Katangan Gendarmes

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Leigh Ingram-Seal

The Katangan Gendarmes were also known as the Tropas [or Forcas] Katanguesas, and later also known as
the Katangan Tigers.

These troops were associated with the political organization established as the “National Front for the
Liberation of the Congo” [F.N.L.C.: Front National pour la Liberation du Congo], established in 1967 by
Brigadier Nathaniel Mbumba [the exiled Katangan Gendermere military leader], with the armed wing
known as “Congo National Liberation Army” [A.N.L.C.: Armee National pour la Liberation du Congo]

Had a long chequered history in both Zaire [the former Congo] and Angola as a separate military force.
Historically has been anti-Mobutu government in Zaire; originated from Katangan [Shaba] exiled military
troops in Angola, mainly from Lunda & Chokwe tribal groups [both groups also live in eastern Angola].
The FNLC has been based in north eastern Angola since 1967.

Estimated military strength

In 1975 had 3,000 to 4,000 armed troops in Angola: regarded as most effective fighting force aiding
MPLA in the early stages of the civil war

In 1977 had 1,500 to 2,000 armed troops who invaded Zaire

1978 had 2,000 to 2,500 armed troops who invaded Zaire (regular, disciplined ) out of a total effective
armed strength of 5,000 regular troops

1980s had around 2,000 armed but aging troops

1989 had 1,400 troops in Angola

There were a total of 20,000 Katangan exiles in Angola, including a 5,000 strong
armed militia

1997 had 2,000 well armed troops—now known as “Katangan Tigers”—active in Zaire, of near legendary
status, tough, well disciplined and Portuguese speaking, Angolan army trained
Included Angolan army troops
Still active Katangan Gendarmes and their sons
Exiled Katangan/Shaba civilians from Zaire
Other Angolan-based Katangan exiles
Other Zairean exiles
And former rebels involved in the Mulele Rebellion [from 1963 until 1967
Also Lunda tribesmen from south Katanga and
Luba Tribesmen from north Katanga

In 2002, the Katangan Gendarmes numbered around 5,000 personnel in Zaire, including a 1,800 strong
combat force aiding the new Government

Leaders include
Brigadier-General Nathaniel Mbumba
foundered FNLC in 1968 while in exile in Angola
returned to Zaire in 1990 October from exile in Tanzania

General Jean Delphin Mulanda

“nominal” head of the Katangan Tigers in Zaire in late 1997
under house arrest in Lubumbashi with 20 loyal officers and 20 to 30 loyal soldiers
General “Mufa” Vindicien Kiyana
FNLC deputy leader since 1990 , based in Angola

Henri Mukatshung Mwambu

FNLC Secretary General since 1990, based in Angola

Dr Emile Ilunga
President of the FNLC political wing “National Council for the Resistance”, based in Belgium

Brief History
1 Originally established by Belgian Congo government of Katanga Province [in the south] as
Katangan Gendermere Force as local internal security and police force in July 1960 with around 500

2 later used as a regular army by the local Katangese leader Moise Tshombe to support the seceding
of Katanga to form an independent state from July 1960 until January 1963 as Gendermerie Nationale
in 1961 had 13,000 personnel
1962 had 18,000 personnel
Supported by 200 mercenaries and 250 Belgian regular army officers & NCOs

3 following the crushing of the attempted Katangan secession in January 1963, a large group of
several thousand [2,000 to 8,000] Katangan Gendarmes fled into exile in Portuguese-ruled Angola

4 when Moise Tshombe became Prime Minister of Congo in January 1964, of the Katangan
Gendarmes in exile [some 8,000 in total] over 4,000 returned to the Congo and were recruited into the
Congo National Army, organised in 1 Regiment of 4 Battalions “Commandos”(each 600 strong). They
were used to crush various rebellions from 1964 until 1965.
In 1965 November ,a military coup led by Colonel Mobutu in Zaire deposed Moise Tshombe
[later exiled until his death]

Followed by the July 1966 Kisangani rebellion/mutiny [2 months long] by the 3,000 Katangan
Gendarmes in Congo National Army. Rebellion crushed by mercenary forces and the majority of Katangan
Gendarmes surrendered and were disarmed.

Followed by July 1967 mutiny/rebellion [3 months long] many Katangan Gendarmes again fled
into exile in Angola in 1967 under their military leader Brigadier Nathaniel Mbumba and formed the FNLC

5 In Angola, the Katangan Gendarmes were hired by the Portuguese colonial government to fight
local pro independence Angolan rebels as a COIN [counter-insurgency] force from 1963 onwards until
1975, comprising some 4,000 strong armed militia known as “Black Arrows”—renamed the FLNC in

6 Following the independence of Angola and subsequent civil war there, the Katangan Gendarmes
were organised as “Tropas Katanguesas” in regular special military units aiding the MPLA1 forces from
1975 onwards. During this period, the Katangan Gendarmes under the FNLC invaded Zaire twice (the so-
called Shaba wars):

1977 March Invasion when 1,500 to 2,000 armed FNLC invaded from north east Angola into
southern Zaire [Shaba Province, the former Katanga province]; the 3,000 to 4,000 strong Zairean FAZ
military garrison in Shaba proved ineffective. Crushed by 1,500 Moroccan army troops.

Editor’s note: Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola.

Katangan Gendarmes 2
And in May 1978 Invasion when 3,000 to 4,000 armed FNLC, including 2,000 to 2,500 Katangan
Gendarmes invaded from bases in north east Angola into southern Zaire [Shaba Province] via Zambia.
Organised in 11 Battalions [each with 300 personnel], equipped with lorries, machine guns, and
2 Armoured Cars; aided by 500-strong local militia [recruited from Shaba youths: irregular and untrained]
Defeated by combined force of 650 French Foreign Legion troops [suffered 5 killed, plus 6 other
French military killed, and 20 wounded], Belgian Paratroops; and Zairean army paratroops [suffered 14
killed and 8 wounded].
Katangan invaders lost 247 soldiers killed

7 in 1992 many Katangan Gendarmes established guerilla bases and a enclave in the eastern Kivu
region of Zaire. By that time the FNLC was a aging military force with around 2,000 armed members

in 1990 the FNLC split,

= some Katangan Gendarmes under the leadership of Nahaniel Mbumba returned to Zaire
= while other Katangan gendermeres continued to fight for the Angolan MPLA government in
special military units in northern Angola
= some Katangan Gendarmes were active as anti-Mobutu government rebels in remote eastern
Zaire[Kivu- Haut Zaire border area]; from 1992 onwards established an enclave

8 During the Zairean rebellion and subsequent overthrow of the Mobutu government from 1997
onwards, the Katangan Gendermes—now known as “ Katangan Tigers”—played an important role:
they were well armed and seasoned troops, numbering around 2,000 armed personnel in total

After the overthrown of Mobutu , the new Kabila government was supported by the main body of
the Katangan Tigers [some 1,400 armed personnel]

References; Library of Congress

ICG Congo at War 1998
“Continent Ablaze;the Insurgency Wars in Africa “
John W . Turner,1998

Katangan Gendarmes 3

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