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MAY 2013

Biology Paper I

Time: 40 minutes Marks: 30

1. Read each question carefully.
2. Answer the questions on the separate answer sheet provided. DO NOT write your answers on the
question paper.
3. There are 100 answer numbers on the answer sheet. Use answer numbers 1 to 30 only.
4. In each question there are four choices A, B, C, D. Choose ONE. On the answer grid black out
the circle for your choice with a pencil as shown below.

Candidate’s Signature

5. If you want to change your answer, ERASE the first answer completely with a rubber, before
blacking out a new circle.
6. DO NOT write anything in the answer grid. The computer only records what is in the circles.

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1. Scientists are working on producing a wingless variety of silk moths to increase the yield of

The above statement shows the significance of which of the following branches of biology?

A. Molecular biology
B. Biotechnology
C. Parasitology
D. Environmental biology

2. Carbon is a suitable element to make complex cellular structures because

A. it forms ionic bond with other elements.

B. its compounds are bivalent in nature.
C. it is abundantly found in a cell.
D. its bonds are arranged in a tetrahedron.

3. The function of mRNA in a cell is to carry

A. genetic information from nucleus to ribosomes.

B. genetic information from cytoplasm to ribosomes.
C. amino acids from nucleus to ribosomes.
D. amino acids from cytoplasm to ribosomes.

4. Which of the following is CORRECT about a ‘competitive inhibitor’?

A. It reacts with the substrate in place of enzyme.

B. It activates catalytic sites to give products.
C. It resembles the substrate structurally.
D. It stops a chemical reaction permanently.

5. Which of the following features makes chromoplasts different from chloroplasts?

A. Found in plants
B. Help in pollination
C. Membrane bounded
D. Contain pigment

6. Cytoskeleton is made up of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments.

Which of the following is CORRECT about the structure, composition and function of

Structure Composition Function

A Branched Proteins Maintenance of cell shape
B Branched Carbohydrates Maintenance of cell shape
C Unbranched Proteins Help in mitosis
D Unbranched Carbohydrates Help in mitosis

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7. Which of the following defines a polysome?

A. A group of centrioles at the centrosome

B. A group of sacs in the Golgi bodies
C. A group of lysosomes rich in hydrolytic enzymes
D. A group of ribosomes attached to mRNA

8. A patient is suffering with yellowing of skin, liver enlargement, fever and abdominal pain.

Which of the following diseases is he/she most likely suffering from?

A. Small pox
B. Polio
C. Hepatitis

9. The diagram shows different stages of the life cycle of a bacteriophage.

Which of the following is the CORRECT sequence of the event taking place in the given

A. 2, 1, 3, 4
B. 2, 1, 4, 3
C. 4, 2, 1, 3
D. 4, 1, 3, 2

10. All of the following are characteristics of archaebacteria EXCEPT that they

A. have peptidoglycan in their cell wall.

B. are obligate anaerobes.
C. are known as extremophiles.
D. lack membrane bounded nucleus.

11. In which of the following phases of growth, do bacteria prepare themselves for division?

A. Log phase
B. Stationary phase
C. Decline phase
D. Lag phase


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12. Cyanobacteria are used to convert waste land into cultivatable land. Which of the following
features of cyanobacteria is indicated here?

A. They release oxygen through photosynthesis.

B. They form water blooms in water reservoirs.
C. They store food in the form of glycogen.
D. They fix atmospheric nitrogen from the air.

13. Which of the following is CORRECT about Radiolarians?

Group of Protista Form Locomotive Organ

A Animal like Unicellular Flagella
B Animal like Unicellular Pseudopods
C Plant like Unicellular Pseudopods
D Plant like Unicellular Flagella

14. Which of the following plant-like protists possesses cells covered with shells of interlocking
cellulose plates?

A. Dinoflagellates
B. Brown algae
C. Euglenoids
D. Red algae

15. The filaments of algae are made up of coenocytes which means they

A. cannot be differentiated into roots and stems.

B. are composed of distinct cells.
C. do not have cross-walls.
D. have leaf-like extensions.

16. The oyster mushroom penetrates the nematodes, absorbs their nutrients and leaves them dead.
This type of feeding relationship in fungi is an example of

A. parasitism.
B. predation.
C. mutualism.
D. decomposition.

17. All of the following methods of asexual reproduction are found in fungi EXCEPT

A. budding.
B. fragmentation.
C. spore formation.
D. parthenogenesis.

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18. The diagram shows alternation of gametophytic and sporophytic generation in plants. Which of
the labelled events is beneficial for plants to make them better adapted to the environment?

Zygote formation (2n)


B Fertilization Meiosis

n n n n
n n
Mitosis (n) Mitosis

19. An animal is found with the following characteristics:

• Triploblastic
• Bilateral symmetrical
• Mantle present
• Unsegmented

In which of the following phyla should it be placed?

A. Echinodermata
B. Arthropoda
C. Mollusca
D. Annelida

20. Which of the following shows the process of phosphorylation?

C. ADP + Pi → ATP
D. ATP → ADP + Pi


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21. In a light dependent reaction, the ultimate fate of electron (e-) produced as a result of photolysis
is the

A. reduction of NADP.
B. formation of ATP.
C. formation of O2.
D. oxidation of NADPH.

22. Insectivorous plants are usually found in the soil that is deficient in

A. water.
B. oxygen.
C. nitrogen.
D. iron.

23. The given diagram represents the entry of food particle K in trachea.


Which of the following reasons could be responsible for the entry of particle K into larynx
instead of oesophagus?

A. Waves of contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscles

B. Upward movement of soft palate
C. Failure of larynx to move upward closing glottis
D. Failure of lubrication activity of oral cavity

24. In photorespiration, Rubisco fixes oxygen instead of an inorganic compound. This causes a
decrease in the rate of

A. ATP formation.
B. CO2 fixation.
C. NADP conversion.
D. light absorption.

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25. In the earthworm, the diffusion of oxygen into cells is carried out by

A. capillaries.
B. tissue fluid.
C. lymph vessels.
D. tracheoles.

26. The diaphragm becomes dome shaped when

A. its own muscles contract.

B. air is taken in.
C. intercostal muscles relax.
D. ribcage moves upward.

27. Which of the following is TRUE about ‘imbibition’ in plants?

A. It takes place in xylem vessels.

B. It is an irreversible phenomenon.
C. It decreases the volume of protoplasm.
D. It takes place as a result of a cut or wound.

28. The movement of which of the following ions regulates the opening of the stomata?

A. Ca++
B. Mg++
C. K+
D. H+

29. Which of the following is TRUE about open circulatory system?

A. It transports oxygen and carbon dioxide.

B. Respiratory pigments are dissolved in the blood.
C. It is an advanced and efficient system.
D. Blood comes in direct contact with body cells.

30. Which of the following components of blood is increased during blood leukaemia?

A. Red blood cells

B. White blood cells
C. Plasma proteins
D. Platelets

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