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A simulation-based design framework for automated material handling

systems in 300 mm fabrication facilities

Conference Paper  in  Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference · January 2004

DOI: 10.1109/WSC.2003.1261573 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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2 authors:

Dima Nazzal Douglas A. Bodner

Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology


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Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference
S. Chick, P. J. Sánchez, D. Ferrin, and D. J. Morrice, eds.



Dima Nazzal
Douglas A. Bodner

Keck Virtual Factory Lab

School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332, U.S.A.

ABSTRACT 1.1 Automated Material Handling Systems

(AMHS) in Wafer Fabrication Facilities
This paper describes a methodology to tackle the problem
of designing Automated Material Handling Systems Automating the wafer transport system in wafer fabs in-
(AMHS) for 300mm wafer fabrication facilities. The pro- volves several levels of automation in the material han-
posed framework divides the design process into two lev- dling system (MHS). Weiss (1997) and Plata (1997) list
els: architectural and elaborative. Prior to the design, fab the types of automation anticipated in 300mm fabs:
data are preprocessed using simulation of manufacturing • Tool Automation.
operations. The output data and fab requirements data are • Intrabay Automation: automating lot transport
then profiled to aid in design decision making at the archi- within the bay.
tectural level. Once architectural design decisions are • Interbay Automation: automating lot transport
made, lower-level design decisions are made and analyzed among the bays.
using a simulation model that incorporates the AMHS. • Material Control System (MCS): responsible for
Due to the potential number of alternatives and time con- coordinating the efforts of the various automation
straints on the design process, we are exploring rapid systems to move the material to the appropriate
model generation methods. In this paper, we describe our bay or tool according to the process requirements.
progress to date in creating this methodology. • Material Storage: Automated storage and retrieval
methods, also known as stockers.
1 INTRODUCTION Common technologies for transporting lots include:
• Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs): movement
In the 200mm wafer era, automated wafer handling has platforms with automatic guidance capability and
limited use in the semiconductor industry. However, with on-board robots for loading/unloading.
the shift to 300mm wafers, automation is judged inevitable • Rail Guided Vehicles (RGVs): automated vehicles
and necessary, to maximize the productivity of capital, and that move in a straight line along a fixed path on
to address the ergonomic considerations of the weight and an in-floor rail.
volume of 300mm wafer lot carriers. As a result, full fac- • Personnel Guided Vehicles (PGVs): ground based
tory automation is anticipated for the 300mm fab. The wa- manually moved transporters.
fer fabrication facility design must include the design of
• Overhead Hoist Transport (OHT) where Overhead
the material handling system (MHS), as well as the opera-
Hoist vehicles (OHVs) are suspended from ceil-
tional design of the factory. Principally, the design of the
ing-mounted rail mechanisms and are capable of
MHS addresses movement and storage related issues by
delivering to/retrieving from stocker ports and
specifying the physical and logical MHS components.
process tools from directly overhead.
Hence evolves the need to design methods/tools to facili-
• Continuous Flow Transport (CFT) through the use
tate AHMS design, to provide a smooth product flow in the
of conveyors.
fab with minimal disruption to the production process.

Nazzal and Bodner

1.2 Automated Material Handling Systems sents the proposed design methodology. In Section 5, the
Selection in Wafer Fabrication Facilities importance of simulation in the design stages of AMHS is
discussed and a methodology for simulation models repeti-
While extensive automation is expected in 300mm fabs, tive generation is presented.
complete automation of transport, storage and handling
procedures would lead to high investment costs. Thus, the 2 LITERATURE ON AMHS DESIGN
AMHS must be designed carefully based on the require-
ments of the fab itself. Research in the area of AMHS selection and design for wa-
The material handling system design problem in fer fabs has been primarily focused on two areas: compar-
300mm wafer fabrication facility is the problem of selecting ing alternative lot transportation modes (OHT vs. CFT,
the storage and transportation equipment, as well as the net- segregated versus unified interbay and intrabay transports),
work setup for a given fab. The system is responsible for and describing a methodology for fabs layout design. We
transporting the wafer lots between the tools and the stockers present an overview of this literature here.
with minimum obstruction to the process flow. A design
specifies the mode and layout of the MHS, as well as the 2.1 Studies on Alternative Intrabay
physical and behavioral description of the equipment. Transports and Configurations
In the design problem, the set of equipment is limited
as a result of the standards set by semiconductor industry A number of studies in the literature evaluate different con-
consortia. Strict measures and space limitations in a fabri- figurations and modes of material handling systems in wafer
cation facility cleanroom also lead to limited space for ma- fabrication facilities. Generally, they compare the segre-
terial handling and storage equipment. gated interbay/intrabay lot delivery system (also known as
This design process can be divided into multiple tasks: through stocker (TS) delivery) to the unified (tool-to-tool)
1. Fab layout design. delivery system (Pillai et al. 1999, Mackulak and Savory
2. Interbay and intrabay AMHS technology selection. 2001, Kurosaki et al. 1997, Bahri et al. 2001, and Rust et al.
3. AMHS configuration/network design. 2002). Additionally, some compare the CFT system to the
4. Elaborative lower-level physical and behavioral OHT system (Paprotny et al. 2000, Tausch and Hennessey
design. 2002, Rust et al. 2002, Schulz et al. 2000, and Horn and
The designer may be involved in a subset of the design Podgorski 1998). In both cases, the authors build a simula-
stages. tion model for a fab under specific assumptions, test the
Throughout the literature, the importance of AMHS in model under multiple configurations, examine particular
300mm wafer fabs has been repeatedly addressed. Most performance measures of the system, and then draw conclu-
studies present either assessments of various AMHS meth- sions based on their results. While useful, such studies do
ods or different AMHS configurations. Therefore, a scien- not lend themselves to a generic design approach.
tific and comprehensive methodology does not exist, de-
spite the existence of guidelines and analysis methods (i.e., 2.2 Overhead Hoist Transport versus
pieces of a design methodology). Such a design methodol- Continuous Flow Transport
ogy would be useful to both semiconductor manufacturers
and material handling equipment suppliers, but it must be Table 1 provides a summary of the literature reviewed for
quick, executable and reusable. this comparison.
In this paper, we present our work to date in develop-
ing such a methodology. We present a conceptualization 2.3 Segregated vs. Unified Wafer
of the design process that divides it into two stages: the ar- Transport Systems
chitectural design stage and the elaborative design stage.
Each stage is divided into physical and behavioral design. Table 2 provides a summary of the literature reviewed for
We define the inputs and the outputs for a physi- this comparison.
cal/behavioral stage and we address the iterative aspect of
the design procedure. We also address the importance of 2.4 Remarks
having a valid simulation model throughout the design
process as a result of the iterative nature of the design pro-
• The conclusions in most of the studies depend on
cess and the cost of the MHS.
the specifications of the fab being modeled, and
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides
thus cannot be generalized. For instance, one
a review of the research addressing the AMHS equipment
configuration may exhibit better performance than
selection and design for 300mm wafer fabs. In Section 3
another, depending on the production volume or
we present the problem statement and describe the domain
on the diversity in products.
to which our design methodology applies. Section 4 pre-

Nazzal and Bodner

Table 1: Summary of Research Comparing OHT vs. CFT Transport Methods

Authors Some of the Simulation Model Performance Measure(s) Authors’ Conclusions
Paprotny - Low-volume 300 mm wafer fab - Delivery time distribution -Average delivery time: OHT outper-
et al. -One Interbay AMHS connecting 6 formed the CFT
(2000) bays -Delivery time variability: CFT out-
-Modeling the material movement is performed the OHT
separate from the process modeling
Tausch - The AMHS for OHT was Through -Delivery time CFT:
and Hen- Stocker (TS). -Transport - Exhibited faster delivery times.
nessey - One diffusion bay and three photo - Throughout volume - Exhibited tighter distribution of de-
(2002) bays were simulated - Throughput variability livery times.
-Maximum throughput capability - Handled higher throughput levels
than OHT
Rust et al. - In the CFT model, stockers are in- - Average # of moves/hr - CFT exhibited the shortest queue
(2002) cluded and used only when the con- - Average and standard deviation of time.
veyor is overflowed with lots other- transport times - CFT had the longest transportation
wise the conveyor provides the - Average and standard deviation of component of overall cycle time
storage. waiting for transport time, - Generally, the presence of loadports
- Average # of moves to and from for the tools isolated the performance
stocker. of the process tool from the perform-
- Average WIP ance of the AMHS for a majority of
- Average cycle time lot movements.

Table 2: Summary of Research Comparing Segregated Through Stocker Transport vs. Unified System Transport Systems
Authors Some of the Simulation Model Performance Measure(s) Authors’ Conclusions
Pillai et al. - Through stocker model: one loop - Stocker quantities For the unified AMHS:
(1999) serving one bay. - Delivery times - Fewer stockers and controllers are
- Unified model: one loop serving two needed.
bays - Shorter delivery times in most bays.
- Increased risk if OHT reliability was
Mackulak Two intrabay layout designs: - Average delivery time. - Average delivery time for the DSS
and Sa- - A distributed storage system (DSS) - Stocker utilization. was strictly less than that of the CSS.
vory in which one stocker serves one bay of - Vehicles moves per hour
(2001) tools.
- A centralized storage system (CSS)
in which one stocker serves two bays
of tools.
Rust et al. - The number of vehicles in the OHT - Average # of moves/hr The TS model exhibited:
(2002) model is fixed for each bay. - Average and standard deviation of - The longest average queue time.
- 2 stockers per bay for the TS model. transport times - The greatest amount of “lot waiting
- Fewer stockers for the P-P model to - Average and standard deviation of for transportation” time.
provide storage when needed waiting for transport time,
- Average # of moves to and from
- Average WIP
- Average cycle time

• In some studies, simulation models are based on a overall fab performance measures such as product
subset of the bays in the fab and thus are too sim- cycle time, machine utilizations and throughputs.
plistic to provide solid recommendations.
• Performance measures that have been evaluated 2.5 Wafer Fabrication Facility Layout Design
are often related to the material handling system.
A comprehensive evaluation is expected to inves- Studies addressing the layout design process for semicon-
tigate the effect of the MHS performance on the ductor fabrication facilities point out the importance of
concurrent design of operations and material transport for

Nazzal and Bodner

the newly designed fabrication facility. In the case of the tailed questions, as is the customary and logical tactic for de-
200mm fabs, the fab layout design was separated from the sign problems. However, what is absent from the literature
manufacturing objectives of the facility, thereby creating is a thorough description of the design methodology. Guide-
inflexibilities as well as the inability to operate at optimal lines are presented but no actual methods and tools for rapid
levels. Successful operations require integration of the design generation and evaluation for 300mm wafer fabs.
scheduling, tracking control and movement of systems
(Colvin et al. 1998). It has been estimated that effective 3 PROBLEM STATEMENT
facility layouts can reduce manufacturing operating ex-
penses by at least 10% to 30% (Meyersdof and Taghi- Our overall goal is to develop a scientific framework for
zadeh, 1998). designing automated material handling systems in 300mm
Padillo et al. (1997) point out the importance of setting semiconductor fabs. This framework will span high-level
and ranking quantitative layout design criteria to provide design decisions, as well as lower-level configuration and
the design team with the direction needed to generate lay- optimization. Each component in the framework will be
out designs that match the manufacturing objectives of the specified in terms of its design decisions, attributes, rela-
organization. The authors give a listing of design criteria tionships with other components, and methods by which it
that could be adopted for a fab layout design such as cycle can be designed/configured/optimized. This paper concen-
time, quality, safety, flexibility, and WIP management. trates on the structure of the framework and on methods for
Meyersdof and Taghizadeh (1998) organize the design rapid generation of models to evaluate alternate designs.
process into three phases:
• Macro layout design: the analysis focuses on 3.1 Objective
functional areas and interactions between them.
• Micro layout design: applies to the design of func- Select and configure the AMHS for a specific wafer fabri-
tional areas and involves a more detailed analysis cation facility to satisfy MHS requirements (travel times)
in which individual equipment sets are analyzed and fab requirements (cycle times, throughput rates, meet-
based on process flow and capacity. ing order due dates, etc.).
• Detailed operational design: involves detailed
storage analysis and determination of operational 3.2 Available/Provided Information
Machine layout, cleanroom specifications, machine infor-
Weiss (1997) suggests designing the fab to minimize
mation (number, availability, etc.), and product informa-
footprint, equipment cost and cycle time, and to increase
tion (release rate, routes, etc.).
overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). His proposed
methodology for design is:
3.3 Decision Variables
1. Determine the requirement for layout flexibility.
2. Determine the required transport work of the bay.
MHS technology, flow network design, number of vehicles,
3. Select a delivery technology that is compatible
number and locations of stockers.
with the requirements.
4. Select the least expensive technology that can per- 3.4 Constraints
form the work.
5. Model or analyze the system to ensure that deliv-
• Deliver wafer lots to machines based on move re-
ery times are adequate.
Davis and Goel (1997) recommend initiating the de-
• Provide storage to lots when machines are not
sign of the material handling system once the process flow
and equipment layout are firmed up. The process of the
design would be:
1. Map the movement of products.
2. Create a transport layout based on the physical
and operational attributes of the transport suppli-
ers under consideration. The design process is tackled through the following stages,
3. Simulate the layout to determine travel times and which are iterative in nature. These stages are adapted
potential traffic jams, number of vehicles, stock- from work in warehousing systems design (Bodner et al.
ers, etc. 2001, McGinnis 2003).
4. Consider several variation of the layout until the
most efficient design/cost appraisal is achieved. 4.1 Stage 1
Essentially, the proposed design methodologies start
from high-level design parameters, then address more de- Manufacturing model construction. We assume that the
fab requirements and the specification of the fab process-

Nazzal and Bodner

ing equipment are given. The purpose here is to develop a • Stocker requirements: number, location and re-
further understanding of the fab processing characteristics. trieval speed.
In this step, a simulation model of the fab is constructed
without modeling the material handling system. The gen- 4.5 Stage 5
eral steps are:
1. Relevant data collection. Elaborative behavioral AMHS design. This involves low-
2. Processing model construction. level configuration and optimization of the AMHS behavior:
3. Report generation and output data collection. • Vehicle dispatching rules.
• Idle vehicle behavioral rules.
4.2 Stage 2 • Traffic congestion avoidance policies.

Profile analysis. Profiling refers to data analysis to provide 4.6 Stage 6

insight for purposes of design decision-making. This in-
sight may, for example, take the form of useful patterns in AMHS model construction. Stages 1-5 typically generate
the requirements data or manufacturing simulation model a set of alternatives, or a at least a set of initial design deci-
output, to aid in design of the material handling system. sions that grouped together form alternatives. Due to the
Example analyses of fab requirements include identification dynamic and uncertain nature of fabs, it is critical to use
of frequent "hot lot" product types, or characterization of simulation to support the design process. In this stage,
peak order receipts juxtaposed with due dates. Relevant simulation models are developed for each alternative.
simulation outputs to be analyzed include traffic-congested These models must be configurable, so that they can be
bays, fab bottlenecks, processing cycle times (excluding easily adapted to test different alternatives from the elabo-
material handling), and queue times and lengths. The goal rative design stage, since there is strong interplay between
is to map the analysis results into some high-level design this stage and analysis of the simulation models.
parameters for the MHS, such as level of interbay/intrabay
segregation and transport technology. Also more detailed 4.7 Stage 7
design parameters can be derived from the simulation
model output using analytic computations, including the Model evaluation and finalized design. The AMHS simu-
stocker requirements, move requirements and vehicle count. lation models cannot be evaluated on their own, so they
It is critical to develop a suite of generic analytic expres- must be appended to the manufacturing model to evaluate
sions and data queries to support the profiling process. performance, and to ensure synchronization between the
processing the MH systems. Fine-tuning of the design is
4.3 Stage 3 expected after this stage.
Figure 1 illustrates the proposed design framework
Architectural AMHS design. The two main high-level de- and provides further details about each stage.
sign decisions are:
• The transport technology (OHT/CFT). 5 SIMULATION-BASED DESIGN
• Segregated vs. unified interbay and intrabay sys-
tems. Since traditional development procedures for simulation
Architectural design focuses primarily on the physical models are time-intensive, it is important to develop tech-
system rather than on behavior, since high-level system niques to automate generation of simulation models. We
behaviors are largely specified by fab standards. For ex- focus the remainder of the paper on this issue.
ample, most fabs utilize local decision-making rules (i.e.,
dispatching and lot release policies), rather than global, 5.1 Simulation in AMHS Design
near-optimal scheduling, due to the highly stochastic na-
ture of fab operations. One of the problems faced by the material handling sys-
tems designers is the iterative nature of the design process.
4.4 Stage 4 A design is initially created consistent with the inputs and
requirements provided by the customer. The design un-
Elaborative physical AMHS design. This involves low- dergoes several validations, evaluations and adjustments
level configuration and optimization of the physical before it is approved and finalized. Given the complex op-
AMHS components: erations in a fab, simulation is the only tool that is usually
• Network flow (track) design. capable of modeling the details of such environment.
• Vehicle requirements: number and speed and However, building a simulation model that encapsu-
parking locations. lates the details of the fab is not trivial. Multiple products
flow in the fab competing over the same resources, and

Nazzal and Bodner

Manufacturing Model Construction:

System Requirements
Product Specification: Comprehensive Manufacturing
• Number of products and Material Handling Model
• Production volume and lot release rules Construction
• Routings
• Non-productive wafer volume and routings

Manufacturing Model: used to

• Test fab stability
Workstation Specifications: • Estimate performance meas-
• Number of machines ures
• Machine dedications • Generate any modifications AMHS model Construction:
• Loadport capacities • Generate move requirements • Test AMHS performance
• Processing times • Test AMHS sensitivity
• Downtimes and preventive maintenance
• Dispatching rules
• Batching data
• Reticle data
Profile Analysis
Profile Analysis

• Cleanroom specifications
• Machine layout

Elaborative Behavioral Design

Elaborative Physical Design
Architectural Physical Design
Network flow (Track design)
• Vehicle dispatching rules
MHS Configuration:
• Idle vehicles behavior
• Segregated Interbay/Intrabay sys-
Vehicle/Conveyor system require- • Traffic congestion avoidance
ments (speed, number, etc.) policies
• Unified Interbay/Intrabay systems AMHS
• Combined system physical
MHS Mode:
• Overhead Transport Vehicles Stocker requirements (number,
• Continuous Flow (Conveyors) location, capacities, etc.

Figure 1: Design Framework

each product requires hundreds of production steps before Steele (2002) proposes an algorithm for quickly esti-
completion. Products re-enter the same production equip- mating the performance of an automated material handling
ment several times. This leads to the adoption of compli- system during the design process. Each AMHS design is
cated dispatching rules. Combining this with the material modeled as a network of nodes, where nodes may provide
handling process modeling renders the 300mm wafer fab- transfer capability from/to wafer lot buffers, enable vehi-
rication facility simulation even more complicated. Such cles to move to another branch of track, or enable vehicles
complex models require significant development time. to recharge batteries while waiting for a new move task.
Several research efforts discuss the problem of using The author applies the algorithm to a small-scale interbay
simulation in designing a material handling system for a material handling problem and compare results of the algo-
fabrication facility. Mackulak et al. (1998) suggest devel- rithm to results of a discrete event simulation. The conclu-
oping a generic model that can be reconfigured according sions are that while this algorithm is not sufficiently accu-
to the specific problem at hand, thereby reducing the model rate to predict AMHS performance for customers, it did
building time. Gaxiola and Mackulak (1999) recommend capture sufficient details of the system to reduce the num-
the use of simple deterministic calculations in situations ber of simulation experiments for the AMHS design.
where the process requirements have not yet stabilized.

Nazzal and Bodner

5.2 Rapid Simulation Model Generation

y Lots size
Our design methodology includes two simulation models – y Release rule
one of the manufacturing operations, and the other that y Product route
y Priority
augments these operations with the material handling sys-
tem. Here we describe a procedure for generating simula- Flows in the fab according
to Route until completion
tion models, taking advantage of the standard description
of a 300mm fab, similar to the standardized manufacturing
system representation described in Bodner et al (2003).
1. Domain analysis for 300mm wafer fab operations:
The goal here is to organize the knowledge about Attributes
the system by classifying important system ele- 1- PRODUCTS List
2- For every PRODUCT:
ments, their structure, behavior and inter- a- Step Number
b- Step Description
relationships. c- WORKSTATION req'd for Step
d- Processing Time
2. Reference model construction: A reference model e- Required reticles
for 300mm semiconductor fabs is specified. A f- Sampling Plan
g- SetupTime
reference model is a standard representation of the h- Step Yield
system, which in this case is aided by standardiza- Provides the sequence of
tion efforts in the semiconductor manufacturing processes for PRODUCT flow in the Fab.

industry. Our model classifies the system into

two parts: fab vs. control, and processing vs.
transportation. Table 3 illustrates the elements of
each classification. Elements, attributes and rela- Attributes:
tionships among elements of the reference model y
Number of machines
are organized in a database. Figure 2 illustrates, y
Machine capacity
Dispatching/Selection rule
for instance, the relationship between machines y Downtimes schedule
y Maintenance schedule
(physical), routes (logical) and products(physical). y Batch size
Other physical objects include reticles, transport- y
Loading and unloading Times
Storage capacity
ers, and stockers. Logical objects such as down- y Physical location

time and preventive maintenance schedules, and Function

Perfrom value-added processes
order releases are also included. These elements on PRODUCTS
are stored in a design database, from which they
can be extracted by the simulation model genera- Figure 2: Product-Route-Machine Relationship
tion process.
Table 4: Generation of Part of the Station File
Table 3: Reference Model Input information Output
Fab Control Photolithography Machines: Station File
Machines, wa- Updates → Controllers, pro- Number of machines:
fers, pods, reti- cess routes, ma- Lot selection rules:

cles, machine ← Requests chine scheduling Number of loadports:

buffers, process- rules, products Number of storage buffers:
ing operations release rules, Mean time to fail:
sampling plans
Mean time to repair:
Wafer transfer Information
Batch size:
Vehicles, con- Updates → Controllers,

veyors, stockers, process routes, enters information about the AMHS through a
movement op- ← Requests vehicle dis- user interface for the material handling model. A
erations, tracks patching rules simulation code generator then creates the simula-
layout tion models, based on user inputs and information
in the design database. This simulation code gen-
3. Simulation model generation: Through a user- erator is similar in concept to that in Goetschalckx
interface, the fab information is obtained to con- and McGinnis (1989).
struct the processing simulation model. An ex- 4. Validation: Clearly, validity of the resulting
ample of entering the photolithography stations simulation models is an important issue. Through
data is shown in Table 4. Similarly, the designer careful construction of the reference model, and

Nazzal and Bodner

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DIMA NAZZAL is a Ph.D. student in the School of Indus-

trial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of
Technology. She can be contacted by email at <dnazzal@>.

DOUGLAS A. BODNER is a research engineer in the

School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the
Georgia Institute of Technology, where he manages the
Keck Virtual Factory Lab. He is a member of ASEE,
IEEE, IIE and INFORMS. He can be contacted by email
at <>.


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