

• The pneumatic system including cylinders and solenoid valves.

• The ball bearings and bushings.
• The disk and pads on the decoiler brake.
• The filters.
• The plain bearings of the jaws’ cross bars.

The parts replaced must be disposed of in compliance with the laws in force in the
country where the machine is being used.

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Maintenance, cleaning and changing parts are jobs to be done only after the
electricity and pneumatic power sources have been disconnected. Before actually
starting to work on the machine wait for all parts to have cooled sufficiently (it will
take about 1 and half hours).

To remove the bag former tube proceed as follows:

 Make sure the belts are open.

 Open the protection doors in the casing.
 With the vertical sealer opening lever, open the vertical sealer arm outwards (fig.11).
 Unscrew and remove the four handles of the “bag former” assembly (fig.12).
 Take hold of the two supporting columns with both hands and pull the bag former assembly out,
first accompanying it outwards horizontally (fig. 13) and then up and out with caution.
 To mount it, proceed in the exactly the same way, inserting with caution the terminals of the bag
former between the two jaws, sliding the assembly until it slots into the reference stop.


Fig.11 Fig.12


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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 26/64


Loosen the nut (1) and adjust the counterstroke buffer (2) There must be a gap of about 1 mm
between the bag former and the buffer head. Tighten the nut (1) once adjusted.


Turn the four

handles on the
vertical sealer
arm to move the
sealer closer to
or further away
from the bag
Fig.14 former (1) or to
centre the sealer
horizontally in
relation to the tube (2).
When the vertical sealer is in the normal non-working position it should be 10 mm away from the bag
former tube.




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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 27/64


Remove the protecting cover from the belts, unscrewing the two screws with a screwdriver (fig.16).
With a size 19 spanner, loosen nut (2) and then nut (1) to bring the belt pulleys close enough so the
belt can be pulled out from underneath (fig.17).
To mount the new belt, fit it on the bottom pulley so it goes over the tooth and then fit it on the top one
(fig. 18). Tighten nut (2) until the belt reaches the right tension and then tighten nut (1).
Put the belt cover back in place.

The belt must be tightened so that when you press down on it with your hand you have
a resistance to flexure after 10 mm of yielding (fig.19).



Fig.18 Fig.18

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To change or clean the knife proceed as follows:

1 Unscrew the two Allen screws located under the jaw cross bar (use a size 5 Allen wrench)
2 Prise with a screwdriver as illustrated in figure 21 to release and extract the knife.
3 Pull the knife out of the slot.
4 Either put a new knife back or clean the one being used (Attention! make sure you put the knife
back with the teeth downwards).
5 Screw down and tighten the knife’s two securing screws to the cross bar.

Pay attention to the pre-cut knife and the cut knife. Use specific gloves anti-


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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 29/64



To turn the machine on proceed as follows:

 make sure both “EMERGENCY” push buttons are off and the protective casings are closed;
 turn the main switch IG on the electrical panel to position “ | “ ;
 press the Ready push button (illuminated by a green LED when the machine is turned on) to
enable the safety circuit.




When the machine is turned on the software version is displayed for 5 seconds and during this time
you may select the language wanted by pressing one of the 5 functional keys.

Once the machine has been turned on wait a few minutes for the sealers to reach the right

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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 30/64


The HMI user interfaces utilises a backlit LCD with white LEDs. The user interface has 16 keys:

Start cycle

Function keys

Stop cycle
Dedicated keys




• Two push buttons, START/STOP, to start or stop the bagging machine (EXECUTE CYCLE).
• Five DEDICATED keys for the more frequent specific uses.
• Five FUNCTION keys where the name of the key is displayed on the LCD, using the last two lines.
• An ALARM key.
• A MENU key.
• An ESCape/cancel key.
• An ENTER key pressing the shuttle.

Three green LEDs are used to display status:

• PWR indicating HMI power supply is between 20 and 28 Vdc (it flashes when the supply is over
28Vdc and between 17.5 and 20Vdc. It is off when supply is below 17.5 Vdc and over 31 Vdc).
• HW indicating that the selftest has found no malfunctions (it flashes when the selftest is being
carried out or in the case of minor malfunctions. The machine will not start if this LED is off).
• NET indicating that the user interface is communicating correctly with the other peripherals such
as core (it flashes during the selftest in the case of temporary transmission errors (recovered).
The machine will not start if this LED is off).
Note: Each electronic card is provvided with a LED. If the card power supply is:
 smaller than 17,5 Vcc, the LED is off;
 between 17,5 and 20 VCC the LED blinks;
 between 20 and 28 VCC the LED is on;
 between 28 and 31 VCC the LED blinks;
 greater than 31 VCC the LED is off;

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The START keys starts production. If the empty bag function is active,
START KEY bags will be produced without waiting for doser trigger.
Key to stop production, waiting for completion of the bag started and
completing the discharge of any timing boxes with product in flight.


This ensures the bags are empty in the production phase. The
EMPTY BAGS KEY empty bag function is displayed by an icon on the execute cycle
page. The function keys do not change their meaning.

When the user presses this key the film moves forward; it stops
immediately when the key is released.
This key lets you set the length of the bag to be made. If the film
has a notch when the photo electric sensor is enabled you can
access other functions that will be described below.
Press this key to open or close the film feed belts.

FILM CENTERING This key lets you centre the film in relation to the bag former
either manually or automatically (if there is this option)


Press this key to display the menu page (see further on) from
MENU KEY where you start to access all the user interface pages.
Press this key if you decide not to confirm alterations made. If it
ESC(APE) KEY is pressed on the menu page you access the execute cycle
Press this key to silence the alarm and also to display the
ongoing alarm.

With the shuttle key you may move, select and modify the
SHUTTLE parameters on the display pages. By pressing this key it also
has the ENTER function to confirm the data set.

Five FUNCTION keys where the name of the

key is displayed in the functions menu. By
FUNCTION KEYS pressing the keys dedicated to the application
their meaning changes. This is applicable
whatever page is displayed.

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By pressing this key you choose alternately the “full bags” or “empty bags” mode. The “empty bags”
mode is signalled on the execute cycle page with the following icon:

Please note that if the machine is in the “full bags” mode and the belts are open, when you press the
start key (or F2, execute step), the following warning message appears:

F1 F5

By pressing F1 the product will be discharged anyway.

By pressing F5 you return to the previous screen page.

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By pressing the photo electric sensor key on the execute cycle page the following functions menu


F2 F3 F4 F5

Functions F2 and F3 will not appear in the case of neutral film (without notch). To specify whether or
not the film has a notch, please see the “recipe data” paragraph.

With the F2 “Notch find” key you can feed the film until the notch for cutting the bag is in phase: this
function is used subsequent to sudden stops caused by emergency situations or alarms. It is also
used when changing the reel. In all cases however, the notch is searched for automatically after the
film feed key is pressed upon START.

The F3 “Offset” key, expressed in millimetres, corresponds to another step forward the film must
make from when the photo electric sensor reads the notch at the bag cutting position.

The F4 “Bag length” key, expressed in millimetres, represents the nominal length of the bag. In the
case of a film with notch, the value entered must correspond, to the millimetre, to the distance
between two consecutive notches in the film.

By pressing F3 or F4 a window appears in the top right corner that you can use to set, by way of the
shuttle, the length of the bag or the offset respectively, expressed in millimetres.
Press key ESC or F5 to exit.

when using a film with notches, the nominal length of the bag is equivalent to the
distance between two consecutive notches and a photo electric sensor is needed to
detect the presence of the notch on the film. Theoretically speaking, it should suffice to
move the belts forward until the photo electric sensor reads the passage of the notch but it
is necessary to remember that nearly always the cutting point does not coincide with the
point of reading of the notch so it is impossible to stop the belts at that point in feeding. The
bagger allows you to choose the right point for cutting the bag by simply setting the


By pressing the film cantering key on the execute cycle page the following function menu appears:

AUTO <<< >>>

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

F1: the film cantering function is switched from automatic (if available) to automatic or vice
F5,ESC: return to the previous menu;
F3, F4: they move the decoiler to the left and right respectively.

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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 34/64


Two photo electric sensors are used to keep the film centred in relation to the bag former. These
sensors “read” the edge of the film allowing the core (electronic control) to recognise the position of
the film and send the appropriate commands to have it moved if it is not centred properly. The film is
moved by the DECOILER, driven by a single-phase, asynchronous electric motor.

If the film has the notch on the right1, mount the optical unit on the right and select the “Film cantering”
option in “ON THE RIGHT” (on the left in the dual case) from the recipe data.
Below are the relative positions between film and photo electric sensors if the optical unit and notch
are on the right (left):
 One of the photo electric sensors reads the film, the other does not: the film is centred
correctly and no adjustments are needed;
 Neither of the photo electric sensors read the film: in this case the centring logic recalls the
film to the right (left);
 Both photo electric sensors read the film: in this case the centring logic recalls the film to the
left (right);
Note that if a photo electric sensor is put in the place of the other by mistake the centring logic will still
work correctly.

The core actuates diagnostic checks to verify centring accuracy. More specifically:
 if the core requires an additional shift of the film to the right with the decoiler already at the end
of the stroke and no more movements to the right are possible, the message FILM RUNOUT
RIGHT appears on the display;
 if the core requires an additional shift of the film to the left with the decoiler already at the end of
the stroke and no more movements to the left are possible, the message FILM RUNOUT LEFT
appears on the display;

One of the photo electric Neither of the photo electric Both photo electric sensors
sensors reads the film, the sensors read the film read the film
other does not

Necessary adjustments: Necessary adjustments:

Necessary adjustments:

None: the film is centred Film recalled to the right Film recalled to the left

1 The terms “Right” and “Left” refer to the front of the machine.

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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 35/64


By pressing the menu key on the execute cycle page the following page appears. By selecting with the
shuttle and pressing ENTER you gain access to the pages listed in the menu, duly described below.







Access is gained to the execute cycle page either when the machine is started or via the main menu.
Below are the meanings of the parameters and messages displayed.

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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 36/64

It indicates the number and description of the ongoing work recipe; 110 recipes
RECIPE are available: from 0 to 109. 100 of these recipes are for the customer and 10 are
already set by the manufacturer and cannot be altered.

DATE/HOUR This shows the current date and time given by the core’s internal clock. Date and
time are set on the Machine Configuration data page.

It indicates the machine’s working speed expressed in cycles per minute.

The value on the right of the initials BPM indicates the actual number of cycles
the bagger is carrying out while working, while the value in brackets is the
working speed set for the bagger.
The speed can be set on this page by pressing F1 and changing the value with
the shuttle.

Press F5 to display the description of the temperature in the functions

The actual and set temperatures of the front jaw, rear jaw and vertical jaw (and of
the printer if enabled) can be seen on the display. The values underneath in
TEMPERATURE1 brackets are the set values. The temperature can be set on this page by pressing
the relative function keys F1 (front jaw), F2 (rear jaw), F3 (vertical jaw), F4
(auxiliary devices) and modifying the values with the shuttle.
The spiral shaped icon by the side of the actual temperature values indicates the
power supply voltage of 48 Vac of the relative jaws.
OPEN/CLOSE It switches the state of all timing boxes present. It may only be pressed when the
T.BOX machine is in the “ready” state.


By pressing the menu key (see par.15.5) you gain access to a set of pages described in the following


On this page you may select a new recipe, copy a recipe over another, and delete a recipe restoring
the factory-set data. The recipes from 100 to 109 may only be modified by a Hayssen Flexible
Systems S.r.l. technician by way of a password; these are called test recipes.
The number and description of the recipe as well as the date and time of the last change to the
recipe’s data are given in the three columns on the page.


001 ROCKET SUMMER 08.11.00 15:54

002 ROCKET WINTER 08.11.00 15:52
003 free
004 free
005 TEST 08.11.00 11:52
006 free
007 free
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

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Use the shuttle to select the recipe. By pressing ENT the recipe is loaded and
becomes the current one. By pressing the menu key again followed by ESC
you return to the execute cycle page where the number and description of the
recipe loaded is displayed.

To copy a recipe, move with the shuttle on to a free recipe and press the F1
key to copy the current recipe.

By pressing key F4 in the functions menu, the question “are you sure”
appears: press F1 (YES) and the recipe selected is cancelled, restoring the
RESET RECIPE factory-set data; press F5 (NO) and the operation will not be executed.
All recipes can be cancelled except for the current one and those
reserved for Hayssen (from 100 to 109).
1 If the machine has the corner sealing system, once the parameter is set on the machine configuration (select present), press
to times F5 to display the 4 seal temperature: Qseal 0 , Qseal 1, Qseal 2, Qseal 3.


Plug the media stick into the relative Core card connector. The message SIM MODULE (F5) is
displayed on the Recipes List page in the functions menu.

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

The recipes stored in the machine’s internal memory can be stored in the external memory (media
stick) or loaded into the internal memory from the external one (media stick).

1. Saving the recipes in the external memory from the internal one

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

Press F3 “save memory” on the internal memory’s recipe list. This will cause the message/question
Press F1 (YES) to save all the recipes in the external memory from the internal one, thus cancelling
those stored in the external memory. Press F5 (NO) to return to the list of recipes stored in the internal
memory without any changes.

2. Loading all recipes into the internal memory from the external one.

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

Press F5 to gain access to the recipes stored in the external memory (media stick).
Press F3 “Load memory”. This will cause the message/question “THIS WILL CANCEL INTERNAL
Press F1 (YES) to load all the recipes of the external memory, thus cancelling the recipes stored in the
internal memory. Press F5 (NO) to return to the list of recipes stored in the external memory without
any changes.

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If a software upgrade intallation is necesary, do the followings:

1. Insert the red SIM card into the slote (this operation should be done with the machine off)
2. turn the machine on and wait a minute until the following message is diplayed:
3. turn the machine off, remove the sim card from the slote and re-start

Note: DOWNGRADE is not possible for software version smaller than 1.03

Single recipes stored in the machine’s internal memory can be saved in the external memory (media
stick) or single recipes stored in the external memory (media stick) can be loaded in the internal one.

1. Saving a recipe in the external memory from the internal one.


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

Press F2 “save recipe” on the recipes list of the internal memory to save the recipe selected in the
external memory.

Note: the recipe will be saved either in the external or internal memory at the corresponding
recipe index number saved with, e.g. recipe no. 5 will be loaded from the external memory will
be saved at no. 5 in the recipe list of the internal memory.
If the corresponding recipe is not free (there is another one in its place) saving is not possible
and options F2 Save Recipe and F3 Recall Recipe will not appear in the functions menu.

2. Loading a recipe in the internal memory from the external one.


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

Press F5 to gain access to the recipes stored in the external memory (media stick)
Press F2 “Recall recipe” to load the recipe selected from the external memory into the internal one.

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Select the RECIPE DATA option on the menu page and press ENTER. The following page appears
with the options that will be described further on.

Recipe no. 11
Article code PENNE ART234
Speed (bpm) 80
Cycle type REVERSE
Bag length (mm) 120


Photo electric sensor offset (mm) 80
Photo electric sensor mask (mm) 0

Sealing mode HOT BAR
Front 140 ¦°C
Rear 140 ¦°C
Vertical 160 ¦°C
Auxiliary 125 ¦°C


Temp. 0 120
Temp. 1 120
Temp. 2 120
Temp. 3 120

Discharges number per bag 1
Minimum discharges interval (s) 0.50
Anticlogging product input DISABLE

Operating PRIORITY
Doser delay compensation YES
Aux product settling time(s) 0.60
T. box product settling time 0.60
Excess weight control DISABLED


Weigher 0.50
Timing box opening (s) 0.50 0.30
Aux. opening (s) 0.50 0.30


Film feed -0.20
Jaws closing -0.20 0.30
Knife -0.05 0.15
Vertical sealer -0.10 0.50
Double feed pause 0.00
Printer 0.10 0.30
Stand bottom -0.50 1.00
Vertical flow jet 0.10 0.30
Horizontal flow jet 0.10 0.30
Gas flushing -0.20 1.50
Poly pre-opening -.-- -.--
Poly pause -.-- -.--
Bags rejector 0.30 1.20
Anticlogging rod 0.50 0.40
Bags no. per chapelet 5

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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 40/64

Delay/duration 0.00 0.10
Activation number [hz]
Delay/Duration ---- ----


Delay/Duration 0.20 0.20
Pause / Cycle number/sec 0.30 2


Acc-Dec slope 1/2 S - S
Acc-Dec balance Acc 40 - Dec 60
Initial speed 10 %
Notch find speed 10 %
Notch find time 10 %

Former bag diameter [mm] 80
Bag weight [g] 1000.0
Film Cantering DISABLED
Vibration intensity (%) 75
Modification Date (10:42) 09.11.00

F0 = F0:moment FEED START
Delay/duration 0.10/0.15
Impulse no., pause 2/0.35
F1 = moment
Delay/duration 0.10/0.15
Impulse no., pause 1/0.20
Delay/duration 0.20/0.25
Impulse no., pause 3/0.15
F3 = moment DISCHARGE
Delay/duration 0.02/0.25
Impulse no., pause 3/0.15
F4 = moment CYCLE START
Delay/duration 0.03/0.15
Impulse no., pause 1/0.05
F5 = moment WARNING
Delay/duration 0.09/0.15
Impulse no., pause 5/0.05
F7 = moment INPUT 23
Delay/duration 0.11/0.25
Impulse no., pause 2/0.15


RECIPE Nr is the recipe (from 0 to 109 ) to which the working data refer.

is the recipe’s identification alphanumerical code (max 15 characters). This

code can be changed for all the recipes, from 0 to 99, by moving on to the
CODE number with the shuttle and pressing ENTER. In this way you gain access to a
“keypad” where, scrolling with the shuttle on the numbers and letters, the
name or code can be made up as wanted.

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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 41/64

is the desired production speed in cycles per minute. The value may also be
changed on the EXECUTE CYCLE page and such a change is also shown on
SPEED (BPM) this page and vice versa. When the message “Set up is not compatible with
the desired speed” appears it means cycle time configuration is not
compatible with the speed itself.

is the choice between two different cycle modes and sequences: NORMAL
Normal Cycle In this case cycle sequence is as follows:
1. Feed
2. Jaws closing

The product arrives in the moment the jaws close .

Reverse Cycle In this case cycle sequence is as follows:

1. Closing
2. Feed

In this case also the product arrives in the moment the jaws close .
The reverse cycle is used mostly to avoid sticky or non-sliding products from
clogging the bag former.

Reverse feed end Cycle: In this case cycle sequence is as follows:

1. Closing
2. Feed

The product arrives in the moment the feed stops .

That cycle mode is used above all in the Poly in the presence of a bag
overturning device not to tear the horizontal sealing. It is very often used in the
case of multiple unloading. It becomes handicapping in the machine
performances if used in the case of a very long unloading queue.

is the length of the bag to make. If a film with notches is used it is the length
between two consecutive notches. The value may be changed also on the
EXECUTE CYCLE page and the change is also shown on this page and vice

It lets you choose whether to enable or disable the notch reading photo
electric sensor.
PHOTO ELECTRIC If it is enabled, the set FTS offset and FTS mask (mm) values will appear on
SENSOR the lines below1.

Do not set an offset value that is greater than bag length.

The FTS mask parameter, expressed in millimetres, refers to the length of film ignored by the photo electric sensor after notch
reading. This prevents the photo electric sensor from reading other marks that might be on the film between one notch and the

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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 42/64

Sealing mode: it is possible to choose from different sealing modes, that is, hot
bar sealing, poly sealing or a combination of both.

Front, Rear, Vertical: by modifying the fields by the side of these options you will
be able to set the temperature of the front jaw, rear jaw and vertical sealer. The
values may be changed also on the EXECUTE CYCLE page and will also be
shown on this page and vice versa.

Auxiliary: if an auxiliary temperature controller (the hot printer cliché, a heated

surface, etc.) is set in machine configuration data, by pressing F1 on the recipe
data page you can choose whether or not to enable such a device. If it is enabled
the temperature values can be modified. The values may be changed also on the
EXECUTE CYCLE page and will also be shown on this page and vice versa.

Corner sealing: if the corner sealing is set in machine configuration data, by

pressing F1 on the recipe data page you can choose whether or not to enable such
a device. If it is enabled the temperature values can be modified. The values may
be changed also on the EXECUTE CYCLE page and will also be shown on this
page and vice versa.

Discharges no. per bag: to make up a bag in which there are an N number of
doser discharges (multiple discharges). Up to 99 discharges per bag can be set for
bulky products.
Minimum discharges interval (s): it indicates the minimum length of time that
must elapse between one discharge and the next in the case of multiple
Anticlogging product input: once the parameter is set on the machine
configuration data page (select present) the photo electric sensor in the product
DISCHARGES anticlogging device can be enabled or disabled.
The product clogging alarm is activated when all of the following conditions take
• the machine is in the "cycle execution" state with closed belts and with the
empty bags option deactivated
• the "product clogging" input remains active longer than the cycle time
• In the machine data the value is "product clogging input: PRESENT"
• In the recipe data the value is "product clogging input: ENABLED"

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Operation: it indicates that doser discharge can be carried out in two different
ways: PRIORITY or CONTEMP. Such an option will only be displayed if the dual
doser version is set on the MACHINE CONFIGURATION data page.
In the PRIORITY functioning mode the multihead which is the first ready with a
weighing is discharged while, in the CONTEMP. functioning mode the product is
discharged only when both the multiheads have a weighing ready.
Doser delay compensation: (function not implemented)
Aux. product settling time (s): (function not implemented)
T.box product settling time (s): (function not implemented)
Excess weight control: you can choose to control the doser alarm2 signal sent
by the multihead in three different ways, selecting:
• DISABLED: decided to discharge the excess weight without using the bagger.
• KNIFE DISABLED: in this case you decide not to use the knife so as to signal
weight irregularity with the presence of two bags attached together.
• JAWS DISABLED: you decide not to use the jaws so as to obtain a double-
sized bag.

Product drop times between the elements underneath (timing box bucket and
auxiliary bucket) can be set in the discharges control section as well as the opening
time of the relative buckets 3.
Weigher: by DROP T. we mean the time the product takes to reach the timing box
bucket from the doser.
CONTROL Timing box opening time (s): by this option we set, respectively the Drop T.
which is the time the product takes to reach the auxiliary bucket from timing box
bucket and the time the timing box stays open.
Aux. Bucket opening time (s): by this option we set, respectively, the Drop T.
which is the time the product takes to reach the jaws from the auxiliary bucket and
the time the auxiliary bucket stays open.
In the case of the dual version multihead with just one discharge hopper, two auxiliary timing boxes, consisting of two waiting
buckets, are placed at the loading hopper output into which the right and left parts of the multihead discharge. Discharge of
the multiheads can be carried out in two different ways.

the signal is active if the multihead is ready to discharge an excess combination or an auxiliary bucket containing a weight
between tolerance + and tolerance ++ (always provided automatic discharge is enabled on the FUNCTIONS ENABLE page);
the combination in excess provides a discharge whose weight is greater than the nominal weight plus the maximum positive

Do not forget that “DOSER PRODUCT DROP T.“ without the TIMING BOX bucket has a different meaning in that it does not
indicate the dropping time from the doser to the timing box but rather the dropping time from the doser to the jaws. Presence
of the Timing Box must be indicated on the “MACHINE DATA” page. Thus doing, by moving to the Timing Box Opening (s) or
Aux. Opening options and pressing F1 you may enable the relative bucket if wanted.

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In this section it is possible to either anticipate or delay activation of the cycle

functions and set the duration. Anticipate is indicated with a negative number.

Film feed: film feed time cannot be set since it is calculated automatically. Its
anticipation or delay refer to the instant the jaws open.
Film feed can be anticipated to improve machine performance at high speeds.

Jaws closing: the value of the duration gives us the time the jaws must stay closed
for carrying out horizontal sealing. Anticipation or duration refer to the moment film
feed stops.
To improve machine performance at high speeds jaw closing may also be

Knife: its activation refers to the moment when the jaws are completely closed; in
relation to this moment, it can only be delayed, never anticipated.

Vertical sealer: its activation refers to the moment when film feed stops. Its
duration cannot go beyond the moment when a new film feed starts.

Presence of the underlying devices is to be indicated on the MACHINE

CONFIGURATION data page and by pressing F1 they can be enabled for
operation or not.

Double feed: this operating mode is used to carried out a bag longer than the
vertical sealer length. In the same cycle machine the vertical sealer and the film feed
are activated two times. The parameter DOUBLE FEED PAUSE indicates the delay
between the vertical sealer release and the second film feed re-starting.

Printer: its activation refers to the moment when film feed ends.
Stand bottom: its activation refers to the moment when the jaws start closing.

Vertical flow jet : its activation refers to the moment when vertical sealing starts.

Horizontal flow jet : its activation refers to the moment when the jaws start closing.

Gas flushing: this device can be activated at any time during the cycle starting from
film feed start.

Poly times: in the case the machine is equipped with poly jaws operation is
programmed through the poly time so that the jaws, after the sealing, will open of
just a few millimeters to allow for the seal to cool. Let’s now see which they are:
• Poly pre-opening: it indicates the lasting of the first impulse on the Out21
output “Open jaws” (see the service page) determining the jaws partial
opening of a few millimeters.
• Poly pause: it indicates the time the jaws remain partially open to allow for
the seal to cool
Note: Increasing the poly times all the interventions connected as traction start etc.
are automatically postponed. In the MACHINE DATA, the opening time voice
indicates the time that the trolley takes to open when the two Poly times are zeroed.

Bags rejector: its activation refers to the moment when the jaws finish opening

Anticlogging rod: its activation refers to the moment when product discharge starts.

Bags no. per chapelet: it indicates the number of consecutive bags that must be
cut and not sealed; this option is used whenever you want to make a whole chain of
bags instead of just one, and where only the first bag has been cut at the bottom
and the last bag at the top.

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The stripper is a device consisting of two rods under the bag former that close
and open repeatedly, their purpose being to shake the product in the bag to
distribute it evenly.
Two different ways of working can be chosen from:


The “start bag” stripper starts working when the jaws touch
(jaws closed moment). Its purpose is to stop product in
proximity of the jaws to facilitate sealing.
Its duration can be set and, if wanted, activation anticipated
with respect to the “jaws closed” moment.



The “end bag” stripper starts working at the end of film feed. Its
purpose is to shake the product to help it settle inside the bag.
The following can be set:
 Delay with respect to the end of film feed
 Activation duration
 The pause between the end of one activation and the next
 The number of activations per bag (number of cycles per

Like the rod stripper, the motorized stripper shakes the product in the bag to
distribute it evenly but in this case it is done by means of oscillating belts.

Delay/duration: the delay of stripper activation in relation to the end of film feed
and its duration can be set in these fields respectively.

[% of bag length] : it indicates the oscillation stroke as a percentage of bag

Activation number: Intervention number [Hz]: Indicates the number of semi-
cycles per second that the motor performs. By cycle a complete oscillation (rise
+ descent), by semi-cycle is meant, as the word itself says , the half of a cycle.
Therefore, the number of complete cycles (film rise + descent) is equal to half of
the indicated number of interventions.

Available only upon the customer’s request

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Acc-Dec slope
The following slope types can be chosen for both acceleration and deceleration:

• Linear : constant acceleration, linear speed.

• S: growing acceleration, parabolic speed.
• 1/2 S: acceleration that is first growing and then constant, first linear speed
and then parabolic
CHARACTERISTICS Configurations with S ramps are softer compared to LINEAR ones
because the film is stressed less during acceleration and
deceleration but higher feed speeds are necessary.
This means they are most suited for low bagging speeds.

Acc-Dec Balance: you can choose the percentage of film feed time you want to
accelerate or decelerate. The default values set are 50% acc – 50 dec, that is,
film feed accelerates for half of the time and decelerates for the other half.
By setting different configurations you may decide to dedicate more time with
acceleration and less with deceleration or vice versa.

Former bag diameter: this parameter has no effect on machine operation and
is entered only for recipe documentation.

Bag weight: this parameter has no effect on machine operation and is entered
only for recipe documentation.

SUNDRIES Film Cantering : it specifies the position of the optical unit. Select the
CENTR.LEFT mode if the unit is on the left or CENTR.RIGHT if it is on the right.
Press F1 to enable or disable the film cantering function.
Vibration intensity: it specifies oscillation intensity when the vibrator is the
PWM type.
Modification Date: it indicates the date and time of the last change made to the
current recipe.

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The programmable functions are supplementary and not included in the

bagger’s standard and as such have to be programmed on purpose. Below
are the parameters to set in order to programme a function; let us now look
at the meanings:

Activation point: It is possible to indicate, by the number of the programmable

function, the point in which the output is to be activated which can be:

• Film feed start

• Film feed end
• Sealing start
• Sealing end
• Discharge
• Start cycle
• Alarm (not implemented)
• Input 23 (free output synchronisation input)

Delay: it lets you enter a delay in output activation in relation to the activation
point chosen.

Duration: it gives the length of time you wish the output to stay open.

Impulse no.: it indicates the number of activations carried out by the device (in
the case of multiple cycles).

Pause: this is the length of time between one activation of the device and the
next (in the case of multiple cycles).

Press F1 to enable or disable the programmable function.

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The following information referring to the current recipe appears on the screen page:

Recipe no. 03
Bags done (recipe) 12502
Bags done (total) 1250374
Productivity [Kg/h] 3552.0
Average speed 48.7

Bags per batch 1000

Bags remained per batch 545


F1 F2 F3

Recipe no. and code: indicates the number and description of the current

Bags done (recipe): indicates the number of bags done with the current recipe.

Bags done (total)1: indicates the total number of bags done

Productivity (kg/h): this parameter is calculated on the average speed and

weight of the bags (given on the recipes pages). It is expressed in g/h.

Average speed: is the average speed expressed in strokes per minute

calculated on the last eight bags made.

PRODUCTIVITY Bags per batch: a production batch can be set in this field, i.e. a number of
bags to be made after which the machine stops and the acoustic alarm rings.

Bags remained per batch: indicates the number of bags still to be done to
complete the batch (this parameter is applicable only for the “full bags”
functioning mode”.

With key F1 the “bags per batch” mode is enabled, with key F2 “PRESET” the
“Bags remained per batch” variable is forced to the value of the line above.
When the number of bags is reached the machine stops. Counting is not
affected in any way if the machine is switched off accidentally. The “bags per
batch” mode is disabled automatically with recipe change.
By pressing the F3 RESET DATA key both the number of Bags done (recipe)
and the hourly production value are cancelled.

Note: the “Bags done (total)” parameter is not significant if the battery is flat.

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Access can be gained to machine configuration data from the menu page:

Language ITALIAN
Date/hour 26.06.02 08:45:32
Bagger type PNEUMATIC
Vertical sealer [mm] 500 mm
Serial channel 9600/N/8/1
Print out page on power on YES
Printer type STANDARD
Sealers type HOT BAR
Doser type DUAL
Triggers type DOS MASTER
Operator password *****

Auxiliary thermoregulation PRESENT
Timing box 1 ABSENT
Timing box 2 (aux or L) ABSENT
Timing box 3 ABSENT
Stand bottom ABSENT
Stripper ABSENT
Horizontal flow jet ABSENT
Vertical flow jet PRESENT
Gas flushing PRESENT
Bags rejector PRESENT
Anticlogging rod PRESENT
Chapelet PRESENT
Anticlogging product input PRESENT
Q-seal card ABSENT

Alarm aux.0 PRESENT
Alarm aux.1 PRESENT
All. 1 description MACHINE DOWNSTREAM

Vibrator PRESENT
Frequency [Hz] 50.0
Maximum duty cycle [%] 80

Automatic centering PRESENT
Jaws-Reel Distance [mm] 3800
Centering pulse width time [s] 0.20
Alarm centering pulse number 20
Total movement [s] 5.0
Total movement [mm] 80.0

Max slipping for signal [%] 30
Max slipping for alarm [%] 150
Max FTS offset [mm] 100

Opening time [s] 0.20
Closing time [s] 0.20


Timing box closing time [s] 0.20
Auxiliary closing time [s] 0.20

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These parameters are closely linked to machine configuration data and applicable to all the recipes.
Let us now take a closer look at them:

This option is used to choose the language of the system’s screen pages.

Indicating current date and time (supplied by the computer’s internal clock).
Both parameters can be changed by accessing the relative window.

The control of one of the three bagger types made by Hayssen1 can be set in
this field:

VERTICAL SEALER The length of the vertical sealer you want to work with is entered in this field.

If a printer is used it is necessary to select its PRESENCE and ENABLE

printing upon switching on if you wish to print each time the machine is
turned on. The special serial channel data must then be entered if a serial
PRINTER printer is used or if you want the bagger to communicate with another bagger
via the serial channel.

At present the printer is not controlled.

The printer is the device used to affix indelible writing on the bag like, for
instance, the best before date, batch code, product code and so on. The
STANDARD bagger version uses the Hayssen hot transfer pigmented film
printer with pneumatic feed of the ribbon. Upon request of the customer
however, it is possible to supply the relative control signals for a different type
of SPECIAL printer.

Vertical and horizontal film sealing is done by sealing bars that can be of
two types:

The first, called “hot bar sealing”, consists of bars with an electrical
heating element inside and a heat probe to control the temperature
electronically. They work at a certain temperature that depends on the type
of film and production speed. It is the computer’s job to maintain the
SEALERS TYPE required temperature constant. The temperature is settable on the
EXECUTE CYCLE page and on the RECIPE DATA page.

The second type, called “impulse sealing”, used only for polyethylene film,
consists of bars crossed lengthways by a metal strap. This strap is normally
cold but for sealing a pulse of energy goes through it strong enough to seal
the ends of the film.

Indicates the type of doser system feeding the bagger. Choice foresees either
a single or double weigher.

Only the pneumatic Simpack Baggers are available for the time being.

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Trigger signals
The “Master bagger” and “Master doser” configurations are controlled (the “Master
doser with t.out” has not been implemented). The relative inputs and outputs have
different meanings according to the configuration:


Output K0 Discharge trigger to doser 0 Machine ready for doser 0
Output K1 Discharge trigger to doser 1 Machine ready for doser 1

Input In0 Doser 0 ready Discharge done on doser 0

Input In1 Doser 1 ready Discharge done on doser 1

Input In11 Doser 0 alarm Discharge done on doser 0 alarm

Input In22 Doser 1 alarm Discharge done on doser 1 alarm

TYPES Master doser (Doser: Weight Ready  Bagger: Discharge trigger)
When the doser has a weight ready for discharge it sends the doser ready signal.
From this moment on the bagger can request discharge (discharge trigger signal).
If the user presses stop on the Mts, the Mts, so as not to execute empty bags, removes
the doser ready signal immediately but accepts the discharge trigger signal for a time
equivalent to at least cycle time.
If the MTS has a doser alarm it sends the “doser alarm” signal instead of the usual
“doser ready” signal.
The discharge trigger impulse lasts 100 ms.

Master bagger (Bagger: Machine Ready  Doser: Discharge done)

The case is dual to the previous. When the bagger is ready to receive product again, it
sends the “Machine ready” signal and removes it as soon as the doser communicates it
has discharged with the discharge done signal (maximum delay of 10 ms).
If the doser has a doser alarm it discharges, sending the “Discharge done in alarm”
signal instead of the usual “Discharge done” signal.

Machine data are protected by passwords at different levels. The first level is defined by
the Operator password. With this password the customer can prevent the operator
from accessing recipe data and machine configuration data relative to the options
Language and Hour. To change the operator password the password 230602 is
necessary, defined as the password to change the operator password. Only
authorised personnel inside the company and Hayssen technicians will know this
OPERATOR password.
The policy for deciding the disclosure of this password is up to the customer.
The two passwords mentioned above remain in force for an interval of 15 minutes.
Access to machine configuration data and to service (protected by service
passwords) is reserved exclusively to authorised Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l.

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Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 52/64

Auxiliary thermoregulation: used to enable temperature control by an

auxiliary device (see par. 12.2 under Temperature Controllers).

Timing box 1: the presence of absence of the timing box bucket must be set
in the case of discharge with timing box2.
Timing box 2 (aux or left) / Timing box 3 (right) : the presence or absence
of the auxiliary timing box bucket must be set in the case of discharge with
the auxiliary timing box3. In the case of the dual version multihead, there are
two auxiliary timing boxes consisting of two waiting buckets located at the
output of the loading hopper, where the product is discharged, respectively,
from the right and left of the multihead. In this case the auxiliary timing boxes
are marked with the initial L and R.
Stand bottom: it lets you enable the stand bottom device. This device is set
in machine configuration data if you wish to produce with the stand bottom
Stripper: is set if the machine features a rod stripper (see par.12.2 under
OPTIONS Horizontal Flow Jet/Vertical Flow Jet: the purpose of the jet is to cool the
CONFIGURATION horizontally/vertically sealed film to ensure sealing with the weight of the
Gas flushing: this device is inside the bag former and injects gas inside the
bag if it is requested.
Ejector: this device can be the paddle or seat type. The paddle ejector is
designed to form stand bottom bags placed on the ejector structure and then
evacuated by the pneumatic piston operated paddle. On the other hand, the
seat ejector is suitable for heavy products and prevents the bag breaking.
Anticlogging rod: this device, shaped like a swan’s neck and pneumatic
piston operated, stops product accumulating inside the bag and clogging it.
Chapelet: this option is used whenever you want to make a whole chain of
bags instead of just one, and where only the first bag has been cut at the
bottom and the last bag at the top,

Zip: the Zip presence is set only in the case that the machine is equipped
with the Zip device for the production of Open and close type bags. In that
case please see the enclosure in your outfit.

In discharge with timing box, the doser discharges the product into a bucket, called TIMING BOX, located above the bag
former, which then reaches the jaws. Production speed can be increased thanks to the timing box. In fact, this box represents
an intermediate standing stage for the product along its passage from the doser to the jaws.
The AUXILIARY TIMING BOX is a multihead doser device located halfway between the multihead discharge and the timing
box bucket. It is used to reduce breakage in the case of fragile products and to increase production speed. It is an intermediate
standing stage for the product along its passage from the doser to the timing box. In this particular case, the doser discharges
the product into the auxiliary timing box from where it goes into the timing box and, then, lastly, to the jaws.

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The alarms are messages sent to the screen to underline hazardous

situations and malfunctions such that prevent the bagger continuing.

AUXILIARIES Alarm 0 / Alarm 1 - Description Al.0 / Description Al. 1

ALARMS In the case of auxiliary devices an auxiliary alarm may be set that activates
when the auxiliary device malfunctions, putting the bagger in the alarm state.
To change the alarm decription the user can gain access to a “keypad” where,
scrolling with the shuttle on the numbers and letters, the name or code can be
made up as wanted.

Vibrator: with this option you may choose between a special vibrator (PWM)
and a trigger to an external driver that operates the anticlogging vibrator.

VIBRATOR Frequency [Hz]: it represents the frequency for a PWM type vibrator.

Maximum duty cycle [%] : it specifies the duty cycle for which a PWM type
vibrator will be operated when 100% intensity is required.

Cantering type: declares the present option when the machine features the
two photo electric sensors for cantering the film.

Jaws-reel distance [mm]: this is the distance between the optical unit and
the last roll of the decoiler.

Cantering pulse width time [s]: this is the activation time of the actuator that
moves the decoiler in the automatic cantering correction phase. Its value is
chosen based on film movement wanted during the working phase and on the
time it should be activated. In fact, if we have a film that requires activation of
the decoiler for 0.3 s in order to move 1 mm, it would not be practical to enter
a value of 0.1 s as it would mean three consecutive correction actions before
we have the movement wanted. Neither would it be practical to enter a value
of 0.6 s as it would cause a movement double the one wanted in just one

Activations for alarm: this is the maximum number of consecutive

movements in the same direction that can be done before the machine goes
into the alarm state for EXCESSIVE FILM CENTERING RECALL (not used).

Total movement [s]: this is the lateral traverse of the decoiler expressed in
seconds (not used).

Total movement [mm]: this is the lateral traverse of the decoiler expressed in
millimetres (not used).

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Maximum slipping for signal [%]: it is maximum slipping, expressed as a

percentage of the length of the bag set, allowed on a film feed cycle before the
EXCESSIVE FILM SLIPPING signal is sent to the screen.

FILM FEED Maximum slipping for alarm [%]:it is maximum slipping, expressed as a
percentage of the length of the bag set, allowed so as not to place the
machine in alarm for EXCESSIVE FILM SLIPPING.

Max FTS offset [mm] : (not used).

Jaws opening (closing) time (s)

In this field we enter the actual time the jaws take to close (open) calculated
JAWS TIME from when the solenoid valve is turned on (turned off). MEASURED closing
time appears on the service page.

Timing box closing time (s): indicates to the computer the time the timing
box takes to close after its opening time has elapsed. In actual fact, by means
of this data the computer recognises the moment the timing box returned to its
standby position (this parameter is not used).
TIMING BOX TIME Auxiliary closing time (s): indicates to the computer the time the auxiliary
timing box takes to close after its opening time has elapsed. In actual fact, by
means of this data the computer recognises the moment the auxiliary timing
box returned to its standby position in the weigher’s discharge hopper (this
parameter is not used).

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On this page we find all the outputs present on the machine.

When first accessing this function the SERVICE password is requested after which the outputs may
be activated. Without a password it is only possible to consult the data. Below is a list of the input and
outputs controlled by the core card and by the AXIS card. The status of the inputs can be checked and
the outputs switched on this page. It is also possible to move the machine’s various functional parts
manually when the bagger is not executing cycles.
DIGITAL INPUTS ==============================
In0 Doser 0 ready
In1 Doser 1 ready
In2 Cycle pause
In3 Security relay state (1=OK)
In4 Safety doors open (1=ALARM)
In5 Pressure switch
In6 Film runout detection
In7 Film runout warning
In8 Stepper driver OK
In9 POLY OK (1=OK)
In10 Product clogging
In11 Doser alarm
In12 Left centering FTS
In13 Right centering FTS
In14 Left centering runout
In15 Right centering runout
In16 Printer alarm
In17 Open jaws sensor
In18 Close jaws sensor
In19 Notch detecting FTS
In20 Aux. 1 Alarm
In21 Aux. 0 Alarm
In22 ---
In23 --
In24 Zip temperature
In25 Zip thermoregulation ok
In26 Zip runout warning
In27 Zip runout alarm
In28 Zip feed key
In29 Zip knife key
DIGITAL OUTPUTS==============================
Out00 Knife
Out01 Belts (0=open/1=close)
Out02 Vertical sealer traverse
Out03 Stripper
Out04 Stand bottom
Out05 Anticlogging rod or Prog.funct.4
Out06 Timing box 1 or Prg.funct.5
Out07 Vibrator
Duty cycle (%): 20%
Frequency [Hz]: 50.00
Out08 Timing box 2 (aux or L)
Out09 Timing box 3
Out10 Bags rejecter
Out11 Cycle
Out12 ---
Out13 Programmable function 0
Out14 Programmable function 1
Out15 Programmable function 2
Out16 Front jaw or upper poly
Duty cycle [%]: 20%
Out17 Rear jaw or lower poly
Duty cycle [%]: 25%
Out18 Sealer or vertical poly
Duty cycle [%]: 24%
Out19 Printer heater
Duty cycle [%]: 45%
Out20 Open jaws
Out21 Close jaws
Out22 Film centering motor left
Out23 Film centering motor right
Out24 Printer
Out25 GREEN flash
Out26 YELLOW flash
Out27 Acoustic alarm

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Out28 Programmable function 7

Out29 Gas flushing
Out30 Horizontal flow jet
Out31 Vertical flow jet
Out32 Corner sealing
Out33 Qseal 0
Out34 Qseal 1
Out35 Qseal 2
Out36 Qseal 3
Out37 Zip pre-sealing
Out38 Zip rotation
Out39 Zip knife
Out40 Zip sealing

VOLTAGE FREE CONTACTS ==============================

K0 Trigger to Doser 0
K1 Trigger to Doser 1
K2 Programmable function 3
K3 Film feed enable
K4 Stepper dir. Or prg.funct. 6
CLK Clock stepper motor
HLD Dir stepper motor

ANALOG OUTPUTS AND ENCODERS ==========================

AN0 [V] 9.95
AN1 [V] 0.05
AN2 [V] 0.08
AN3 [V] -0.01
ENC0 [mm/Hz] 0 ; 0
ENC1 [mm/Hz] 0 ; 0
ENC2 [mm/Hz] 0 ; 0
ENC3 [mm/Hz] 0 ; 0
ENC4 [mm/Hz] 0 ; 0
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5

In 2 Cycle Pause: this input pauses the bagger cycle only in “full bags” mode

Out 11 Cycle: this output is activated when the Key START is pressed (only in “full bags mode”) ”

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By pressing the measurement report key (F4) the following parameters appears:

Notch step measurement 0.0
Maximum slipping 200
Length bag measurement 0.0

Notch step measured :

is the distance between two consecutive notch (expressed in mm) sensed by the photo electric
sensor. The measurement is calculated by the ENCODER data.
If the measurement moves from the real distance between two consecutive notch by more than 1%:
 The encoder slipping on the film.
 The photo electric sensor is not calibrated
 The notches are not printed at the same distance.

Maximum slipping:
is a calculated estimate of the belt slipping during the last film feed.
Typical values are 2-3%. Values greater than 15-20% means that:
 belts worn
 insufficient belts pressure
 poor Quality of the Prints or film

Length bag measurement

Is the film lenght of the last bag feed. It is measured by the encoder.

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Thanks to the signals the operator knows quickly and exactly what situation the bagger is in. There
can be three types of signals: sound, visual with luminous signals and screen messages.

Sound signals

The sound signals are given in the following ways:

 three beeps at the start of a bagger cycle;

 continuous ring in the case of an alarm;
 ringing at 5 s intervals in the case of malfunctions that will shortly cause the machine to

The acoustic alarm can be silenced by pressing the alarms key on the HMI.

Luminous signals

The luminous signals are what we call a traffic light, consisting of three lamps, one green, one yellow
and one red that turn on as follows:

 flashing red light and steady yellow light when the machine is in the alarm state due to triggering
of a safety device;
 steady green light when the machine works continuously;
 steady yellow light when the machine is malfunctioning with the possibility of the machine
shutting down soon or it has already shutdown in the alarm state.

Screen messages

In the case of malfunctions or alarm situations, messages appear on the bagger’s screen when the
alarms key is pressed, providing the operator with indications about what is happening.
Below is a list of indications and what to do to remedy the malfunctions.

PLEASE NOTE: the jobs that have an asterisk (*) by the side may only be carried out by
Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. technicians or by others authorised by them.

When there is an alarm the sequence of events is the following:

1. A flashing icon appears on the execute cycle page and the acoustic alarm sounds;
2. The user presses the “ALARMS” push button;
3. The acoustic alarm goes out and an alarm window appears on the display with a description of the
4. The user eliminates the cause of the alarm;
5. The user presses F1 RESET ALARMS to reset the “READY” state: this cancels the alarm window.
6. Press ESC to return to the execute cycle page.

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Meaning The computer detects that the bagger’s safety door is open.

Remedies Close the safety door.

Check the accurate position of contact of the door’s magnets.

Check the status of input IN4: LED on with the door closed.
Check that the E4 connecting cable plugged into the CORE card is plugged
If the alarm persists
in properly or is not interrupted.
Change the safety door’s magnets.
Change the Core card.


Meaning The computer detects that the security relay is not working.

Make sure the security relay is powered at +24 Vdc and the Power pilot light on
the relay is on.
Check the status of input IN3: LED on with relay active.
Check that the E3 connecting cable plugged into the CORE card is plugged in
properly or is not interrupted.
Change the security relay.


Do not disconnect the motors with the machine on

Do not leave one motor only connected because it would be fed at twice it’s rated
current (12 A versus 6 A) with a consequent motor loss of torque.


Meaning The core is not receiving the driver ready to work signal from the belt motor drive.
(the core E8 input is off).

Belt motor drive malfunctioning.

Connecting connector between the core card and drive (cable E8 ) is either
broken or not plug in properly.
Core Card malfunction.

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000
Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 60/64

See if the belts drive is in the alarm state and eliminate the cause if possible.
Check the state of the LEDs*:
• The LEDs must be all off except for the green led.
• The red LED is flashing when the belts are still and is off when the belts are
exerting traction.

If the yellow LED is on or flashing, measure the electric panel temperature. If in

fact it is over 50°C please contact Hayssen.

Remedies Check for the drive to be under the correct input of 130 Vdc. if it isn’t, the green
led is off; check the FU6 fuse.
If the red LED goes on, check for the motor windings to have a resistance of
approx. 1 ohm per phase (XS9 1-2, XS9 3-4 motor terminals).
Check correct connection between the drive connector and the Core card (cable
E8 – IN8)
Check correct dipswitch setting (see wiring diagrams)
Change the belt motor drive.
Change the electronic Core Card.

Note: it is not possible to check an inverter’s output voltage with a multimeter because
the voltage wave shape is pwm at 10 khz and no sinusoid shaped.

Alarm type ERROR ON FILM FEED MOTOR (not implemented)


Alarm type PANEL OVERTEMP (the electrical panel overheats)

Meaning The temperature of the bagger’s electrical panel is too high.

The temperature external to the electrical panel is too high due to the presence of
external heat sources.

Remedies Eliminate the presence of external heat sources.

Alarm type FILM REEL RUNOUT (see par.4.4)

The film reel is at the end and no more bags can be made. The alarm is activated
Meaning by a sensor in proximity of the decoiler unit compensator that stops the bagger
work cycle immediately, putting it in the stop state.

Cause The reel of film is finished.

Remedies If it has finished put a new one in its place.

Check that the reel brake-spring unit permits regular movements of the
If the alarm persists

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000
Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 61/64



Meaning Pressure in the pneumatic circuit is below the minimum required.

Air compressor malfunctioning. (It is unable to provide an air pressure of at least

6 bar) .
Breakage of the pipe supplying air to the bagger or it has been accidentally

Supply the necessary pressure to the bagger’s pneumatic circuit by getting the
Remedies compressor back into proper working order if it was malfunctioning, or the pipe
supplying air to the bagger.

Check the air pressure switch connections and its correct operation, changing
it if necessary.
Check the correct connection of the pressure switch on input IN5 of the Core
If the alarm persists
(LED on if air pressure is sufficient).
Change the pressure switch.
Change the electronic Core Card.


Meaning The decoiler movement actuator is not working.

The decoiler movement actuator is either malfunctioning or overloaded due to

Cause mechanical strain caused by breakage of the left or right limit switch inside the

Check the actuator fuse (if it has blown check the microswitches); change the fuse
and the microswitches if necessary.
Check that the right and left microswitches are both working properly; do this by
giving a movement command with the R or L key: if the microswitch is working the
computer will show a message on the screen: "FILM RUNOUT RIGHT” or “FILM
Check the LEDs on outputs 22 and 23 of the Core turn on.
Change the Core

Check that the KAS and KAD relays are working properly.
If the alarm persists Check that the connecting cables (A22-A23) are plugged in correctly or not


Meaning Product has jammed on the anticlogging photo electric sensor.

Causes Too much product, discharge paths too narrow, etc.

If present, increase the intensity of the anticlogging vibrator. Use the multiple
discharge from doser technique.

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000
Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 62/64


This appears to the end of film feed cycle if the lenght bag is not within the
permitted limits. (Tolerance is linked to the “Max. Slipping for Alarm” parameter.)

Increasing the time dedicated to film feed (achieved by reducing bagging speed or
sealing time or by anticipating “film feed”, “jaws closing” and “vertical sealer”
Causes Film breakage.
Belts slipping on the film.
Encoder slipping on the film.
Encoder malfunctioning.

Change the film if the quality is not good.

If the film breaks open the belts, put the machine in the emergency state and
restore the film, pushing it down by hand to the jaws; make a few single bags until
you are sure the film is centred.
Clean the belts with alcohol.
Check belt gauges show at least 1.4.
Check on the SERVICE page that the indication of the encoder corresponds to the
Remedies feeding of a certain length of film. If it does not, make sure the encoder does not
slip on the film.
If, as the film is fed, the encoder provides no indication although it still turns
normally on the film, check there are no interruptions in its connections on the AXIS
Change the ENCODER after having checked its power supply.
After having checked the encoder inputs on the AXIS card, change the electronic


This appears during the Notch find phase when it has not been terminated in 8
This appears also during production if the photo electric sensor is not detected for
two consecutives bags.

The film has shifted to such an extent that the photo electric sensor is unable to
read the notch on it.
Causes The photo electric sensor is positioned wrongly to such an extent that it is unable to
read the notch.
The photo electric sensor is not calibrated.

Position the film so its notch can be read correctly by the photo electric sensor.
Position the photo electric sensor correctly to have correct reading of the notch.
Calibrate the photo electric sensor (MARK and BACKGROUND push buttons on
the photo electric sensor itself).

Make sure the photo electric sensor is reading correctly by running the film
through manually with the notch in front of the photo electric sensor and seeing
if it is read as it goes by. If this fails to happen, recalibrate the photo electric
sensor correctly.
If the alarm persists Change the photo electric sensor.
See that the LED on input 19 for notch reading turns on. Change the electronic
Check that the connecting cable joining the optical unit’s terminal board to the
Core is not interrupted and is plugged in well.

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000
Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 63/64


This appears during production if the distance in millimetres between the last two
Meaning notches detected is not within the permitted limits. (Tolerance is linked to the “Max.
Slipping for Alarm” parameter.)

The photo electric sensor has been calibrated incorrectly (Calibrate the FTS )
Reading of the printed marks on the wrapper between one notch and the next (use
Causes and
the “FTS mask” parameter).
Film encoder malfunction (correct the malfunction following the instructions given
for the “excessive slipping” alarm).


Unlike the alarm, the warning is given in the case of a malfunction that could shortly lead to a
shutdown of the machine. Such a warning is given in the shape of an intermittent acoustic alarm (at 5
second intervals).


This appears to the end of film feed cycle if the lenght bag is not within the
permitted limits. (Tolerance is linked to the “ maximum slipping for signal”).

Causes and
The causes and remedies are similar to those given for the “Film Slipping” alarm.


The decoiler is in the extreme right position and there is still the need to move
further right to centre the film.

The reel is mounted too far on the left in relation to the centre of the bag former
Film feed is anomalous due to a different pressure being exerted by the right belt
compared to the left belt.
Causes The film has not been passed correctly between the rollers.
The film runs all to the left along the shoulder roller in relation to the centre of the
bag former tube.
If automatic cantering is enabled, the signal of a cantering photo electric sensor is
not being received correctly.

Move the decoiler to the left by hand so it is centred in relation to the side edges of
the bagger and move the reel so it is centred in relation to the decoiler.
Adjust the right and left belt gauges so they indicate the same pressure (no higher
Remedies than 1.5 atm.); the regulators are inside the bagger behind the plate on which the
belts are mounted.
Make sure the film is put between the rollers correctly.
Calibrate the cantering photo electric sensors correctly.


The decoiler is in the extreme left position and there is still the need to move
further left to centre the film.

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000
Rev.9 Apr. ’16 Packaging Machine: LOGIC mod. 22 / 35 64/64

The reel is mounted too far on the right in relation to the centre of the bag former
Film feed is anomalous due to a different pressure being exerted by the right belt
compared to the left belt.
Causes The film has not been passed correctly between the rollers.
The film runs all to the right along the shoulder roller in relation to the centre of the
bag former tube.
If automatic cantering is enabled, the signal of a cantering photo electric sensor is
not being received correctly.

Move the decoiler to the right by hand so it is centred in relation to the side edges
of the bagger and move the reel on the axis so it is centred in relation to the
Adjust the right and left belt gauges so they indicate the same pressure (no higher
than 1.5 atm.); the regulators are inside the bagger behind the plate on which the
belts are mounted.
Make sure the film is put between the rollers correctly.
Calibrate the cantering photo electric sensors correctly.

Alarm type EXCESSIVE FILM CENTERING RECALL (warning not implemented)

Alarm type FILM REEL RUNOUT WARNING (see par.4.4)


While the bagger is working with full bags the temperature moves from the
Meaning setpoint by more than 20%.
If the thermocouple is broken, 590°C will be indicated on the hmi.

The machine has not yet reached the setpoint temperature.

Causes Excessive use of the cooling flow jets
Front-rear-vertical jaw heating elements broken.

Wait for the temperature to stabilise at the set values.

Reduce the intensity of the cooling flow jets and thermally shield the jaws.
Check that the connections of the heating elements on the front – rear – vertical
jaws are not interrupted, loose or oxidised.
With an ohmmeter check continuity of the heating elements, changing them if they
are interrupted.

Check that the LEDs on the inputs of the thermocouples and the outputs A16
(front) , A17 (rear), A18 (vertical) are on.
If the alarm persists
Check the static relay KV1 (front), KV2 (rear), KV3 (vertical).
Change the AXIS card.


If the ribbon is finished put a new printer ribbon reel in.

Remedies Put a new reel in if the ribbon has torn.
Check correct passage of the printer ribbon through the rollers.

Hayssen Flexible Systems S.r.l. | CF & P.IVA 06668850966 | REA PD-386762 Capitale Sociale €50,000

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