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Guevarra, Wendell V.

In the supermarket, about 80% of the products we see contains sugar, this might be the reason
why we cannot avoid eating sugar-based products. But eating so much sugar prevents us in achieving
eudaimonia, which is commonly referred to as happiness, because as we eat sugar-based products, our
brain craves for more until we cannot control it. We can’t have our satisfaction until we get the food we
want. This leads to its primary effect, Gluttony, because we eat so much that we forget that we are
being selfish not only for the other people but also to ourselves. We are being selfish to ourselves
because we deny ourselves from living a healthy lifestyle. We also get mood swings because of the
sudden drop of energy from our brain and tells us to eat more sugar. Overconsumption of sugar leads to
its secondary effects like diseases and illness. The temporary happiness we get from eating sugar fades
as we see its side effects from the sugar related illness like diabetes, hypertension, etc. Many people in
the film felt sad as they remember the time their village were free from sugar. Their people used to live
a health life. The introduction of sugar raised the number of deaths in their village. The diseases that
came to their village do not just choose specific target, rather anyone can be a victim whether young or
adult. Another effect is that people lose self confidence because at young age, people starts eating sugar
and suffer the consequences of tooth decay, fats and pimples. An example of this is Larry Hammons.
Larry cannot smile confidently because of his teeth. He is conscious because he is afraid that he might be
judged by the people around him. So, eating sugar-based products might give us temporary happiness
but its effects are permanent. These are the reasons why Industries that provides sugar-based products
must regulate their production because it gives health issues to the people of the community.
Companies tend to increase the sugar level of the product to increase its flavor. They sacrifice the health
of the consumers for their own benefits. Big sugar-based products companies must regulate the sugar in
every product, but if nothing is further can be done, warnings and possible effects should be addressed
so that people will be aware of the foods they consume. Companies must also be conscious on the
health of its consumers because they are the one whom they get their profit with. And for the people, in
order to live a happy and healthy lifestyle, sugar must be reduced to prevent sugar related sickness. But
these also depends on the food manufacturers because they must produce a healthy and delicious
foods, and at the same time, less sugar. If this was done, the government will also benefit because they
can increase the manpower and reduce the budget for the health departments because the people
suffering from the illness will be reduced. Regulating the sugar-based products potentially increase the
quality of life in the community and the way of how they live maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle.

And my general impression about the movie is that it was a very powerful, educational and persuasive
documentary film most especially for me because I eat so much sugar every day. I am not aware that I
eat more than 40 teaspoons of sugar every day, making me conscious on my health. It gave me an
overview of what sugar does to my body and how it affects my behavior. Damon Garneau’s 2-month
experiment made a big impact to the viewers because it raised awareness on its fast effects on our
body. It gave me an impression that at young age, we must practice eating healthy foods to maintain our
health. It also made me realize that most of the illness came from sugar-based manufactured products,
if we just eliminate sugar on our diet, it will potentially decrease the number of deaths on sugar related
illnesses. To be able to live healthy, we must always think twice before consuming the foods we eat
because if we don’t, permanent damage on our health would be the consequences and our lives won’t
be the same again.

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