Diagnostic Lesson Plan

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Candidate’s name: PARASKEVI NATSIKA
Candidate’s number: 002
Centre name: CELT Athens
Centre number: GR108
Having conducted a needs analysis questionnaire, this Upper-Intermediate class consists of
international students (Greek, Albanian and Dutch), three male and six females. The age
ranges from mid-twenties to late sixties with various personalities eager to learn English
with great emphasis on vocabulary so as to develop their speaking. The fact that the class is
made up of mixed ability students who vary in level - due to different academic background
and reasons for studying English - and learning styles make the lesson challenging for both
teacher and students.
Over 50% of the students have higher education and seven out of nine have received an
average of four years of formal English language training. The majority of the students
found their English lessons useful although half of them stopped attending due to lack of
time. Two students mentioned that the teaching method did not meet their learning style
and saw no progress as lessons and communication was in English.
During observations of a DELTA trainee’s lessons and short conversations with learners I
realised that the learners were engaged and participated in the lesson with great
enthusiasm and favoured the Communicative approach as students see immediate


The individual learner profiles are based on the questionnaire learners have completed.
Spiros is a middle-aged Greek with basic academic background. According to him, his
English is at basic level although having received English training two hours per week for six
years. He stopped studying due to lack of time.
Joseph is a pensioner from Netherland holding a master degree with a very good level in
English as English is an official second language in Netherland.
Kostas is a Greek middle-aged male who has studied English two hours per week for four
years. The purpose for his English studies was the prospect for a career abroad. The reason
for quitting his English studies were the teaching method and the little progress he made.
Nora, an Armenian student with higher education who attended a language school four
hours per week for three years. She received mostly Grammar-Translation lessons and
Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 1
therefore stopped her English lessons as there was no progress in her speaking which she
considered as a high priority.
Marilena has a Greek origin and holds a university degree. According to Marilena, her level
in English is good but has never received any formal training but probably has studied on
her own nine hours per week for three years driven by her personal interest. Lacking time
to study was the reason to give up.
Eleni is another Greek student with a university degree who has grown up in Toronto up to
the age of ten. She believes that her English level is good because she attended an English
school in Toronto and a language school in Greece.
Kathrin is also Greek who attended 12 years a Greek school and has never received formal
English language training but has studied by herself for two years.
Katy has a Greek/Albanian background who has received twelve years of education.
Influenced by her professional development, she attended a language school for four years
but gave up as the teaching method the trainer applied did not meet her learning style.
Pigi is also Greek who attended a language school for five years for personal reasons.
Nonetheless, she saw little progress and believes that her level is poor. Likewise, both
lessons and the teaching method were boring forced her to give up her studies.

Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 2

To develop upper intermediate students’ vocabulary using adjectives for personality traits
in the career zone.
1. To highlight the pronunciation and stress.
2. To scan a text.
3. To intake new target language
4. To improve students’ communicative skills.

To practise pronunciation and stressing the correct syllable by

listening to the words individually.
To develop students’ ability to scan a text for details and improve
this reading skill.
To enhance their long-term memory through spoken and written
controlled tasks.
To help students become proficient speakers by using the target
language in a free speaking activity.

At the end of the lesson students will be able to use the new target language in a free
1. Students will be able to complete a specific grid correctly. They will hear the new
word and repeat it. Then students will complete a grid which consists of two
columns. In the second column the word will be divided into syllables and in the third
column each syllable will be represented by a circle and the one that is stressed will
be bigger in size.
2. Having read the text carefully, students will be able to underline the words that refer
to a personality trait.

Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 3

3. Students will need to do a matching activity where in the first column there is the
definition and in the second column, the meaning. To enhance long term memory,
the following activity is a gap fill with the new vocabulary.
4. At the end of the lesson, students will have improved their communicative skills and
be able to act out a role play (asking for reference).

Adjectives are formed by adding a suffix to a noun or a verb. This addition can change the
spelling of the noun or the verb. The table below shows the most common suffixes
adjectives have.
Comfort -able Comfortable
Brute -al Brutal
Passion -ate Passionate
Gold -en Golden
Beauty -ful Beautiful
Response -ible Responsible
History -ic Historic
Alphabet -ical Alphabetical
Child -ish Childish
Home -less Homeless
Day -ly Daily
Trouble -some Troublesome
Fame -ous Famous
Wind -y Windy
Retrieved from: https://english.lingolia.com/en/grammar/adjectives-adverbs/making-adjectives


pay -able payable
flex -ible flexible
Create -ive creative
amuse -ed amused
Amuse -ing amusing
Please -ant pleasant
Excel -ent excellent
Freeze -en frozen
Retrieved from: http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/adj-forms.html

In my lesson there will be no specific focus on their formation as a few shared the same
suffix. The suffixes of the adjectives range greatly.
Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 4
This vocabulary is formal and mainly used in a working environment of an educational
institute or to provide a reference letter.
These adjectives can be gradable if they are preceded by a gradable adverb like: very, fairly
or extremely.
Pronunciation and stress will be exploited during the lesson and a fair amount of time will
be devoted without using the phonemic chart so as the lesson will not deviate from its
original aim.

Students have been exposed to similar target language – personality traits – in the past
therefore, I do not expect that not all the vocabulary is totally unknown to them. My
decision to expand this language system for the upper intermediate students is that a great
number of learners might need to employ this vocabulary when a reference letter may be
Having in mind that the following lesson is on a receptive skill – reading – scanning a CV or a
cover letter I am convinced that the introduction of adjectives on personality traits is a wise

1. I believe students know some of the words that will be presented.
2. I expect the known words not to cause any phonological problems.
3. I hope students will be able to identify adjectives in a text.
4. Students will be enthusiastic and motivated according to the questionnaires they
have completed. Students look forward to acquiring new vocabulary as they consider
it as a good foundation of good language knowledge.


Every time I have a lesson, I am prepared in case of unexpected problems that may occur.
Bellow you will find a table with issues that probably arise during my vocabulary lesson with
the upper intermediate class.


Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 5

There is not a steady number of attendees
and do not know the number of photo I will have extra copies available.
copies I need.

The unsteady number of students can The pairing or grouping will be made
change the dynamic of a class and flow of accordingly and the tasks that I will use
the lesson. likewise.

 The time required for students to do

the tasks, especially if they finish  I will have planned for extra activities
earlier than what I have expected. to do.
 If students need more time and I  I will adjust accordingly or set them
realise that I will not be able to do all for homework.
the planned tasks.

The interactive white board (IWB) does not I will have a copy of every slide of the
work. presentation.

The speakers, the computer or IWB do not I will read the text or model the
work and the listening cannot be done. pronunciation task.

Not enough seats for all students as the  Have a few more seats.
flexibility in numbers vary.  Offer my seat.

Make sure before the lesson starts

Classroom temperature may rise.
students are comfortable.

I will try to get to know them before the

lesson otherwise I will introduce them at
I may have new arrivals.
the beginning of the lesson and ask them
to say something about themselves.

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HO 1
To whom it may concern:

Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 7

I highly recommend Ian Tomson as a candidate for employment as a senior teacher. Ian is
currently employed by Aussie language school as an English language teacher since
September 2008 but would like to move to Melbourne High school because he is returning
back to his hometown.

Ian is an efficient, meticulous teacher as he pays great attention to detail. Extremely

competent according to the feedback we have received by his students. His students also
see him as a resourceful teacher who can adapt the lesson to accommodate the class’s
needs and very motivating towards his students.

Ian’s co-workers consider him a flexible colleague willing to take up any responsibility he is
assigned. Being approachable and courteous, he has become one of the most cooperative
staff members and always being cheerful. As an eloquent person with strong
communication skills; being intuitive and insightful likewise, Ian could play the role of a
diplomatic peace maker.

Ian would be an asset for your school and has my highest recommendation. If you have any
further queries regarding his background, please do not hesitate to call me.

Yours sincerely,

Mandy Austin
Director of Studies
Aussie language school
49 Pakis street, Athens, 12398, Greece
Tel: 00302109988761
E-mail: als@gmail.com

Created by Paraskevi Natsika (me).

Divide each word in its syllables (parts).
1 efficient ef·fi·cient
2 meticulous
3 competent
4 resourceful
5 motivating
6 flexible
7 approachable
8 courteous
9 cooperative
10 cheerful
Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 8
11 eloquent
12 intuitive
13 insightful
14 diplomatic

Now stress (you voice goes higher) the syllable as in the first example.
1 efficient ef·fi·cient oOo
2 meticulous me·tic·u·lous
3 competent com·pe·tent
4 resourceful re·source·ful
5 motivating mo·ti·vat·ing,
6 flexible flex·i·ble
7 approachable ap·proach·able
8 courteous cour·te·ous
9 cooperative co·op·er·a·tive
10 cheerful cheer·ful
11 eloquent el·o·quent
12 intuitive in·tu·i·tive
13 insightful in·sight·ful
14 diplomatic dip·lo·mat·ic
Created by Paraskevi Natsika (me) based on the information I acquired from:

HO 3
Match the definition (left column) with its meaning (right column). The first one has been
done for you.
Someone who is:
ability to find quick and clever ways to
1 efficient c a
overcome difficulties.
2 meticulous b friendly and easy to talk to.
capable of achieving maximum productivity
3 competent c
with minimum use of time, and effort.
4 resourceful d polite and showing good manners.
5 motivating e able or has the skills to do something well.
6 flexible f able to encourage and make you feel
Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 9
determined or enthusiastic about doing
working or acting together willingly with
7 approachable g
others for a common purpose or benefit.
very careful and with great attention to
8 courteous h
every detail.
having or showing an ability to deal with
9 cooperative i people in a sensitive way that does not
cause offence.
able to know or understand something
10 cheerful j because of feelings rather than facts or
expressing what he/she mean using clear
11 eloquent k
and appropriate language.
12 intuitive l in an optimistic mood, in good spirits.
showing a very good understanding of a
13 insightful m
person or a complicated situation.
easily persuaded or influenced to make
14 diplomatic n changes or deal with a situation that is
Created by Paraskevi Natsika (me). Definitions retrieved from: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/insightful ,
https://www.thefreedictionary.com/insightful , https://www.oxforddictionaries.com/ , https://dictionary.cambridge.org/

HO 4
Complete the gaps with the correct word.

efficient, meticulous, competent, resourceful, motivating, flexible, approachable,

courteous, cooperative, cheerful, eloquent, intuitive, insightful, diplomatic

1. The …………………………. surgeon never made a mistake.

2. The students proved to be very …………………………. without electricity.
3. Susan is very …………………………, she'll go along with anything.
4. You should be …………………………. even if someone is rude to you.
5. The teacher thanked the students for their …………………………. help.
6. Javier is………………………….; he can always read a situation correctly.
7. Our employees are expected to be …………………………. and maintain client
8. Thanks to the …………………………. attitudes of the students, the event was a huge
9. Jerry was very …………………………., and always gave good advice.
10.She's a very …………………………. teacher and popular with her students.
11.He's very …………………………. and will usually give you a quick yes or no.
Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 10
12.This is one of the few areas in which government taxation actually leads to a more
…………………………. outcome.
13.…………………………. students to work harder is ever teacher’s responsibility.
14.A successful politician needs to be an …………………………. speaker.
Created by Paraskevi Natsika (me). Sentences retrieved from: http://www.wordreference.com/engr/supervisor

HO 5
Work in pairs. Your partner has the words that are missing in your crossword puzzle and
you have your partner’s. Your partner needs to give you the meaning or an example of the
word. Take turns.
Created by Paraskevi Natsika (me) using the website: http://halfacrossword.com/activity/print/wrksht1.php

Gairns, R. & Redman, S. (1998). Working with words. Cambridge, UK: CUP
Thornbury, S. (2002). How to teach vocabulary. Harlow Essex: Pearson Education Limited
Lewis, M. (2008). Implementing the lexical Approach. Andover, Hampshire: Heinle

Based on my teaching experience, I decided to teach vocabulary and specifically adjectives
– personality traits as this system is considered to be one of the most important ones.
According to Thornbury’s (2002:13) quote ‘Without grammar very little can be conveyed,
without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed’ which I firmly identify and have personally
experienced with my family.
This lesson will not only expand their vocabulary employing previous knowledge but also
use it as a spring board. Lewis (2008:51) reports that learners need to see and use the
target language at least seven times before saying they are competent users. Thus,
exposing learners to previous language – personality traits, enhance their long-term
memory quicker and sooner. It provides learners with the opportunity to encounter some
of the previous knowledge and improve their retention by recalling the intaken vocabulary.
The fact that there are no concrete rules in adjective formation and numerous suffixes that
are added to verbs and nouns makes acquisition harder. Due to this difficulty, I’ve created
my own tasks and adjusted them to the learners’ needs where the input procedure would
be easier for both teacher and learners. These tasks will motivate and cognitively challenge
learners in their participation. In this way, learners will be exposed to the new vocabulary
repeatedly and consolidate the maximum of the input.
The tasks used in this lesson employ skills like reading, writing and speaking likewise
pronunciation. I begin the lesson with controlled practice move to semi-controlled tasks
and climaxing practice with personalised tasks. I will try to recycle the target language so
learners will fully acquire it (Lewis, 2008:49).
Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 11
Initially, I focus on identification – underling the adjectives that describe a person. This task
not only provides the context but also fosters learners with audio and visual learning style.
Learners listen to the text and concurrently look at the word.
The second and third task highlight syllabification and thereby in correct pronunciation. In
this stage, learners acquire a technique how to divide the word into its syllables and where
the stress is. These two tasks not only practice stressing but also promotes autonomous
studying outside the classroom as learners keep a record.
As the lesson proceeds, learners are expected to apply their reading skills, for example
inferring the meaning from the content of the reference letter and do the matching activity
(definitions – meanings) which also foster learners’ autonomous studying. The gap-fill task
caters learners with a kinaesthetic learning style; prepares learners for the following tasks;
enhances long-term memory; checks understanding and raises awareness to teacher and
learners and revealing learners’ weaknesses.
To light-hearten the lesson but not deviate from my aims, learners will need to complete a
crossword puzzle. Having learners do a cognitive task involving receptive and productive
skills – speaking, listen, writing and reading – the chance to consolidate the target language
in a fun way is high.
In the last stage, the task is personalised and this is said to be the most effective way as
learners will be exposed to an experience which is highly probable and learners are
interested in more real-life situations and communicative tasks.

Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 12

WARM-UP T shows slide 1 and asks Ss: Ss look at the slide and recall any To activate schemata. T -> Ss Slide 1 on 2’
Have you seen this title before? personal experience related to the To motivate Ss and set the Pair work IWB
Where have you seen it? visuals. context.
What do you expect to find? Ss share ideas in pairs and
exchange experience.
FEEDBACK T invites Ss to reply to her questions. Ss report their ideas. To elicit background Ss - > T Slide 1 on 1’
knowledge. IWB
SETTING T reminds Ss of a lesson they had with Ss listen to T and respond to T’s To connect with Katy’s T < - > Ss 1’
CONTEXT Katy and how it is relevant to today’s questions. lesson.
lesson. To set the context.
Do you remember Katy, your T from N.
Do you remember the lesson you had
with her regarding jobs?
Do you remember what you had to write
at the end of the lesson?
PRESENTATION T informs Ss about the aims of the Ss listen to the T. To motivate Ss. T - > Ss WB 2’
OF TOPIC lesson and writes them on the board. Ss look at the IWB. To lower Ss affective filters. Slide 2 on
T shows Slide 2, a sample of the target To prepare Ss for the next IWB
language. stage, to read for gist (skim).
SKIMMING T requests Ss to skim the reference Ss listen to the instructions and To skim the letter. T - > Ss Slide 2 on 2’
TEXT letter individually and asks ICQs to check respond to T’s ICQs. To expose Ss to the new Individually IWB
if Ss know what they are going to do. Ss skim the letter individually. target language. HO1
Are you going to read quickly the letter?
Are you going to focus on every word
you ready?
Do you want to get the main idea of the
letter OR do you want to know every
Are you going to work in pairs?
T sets time limit for the task.
Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 13
I’ll stop you when time is up, you just
focus on the letter.
T gives Ss HO1.
COMPREHENSIO T invites Ss to tell her what is the Ss give their answer. To check Ss reading T < - > Ss Slide 2 on 1’
N CHECK purpose of the letter. comprehension competency. IWB
Why did Mandy write the letter? To teach a study skill and
How do you know? confirm the answer.
T highlights the sentence.
SCANNING TEXT T calls Ss to scan the same letter, Ss listen to the instructions and To scan the letter and T - > Ss Slide 2 on 5’
underline words that describe Ian. respond to T’s ICQs. underline adjectives. Individually IWB
Ss are requested to work individually. Ss imitate T and underline the To motivate Ss to read the HO 1
T gives the number of words that need same word so as to have a record letter.
to be underlined (14). of what they need to do. To engage Ss cognitively.
T asks ICQs to make sure Ss have Ss scan the letter individually.
understood the instructions.
Are you going to read carefully the
What are you going to underline?
How many words are there?
Are you going to work in pairs?
T models an example.
T sets time limit for the task.
T monitors.
PEER TEACHING T gets Ss to collaborate and check if they Ss work in pairs and check their To engage weak Ss in the Pair work HO 1 2’
have underlined the same words. answers. learning process.
T sets time limit for the task. To promote peer teaching.
To lower weak/shy Ss’
effective filters.
IDENTIFYING T elicits Ss answers and highlights them Ss provide their answers. To check and confirm any T < - > Ss Slide 2 on 3’
THE TARGET on the IWB. wrong answers. IWB
LANGUAGE To praise Ss and build their HO 1
SYLLABIFICATION T shows Ss how to use their fists to Ss pay attention to the T showing To practice syllabification. T < - > Ss Slide 3 on 10’
count the number of syllables in each them a new technique on how to To prepare Ss for the next Pair work IWB
word. find the number of syllables. task. HO 2a
T demonstrates the first word and Ss imitate T in syllabification by Ss become autonomous
Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 14
shows how Ss should do it. using their fists. readers.
T invites Ss to imitate her by doing the Ss respond to T’s ICQs.
same with the first word. Ss work in pairs.
T shows slide 3, a grid with the words
that were underlined in the letter and
asks Ss to divide each word in its
T then points to the grid and how to
note the division of the word into its
The first one is already done for them.
T asks ICQs.
Are you going to divide the word in its
What are you going to use to help you?
Where are you going to write it?
T sets time limit and gives HO 2a.
T monitors and keeps notes.
FEEDBACK T invites Ss to give their answers and Ss present their answers and ask To give Ss feedback and T < - > Ss Slide 3 on 2’
correct any mistakes. questions, for clarification if correct any mistakes. IWB
T shows answers on the IWB and replies needed. HO 2a
to any questions.
IDENTIFYING T asks Ss to listen carefully to the Ss listen to T presenting the To develop listening skills. T < - > Ss Slide 4 on 5’
STRESSED pronunciation of the words. procedure of the task. To practice listening for IWB
SYLLABLES T uses merriam-webster.com for the Ss answer to T’s ICQs. details. HO 2b
listening. Ss listen carefully to the words and To prepare Ss for the next
T demonstrates how the stressed complete the grid accordingly. task.
syllable is noted.
T shows slide 4, a grid were Ss need to
complete the 3rd column with the
stressed syllable.
T informs Ss that they will hear each
word twice.
T asks ICQs.
Are you going to listen to the word first?
How many times are you going to hear

Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 15

the word?
How are you going to show which
syllable is stressed?
T checks if Ss can hear the speakers.
Can you all hear?
T gives HO 2b.
PRONUNCIATION T asks Ss to repeat after her the words Ss answer T’s ICQs. To improve pronunciation. T < - > Ss Slide 4 on 2’
PRACTICE with the help of the grid in a Ss repeat with synchronisation To articulate the words Plenary IWB
synchronised way. after the T with the help of the properly. HO 2b
T asks ICQs. grid. To develop speaking skills.
Are you going to repeat after me?
What are you going to look at?
BUILDING T shows slide 5 and asks Ss to match the Ss reply to T’s ICQs. To check if Ss understood the T < - > Ss Slide 5 on 5’
VOCABULARY / definitions of the new vocabulary with Ss initially work individually and meaning of the new Individual IWB
UNDERSTANDING the meanings. then check their work in pairs. vocabulary. work HO 3
DEFINITIONS T informs Ss that some words are To build Ss vocabulary. Pair work
familiar and others are not. T advises Ss To discourage use of
regarding the new words to look in the dictionary.
letter’s content and guess the meaning. Pair work helps to alleviate
T asks ICQs. pressure from weak/shy Ss.
If you don’t know the word what will Peer teaching is more
you do? effective.
T asks Ss to work individual and then
compare their answers.
T gives HO 3 and sets time limit.
FEEDBACK T invites Ss to provide her with their Ss give their answers and correct To confirm the correct T < - > Ss Slide 5 on 2’
answers. any mistakes they may have. answers. IWB
T shows answers on IWB. Ss ask for clarification on their To correct the wrong HO 3
T answers to any queries Ss may have. queries. answers.
To praise Ss for their effort
and build their confidence.
ENHANCING T shows slide 6, a gap-fill task; Ss need Ss work individually at first and To engage Ss cognitively. T < - > Ss Slide 6 on 5’
LONG-TERM to complete sentences with the words compare their answers when To check Ss understanding. Pair work IWB
MEMORY provided. finished. To enhance long-term. HO 4
T asks ICQs. To expose Ss once more to
Are you going to use your own words? the target language.

Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 16

What are you going to do with the To provide controlled
words in the box? practice of the target
T asks Ss initially to work individually language.
and when finished compare their To reinforce vocabulary.
T gives HO 4 and sets time limit.
T monitors.
FEEDBACK T invites Ss to provide her with their Ss give their answers and correct To confirm answers and T < - > Ss Slide 6 on 2’
answers. any mistakes they may have. correct any mistakes. IWB
T shows answers on IWB. Ss ask for clarification on their HO 4
T answers to any queries Ss may have. queries.
CONTROLLED T shows slide 7, a crossword puzzle; Ss focus on the instructions. To practice T < - > Ss Slide 7 on 10’
PRACTICE each puzzle is completed by half. Ss participate in the T’s speaking/writing/listening Pair work IWB
T explains to Ss that the word that is presentation. skills. HO 5
missing is in their partner’s puzzle. Their Ss answer to T’s ICQs. To provide an opportunity to
partner has to give the definition or an Ss collaborate and use HO 3 when recall the new vocabulary in
example so they can complete the needed. a more cognitive manner so
puzzle. You can use HO 3 to help you. as to retain the maximum of
T asks Ss to take turns. the target language.
T models the task with the help of the To practice vocabulary in a
Ss. fun way.
T asks ICQs.
To complete your puzzle, what are you
going to do?
Is your partner going to tell you or spell
the word?
What is your partner going to tell you?
If you don’t know the word what are you
going to do?
Are you taking turns?
T gives Ss HO 5 and sets time limit.
When Ss are finished they check their
T monitors and facilitates where
PERSONALISED T shows slide 8, setting the context of a Ss are engaged in a role play (a To personalise the task. T < - > Ss Slide 8 on 5’

Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 17

PRACTICE role play (Student and future employer) highly potential situation) and act To use the new vocabulary in Pair work IWB
and assigns roles to Ss. it out. a free speaking task.
Ss are in pairs and one is the Students To develop communicative
providing reference and the other the skills.
future employer asking for reference.
T asks ICQs.
Ss who are Students, put your hand up!
Ss who are future employers, stand up!
Students, are you giving information?
Future employers, are you asking
T monitors.
AUTONOMOUS T shows slide 9; websites where Ss can Ss note down websites if they are To promote autonomous T < - > Ss Slide 9 on 1’
LEARNING learn and practice adjectives of interested learning. IWB
personality traits and tips for reference

Diagnostic lesson plan PARASKEVI NATSIKA pg. 18

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