Instruction MR

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Watch the documentary film, The Sugar Film (2014) by Damon Garneau.

After watching, write an Argumentative Essay focusing on the following: 

1. How overproduction of sugar-based products potentially prevent

humans from achieving edaimonia? 

Because we are getting sickness and stressed from it

Self confidence, because we get tooth decay and pimpples

We gluttony

2. Is there a need for industries to regulate the production of sugar-based products

for consumers?

Yes, because overconsumption of these leads to sugar related sickness like


3. What is your general impression with the movie. 

It is a powerful film, it made me aware of my health and conscious about my sugar

intake and what it does to my body.

The essay should be 700-800 words. 

Deadline: Wednesday (Sept 25)  11:59  no extension 


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