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Is Gem really a Gem?

Non-academic writing

Driving Miss Daisy is a play about Daisy Werthan, an elderly Jewish woman living in Atlanta
who can no longer drive. Determined, her son Boolie hired her an African-American
chauffeur named Hoke Colburn. Their relationship was rough at first however, adjudicate
Hoke tries to win Daisy over.

I have not yet seen the play still and all I read the book. The scene that touches my
heart the most is the character development of Miss Daisy, and the day of thanks-giving
November 22, 1973. The now 92 years old Daisy and 85 years old Hoke, went to the
nursing home where Daisy staying. They are mostly making small conversation, but they
seem to enjoy each other's company. Hoke carefully gives Daisy her unfinished pumpkin
pie, and the video fades to Daisy's old car going away. It's possible that this is the final
time they'll see each other.

The part that gave me mix emotions is where when Hoke was introduce, due to his
complexion and a subtle racism Daisy confer Hoke with a cold shoulder. Not letting him
eat and accusing him of stealing and making Hoke’s life dejected. This part taught many
people about racism and discrimination. You’re not better even if your complexion is more
lighter than anyone else.
Is Gem really a Gem?
Non-academic writing

The petrichor emanating from the sands of the sea is my best-loved. The name is Gem
Mariz Calivara, 15 years old, born on October 24, 2005, at Daet, Camarines Norte.
Hello, 你好 (ni hao), 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo), hallo, こんにちは (konnichiwa). I have
two siblings, a boy, and a girl. My mom is a nurse and my dad is a businessman. I could
say that my family may not be perfect but I love them.

I am a pansexual, pansexuality is an attraction towards people regardless of their sex or

gender identity, we are gender blind. I use any pronouns, so you can call me by she, it,
him, and them. I hate people who are homophobic because I believe anyone can love
whoever they want. I also don't like when people are being racist and ableist. The things
I love are the night sky, sunshower, and the smell of petrichor. I am a lovely persom but
my confidence is fading little by little and through HUMSS I would like to build my
confidence again.

These days or these past few years, since there's Covid-19 my coping mechanisms are
learning new languages, such as Chinese, Korean, German, and Japanese. I also watch
some K-pop videos, right now I'm into NCT. I've been their fan since 2016. The other
things that made me get through this pandemic are reading novels and watching drama.
To be honest, It's hard, nevertheless being safe and sound is the most important right
now. I hope everyone can find their happiness through a pandemic, let's help each other
and be healthy. Have a good day!

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