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Chapter 3: Cell Structures and Their Functions

1. Substances outside the cell membrane are called

A) intracellular material.
B) extracellular material.
C) intercellular material.
D) Both extracellular material and intercellular material are correct names.
E) All of these are correct names.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

2. According to the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane,

A) protein molecules that perform important cellular functions float in a lipid bilayer.
B) there is a double protein layer in the plasma membrane.
C) there are fats floating in the protein layer.
D) carbohydrates function as membrane channels.
E) nonpolar ends of phospholipids are exposed to water inside and outside the cell.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

3. Phospholipid molecules
A) have a phosphate-containing end that is nonpolar.
B) have a fatty acid end that is polar.
C) are arranged in a double layer in the cell membrane.
D) are not found in the cell membrane.
E) have all of these characteristics.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

4. Concerning the nucleus:

A) It is surrounded by two membranes with a narrow space between them.
B) When the cell is not dividing, it contains loosely coiled fibers of a material called
C) More than one nucleus may be found in certain types of cells.
D) Materials pass into or out of the nucleus through nuclear pores.
E) The nucleus has all of these properties.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

5. The nucleolus
A) is located in the cytoplasm.
B) is the location for production of large and small ribosomal subunits.
C) has its own distinct membrane.
D) is important for the formation of Golgi apparatus.
E) has all of these characteristics.
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

6. A cell that was producing large amounts of lipoproteins (proteins combined with lipids)
for secretion from the cell would have large numbers of
A) lysosomes.
B) Golgi apparatus.
C) centrioles.
D) membrane transporters.
E) all of these structures.
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

7. Which of the following cell organelles is NOT correctly matched with its function?
A) nucleus — contains genes that determine the structure and function of each cell
B) lysosome — contains digestive enzymes
C) mitochondria — site of protein synthesis
D) Golgi apparatus — packages proteins in secretory vesicles
E) smooth ER — site of lipid synthesis
Ans: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

8. Secretory vesicles pinch off from

A) the Golgi apparatus.
B) ribosomes.
C) lysosomes.
D) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E) the nucleus.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

9. White blood cells that take up bacteria through phagocytosis would be expected to have
large numbers of
A) mitochondria.
B) microtubules.
C) nucleoli.
D) lysosomes.
E) cilia.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

10. Which of these cells would most likely have the largest number of mitochondria?
A) bone cells
B) muscle cells
C) fat cells
D) blood cells
E) skin cells
Ans: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

11. The sperm cell is able to move (is motile) because of its
A) numerous cilia.
B) microvilli.
C) flagellum.
D) numerous lysosomes.
E) active transport mechanism.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

12. Which of these structures are NOT correctly matched with their description?
A) microvilli — extensions of the cell membrane that increase surface area for absorption
B) cilia and flagella — constructed from microtubules
C) cilia — projections from the cell surface that move materials embedded in mucus
D) microtubules — hollow tubules composed of protein; support the cytoplasm
E) flagella — short projections from cell surface; many per cell
Ans: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

13. Sodium, potassium, and chloride ions pass through the cell membrane by
A) diffusion after first dissolving in the phospholipid layer.
B) diffusion through ion specific membrane channels
C) being transported by carrier molecules.
D) diffusion after first dissolving in enzyme molecules.
E) diffusion after first dissolving in the phospholipid layer and diffusion through open
membrane channels.
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

14. Which of these molecules is correctly matched with its method of movement through the
cell membrane?
A) lipid-soluble molecules — pass through membrane channels
B) small, water-soluble molecules (ions) — dissolve in double phospholipid layer
C) large, water-soluble molecules — transported by carrier-mediated processes
D) glucose and amino acid molecules — pass through membrane channels
E) All of these are correctly paired.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

15. Substances transported across the plasma membrane by carrier molecules

A) are said to be transported by carrier-mediated processes.
B) include glucose and amino acid molecules.
C) are each transported by a specific type of carrier molecule.
D) include larger molecules that are not lipid-soluble.
E) All of these are correct.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

16. The process called diffusion

A) is the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to an
area of low concentration.
B) is the product of random movement of all atoms, molecules, and ions in a solution.
C) always produces net movement of materials against the concentration gradient for that
D) is both the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to
an area of low concentration and is the product of random movement of all atoms, molecules,
and ions in a solution are correct.
E) is both the tendency for solute molecules to move from an area of high concentration to
an area of low concentration and always produces net movement of materials against the
concentration gradient for that material.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

17. Which of the following statements concerning solutes and solvents is true?
A) The solvent is the predominant liquid or gas in a solution.
B) At equilibrium, all solute particles cease movement.
C) When oxygen is present in the blood, blood is the solute and oxygen is the solvent.
D) All solute particles move into or out of the cell by diffusion.
E) All of these are correct.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge
18. Salt was added to a beaker of distilled water (it was not stirred).  A sample taken from the
bottom of the beaker was found to be 20 percent salt.  At the same time, a sample taken from the
top of the beaker was found to be 2 percent salt.  What do you predict will happen if the beaker is
left alone for 24 hours?  I predict that the
A) difference in percent salt between the top and bottom samples would be even greater.
B) percent salt in top and bottom samples would be approximately equal to each other.
C) percent salt in the top sample would be much greater than the percent salt in the bottom
D) samples would still be 2 percent and 20 percent, respectively.
Ans: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

19. Osmosis
A) involves the diffusion of solute particles.
B) can cause a cell to shrink when placed in a hypotonic solution.
C) occurs through a selectively permeable membrane.
D) can cause a cell to rupture when placed in a hypertonic solution.
E) can cause a cell to shrink when placed in a hypotonic solution and can cause a cell to
rupture when placed in a hypertonic solution.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

20. The force required to prevent the movement of water across a selectively permeable
membrane is the
A) filtration pressure.
B) diffusion pressure.
C) osmotic pressure.
D) membrane pressure.
E) selective pressure.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

21. If sugar solution A, which is twice as concentrated as solution B, is separated from

solution B by a selectively permeable membrane,
A) there would be a net movement of water from A to B.
B) there would be a net movement of water from B to A.
C) there would be no net movement of water.
D) there would be a net movement of solutes from A to B
E) there would be a net movement of solutes from B to A
Ans: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application
22. A red blood cell placed in distilled water would be expected to
A) swell and lyse.
B) shrink and lyse.
C) swell and crenate.
D) shrink and crenate.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

23. Solutions injected into tissues or into the circulatory system must be ______ to prevent
crenation or swelling of cells.
A) hypertonic
B) hypotonic
C) isotonic
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

24. Movement through small holes in a partition in response to a pressure difference is called
A) lysis.
B) facilitated transport.
C) filtration.
D) crenation.
E) Both filtration and crenation are correct names.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

25. Active transport

A) can move substances against their concentration gradient.
B) requires metabolic energy (ATPs).
C) may exchange one substance for another.
D) involves carrier molecules.
E) All of these are characteristics of active transport.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

26. Which of the following statements concerning facilitated diffusion is correct?

A) Facilitated diffusion involves the use of ATP.
B) Facilitated diffusion involves carrier molecules in the plasma membrane.
C) Facilitated diffusion is used to exchange one substance for another.
D) Facilitated diffusion is one specific type of endocytosis.
E) Facilitated diffusion occurs during filtration.
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

27. Endocytosis
A) involves the formation of a vesicle by invagination of the cell membrane.
B) involves the movement of materials to the outside of the cell.
C) is the opposite of phagocytosis.
D) is a kind of active transport.
E) involves the movement of materials to the outside of the cell and is the opposite of
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

28. Translation
A) requires three types of DNA.
B) requires the pairing of codons on tRNA with anticodons on mRNA.
C) involves copying RNA from DNA molecules.
D) involves formation of peptide bonds between adjacent amino acids.
E) All of these are true of translation.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

29. Transcription
A) takes place in the nucleus of the cell.
B) occurs when double strands of DNA separate, and RNA nucleotides pair with DNA
C) produces mRNA.
D) determines the sequence of codons on a particular mRNA molecule.
E) All of these are true of transcription.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

30. Given these events:

1) DNA transcribes mRNA.
2) tRNA pairs with mRNA.
3) mRNA passes from nucleus into cytoplasm.
4) Peptide bonds are formed.
The most correct sequence for the occurrence of these events in protein synthesis is
A) 1,2,3,4
B) 1,3,2,4
C) 1,2,4,2
D) 1,4,3,2
E) 4,3,1,2
Ans: B
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

31. In humans
A) the diploid number of chromosomes is 46.
B) each body cell has 23 chromosomes.
C) each body cell has 2 pairs of sex chromosomes.
D) a male has two X chromosomes in each body cell.
E) each body cell has 46 autosomes.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

32. Which of the following phases is NOT correctly matched with its description?
A) metaphase — chromosomes align along the center of the cell
B) interphase — period between active cell division
C) telophase — chromosomes begin to unravel and resemble the genetic material during
D) prophase — chromosomes move toward the poles of the cell
E) anaphase — centromeres and chromatids separate
Ans: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

33. During the process of mitosis in humans,

A) centrioles are points of attachment between chromatids.
B) replication of DNA during interphase produces identical chromatids.
C) when centromeres separate, there are two identical sets of 23 chromosomes.
D) four daughter cells are produced from one original cell.
E) All of these events will occur.
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

34. The trillions of cells that make up the body of an adult

A) develop from a single fertilized egg.
B) all have identical DNA.
C) have different functions because different cells have different DNA.
D) often have different numbers of chromosomes.
E) develop from a single fertilized egg and all have identical DNA.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

35. Differentiation occurs when

A) DNA is lost during mitosis.
B) cytoplasm is lost during mitosis.
C) RNA takes over function of the cell from DNA.
D) some portions of DNA become (or remain) active, while other portions become (or
remain) inactive.
E) DNA is lost during mitosis and RNA takes over function of the cell from DNA.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

36. A selective poison that blocked the function of the mitochondria was used on a group of
cells.  Which of the following processes would most likely be interrupted by the presence of this
A) diffusion
B) osmosis
C) facilitated diffusion
D) active transport
E) filtration
Ans: D
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

37. A group of cells was treated with a proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzyme.  Which of the
following processes would be least affected by the treatment?
A) diffusion of molecules through membrane channels
B) diffusion of lipid-soluble molecules through the plasma membrane
C) movement of molecules by facilitated diffusion
D) attachment of molecules to receptors in the plasma membrane
E) movement of molecules by active transport
Ans: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Application

38. A cell examined under the microscope shows large amounts of rough endoplasmic
reticulum, many Golgi apparatuses, and many secretory vesicles.  To which of the following
tissues would this cell most likely belong?
A) bone
B) muscle
C) mammary gland
D) blood
E) fat
Ans: C
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Comprehension

39. A dialysis membrane is selectively permeable, and substances smaller than proteins are
able to pass through. The dialysis machine allows blood to flow past one side of the dialysis
membrane and the dialysis fluid flows on the other side of the membrane.  If you wanted to use a
dialysis machine to remove only urea (a small molecule) from blood, what could you use for the
dialysis fluid?
A) a solution that is isotonic and contains only protein
B) a solution that is isotonic and contains the same concentration of substances as blood,
except for having no urea in it
C) distilled water
D) whole blood
E) hypertonic salt water
Ans: B
Difficulty: Hard
Type: Application

40. The information in the  nucleic acid, ____________, is carried in the multiple groups of
three nucleotides called codons.
D) All of these terms are acceptable.
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

41. The nucleotide that combines with pre-existing protein to form ribosomal subunits is
A) tRNA.
B) mRNA.
C) rRNA.
D) All of these are true.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

42. ____________ binds to one specific amino acid and has a group of three nucleotides
called an anticodon.
D) All of these choices are acceptable.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

43. The nucleotide that is synthesized in the nucleus from a DNA template is
A) tRNA.
B) mRNA.
C) rRNA.
D) All of these are correct.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

44. The nucleotide that is required for protein synthesis is

A) tRNA.
B) mRNA.
C) rRNA.
D) All of these are correct.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

45. The type of membrane transport that uses carrier molecules to move substances with the
concentration gradient for that substance is
A) simple diffusion.
B) filtration.
C) facilitated diffusion.
D) active transport.
E) endocytosis.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

46. In _____________ molecules show a net movement from greater to lesser concentration
due to the random motion of the molecules.
A) simple diffusion
B) filtration
C) facilitated diffusion
D) active transport
E) endocytosis
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

47. In ______________ carrier molecules move a substance against (up) the concentration
A) simple diffusion
B) filtration
C) facilitated diffusion
D) active transport
E) endocytosis
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge
48. The type of membrane transport that involves the ingestion of solid particles by vesicle
formation is
A) simple diffusion.
B) filtration.
C) facilitated diffusion.
D) active transport.
E) endocytosis.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

49. In ____________ the passage of a solution through a membrane is in response to a

mechanical pressure gradient.
A) simple diffusion
B) filtration
C) facilitated diffusion
D) active transport
E) endocytosis
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

50. The usual means for getting very large molecules, like whole proteins, across the cell
membrane is by
A) simple diffusion.
B) filtration.
C) facilitated diffusion.
D) active transport.
E) endocytosis.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

51. The organelle represented by the letter D is

A) a mitochondrion.
B) a ribosome.
C) the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
D) the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
E) the nucleus.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

52. The organelle represented by the letter E is

A) a lysosome.
B) the Golgi apparatus.
C) the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
D) the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
E) the nucleus.
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

53. What letter is designating a mitochondrion?

A) letter A
B) letter C
C) letter E
D) letter G
E) letter I
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

54. What letter is designating the centrioles?

A) letter B
B) letter D
C) letter F
D) letter H
E) letter J
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

55. The organelle that is responsible for lipid synthesis and detoxification is indicated by
what letter?
A) letter C
B) letter D
C) letter E
D) letter F
E) letter G
Ans: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge
56. The organelle that is the site of ATP synthesis through aerobic respiration is designated
by what letter?
A) letter A
B) letter B
C) letter C
D) letter D
E) letter E
Ans: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

57. All of the following statements regarding cells are true EXCEPT:
A) Cells are the basic unit of life.
B) Cells have the ability to communicate with other cells.
C) Cells provide protection and support for the body.
D) Cells bind together to form complex molecules and compounds.
E) Cells store genetic information about an individual.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

58. _____________ is an example of a molecule that can directly pass through the
phospholipids bilayer of the plasma membrane.
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Potassium
C) Sodium
D) Glucose
E) Calcium
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

59. ______________ is a specific type of endocytosis that is responsible for bringing liquids
and small particles into cells inside of small vesicles.
A) Phagocytosis
B) Pinocytosis
C) Receptor mediated endocytosis
D) Exocytosis
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

60. If you place a red blood cell in a solution that is hypertonic to the cell, water will move
_________ the cell and the cell will _________.
A) into;  lyse
B) into;  crenate
C) out of;  lyse
D) out of;  crenate
Ans: D
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

61. All of the following are protein components of the cytoskeleton EXCEPT:
A) microtubules
B) microfilaments
C) intermediate filaments
D) centrosomes
E) All of these are components of the cytoskeleton.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

62. ____________ are a component of the cytoskeleton that help to provide support, assist in
cell division and help to form cilia.
A) Microtubules
B) Microfilaments
C) Intermediate filaments
D) Centrosomes
E) All of these choices are acceptable.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

63. Moveable projections from the surface of cells found in abundance in the respiratory tract
A) flagella.
B) cilia.
C) centrioles.
D) microvilli.
E) nucleoli.
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

64. In humans, after anaerobic respiration occurs, _______ is (are) produced and there is a
net of _______ ATP from each glucose molecule.
A) carbon dioxide and water;  2
B) lactic acid;  2
C) carbon dioxide and water;  36
D) lactic acid;  36
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

65. This diagram best shows a cell during _________ of mitosis.

A) anaphase
B) metaphase
C) prophase
D) telophase
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

66. This diagram best shows a cell during _________ of mitosis.

A) anaphase
B) metaphase
C) prophase
D) telophase
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension

67. This diagram best shows a cell during _________ of mitosis.

A) anaphase
B) metaphase
C) prophase
D) telophase
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Comprehension
68. If you place a teabag into a cup of hot water, water has a tendency to move into the tea
bag because the tea bag is ___________________ to its environment (i.e. the teacup full of
A) isotonic
B) hypertonic
C) hypotonic
D) polar
E) non-polar
Ans: B
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

69. When placed in a________ solution, a cell will exhibit a net loss of water. The specific
process by which the water leaves the cell is called __________. 
A) hypertonic; osmosis
B) hypertonic; facilitated transport
C) isotonic; exocytosis
D) hypotonic; osmosis
E) hypotonic; diffusion
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

70. Cell membranes are said to be selectively permeable because they

A) allow the free passage of some materials and restrict the passage of 
B) allow the passage of materials in one direction but not the other.
C) permit the passage of  most materials but not of water.
D) Cell membranes are NOT normally selectively permeable.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

71. The number and type of organelles within each cell

A) is determined by the cell’s available energy
B) is determined by the lysosomes of the cell
C) determine the cell’s specific structure and functions.
D) is determined by the type of tissue that it is made of.
E) is the same for every cell in the body.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

72. Cell membranes are arranged so that the 

A) hydrophobic HEADS of the phospholipid molecules are facing the interior of the
membrane while the hydrophilic TAILS are facing out towards the water.
B) hydrophilic HEADS of the phospholipid molecules are facing the interior of the
membrane while the hydrophobic TAILS are facing out towards the water.
C) hydrophobic TAILS of the phospholipid molecules are facing the interior of the
membrane while the hydrophilic HEADS are facing out towards the water.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

73. Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning the cell membrane?
A) Cholesterol within the membrane gives it added strength and flexibility.
B) Receptor molecules are embedded in the membrane for intercellular communication.
C) Carbohydrates bind to protein molecules thereby modifying the proteins function as a
membrane channel.
D) Receptor molecules embedded in the membrane are involved in cellular recognition.
E) All of these statements are true of cell membranes.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

74. Which of the following would occur if all cell membranes were no longer selectively
A) Action potentials would no longer be generated.
B) Cells would be isotonic to their environment.
C) You would be subject to a higher rate of illness and disease.
D) Cells would not be able to get and keep enough glucose to function.
E) All of these choices are plausible.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

75. Cell shrinkage is also called

A) crenation.
B) lysis.
C) cellular dissolution.
D) hydrostatic pressure.
E) All of these are correct.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

76. Carrier mediated transport mechanisms

A) exhibit specificity.
B) function to move large water soluble molecules.
C) function to move electrically charged ions.
D) include facilitated diffusion, active transport, and secondary active transport.
E) All of these are correct.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Difficult
Type: Knowledge

77. Secondary active transport

A) involves the use of endocytosis.
B) involves the active transport of one substance to establish a concentration gradient
thereby providing energy for the movement of a second substance.
C) involves the use of exocytosis.
D) involves the passive transport of one substance to establish a concentration gradient
thereby providing energy for the movement of a second substance.
E) involves the facilitated transport of one substance which then ‘pulls’ along a second
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

78. In cotransport
A) no ATP is used.
B) the diffusing substance moves in the opposite direction as the transported substance.
C) the diffusing substance moves in the same direction as the transported substance.
D) the substance moves directly through the cell membrane without the aid of proteins.
E) None of these choices are accurate for cotransport.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

79. If all of the peroxisomes in a cell were suddenly removed, how would this affect its
immediate activity and function?
A) The cell would no longer be able to break down glucose.
B) The cell would be unable to produce proteins.
C) The cell would be unable to perform transcription.
D) The cell would no longer be able to break down fatty acids, hydrogen peroxide, and
amino acids.
E) The cell would no longer be able to break down proteins and nucleic acids.
Ans: D
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

80. Aerobic respiration

A) occurs only in the presence of oxygen.
B) involves glycolysis, the citric acid cycle and fermentation.
C) converts glucose into lactic acid.
D) occurs in the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
E) All of these are correct.
Ans: A
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Knowledge

81. Breathing is necessary to animal life because

A) we need the carbon dioxide in air to perform anaerobic respiration.
B) we need the oxygen in air to perform anaerobic respiration.
C) very little ATP is produced without oxygen.
D) oxygen is one of the codons that is needed for DNA transcription and translation.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Moderate
Type: Comprehension

82. A gene is a sequence of _____ providing a chemical set of instructions for making a
A) nucleotides; lipid
B) nucleotides; protein
C) amino acids; protein
D) carbohydrates; polysaccharide 
E) fatty acids; lipid
Ans: B
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

83. Cystic fibrosis

A) is a genetic disorder.
B) can result from an abnormality in Chloride ion channels structure or function.
C) less water moves out of the respiratory ducts causing a thickening in the respiratory
mucous and a clogging of respiratory passages.
D) affects the secretory cells lining ducts of the pancreas, swear glands, and salivary glands.
E) All of these are correct.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

84. A tumor
A) is always benign.
B) is always malignant.
C) is any swelling that occurs within the body usually as a result of cell proliferation.
D) always metastasizes.
Ans: C
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

85. Which of the following are thought to cause aging?

A) Death genes are turned on later in life causing cells to deteriorate.
B) Free radicals damage the DNA of a cell past the point where successful accurate
replication can occur.
C) Mitochondrial DNA damage results in the loss of proteins and therefore energy
production ability.
D) After a certain number of cell divisions, a cell line is pre-programmed to stop dividing
and dies.
E) All of these are theories on why we age.
Ans: E
Difficulty: Easy
Type: Knowledge

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