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Dicey Disastrophe Dicey Disastrophe

S      S     

S      S     
\\ \\

1      4     

4      6     

1:+1 2:-2x 3:3x  1:+1 2:-2x 3:3x 

4: = 5:5/ 2 6: 4: = 5:5/ 2 6:

-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Dicey Disastrophe Dicey Disastrophe
S      S     

S      S     
\\ \\

3      1     

6      4     

1:+1 2:-2x 3:3x  1:+1 2:-2x 3:3x 

4: = 5:5/ 2 6: 4: = 5:5/ 2 6:

-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Backword You will need: these rows, you must draft the die value
(The view is worse 1. A pencil or other utensil for each player. shown.
going foreword.) (Probably not a spoon, though we can 6
understand the desire to shovel your 6
Dear gamey sorts, way out.)
2. 2 6-sided dice per player and 2 This sounds pleasant so far? We have to
I am not going to
additional 6-sided dice. start somewhere.
even pretend that this
bit of dread- fulness is 3. The four game sheets on the previous Snake Boxes
worth your time. page. On the right of the game sheet are 3 snake
Believe me. There are 4. A doohickey. (Preferably one that Boxes, and a skull box. If you draft a die you
many better games... doesn’t bite. It should be passed from are unable to mark on your sheet, or if you
Even roll & write games. the start player to the next player at would rather not mark the value you
And people more the start of each round.) drafted, X out one of the snakes, and mark
fortuitous than you will 5. 1-3 companions you won’t miss if this the box with a 0 or a 7 instead.
indelibly find them. doesn’t go well (it won’t). Special note: The snake’s value will not
6. To call your mother and tell her you exceed 7 or 0. If you need a higher or lower
However, should you love her. (Now that that’s out of the number, you are eliminated.
continue to wonder way…) Each snake you mark will cost you 2
what it is this game is Set-up (we begin our points at the end of the game. If you mark
intended to do, I descent): all 3 snake boxes and must mark a 4th, you
promise you will come will instead mark the skull box and be
to regret it. For you Verify that among the game sheets you eliminated from the game.
see, Venom: Dicey will use for this game, there is a sheet with a
star trophy. This will indicate the start 2 Dice Left
Disastrophe is not a
pleasant game. In fact, player. The start player will now choose one of the
it is downright (and Give each player a game sheet at 2 remaining dice. This will activate a scoring
upright; I’ve checked) random. effect which is applied by all players.
ghastly. Don't say you Each player should roll 2 dice. If you 1) Each box marked with a value not on the
weren't warned. roll a pair, reroll one of the dice. 2nd die scores 1 point.
Mark the lower value in the top left box 2) Lose 2 points for each occurrence of the
(marked with an S), and the higher value in 2 die value in any box on your sheet.

the box directly below it (also marked with 3)nd Score 3 points for each occurrence of the
2-4 an S). 2 die value in the boxes on the game sheet
of the player to your right.
Return dice to the central pool which
4) Score 1 point for each occurrence of the
8+ the start player should receive in front of
2nd die value in any box on the sheet of the
(If they can stomach him.
it.) player to your left.
Play: 5) Score 5 points if you have 2 or fewer of
(Disclaimer: sorry for giving you the
the 2nd die value marked on your sheet.
2o’ impression this might be fun)
The start player rolls all of the dice. Players 6) Reroll the 6 and resolve the 2 die
(And regrettable
every second.) draft dice clockwise. Place drafted dice in according to the result. Warning: If you roll
the boxes with the die icons. The last player another 6, all players deduct 6 points.
should draft a second die, then remaining You may not directly compare your
players draft dice counter-clockwise. opponents’ sheets when making your
decision, though remembering what dice
have been drafted will certainly help.
S  
4 6 3 Scoring Points
If a box contains an up arrow, the value The first time you score points, you will
marked in it must be higher than the box to circle the value of the points you just scored
its left. If a box contains a down arrow, the at the bottom of the sheet. When you score
value marked in it must be lower than the again, X out the previous circle. You must
box to its left. avoid scoring more than 20 or fewer than -7
In addition, boxes starting the 3rd and points. Otherwise, you’re toast. But that’s
4 rows are numbered. In order to begin
th not the worst of it.
With thanks Solitaire Variant
The following artists Dynamite Perhaps you wish to go it alone for your first
shared their artwork As you score points, the scoring portion of (probably last) play. Or you’ve played before
via creative commons the sheet becomes a veritable mine field. If with friends and now none of them are
ccby license from you would wind up scoring points that lead speaking to you. Whatever the case, if you you back to a previous score, circle the next wish to play on your own, here are some
 Johan H.W. lowest score and mark the leftmost variations from the basic rules.
Basberg unmarked dynamite box.  Roll 4 Dice. You will choose 2 to add to
 Bismillah If you must mark a 3rd dynamite box, your sheet, placing these on the die
 Alvaro Cabrera instead mark the skull box. You are icons. Leave 2 dice behind for scoring.
 James Cottell eliminated.  As you choose dice values to add to
 Lluisa Iborra your sheet, the rightmost die value may
 Ian Ransley Elimination not be written in any row above the
 Arthur Shlain If you must circle any skull, either due to leftmost die, or to the left of it in its
 Angelo Troiano too many snakes, too much dynamite, or row.
 Zidney exceeding allowable scores on either end,  Use the following scoring rules.
you are eliminated. When circling a skull, do 1) Each box marked with a value not on the
Thanks to Frank Wildcard not X out your previous score. 2nd die scores 1 point.
Six for finding a few Pass Your Doohickey 2) Lose 2 points for each occurrence of the
After players resolve the scoring action, the 2 die value in any box on your sheet.
unsuspecting people he
could subject to this start player should pass the doohickey to 3) Score 3 points for each occurrence of the
torture. the next player who becomes the start rightmost die value in the boxes on your
player of the next round. game sheet. (This will leave your remaining
die unused.)
End of Game
4) Score 1 point for each occurrence of the
The game ends when surviving players have
leftmost die value in any box on your sheet.
marked all 24 boxes, or when any player is
(This will leave your remaining die unused.)
the last one standing. If all players have
Designed by 5) Score 5 points if you have 2 or fewer of
been eliminated, the eliminated player with
Iffix Y Santaph the remaining die value marked on your
the lowest score prior to elimination wins.
If more than 1 player has made it this far, 6) Reroll the 6 and resolve the scoring
subtract 2 points for each snake box you according to the result. Warning: If you roll
marked, one box at a time. Dynamite rules another 6, immediately deduct 6 points.
still apply.
If more than 1 player is still remaining, the
player with the highest score wins the game,
and has the honor of burning the most foul
game sheets.

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