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Research 7 Activity Sheet
Quarter 1 - MELC 5
Week 4
A Observation and Inference


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Research 7
Activity Sheet No. 4 – Observation and Inference
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office
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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written permission
from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of Research 7 Activity Sheet

Writer: Gale Nexee A. Luna

Content and Language Editing:
Rosali E. Apruebo
Evelyn B. Cercado
Adonis P. Besa
Lay Out Artist: Jackielyn S. Cabangal
Reviewer: Jocelyn D. Sunsona

Division of Roxas City Management Team:

Feliciano C. Buenafe Jr.
Rogelio P. Amador
Marvic S. Martirez
Jocelyn D. Sunsona
Rosali E. Apruebo

Regional Management Team

Ramir Barberan Uytico
Pedro T. Escobarte, Jr.
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Rovel R. Salcedo
Moonyeen C. Rivera
Anita S. Gubalane
Minda L. Soldevilla
Daisy L. Lopez
Joseph M. Pagalaran

Introductory Message
Welcome to Research 7!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Roxas City and Deped Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults)
in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The Research 7 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the leaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with minimal
or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made available to
the learners with the references/links to ease the independent learning.

For the learner:

The Research 7 Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning

even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful and
engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner, carefully read
and understand the instructions then perform the activities and answer the
assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed schedule.

Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: __________________________Date: _________________________


Observation and Inference

I. Learning Competency with Code

o Describe the difference between observation and an inference.


II. Background Information for Learners

Look at the things that surround you. What can you see? Isn't it
beautiful? How about the weather today? Is it sunny or windy?
As you grow old, you have developed a clear understanding of the world
through your senses. With your senses, you can see the mountains full of
trees, you can smell the scent of the blooming flowers in the garden, you
can hear the sound of the falling rain above your roof and feel the warm
embrace of the sea breeze in your skin.
You understand and appreciate the things that you see, hear, taste, smell
and touch through observation. Through observation, you are able to
describe and identify all objects and events in the environment. When you
describe the colors of the rainbow, the taste of your favorite dish or the smell
of your cologne, you are doing simple observation.
However, out of your observations, you can make deeper and more
meaningful information and conclusion by making inferences. Inferences
are information you derive from your observations. In other words, you can
only make a good inference if you are able to make a good and factual
observation. For example, when you observe that the cloud is getting dark,
then you can infer that it is about to rain so you should bring your cap or
umbrella. Also, when you notice a pair of slippers beside a mango tree, then
you can make an inference that there is someone above it getting fruits or a
bird's nest.
For you to understand clearly about observation and inference, answer
the following activities below.

III. Activity Proper

Activity 1: Observations vs. Inferences

A. Directions: Study the picture below with a given observation and

inference and answer the following guide questions. Write your answers
in a separate sheet of paper.
© Armin Rose/

Observation Inference
1. There are five penguins 1. The penguins are escaping a
shown in the picture predator that can only hunt in
2. This habitat has water, ice, the water
and snow. 2. More penguins are going to
3. Each penguin is black and follow these five out of the
white. water

Guide Questions:
1. How do you think are the given observations being formulated?

2. How do you think are the given inferences being formulated?


3. How would you describe the difference between observation and


B. Directions: On the given pictures below, make at least 3-5 observations
and inferences. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

Figure A Figure B
Science Generation • • © 2018 SERP Institute

Figure Observations Inferences


C. Directions: Read each statement and decide whether it is an observation

or an inference. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

__________1. The container is filled to the 350 mL mark with water.

__________2. The Sun rose at 6:54 this morning.
__________3. The caterpillar did not eat the moth because it is not a carnivore.
__________4. Sound traveled faster through the desk than through the air.
__________5. The plant on the left is growing more because it has been
receiving more water.
__________6. When the Sun came out, it made the rain stop.
__________7. I can jump high in tennis shoes because they have rubber on the
__________8. When the power is turned on, the bulb lights up and the radio
plays a song.
__________9. Dinosaurs died out when they could not adapt to the changing
__________10. Condensed water can fall as precipitation, which may include
rain, snow, or hail.

IV. Reflection
Complete the statements below.

I understand…

I don’t understand…

V. References for Learners

VI. Answer Keys

Activity 1. A. Activity 1. B

mental judgment out of
inference you make
using your senses while There’s a fire drill.
observation you are There’s a fire.
the two is that in accidentally.
3. The difference between Inference: Someone tripped an alarm
made. Observation: The alarm is ringing.
observation you have
explanation for an his friends.
2. Inferences are an Juan is on a field trip with
through your senses. Juan’s bus is running late
1. It is being formulated Inference: Juan is sick today.
Observation: Juan is not in class right
Activity 1. C. Possible Answers:

10. observation
9. inference
8. observation
7. inference
6. inference
5. inference
4. observation
3. inference
2. observation
1. observation

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