Times: 35 Minutes 30 Questions Question 1 Through 30 Are Based On The Following Passage Passage 1

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Times : 35 Minutes

30 Questions

Question 1 through 30 are based on the following passage

Passage 1 :
Working long hours at a computer cause eyestrain. A letter to the New England Journal of
Medicine provides one explanation for the problem.
Japanese researches studied some 50 office workers who spen an average of three hours a
day at computer. Since the blinking keep’s eyes moist---thus reducing strain--- the researches
counted blinking rates under different conditions.
The workers average 22 blinks a minute while relaxed, ten blinks a minute while reading a
book, and just seven a minute while reading at a computer screen. While reading our eyes
open wider which meant moisture evaporated more quickly. If you work at a computer screen,
close periodically, that spreads a tear film and rest your eyes. And remembers to blinks more
1. The suitable title for the text is...
A. New England Journal of medicine
B. Japanese Researcher
C. Computer and Office Workers
D. Computer and eyestrain

2. Which of the following statements is the function of blinking eyes ?

A. cause eyestrain
B. make eyes open wider
C. clue eyes periodically
D. keeps eyes moist

3. Working long hours at a computer can cause eyestrain, because...

A. workers spend about 3 hours a day at a computer.
B. Our eyes open wider while reading at a computer screen.
C. We close our eyes periodically.
D. The moisture evaporates quickly.

4. Why do we need to blind more often ? Because...

A. blinking can reduce strain
B. we work at a computer
C. our eyes open wider
D. moisture evaporates more quickly

5. The main idea of paragraph 3 is...

A. Working at a computer and eyestrain
B. Workers averaged 22 blinks a minutes
C. Suggestions for reducing eyestrain
D. Blinking rates under different conditions
Passage 2 :
A tapeworm is a parasite that lives in the intestines of humans an animals. Some
tapeworms attach themselves to the intestinal wall by means of suckers in their heads. Other
float freely in the intestines and absorb food through the walls of their bodies.
A tapeworms consist of numerous segments. When a new segment forms, the older ones
move to the back of the animal. Each segment forms, the older ones move to the back of the
animal. Each segments contain hermaphroditic sexual organs (that is, male and female
organs). The uterus of each segment fills with eggs, which develop into embryos. Generally,
when the eggs are ready to hatch, the segments breaks off and is eliminated through the host’s
excretory system. These embryos hatch, develop into larvae, and grow to adults only if
ingested by an intermediate host.
One may be infected by tapeworms, by eating undercooked beef, pork, fish. Symptoms
include irregular appetite, abdominal discomfort, anemia, weakness, and nervousness.
6. The passage implies that all of the following are true EXCEPT :
A. An embryo will cease to develop if not ingested by ahost.
B. A tapeworm will continue to love even when segments break off.
C. The segment farthest back on the tail is the oldest.
D. Tapeworms always float freely in the digestive system.

7. The word “eliminated” in line 8 is closest in meaning to.

A. ingested
B. Expelled
C. Eaten
D. Grown

8. The following are probably symptoms of tapeworm infestation, EXCEPT :

A. unusual eating habits
B. digestive illness
C. deficiency of red blood cells
D. Euphoria

9. A tapeworm attaches itself to the intestinal wall by...

A. suction
B. Liquid
C. Food
D. Teeth

10. In line 4, the word segment is closest in meaning to :

A. types
B. Sections
C. Organs
D. Worms

11. What would be the best title for this reading passage ?
A. Parasites
B. Reproduction of the Tapeworm
C. The Tapeworm, A Harmful Parasite
D. Segmented Parasite
Passage 3 :
Several theories have been proposed about why the dinosaurs disappeared from the face of
earth. In recent years one popular theory proposes that climatic changes caused the dinosaurs
to become extinct. This climatic change theory says that millions of years ago the climate of
the world gradually became older. As the earth slowly became colder, fewer plants were able
to grow. The cold weather finally resulted in a severe shortage of food for the dinosaurs. As
you probably know, most of the dinosaurs were vegetarians, and they depended on plants for
they food supply. In summary, then the disappearance of the dinosaurs was caused directly by
a shortage of plants to eat, and indirectly by a change in the climate.
Today there is new evidence for the theory that the dinosaurs did not disappear gradually,
but that they disappeared quickly and suddenly. This theory is known as the asteroid theory. It
states that a huge asteroid, or perhapd a comet, hit the earth about 65 million years ago. When
this comet or asteroid hit the earth, it caused a huge dust cloud. The huge dust cloud covered
the whole earth and blocked out the sun for months. Since there was no sun for many, many
months, most of the plants on earth died. The dinosaur’s food supply was destroyed in a
period of months.
While this asteroid theory is not new, what is new is the evidence for the theory. Until
recently there was no evidence that an asteroid or a comet had hit the earth element called
indium all over the world. This indium was found in layers of the earth that are 65 million
years old. The indium was found in the same layers where the bones of the last dinosaurs
were found.
The element of iridium is very uncommon, in fact, rare, on the earth. It is an element,
however, that is more often found in space. Scientist speculate that this iridium was brought
to earth 65 million years ago when a comet or asteroid hit the earth.
The comet or asteroid theory explains two things (1). It explains the larger amounts of the
rare element iridium found in the 65-million-year-old layers of earth, and (2) it explains whay
the dinosaurs disappeared from the earth.
Today scientist continue to debate two theories the climatic change theory and the asteroid
theory. In the future evidence may be found that supports a totally new theory of why the
terrible lizards died out.
12. The main information of the text is about
A. the climatic change theory
B. the era of dinosaurs 65 million years ago
C. the asteroid theory
D. different theories on the extinction of dinosaurs

13. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the climatic theory ?
A. Scientists believe that the climatic change happened 65 million years ago.
B. The change in climate critically reduced the food supply for the dinosaurs.
C. The cold weather made animals living at that time unable to survive.
D. At the time of the dinosaurs, all animals were vegetarians

14. The asteroid states that

A. the dust cloud originating from the fallen comet killed all organism on earth
B. the effect of an asteroid hitting the earth developed gradually
C. the spread of the dust cloud on earth darkened the earth for years
D. The dinosaurs were killed by the asteroid hitting the earth 65 million years ago
15. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the iridium element ?
A. It is believed that it originated in space.
B. It is an element found in the bones of dinosaurs.
C. It came after the connect hit the earth.
D. It existed only 65 million years ago.

Passage 4 :
Inflations is world wide. Government are toppling. Individual citizens do not understand
inflation and blame their leaders. Their leaders may indeed be at fault but beyond domestic
transgression, there is the global problem. It would be sad if the same citizens who see only
their own local probems followed the same provincialism is seeking nationalistic remedies
quotas, tariffs, and beggar-my-neighbour restrictions. These, could turn global inflation into
global recession.
16. The passage is talking about...
A. Neighbour restrictions
B. Domestic transgressions
C. Global inflation
D. Nationalistic remedies

17. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE ?

A. Individual citizens do not know there is inflation
B. Inflation is not local but international
C. There is a global problem beyond domestic transgression
D. The governments are to be blamed, too

Passage 5 :
The privately owned business corporation is an institution established for the purpose of
making a profit. Individuals shares of ownership are represented by stock certificates operate
it. Persons owning stock certificate are called stockholders.
The corporate form of ownership has several advantages. The first is its to attract
financial resources. The second advantages is that if the corporate attracts a large amount of
capital, it can make large investments in plants equipment and research. A third advantages is
that corporation can offer high salaries and thus attract talented managers.
The privately owned busniess corporation is not the only of the corporation that exist.
Eduactional religious and charitable institution are also permitted to corporate. Usually this
type of corporation does not issue stock and is a nonprofit institution. If there is a profit, it is
generally reinvested in the institution rather than distributed to private stockholders. In
addition, there are governmental corporations in the U.S. which may published by cities,
stares, the federal government and special agencies. Some caples of the governmental
corporation are state universities, state hospitals, city-owned utilities. Governmental
corporation are always nonprofit and usually not issue stock certificates.
18. Find the word in this paragraph which means almost the same as “intention” :
A. Profit
B. Institution
C. Ownership
D. Purpose
19. In paragraph two, the main purpose of the writer is :
A. to tell the readers how to attract providers of capital
B. to offer high salaries to talented managers
C. to talk about making large investments
D. to give a list of the positive aspects of corporation

20. How many other types of corporation does the writer give as examples ?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Six

Passage 6 :
The First Amendment to the American Constitution declares freedom of the press to all
people. Although this right was not officially adopted until 1791, the famous Zenger trial of
1733 laid the groundwork for insuring this precious freedom.
John Peter Zenger emigrated as a teenager from Germany. In 1733, he began publishing
the New York Weekly Journal. The following year, he was arrested for writing a story about
the crown-appointed governor of New York. While Zenger was imprisoned for nine months,
his wife dutifully published the newspaper every day, bravely telling the truth about the
corrupt government officials sent by the king to govern the colonies.
Finally Zenger’s long-awaited trial took place. The hostile judge dismissed Zenger’s
local lawyers, making it necessary for his wife to seek out Andrew Hamilton, a prominent
Philadelphia lawyer. Persuaded by Hamilton, the jury bravely returned a not-guilty verdict,
defying the judge’s orders for a conviction.
As a result of determination and bravery on the part of the colonists, a lasting victory for
freedom of the press was gained by a young immigrant. (Cliffs,P.480)

21. John Peter Zenger was a ...

A. corrupt governor of New York
B. famous lawyer
C. brave newspapaer publisher
D. hostile judge

22. What political problem existed in the colonies at that time ?

A. Government officials were corrupt
B. Newspapers exaggerated the truth about the political officials
C. Lawyers were hostile to witnesses
D. All newspaper publishers were imprisoned

23. How long did it take after the Zenger trial before the concept of freedom of the press was
officially adopted ?
A. 9 months
B. 1 year
C. 56 years
D. 58 years
24. All of the following are tru EXCEPT :
A. Despite Zenger’s imprisonment, his newspaper continued to be published
B. Adrew Hamilton encouraged the jury to fight for freedom
C. The jury obeyed the judge’s orders and convicted Zenger
D. The king controlled the colonies through his own appointed rulers

25. Why was Peter Zenger arrested ?

A. He emigrated from Germany
B. His wife published his newspaper for him
C. He wrote s tory about the governor of New York
D. He persuaded a jury to defy the judge’s orders

26. It can be inferred that the judge was hostile toward Peter Zenger because the judge ...
A. represented the ideas of the king
B. hated newspaper publishers
C. didn’t like interference with Constitution
D. had appointed the governor about whom Zenger wrote

27. The word “defying” in line 12 is closest in meaning to ...

A. Altering
B. Defecting
C. Disregarding
D. Defending

28. In line 7, the word “dutifully” is closest in meaning to ...

A. Faithfully
B. Carelessly
C. Unfortuntely
D. Vigorously

29. The main idea of this passage is ...

A. Andrew Hamilton gave American freedom of the press
B. Peter Zenger’s persistent fight paved the way fro freedom of the press
C. Judges don’t always get juries to agree with them
D. Peter Zenger’s trial prepared the way for jurors to defy jufdges’ orders

30. The passage indicates that the governor was appointed by the monarch of another country
in line
A. 4-6
B. 7-8
C. 9-10
D. 11-12

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