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NAME: Chicaiza Chicaiza Bryan Stalin

CLASS: 6th level E2

DATE: February 5th, 2021

Controversial Issues

(Unit 9, page 101)

A. Grammar Practice Complete each statement by choosing the correct form of the

nouns and verbs.

1. Our (advice/advices) to you (is/are) to avoid discussing politics.

2. (Poverty/The poverty) (was/were) the topic of the international conference.

3. Both candidates have programs for (the health/health) and (educations/education).

4. Making (peace/the peace) takes a lot of (work/works) and a long time.

5. Good news (is/are) hard to find in the newspaper these days.

B. Grammar Practice Correct the errors

Here’s some political informations information about the election. The good news are is both

candidates have programs for the education. The liberal candidates, Bill Slate, says financial

helps for the schools are a question of the justice. The poverty Poverty has affected the quality

of the schools, and students from schools in poor areas don’t have a success. Joanna Clark, the

conservative candidate, disagrees. She believes a progress has been made by investing in the
teacher education. Her advices are advice is to keep the old policy. “Creating better schools

takes the time and a patience”, she says

Complete each sentence with the correct form of each noun.

1. The government has made progress with the economic situation.

2. They’re give a lot of importance to marking the banks stable.

3. Unfortunately, a radical changed the law.

4. Peace can only come if people stop making war.

5. Moderates don’t favor extreme change.

6. He’s a reactionary who would like to outlaw freedom of speech.

7. If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be to vote.

8. If more people don’t find work, people will elect a different president.

9. Some governments are more liberal than others.

10. It’s impossible to end all poverty.

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