Jurnal Rheumatoid

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Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

Volume 4,, No
Nomor 2, December 2019, Hal. 167-176
ISSN 2502
2502-4825 (print), ISSN 2502-9495 (online)

Nonpharmacological management on reducing rheumatoid arthritis

pain in the elderly: studies in social rehabilitation services unit of
elderly in Garut West Java

Neng Husna Saida1; Setiawan2; Iwan Shalahuddin3*)

1, 2, 3*
University of Padjadjaran Bandung


The elderly often undergo pain, the nature and level of pain
Article history: varies from mild to severe. Handling or non-pharmacological
Received August 02, 2019 treatment at this time is quite varied, ranging from simple
Revised August 31, 2019 methods such as distraction and relaxation to warm compresses.
Accepted September 22, 2019 This research aims to determine the picture of non- non
logical treatment in reducing the pain of rheumatoid
arthritis in the elderly. The method used is descriptive
Keyword: quantitative. Samples were obtained with a total sampling of 30
Non-Pharmacological Treatment respondents used as a research sample to determine the
Pain description of nonpharmacologicalogical treatment in reducing
Rheumatoid Arthritis
atheistic rheumatoid pain in the elderly. The results of this
research illustrate that the elderly who experience arthritis
*) corresponding author rheumatoid pain are mild pain levels as much as 2 respondents
(6.7%), moderate pain 16 respondents (53.3%),
3%), severe pain as
Lecturer of Nursing Faculty many as 12 respondents (40.0%). The most non-pharmacological
University of Padjadjaran Bandung treatment efforts are doing Distraction, Masasse, Physical
Jl. Proklamasi No. 5 Tarogong Kabupaten activity, and compressing as many as 18 people (60.0%).
Garut Jawa Barat 44151 Conclusion of nonpharmacological treatment to reduce the pain
of rheumatoid arthritis in the elderly is by way of distraction,
Email: shalahuddin@unpad.ac.id
relaxation, physical activity, masasse and compresses. The
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30604/jika.v4i2.215 caretaker is expected to pay more attention to the handling that
will be used to reduce pain.

This is an open access article under the CC–BY

BY-SA license.

Website: https://aisyah.journalpress.id/index.php/jika/
Email: jurnal.aisyah@gmail.com
Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 4(2), December 2019, – 168
Neng Husna Saida; Setiawan; Iwan Shalahuddin

Old age is an age group that is respected lifestyle and decreased use of the
according to the knowledge and experience musculoskeletal system and results in the
they experience. At this age group is a human occurrence of Rheumatoid Arthritis.
resource, potential and useful for the Musculoskeletal disorders that often occur in
development of life in the community but the elderly one of which is rheumatoid
naturally the group in this group experiences arthritis (Santosa & et al., 2016).
physical, biological, mental or social Rheumatoid Arthritis is a common
setbacks. In the elderly, the course of the autoimmune disease and has a worldwide
disease is often found and has its own prevalence with a rate of 0.5el%, this
characteristics that are chronic, more severe condition can be debilitating and painful in
and what is often found is heart and blood the joints and can cause patients to lose
vessel disease, cancer and other degenerative function and mobilize the substance (Cho et
diseases as a result of the aging process they al., 2018).
experience (Riskesdas, 2013).
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a systemic
Based on population projection data in 2017, inflammatory state that results in synovitis,
there are 23.66 million people (9.03%) of which is inflammation of the synovial
elderly people in Indonesia. The prediction of membrane (the tissue that lines the joints also
the number of elderly population that will protects the joint) and causes pain. Pain
come in 2020 is estimated at (27.08 million), disorders in the elderly can occur due to
in 2025 (33.69 million), in 2030 (40.95 rheumatism, and the need for treatment, both
million) and in 2035 (48.19 million). (RI pharmacologically and non-
Ministry of Health, 2017). pharmacologically (Hewlett et al, 2011).
The elderly population in West Java in 2017 The incidence of rheumatoid arthritis reached
is 4.16 million people, while in 2015 the 335 million people is quite high and large
elderly population is 3.77 million people, and both in developed and developing countries.
it is estimated that in 2021 the elderly In 2025 the estimated incidence will increase
population in West Java is 5.07 million and more than 25% will experience paralysis
people or 10.04% of the total population in due to damage to the bones and joints.
West Java. So this condition shows that West According to the World Health Organization
Java has entered the aging population (WHO), the incidence of rheumatism in 2012
(Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, reached 20% of the world's population who
2017). have been affected by rheumatism, where 5-
Based on data obtained at the Garut Elderly 10% are those with 5-20 years of age and
Social Rehabilitation Institution, in August 20% are those with 55 years of age
2018 the prevalence of the elderly in the (Manzahri, 2015) .
Garut Elderly Social Rehabilitation Pain is a subjective sensory and unpleasant
Institution was 75 elderly people consisting emotional experience associated with damage
of 43 elderly women and 32 men, with the to the tissue that is actual, potential and can
number of elderly people suffering from be felt when the events occur damage
arthritis. Rheumatoid which is 30 people. (Ardiazis D, 2016). Treatment of rheumatism
Physical changes in the elderly one of which can be done by prioritizing pain control,
is musculoskeletal disorders where the minimizing joint damage, and increasing
musculature in the elderly with the age of quality of life. Pharmacological therapy can
around 40 years begins to decline, and begins be used in the treatment of rheumatism such
to decline rapidly when the age of 60 years. as using analgesics, and corticosteroids
Loss of muscle strength can be caused by (Hikmatyar G & Larasati TA, 2017).

Copyright © 2019, Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

ISSN 2502-4825 (print), ISSN 2502-9495 (online)
Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 4(2), December 2019, – 169
Neng Husna Saida; Setiawan; Iwan Shalahuddin

Non-pharmacological therapy can be done When conducting a preliminary research,

with a touch of therapeutic, relaxation, researchers also conducted interviews with
distraction, and warm water therapy. Non- several elderly people who have rheumatic
pharmacological management has advantages problems and asked for efforts to manage
and disadvantages although the benefits are pain differently from one elderly to another.
the same as pain relievers, various attempts The interview results of 5 elderly people out
are made to reduce the pain of rheumatoid of 10 said that efforts to manage pain
arthritis, both pharmacologically and experienced by always taking anti-pain
nonpharmacologically (Cunningham NR & medication given by the officers and never
Kashikar-Zuck S, 2013). Pharmacological made efforts that were non-pharmacological.
management is indeed more effective than Nurses in the old social rehabilitation service
nonpharmacology, but pharmacological unit in Garut Regency said that there was no
methods are more expensive and potentially non-pharmacological treatment by nurses for
have adverse effects. While non- the elderly.
pharmacological methods are cheap, simple,
avoid polypharmacy and without adverse
effects. Nonpharmacological methods can METHOD
also control the pain (Phonna CD, 2014). The research method used is descriptive
The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis focuses quantitative. The variable in this research is
on how to control pain, reduce joint damage the handling of non-pharmacology in dealing
and quality of life of patients. Handling itself with atheistic rheumatoid pain in the elderly
can include pharmacological therapies in the social rehabilitation service unit of the
(drugs) such as analgesics and non- elderly in arrowroot. The number of
pharmacological measures such as respondents in this research was 30 elderly.
therapeutic touch, deep breathing, distraction, Using total sampling techniques.
massase, physical activity and warm In this research, the research instrument used
compress therapy (Satriana V & Dewi E, was a statement questionnaire sheet
2016). contained in the questionnaire consisting of
Another research which states that deep demographic data in the form: name / initial,
breathing relaxation techniques can be used age, education, parity, age, and pain scale
to reduce the level of pain in the elderly who using NRS (Numeric Rating Scale) (Lucia
have rheumatoid arthritis, from the results of Evi I, 2008).
the research stated that of the 32 elderly The research instrument used consisted of 18
studied almost half of the respondents questions regarding non-pharmacological
experienced mild pain levels as many as 20 actions that were made by themselves with
elderly (62.5%) after it was done deep reference to the theory put forward by
breathing relaxation techniques (Armi Y & Zakiyah (2015). In this research instrument
Susanti E, 2015). the validity test was conducted on 30
Researchers conducted a preliminary respondents with a total of 18 questions using
research that was conducted at the Garut the Guttman scale. The results of the validity
District Elderly Rehabilitation Service Unit, test with the lowest score of 0.403 and the
on December 13, 2018 after an interview highest score of 0.817. The value of r count is
with one of the health workers at the Garut 0.361 with an error rate of 5%. Reliable test
Elderly Rehabilitation Social Home, data on results using Cronbach alpha is 0.756.
the number of elderly people in August Data analysis uses univariate to describe the
totaling 75 elderly, from the frequency of handling done by the elderly. Presenting a
illness which mostly affects the elderly, 30 group of data in the form of a percentage of
people suffer from rheumatic diseases. the frequency distribution regarding non-

Nonpharmacological management on reducing rheumatoid arthritis pain in the elderly......

Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 4(2), December 2019, – 170
Neng Husna Saida; Setiawan; Iwan Shalahuddin

pharmacological treatment in reducing RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

rheumatoid arthritis pain seen from items in
each domain, the percentage is calculated The results of this research will explain the
using the formula of the number of results of the research and discussion of the
respondents according to the category picture of nonpharmacological treatment in
divided by the total number of respondents dealing with atheistic rheumatoid pain in the
then multiplied by 100% until the result of elderly in the arrowroot elderly rehabilitation
the percentage "Doing" and "Not doing" from service unit. The results of the research are
the item. presented in tabular form that illustrates the
frequency distribution.

Table 1
Frequency Distribution Based on Respondent Characteristics

Characteristics Frequency(f) Percentage (%)

60-74 21 70.0
75-90 9 30.0
Male 11 36.7
Female 19 63.3
SD 19 63.3
SLTP 8 26.7
SLTA 3 10.0
Total 30 100

Based on table 1 it is known that the 60-74 years was 21 (70.0%), education level
characteristics of the respondents who were the majority of respondents had an
sampled in this research by sex were mostly elementary school education of 19
female by 19 respondents (63.3%), the respondents (63.3%).
average age of almost all respondents aged
Table 2
Frequency Distribution of Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Degrees in the Elderly in Garut General Hospital
Service Unit

Pain Degrees Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Mild 2 6.7
Moderate 16 53.3
Severe 12 40.0
Total 30 100

Based on the table 2 it can be seen that the degrees as many as 16 respondents (53.3%)
results of the research of the respondents who and almost half of the respondents were in
became the sample of this research, the severe pain degrees as many as 12
majority of respondents had moderate pain respondents (40.0%).

Copyright © 2019, Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

ISSN 2502-4825 (print), ISSN 2502-9495 (online)
Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 4(2), December 2019, – 171
Neng Husna Saida; Setiawan; Iwan Shalahuddin

Table 3
Frequency Distribution of Non-pharmacological Arthritis Rheumatoid Pain Management

Pain Management Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Do not 15 50.0
Do 15 50.0
Do not 12 40.0
Do 18 60.0
Do not 12 40.0
Do 18 60.0
Physical Activity
Do not 12 40.0
Do 18 60.0
Do not 12 40.0
Do 18 60.0
Total 30 100

Based on the table 3 it can be seen that the not doing as many as 12 respondents
results of the research of the respondents who (40.0%), handling with masasse most of the
became the sample of this research, from respondents do it as many as 18 respondents
handling using relaxation some of the (60.0%) physical activity most of the
respondents did it as many as 15 respondents respondents do it as much as 18 respondents
(50.0%) handling distraction most of the (60.0%) and handling compresses themselves
respondents did as many as 18 respondents most of the respondents do it as many as 18
(60.0%) almost half of the respondents did people (60.0% ).

Table 4
Frequency distribution of efforts to manage rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoid arthritis pain scale
Mild pain 1-4 Mrate pain 5-6 Severe Pain 7-10
Efforts to manage
f % f % f %
Relaxation 0 0 9 60.0 6 40.0
Distracion 2 11.1 6 33.3 10 55.6
Massase 0 0 12 66.7 6 33.3
Phycal Activty 2 11.1 11 61.1 5 27.8
Compress 1 5.6 12 66.7 5 27.8

Description of efforts to manage arthritis pain According to the results of the research, the
with pain scale Based on table 4. the handling done by the elderly in the Garut
frequency distribution of efforts to treat General Hospital service unit that as many as
atheith rheumatoid pain that the elderly who 15 respondents relax, 18 respondents distract,
experienced mild pain a small part made 18 respondents do masasse like smearing
efforts to compress by 1 (5.6%), moderate with balm, 18 respondents do physical
pain some respondents made an effort using activity, and 18 respondents do compress.
massases and compresses as many as 12 Most respondents made efforts to manage
(66.7%), severe pain most of the respondents
pain by using distraction techniques by
made an effort to treat with distraction that is diverting attention by listening to music and
10 (55.6%).
watching TV as many as 18 respondents.

Nonpharmacological management on reducing rheumatoid arthritis pain in the elderly......

Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 4(2), December 2019, – 172
Neng Husna Saida; Setiawan; Iwan Shalahuddin

This is in accordance with research arthritis patients (Sartika DD & Widastra

conducted on the elderly in nursing homes in NM, 2009).
East Surabaya that before performing Maintaining and improving the functional
keroncong music therapy there are 14 elderly status of the elderly can be done such as
who experience moderate pain and 3 elderly preventive and promotive actions in the form
experience severe pain and after doing of physical exercise to improve fitness, the
keroncong music therapy there are 11 elderly elderly with rheumatism can be improved
people experiencing mild pain and 6 elderly functional status by reducing pain using
people experiencing no pain pain, then gestures such as rheumatism exercises
keroncong music therapy can influence the (Saifudin DM, 2017).
reduction of rheumatic pain (Nasrullah et al,
2016). The results of this research note that 60.0%
of the elderly do physical activity such as
The results of other studies state that those gymnastics and 40.0% of the elderly do not
who listen to music have less pain compared do physical activity. These results indicate
to those who sit with and don't listen to music that the majority of respondents perform
(R McCaffrey et al, 2003). physical activities such as gymnastics to
According to the results of research that reduce pain.
supports the research by stating that Other studies conducted on the effect of
distraction is a technique of switching from rheumatic exercises on the reduction of
the focus of attention to pain to another rheumatic pain in the elderly. This research
stimulus. Distraction can reduce pain, reduce shows that before doing gymnastics the
pain perception by stimulating the elderly who experienced moderate pain were
descending system resulting in less pain 13 respondents (81.25%) and 3 respondents
stimulation transmitted to the brain (Zakiyah (18.75%) experienced severe pain. After
A, 2015). doing rheumatic exercises respondents who
Deep-breathing relaxation techniques can experienced moderate pain were 12
calm the mind and body and can stretch respondents (75%) and severe pain as many
muscles that are aching due to rheumatoid as 4 respondents (25%) (Afnuhazi R, 2018).
arthritis pain without using painkillers (Dyas Pain reduction that occurs is influenced by
AP, 2018). the response of respondents who are different
The results of this research indicate that the when performed rheumatic exercises, pain
handling done by the elderly in reducing the reduction is also influenced by several
pain of rheumatoid arthritis by means of factors, namely a person's experience of pain
relaxation by 15 respondents. In accordance and how to overcome it (Andriani M, 2016).
with the results of previous studies which Based on the results of research that says that
stated that before breathing relaxation exercise and participation in regular physical
techniques were performed in the average activity are generally recommended for
respondents experienced pain 4.94, median 5 adults with rheumatic diseases and
and standard deviation of 1,056 and after musculoskeletal pain. The American College
breathing relaxation in showing that the pain of Rheumatology and the American Pain
scale on 18 respondents 100% showed a Society recommend physical exercise to
decrease in pain, on average the pain drops reduce pain (Sembiring RI, 2017).
by 1.33, the median is 1 and the standard Warm compresses, heat energy that is lost or
deviation is 0.485. and it can be concluded enters the body through the skin in four ways
that deep breathing relaxation techniques are conduction, radiation convection and
effective for reducing pain in rheumatoid evaporation can reduce pain because with a
warm compress will expedite blood

Copyright © 2019, Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

ISSN 2502-4825 (print), ISSN 2502-9495 (online)
Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 4(2), December 2019, – 173
Neng Husna Saida; Setiawan; Iwan Shalahuddin

circulation and reduce muscle tension so that CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS

it will reduce pain (Nauli Rahmawati, Intan, Based on the results of research conducted on
2018). The results of this research indicate the elderly in the Garut General Hospital
that some respondents compressed 18 Service Unit it can be concluded that the
respondents (60.0%). majority of elderly people experience
Research conducted by Doliarnido, et al moderate pain as much as 16 (53.3%), almost
(2018) states that before warm compresses half of the elderly experience mild pain as
are performed, the average respondent many as 12 (40.0%) and a small proportion
experiences pain 5.5, median 5, and standard of respondents experience severe pain 2
deviation of 1.505, after applying warm (6.7%).
compresses the average respondent The handling efforts that are often done by
experiences pain 3.67, median 3 and standard the elderly are handling nonpharmacology
deviation 1,029. with relaxation techniques as much as 15
From these data shows that after a warm (50.0%), which distracts as many as 18
compress was done the respondents (60.0%), Massase 18 (60.0%), physical
experienced a decrease in pain scale. activity as much as 18 (60.0%) and those that
Andriani (2016), before doing warm do the handling with compresses of 18
compresses, most of the elderly experienced (60%).
arthritis rheumatoid pain with 4-6 pain Treatment based on the pain scale, elderly
intensity as much as 85%, and after warm with mild pain scale 1-4 can reduce pain by
compresses the average value of pain handling Distraction and Physical Activity as
intensity was 2.95 (mild pain) and the elderly much (11.1%), elderly with moderate pain
expressed more and feel the level of intervals scale 5-6 as much as using Massase and
1-3 (mild), from which it can be interpreted compresses in reducing pain as much
after a warm compress the elderly experience (66.7%) , and the elderly with severe pain 7-
mild pain compared to moderate pain. 10 by using distraction as much (55.6%).
The role of the nurse as the provider of It is expected that the elderly who do their
nursing care must be given more attention own handling to deal with pain in a non-
and optimized. After doing this research, pharmacological manner can continue to do
nurses and institutions are also expected to be so and get more education from nurses or
able to provide nursing non-pharmacological institutions.
treatments in addition to pharmacology. The
things that can be done by nurses or It is hoped that nurses will be able to improve
institutions such as proper relaxation training, and increase education on efforts to manage
proper distraction, correct masasse training, atheist rheumatoid pain in the elderly, and it
conducting guidance in carrying out physical is hoped that nurses can provide education on
activities correctly non-pharmacological pain management
appropriately, through training in how to
It is expected that nurses and institutions are masasse to reduce arthritis rheumatoid pain,
able to provide direction and appropriate guidance on how to perform distraction and
health education in pain management in relaxation techniques that are appropriate.
addition to using pharmacology, it is Correct and Note that the elderly always
necessary to have activities or maximize follow rheumatic exercises to reduce the pain
activities so that the elderly can handle pain of rheumatoid arthritis.
as recommended by nurses and institutions.

Nonpharmacological management on reducing rheumatoid arthritis pain in the elderly......

Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 4(2), December 2019, – 174
Neng Husna Saida; Setiawan; Iwan Shalahuddin


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Nonpharmacological management on reducing rheumatoid arthritis pain in the elderly......

Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 4(2), December 2019, – 176
Neng Husna Saida; Setiawan; Iwan Shalahuddin

Copyright © 2019, Jurnal Aisyah: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

ISSN 2502-4825 (print), ISSN 2502-9495 (online)

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