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I Journal for Healthcare Quality

Lean Six Sigma in Healthcare

Henk de Koning, John P. S. Verver, Jaap van den Heuvel, Soren Bisgaard, Ronald J. M. M. Does

Abstract: Healthcare, as with any other service operation, example, the industrializing of shoe making
requires systematic innovation efforts t o remain competi- made it possible for most citizens of modern
tive, cost efficient, and up-to-date. This article outlines industrialized societies to own more shoes of
higher quality than royal families had a cen-
a methodology and presents examples t o illustrate how tury ago.
principles of Lean Thinking and Six Sigma can be combined During the past century, industry deployed a
t o provide an effective framework for producing systematic large arsenal of tools and innovation approach-
i n novation efforts i n healthcare. Controlling healthcare es to achieve high levels of operational effi-
ciency. Economic history indicates that effi-
cost increases, improving quality, and providing better ciencies in industry were obtained primarily
healthcare are some of the benefits of this approach. as the cumulative effect of a large number of
incremental improvements (Rosenberg, 1982).
Lean l’hmking and Six Sigma are two process-
Key Words The cost of medical care is increasing at an innovation approaches that are currently pop-
cost reduction alarming and unsustainable rate worldwide. ular in industry (De Koning & De Mast, 2006;
efficiency Admittedly, a significant percentage of these George, 2003; Robinson, 1990; Smith, 2003;
innovation cost increases can be attributed to an aging Stalk & Hout, 1990).Both provide a systematic
quality improvement population and technological advances. These approach to facilitate incremental process inno-
service management
two factors, inevitable because of the techno- vations. Lean Thinking emerged within the
logical and demographic developments of Japanese automobile industry after World War
modem society, are largely beyond control. II (Ohno, 1988) but can be traced back to the
However, another significant source of health- early days of the Ford Motor Company (Ford &
care cost increases can be broadly character- Crowther, 1926).Similarly, Six Sigma, originally
ized as unnecessary operational inefficiency. introduced by Motorola, is the culmination and
Healthcare professionals have more control synthesis of a series of century-long develop-
over this factor. Inefficiency can be measured ments in quality improvement (QI) (Box &
and changes implemented to improve qual- Bisgaard, 1987; Gamin, 1988; Snee, 2004) build-
ity. These efforts provide more affordable and ing on a number of other approaches, in particu-
better healthcare for a large percentage of the lar, Juran’sTrilogy (Juran, 1989).Lean Thinking
population. and Six Sigma have gone through parallel
Some operational inefficiencies are associ- developments in recent years. Both approaches
ated with the direct medical service delivery are now also used widely in administration
process. Others are associated with the admin- and service areas, although they were original-
istrative, logistical, and operational side of the ly applied to the manufacturing environment
healthcare delivery system. Both areas can (Snee & Hoerl, 2004). The latest development
benefit from systematic process innovation is a synthesis of these two approaches (Hoerl,
activities. 2004). ‘Thisarticle explores their integration in
It is not surprising that some object to the healthcare setting of a Dutch hospital.
the notion of industrialized healthcare deliv-
ery. However, industrialization is essentially Lean Thinking
a conversion of artisan methods to more effi- The proliferation of Lean Thinking was facili-
/ o i ( r m d j i r Hcdtlrcnrr. Qitnlrty cient, cost-effective, streamlined systems for tated by the publication of Womack, Jones,
Vnl 28, N o 2, pp 4-11
0 2006 National Association the delivery of products or services (Heskett, and Roos (1990). Lean, as it is often abbrevi-
for HealthcareQuality Sasser, & Schlesinger, 1997; Levitt, 1976). For ated, represents a fundamental break with
Vol. 28 No. 2 March/April2006

I 5

Western manufacturing traditions. Stated Electric in the late 1990s (Breyfogle, 1999; De
somewhat simplistically, the traditional mass Koning & De Mast, 2006; Harry, 1997; Pyzdek,
manufacturing concept of the West was based 2001). The program is characterized by its
on the following assumptions: customer-driven approach, emphasis on deci-
A separation of ”thmking” from ”doing” sion making based on careful analysis of quan-
is most effective. titative data, and a priority on cost reduction
Defects are unavoidable. (Bisgaard & Freiesleben, 2004).
Organizations should be designed as a Six Sigma is deployed by carrying out
hierarchical chain of command. improvement projects. Project selection is usu-
Inventories are necessary evils used to ally based on a translation of the company
buffer production from fluctuations in strategy into operational goals (Pyzdek, 2004).
market demand. Six Sigma provides an organizational struc-
Toyota and other Japanese companies devel- ture of project leaders and project owners.
oped Lean Thinking as an alternative para- Project leaders are called Black Belts (BBs)
digm. Lean is an integrated system of prin- and Green Belts (GBs). Members of upper
ciples, practices, tools, and techruques focused management play the role of project owners,
on reducing waste, synchronizing work flows, or Champions.
and managing variability in production flows.
An important distinction in Lean is between
value- and non-value-added activities. Value- Lean’s strength lies i n i t s set of standard
added activities contribute to what the cus-
tomer wants from a product or service (George,
solutions t o common problems and
2003). Everything else is a non-value-added
activity. The primary analytical tool in Lean
i t s focus on the customer.
is the value-stream map, an extended process
flowchart with dormation about speed, con- Six Sigma’s approach is similar to that of
tinuity of flow, and work in progress. This tool good medical practice used since the time of
highlights non-value-added steps and bottle- Hippocrates-relevant information is assem-
necks and is used to guide QI activities. The bled followed by careful diagnosis. After a
value-stream map provides a holistic picture of thorough diagnosis is completed, a treatment is
the entire value chain in an organization. proposed and implemented. Finally, checks are
Lean offers a number of standard solutions to applied to see if the treatment was effective. To
common organizational problems. Visual man- operationalize this problem-solving strategy,
agement, complexity reduction, 5s (a method Six Sigma deploys five phases-define, nzeasure,
for organizing the workplace: sort, straighten, analyze, improve, and control (DMA1C)-that are
scrub, standardize, sustain), cellular produc- rigorously followed whenever a problem, large
tion, pull systems, line balancing, one-piece or small, is approached. In the define phase, a
flow, and single-minute exchange of dies are charter is drafted that includes a cost-benefit
some of the more familiar solutions (Shingo, analysis. If the cost-benefit analysis meets the
1989; Womack & Jones, 2003). The principles company-established thresholds, the charter
of Lean are described in detail in the literature will be accepted, and the project will continue
(George, 2003; Standard & Davis, 1999). through the DMAIC process (i.e., the project
Lean’s strength lies in its set of standard becomes scheduled for solution and assigned
solutions to common problems and its focus to a team headed by a GB or BB reporting to a
on the customer. Lean seeks to prevent subopti- Champion). In the subsequent measure phase,
mization by its focus on the entire value chain. baseline data are assembled, and the diagnosis
However, Lean is weak on organizational infra- is started in earnest. The problem is translated
structure, deployment plans, analytical tools, into quantifiable terms using critical-to-quality
QI, and control. (CTQ) characteristics. The analysis phase con-
tinues the diagnosis and involves an identifica-
Six Sigma tion of possible causal relationships between
Six Sigma was originally a concept for inputs and the CTQs. After the diagnosis is
company-wide QI introduced by Motorola completed, the team proceeds to the improve
in 1987. It was further developed by General phase and suggests a solution to the problem.
6 Journal for Healthcare Quality

The GB or BB designs and implements pro- task force deployment strategy using BBs,
cess changes or adjustments to improve the GBs, and Champions.
performance of the CTQ. Finally, in the co~trol project-based deployment: A project is
phase, control systems are developed to ensure a chronic problem scheduled for solu-
that improvements are maintained and the tion (Juran, 1989). Nonstandard prob-
new improved process can be handed over lems are solved only project by project
to the day-to-day operations staff. Each of the (Juran). Projects are classified as either
five DMAlC phases involves detailed plans "quick wins" (Lean) or "advanced"
that help to guide project leaders through the (Six Sigma). Lean projects apply best
execution of the QI project (De Koning & De practices and focus on implementing
Mast, 2006). standard solutions. Such projects typi-
To secure a successful launch and deploy- cally involve speed, reduction of lead
ment of Six Sigma, an organizationalinfrastruc- time, inventory, and processing time.
ture is created. For example, a deployment plan Six Sigma projects apply to more gen-
for strategically relevant projects ensures an eral and complex problems and involve
alignment of project goals with the long-term solid, data-based analytic methods and
organizational objectives. Further, Six Sigma statistics, including QI and control meth-
uses a stage-gate approach to project manage- ods. The problem-solving algorithm of
ment whereby projects are monitored care- DMAlC is always used, and projects are
fully by Champions and appropriate actions monitored after each phase is complet-
are taken if a project does not meet specified ed. Typical Six Sigma projects involve
completion dates. increasing quality, decreasing defects,
One perceived weakness of Six Sigma meth- reducing variation, and increasing yield
ods is its complexity. In the case of simple but more generally involve systematic
problems with obvious and easy-to-implement process innovation (Bisgaard & De Mast,
solutions, rigorous adherence to the Six Sigma 2005).
problem-solving process may be considered organizational competency develop-
"overkill" and inefficient (George, 2003). ment: A dedicated workforce of Lean Six
Furthermore, Six Sigma typically does not Sigma project leaders (Champions, GBs,
resort to standard solutions to common prob- and BBs) are trained in a curriculum that
lems as does Lean. Finally, the danger of sub- resembles that of Six Sigma with addi-
optimizing a process, while failing to take into tional Lean components.
account the entire value chain, is ever present. organizational anchoring of solutions:
Nevertheless, Six Sigma offers a structured, To secure the implementation of solutions
analytic, and logically sound approach to prob- and guard against backsliding, tasks and
lem solving, as well as a strong organizational responsibilities are clearly defined, proce-
framework for its deployment. dures are standardized, and process con-
trols are imposed as part of an improve-
Synthesis of Lean Thinking and Six ment project.
Sigma linking strategy with project selection:
Lean provides a total system approach but is Strategic objectives are translated into
short on details, organizational structures, and performance indicators and tactical goals.
analytic tools for diagnosis. Six Sigma, on the These are then used as a basis for project
other hand, offers fewer standard solutions selection and help secure an alignment of
but provides a general analytic framework for projects with the overall organizational
problem solving and an organizational infra- strategy.
structure. The ideal solution is to combine
the two approaches. Many practitioners have Lean Six Sigma Healthcare
done so tacitly for quite some time. An inte- Lean Six Sigma has recently also been applied
grated framework for Lean Six Sigma consists in the healthcare sector. George (2003), for
of the following elements: example, describes pioneering work on Lean
a structured approach The deployment Six Sigma at Stanford Hospital and Clinics.
infrastructure is based on Six Sigma orga- In this section our own experience with Lean
nizational mechanisms consis-&g of a Six Siema " at the Red Cross Hospital in the
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Netherlands is discussed. Of course, as is sampling will provide an impression of the

often the case, elements of Lean Six Sigma range of problems tackled:
were applied at the hospital years before the shortening the length of stay in chronic
term itself was used (Van den Heuvel, Does, obstructive pulmonary disease patients
& Vermaat, 2004). reducing errors in invoices received from
The Red Cross Hospital in Beverwijk is temporary agencies
a 384-bed, medium-sized general hospital revising the terms of payment
employing a staff of 966 with a yearly budget allowing parents to room in with their
of €72.1 million. In addition to being a general children
healthcare provider, the Red Cross Hospital reducing the number of patients requiring
also houses a national burn care center with intravenous antibiotics
25 beds that provides specialized services to shortening the preparation time of intra-
all of the Netherlands. In 2004, the Red Cross venous medication
Hospital had 12,669 admissions, performed reducing the number of mistakes in
11,064 outpatient treatments, and received invoices.
198,591 visits to its outpatient units, of wluch
78,832 were first contacts. I Indeed, some healthcare professionals think
The Red Cross Hospital began to use Six
Sigma in 2002. However, the hospital manage-
ment had already introduced a basic quality
I QI methods should address only defects,
assurance system and obtained an International I such as medication errors.
Organization for Standardization 9002 certifica-
tion in 2000. Prior to the implementation of Six This list illustrates the important point
Sigma, management also deployed a number that Six Sigma projects in healthcare typically
of teams to work on specific QI projects. At the include both medical and administrative prob-
time, management believed that these pre-Six lems. Indeed, some healthcare professionals
Sigma projects worked well. Indeed, a num- thmk QI methods should address only defects,
ber of the projects were completed with good such as medication errors. Our experience is
results. However, over time, management dis- that significant gains can be made by widening
covered that an organizational framework and the field of applications to all processes and all
programs for project management, coordina- operational inefficiency and waste.
tion, tracking, and support were necessary. The list above also shows that several of the
Specifically, upper management identified the Six Sigma projects could just as well be charac-
following problems: terized as Lean projects. For example, reducing
Projects were not necessarily of strategic the length of stay and shortening the prepara-
relevance. tion time for medcation would be typical Lean
Projects did not always have a significant objectives.On the other hand, the Lean approach
business case. would come up short in projects involving reduc-
A systematic project-tracking system was ing errors in invoices received from temporary
missing. agencies, revising payment terms, and correcting
There was no uniform method for project the number of mistakes in invoices. The d~stinc-
management and control. tion between Lean and Six Sigma is artificial
Too many projects were not completed. and often not helpful. An integration of the two
At the end of 2001, the hospital manage- approaches and a general focus on process inno-
ment was introduced to Six Sigma and found vation regardless of the origin of the tools and
that this methodology provided solutions to approaches would be more productive.
many of these problems. The initial implemen-
tation of Six Sigma at the Red Cross Hospital Introducing Six Sigma
is described in the literature (Van den Heuvel, Six Sigma was implemented in earnest at the
Does, & Bisgaard, 2005; Van den Heuvel, Does, Red Cross Hospital in September 2002 with
& Verver, in press). In addition to outlining Six the first wave of GB training. As is standard
Sigma’s management framework and lessons for Six Sigma, the training was provided in
learned relevant to healthcare, these articles two separate periods of 3 days, 2 months
also describe selected examples of projects. A apart. The GBs were required to complete a
Journal for Healthcare Quality

project in conjunction with their training. The The Red Cross Hospital experience illus-
financial threshold for initiating a project was trates the key elements of the Lean Six
an estimated minimum saving of €20,000. GBs Sigma approach. First, the hospital applied
typically worked 1 or 2 days a week on their the organizational infrastructure typical of
projects. As part of the project-management Six Sigma. Second, deployment of QI was
system, teams were carefully monitored and project by project. Third, the Lean Six Sigma
allowed to proceed to the next phase of the approach was based on developing organiza-
DMAIC sequence only after presenting the tional competency for innovation by training
Champion with a report providing evidence a dedicated force of Lean Six Sigma project
that the preceding phase had been completed. leaders and GBs. Fourth, project selection
Teams were required to present their results had a strategic focus. In the present case the
twice in front of the entire class. The sec- Dutch Ministry of Welfare and Health had
ond presentation served as the GB graduation imposed serious budget cuts on the Red
examination. Cross Hospital. This necessitated a strict

I n addition t o these complexity-reduction 1 focus on cost reductions while maintain-

ing or possibly improving quality. Potential

measures, a visual management system 1 projects were suggested by Champions, all

hospital department heads. The final word to

t o signal mistakes was introduced. 1

proceed was given by the general manager,
based on an evaluation of the project’s stra-
tegic relevance.
The first wave was followed by additional
GB training waves scheduled every 6 months Lean Six Sigma Project Cases
thereafter. The Six Sigma approach was well Complexity Reduction in Hiring Personnel
received. The GBs believed the Six Sigma train- The Red Cross Hospital spends yearly more
ing and project-managementsystem supported than €1 million on temporary personnel.
them well throughout the process of a project. Upper management suspected that the cost of
The data-driven approach was regarded as hiring temporary personnel was unnecessari-
helpful in establishing support of the teams ly high. A preliminary investigation indicated
during the implementation of the results. that errors on invoices was a problem result-
The data-based analysis and decision making ing in significant non-value-added rework
seemed to minimize resistance to change. and unnecessary readministration. Thus, the
After completing the training of the fourth project charter drafted by the GB and the proj-
group of GBs, it was decided that the training ect Champion stated that the objective of this
process needed revision. The experience from project was to reduce the number of mistakes
the previous waves of GB training indicated on invoices. The CTQ was the percentage of
that many healthcare problems involved vari- correct invoices received from the temporary
ous forms of wasted time. It was decided to agencies.
experiment with combining Lean with the A baseline study performed in the measure
DMAIC methodology. Materials on time-value phase showed that only 15% of the invoices
maps, value-stream maps, and the six standard were correct on first pass. The goal was set to
forms of waste were added to the curriculum improve the CTQ to 100%. If this ambitious
in the analysis phase. Furthermore, the cur- goal was achieved, the financial saving was
riculum for the improve phase was expanded to projected to be €36,000 per year. In the subse-
include complexity reduction, cellular produc- quent analysis phase, a number of influential
tion, pull systems, line balancing, and the 5s factors and causes were identified. The most
method to reduce inefficiencies due to clutter important were these:
and poor organization. The total length of The signature of the department head
this revised training program was expanded was missing.
to 8 days, divided into two periods of 3 days A check on the hours worked was miss-
and an additional section of 2 days. The first ing.
Lean Six Sigma GB training program started Breaks were not registered.
in September 2004 with 18 participants distrib- Mistakes occurred in the reported hours
uted in teams of two or three GBs. worked and time for travel.
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I 9

There was no check on the number of the loss of capacity. As a realistic goal, it was
temporary worker’s years of experience. decided to aim for an average starting time
The hourly wage was incorrectly stated of 8:15 am.
on the invoice. During the analysis phase the GB team dis-
Although a large number of mistakes were covered several factors that affected the start-
recorded, this initial analysis failed to unearth ing time:
any single dominant type of mistake. However, Patients had not been administered the
further analysis showed that the errors were prescribed medication.
symptoms of a more significant problem. The Patients were brought in late by the refer-
root cause turned out to be that each of the ring department.
temporary agencies used a different work- The OT had insufficient manpower.
sheet. Moreover, no single uniform standard Specialists had to make rounds prior to
for hiring and invoicing temporary workers performing procedures in the OT.
was followed. Each department had its own Anesthesiologists and other specialists
forms and procedures. From a Lean perspec- were late.
tive, having different worksheets for the same While diagnosing these problems, the GB
purpose is a non-value-added complexity that team found that the underlying problem was
should be eliminated. This led to the following a poorly defined process. This made planning
proposed improvements: difficult. Tools were needed to manage this
A standardized worksheet was intro- operational process. Designing a new admis-
duced. sions process based on the following simple
Requests for temporary personnel were principles was the solution:
centralized. Patients must be present at the OT facility
The number of temporary agencies was no later than 7:35 am.
reduced. Before arriving at the OT, patients must
A new administrative system for check- receive preoperative preparation.
ing invoices was introduced. The referring department and the anes-
In addition to these complexity-reduction thesiologists must be informed about the
measures, a visual management system to planned OT treatment for the patient 1
signal mistakes was introduced. A new pro- day in advance of a procedure.
cedure was introduced for hiring temporary To control this new process, visual manage-
personnel, requiring heads of departments ment was introduced.At the weekly staff meet-
to use a single standardized worksheet. This ing, a specially designed graph was reviewed,
worksheet incorporated a ”check invoice” showing the OT start times for the previous
feature designed to make it easy to compare week. The feedback from t h s control system
invoices submitted by the temporary agency was used to continually monitor the OT start-
with internal documents, which made it easy ing times and provide valuable input on how
to spot discrepancies. All of these incremental to improve processes even further.
changes resulted in reduced rework and sig-
nificant cost savings. Maintenance
The Red Cross Hospital has a system in
Reducing Operating Theater Starting Times place to manage mechanical breakdowns and
Operating theaters (OTs) are expensive and irregularities. This system registers a problem
capacity-limiting facilities. Their optimal uti- and assigns a maintenance person a “blue
lization is paramount to efficient hospital coupon” with a description of the issue. After
management. The general manager of the Red diagnosing the situation and solving the prob-
Cross Hospital suspected that the utilization lem, the maintenance person reports that the
of the OTs was far from optimal, so a GB team problem has been solved. Although the sys-
was assigned to increase the efficiency of the tem itself seemed efficient, the resolution of
OTs. The GB team focused on the starting problems often took an excessive amount of
times of the OTs. The official starting time was time. A project team was chartered with the
8 am. Baseline data collected in the nieasure task of improving the process. The CTQs were
phase showed that the average starting time the number of active, not yet resolved blue
was 8:35 am, which suggested a significant coupons and the lead time per blue coupon.
The first CTQ represents the overall cost in standards are compromised.For example, a mod-
system downtime, whereas the second pro- em car, objectively speaking, is far cheaper and
vides an indication of the quality of the service of significantly higher quality than a handcrafted
rendered. The following discussion will be lim- car manufactured 100 years ago. Prepackaged
ited to the first CTQ. vacations typically offer better deals with higher
Analysis showed that the dominant problem levels of service than individually planned tours.
was defective lights. It was further discovered Industrialization of services typically improves
that the maintenance department &d not have quality while making those services much more
standard operatingprocedures. Malfunctionswere cost efficient.
handled in an ad hoc fashion with no accounting The industrialization of healthcare service
for urgency or priority.Anumber of solutionswere will require a large number of innovations,
put into place to deal with thisproblem. especially pertaining to the delivery of services.
prevention: Lights were turned off at The popular perception is that innovation, like
night to extend the life of light bulbs. artistic expression, is the product of genius.
standard operating procedure: Guidelines However, in today’s competitive economic envi-
were developed for dealing with break- ronment, this process must not remain a mys-
downs and failures. tery. Indeed, it need not be. Pianists and painters
work planning system: Problems were attend conservatories and art schools to receive
divided into urgency categories. intensive training in their profession. Innovation,
performance monitoring and visual man- like artistic performance, can be learned. The
agement: Norms for fixing standard mal- combination of Six Sigma and Lean-with their
functions were instituted and monitored. tools, road maps, and management process-
The result of these simple systems changes es-is essentially a carefully managed process
was a significant decrease in the number of blue for systematically scheduling and carrying out
coupons. The related financial saving of this innovation projects that can be taught, learned,
project was approximately €200,000. and performed with a high degree of success.
These projects illustrate the benefits of com- Lean and Six Sigma have strongly comple-
bining Lean with Six Sigma. In all cases a thor- mentary strengths that are particularly useful
ough quantitative diagnosis was made before for systematically developing healthcare ser-
starting improvements. This is typical of Six vice innovations. Synthesizing these approach-
Sigma. In all cases it was possible to use off-the- es leads to an integrated program combining
shelf solutions to solve the problems. The solu- the best of both programs. Lean Six Sigma
tions were firmly anchored in the organizational incorporates the organizational infrastructure
infrastructure. Managers can keep track of the and the thorough diagnosis and analysis tools
performance of CTQs using visual management of Six Sigma with Lean analysis tools and best-
systems and ensure that an organization does practice solutions for problems dealing with
not revert to old habits and past performance waste and unnecessary time consumption.
standards. The gains are maintained. The application at the Red Cross Hospital pm-
vides an illustration of the sigruficant benefits of
Conclusions the Lean Six Sigma approach. The management
Unless healthcare leaders deal with spiraling of the hospital adopted the Lean Six Sigma organi-
healthcare costs, a decreasing proportion of the zational infrastructure, developed organizational
citizens of industrialized societies will be able competencies, and instituted a process for seled-
to afford high-quality healthcare. If healthcare ing strategically aligned projects combined with
services are inefficient, they cost more, and rigorous project management.The net result was a
fewer can benefit from the technical advances process for institutionalized systematic innovation
of modern medicine. A persistence of tradi- that consistently delivers the intended end results
tional service practices will drain our economy. (Drucker,1985).The adoption of similar programs
Continuous and relentless pursuits of innova- will make possible the successful replication of
tions in the service delivery process are neces- the outstanding results obtained by the Red Cross
sary. The industrialization of healthcare offers Hospital in Bevenvijk, the Netherlands.
a viable alternative that can provide better
economy, greater efficiency, and better service. Acknowledgments
Industrializing healthcare does not mean that The authors acknowledge Sue Ellen Bisgaard and
healthcare becomes less personal and that quality Selena Kaplan for their editorial assistance and
Vol. 28 No. 2 March/April2006

I 11

helpful comments on a previous version of this Van den Heuvel, J., Does, R. J. M. M., & Vermaat, M. B.
(2004). Six Sigma in a Dutch hospital: Does it work
manuscript.Soren Bisgaard was supported by the in the nursing department? Qrcnlity nnd Relinbil~ty
Isenberg Program for Technology Management, Engineering Intcrnatiurml, 20, 419426.
the Isenberg School of Management, University Van den Heuvel, J., Does, R. J. M. M., & Verver, J. P. S.
(in press). Six Sigma in healthcarc: Lessons learned
of Massachusetts,Amherst. from a hospital. Intevnntionn/ ]oirrrinl of Six Signrn nrid
Cunipetitive Advnntnge, l(4).
References Womack, J. P., Jones, D. T., & Roos, D. (1990). The nmcliine
Bisgaard, S., & De Mast, J. (in press). After Six Sigma- thnf clinnged the world: The story of Lenri prudirctioii. New
What’s next? Qimlity Prcigvcss. York: Rawson Associates.
Bisgaard, S., & Freiesleben, J.(2004). Six Sigma and the Womack, J. P., & Jones, D. T. (2003). Lenn thinking (2nd ed.).
bottom line. Qimlity Prugress, September, 37, 57-62. New York Free Press.
Box, G. E.P., & Bisgaard, S. (1987).The scientific context of
quality improvement. Qun/it!/ Progress, Irrnc, 20, 54-61. Authors‘ Biographies
Breyfogle, F. W. (2003). /rrip/enientingSix Sipin-Sirfurter solti-
tiuris using stntisficnl riref/ids(2nd ed.).New York Wiley. Henk de Koning, MSc, studied physics arid psychology
De Koning, H., & De Mast, J. (in press). A rational at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. He is a
reconstruction of Six Sigma’s breakthrough cook- consultnrit at the Zristrtirte for Business and Zrzdiistrial
book. lritcrrintiorinl lorrrnnl of Quality mid Reliability Statistics (IBIS UuAI, teaching courses in Six Sigma and
Meringerrrent, 23(5). supervising iriiprovment projects in Dutch industry. His
Drucker, P. F. (1985). /rinovntion nird eritreprerierrrslrip: PhD thesis will present the results of a scientific study of
Prncticc niid yririciplcs. New York: Harper and Row.
Ford, H., & Crowther, S. (1926). Tvdny nrid tuiiiorrorv. S I X Sigrna nzethodology.
Cambridge, MA: Productivity Press. John l? S. Veruer,MSc, studied riiechniiicsat the University
Carvin, D. A. (1988). Mnringirig qrinlify: The strntcgic nnd of Twente, the Netherlands. He worked as a Black Belt at
corrrpctifivcedge. New York: Free Press. DAF Trucks (a Pnccnr corrzpany). Currently, he works as a
George, M. L. (2003). Lcari Sir Si,yiiinfor scuuices. New York: Master Black Belt at the Red Cross Hospital in Beuenuijk
McCraw-Hill. and at the Canisiirs Wilhelinina Hospital in Nijmegen.
Harry, M. J. (1997). The vision of Six Signrn (5th ed.).
Phoenix: Tri Star. Jnnp van den Herivel, M D MBA, studied medicine at the
Heskett, J . L., Sasser, W. E., Jr., & Schlesinger, L. A. (1997). University of Leiden and business administration at the
Tlre service profit chin. New York Free Press. University of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. For 7 years
Hoerl, R. W. (2004). One perspective on the future of Six he 7uas CEO at the Red Cross Hospital in Bevenoijk.
Sigma. lrrterrmtiorinl)orrrrml of Six Si,yprrm arid Conrpetitive Czrrrentiy, he is CEO nt the Canisius WilhelminnHospital
Advnrltngc, ?(I),112-119.
117 N~lIZCget7.
Juran, J. M. (1989). /irrnri u r r lendcrsliipfor qirdity. New York:
Free Press. Soren Bisgnard, PhD, earned a doctorate in statisticsfroni
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