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Dini Restu Profita, Gunarso Susilohadi, Teguh Sarosa

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Sebelas Maret University Surakarta


This research is aimed to find out: (1) The improvement of the students’
vocabulary mastery through crossword puzzles and (2) The effect of teaching
learning process when teaching vocabulary by using crossword puzzle is
implemented. The method used in this research is classroom action research. It
was carried out in two cycles. The techniques for collecting data are observation,
interview, questionnare, field notes, photograph and test. The data were analyzed
by using qualitative technique and quantitative technique. The researcher
conducted the tests before (pre-test) and after (post-test). The research result
shows the improvements in students’ vocabulary mastery and gives good effect in
teaching learning process. The mean score of pre-test was 50, the post-test 1 was
69, and the post-test 2 was 80. Beside that, there were good effects in the teaching
learning process such as the students were more active in following the lesson; the
students became less noisy; the students were not ashamed to answer the question;
and the students could focus more on the lesson.
Keyword: crossword puzzle, students’ vocabulary mastery, the effect of using
crossword puzzle in teaching learning process

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Peningkatan pengetahuan

kosakata siswa dengan menggunakan teka – teki silang dan (2) Pengaruh terhadap
proses belajar mengajar ketika pembelajaran kosakata dengan menggunakan teka
– teki silang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian
tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Teknik pengumpulan
data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, questioner, catatan lapangan, foto dan
tes. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik kualitatif dan teknik kuantitatif.
Peneliti mengadakan tes sebelum (pre-test) dan sesudah penelitian (post-test).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada peningkatan pada kemampuan kosakata siswa
dan memberi efek baik pada proses belajar mengajar. Nilai rata-rata dari pre-tes
adalah 50; post-tes 1 adalah 69; dan post-tes 2 adalah 80. Disamping itu, ada efek
yang baik pada proses belajar mengajar yaitu siswa lebih aktif dalam mengikuti
palajaran; siswa menjadi tidak ramai; siswa tidak malu dalam menjawab
pertanyaan; dan siswa lebih fokus dalam mengikuti pelajaran.
katakunci: teka – teki silang, kemampuan kosakata siswa, efek dari penggunaan
teka – teki silang pada proses belajar mengajar.

The aim of teaching English researcher conducted observation to

is to develop the students’ ability in know the situation of the teaching
communication. Then, teaching learning process, how the teacher
English is needed for preparing the teach English, the students’ behavior
globalization era and developing the when teaching learning process
science. So, we can increase the happened, the method that teacher
competition with world community. used in teaching English. Then the
To master all, they should prepare researcher had some interview with
them self with vocabularies. the teacher and students. Next, the
Vocabulary is one of the language researcher did a pre-test to know the
component that support the student students’ vocabulary mastery.
in learning language. Burns and Based on the pre-research,
Broman (1975: 295) state the the researcher finds out that the
definition of vocabulary in general. students’ vocabulary mastery in SD
They say that vocabulary may be Negeri Pakurejo is still low, about
defined as the stock of words uses by 75% students get the bad mark
a person, class, or profession. Almost (under six). This problem can be
every individual uses several seen from their low scores in
different vocabularies, all having vocabulary and students got
much in common, yet each distinctly difficulties in four aspects of
different. Coady (1997: 5) states that vocabulary, such as spelling,
vocabulary is central of language and meaning, pronunciation and using
of critical importance to typical word. The researcher also found that
language learner. While Candlin in the teaching learning process was not
Taylor (1990, ix) states that effective as follows: 1) the students
vocabulary is central to language were passive during teaching
teaching and learning. Vocabulary is learning process 2) the class was
really needed in both English noisy 3) the students were afraid to
teaching learning. Therefore, the answer the question 4) the students
students of elementary school still did not focus on the lesson. The
had difficulty in mastering causes of this problem are (1) The
vocabulary. teacher uses the same technique each
The researcher conducted time in teaching vocabulary. It made
pre-research at fourth grade students the students feel so bored, (2) The
of SD Negeri Pakurejo to find the technique that teacher used cannot
students’ problem of English class. motivate the student to learning
The pre-research begins with English, (3) The source that teacher
distributing questionnaire to gather used is only from a textbook.
information about the teaching Based on the fact, the
learning English. After that, the students’ vocabulary mastery needs

improvement. So, the writer brings Pakurejo. There were 20 students,

the way of teaching vocabulary by consisting 6 boys and 14 girls.
using crossword puzzles, to improve The research method in this
the students’ vocabulary mastery. It study is an action research. For
facilitates the students to get better starting point, it is necessary to give
mastery of vocabulary. Case (1994: a definition of action research. Mills
5) states that puzzle are useful for (2000: 6) says that action research is
language learners because the any systematic inquiry conducted by
enjoyment, satisfaction, reflection, teacher researchers, principals,
and play can focus learners attention school counselors, or other
on the language in a concentrated but stakeholders in teaching or learning
nonstressful way. Nation (1986: 1) environment, to gather information
states that puzzles are one obvious about the way that their particular
type of self-motivating material. For schools operate, how they teach, and
native speakers, puzzles of various how well the students learn. Elliot
sorts have a strong appeal. Puzzles (1991: 69) defines that action
are self-motivating because they research is the study of social
offer a challenge that can usually be situation with a view to improving
met successfully. According to the the quality of action within it. It aims
Jones (1992), the crossword puzzles to feed practical judgement in
can be used in a variety of ways: to concrete situation, and the validity of
teach new vocabulary, to help the theories or hypotheses it
students to memorize what they generates depends not so much on
already know. scientific test of truth, as on their
This research aims to find out usefulness in helping people to act
that crossword puzzle improve the more intelligently and skillfully.
students’ vocabulary mastery and to Action research is a research
identify the effect in teaching that is conducted in cycles. As there
learning process when crossword are many experts give the definition
puzzle is implemented in the writing of action research, there are many
class. experts that give the models of action
research too. In this research, the
RESEARCH METHODS writer followed Kemmis and
The research was conducted McTaggart model of action research.
in SD Negeri Pakurejo, Bulu, They refer to four basic steps or
Temanggung in academic year moment of action research: planning,
2011/2012. It was conducted at 7th acting, observing and reflecting.
May 2012 until 31th May 2012. The Planning is a step that identified the
subject of this research was the problem, the writer then makes some
fourth grade students’ of SD Negeri plan to prepare everything related to

the action. Then, acting is the section and gave the pre-test to the students.
which the teacher conducts the From the observation and interview
teaching and learning activity. and pre-test results, the researcher
Observing is step where teacher found a fact that the students’ score
observes the teaching and learning for English was low. About 75%
process in the classroom. Then the students get the bad score (less than
teacher can create the better way of six). The students’ mean score was
teaching. Then, reflecting is step 50 in the scale of 0-100. The
where the teacher makes an researcher concluded that the
investigation of what she has done to students’ vocabulary mastery was
find the strength and weakness of still low. In addition, the classroom
teaching learning process. situation were inefficient. The
In this research, the students were not active. They kept
researcher uses five instruments to silent when theacher asked them
collect the data. They are some questions because they did not
observation, interview, field notes, know the answer. The method and
photograph and test. In analyzing the the materials made them bored and
data, the researcher uses qualitative do not focus on teaching learning
technique and quantitative technique. process.
In analyzing qualitative data, the Based on the fact happened in
researcher uses Burns method. Burns pre-research, the researcher found
(1999:157) gives several steps in these problems: 1) the students’
analyzing qualitative data. The steps vocabulary mastery was still low; 2)
are given as follows: assembling the the effect of teaching English was
data, coding the data, comparing the not good. The causes of these
data, building interpretation, and problems are: 1) The teacher used
reporting the outcome. Meanwhile, the same technique every time she
quantitative data are analyzed by taught vocabulary. It made the
using descriptive statistics. They are students feel so bored. 2) The
analyzed by comparing the result of technique that teacher used could not
pre-test and post-test. It is used to motivate the student to learn English.
know whether there is improvement 3) The source that teacher used was
of students’ vocabulary mastery. limited, only from a textbook.
Cycle 1
Before starting the action, the
Before conducting the action researcher made lesson plans, the
research, the researcher did teaching materials, worksheet and
observation, interviewed the teacher test item for the first cycle. It was

planned to have three meetings in the imitated what the teachers said and
first cycle. tried to focus on teaching learning
activity. They paid attention in
Acting teaching learning activity because
In this activity, the they took part in this activity. It was
students are divided into ten groups. simple and easy for students. So, the
The teacher distributes folded paper ( students could enjoy the activity. The
written a letter ). The students write use of crossword puzzles warmed up
the blank box with the letter. After the students’ motivation to learn
the letter could form an English English. They were enthusiastic to
word, the teacher spelled it followed struggle to come forward to the class.
by students. There was a distinction They were confident to write the
between English language and letters on the blackboard and speak
Indonesian language. In English up the English word. They could
language, the written was different answer the question although their
from the pronunciation. So, the answer was often false.
teacher taught how to pronunce the The results of post-test
word correctly. The students imitated showed an improvement comparing
after the teacher till they could with the pre-test. They could do the
pronunce the word correctly. To task and answer the question. The
introduce an English word, the main score of the pre-test was 50,
teacher mentioned the meaning of while the post-test one score was 69
this word into Indonesian language. from the level 0-100.
She asked the student to memorize There were several
the word so that they could use this problems coming from students. For
word in a sentence. one thing, the students were noisy.
Observing When the teacher divided the
When the researcher students into some pairs, they fell
was implementing the action, the into chaos and confusion. For
collaborator observed the classroom another thing, some of the students
situation and teaching learning had difficulty in pronuncing the
process by using crossword puzzles. words and remembering the English
The effect of teaching learning words and their meaning.
process by using crossword puzzles Furthermore, some students were
was better for students than before. It still afraid to answer the questions
can be seen from the students’ because some of students blamed the
progression in teaching learning other students who made mistakes in
process. The students were more answering the question.
active; the students actively followed
teacher’s instruction. They actively Reflecting

According to the made a game to fulfill the crossword

observation result, the researcher puzzle. The researcher used folded
found some problems during the paper as media. And the researcher
teaching and learning activity which found some problems. The
should be solved in the second cycle researcher solved the problem with
were: 1) the students still had solution in second cycle, the
difficulty in remembering the researcher would not make a game.
English word and its meaning, 2) the To trigger the students’ memory
students had difficulty in about the English word, the
pronouncing the words, 3) the researcher would ask the student to
students were afraid to answer the fill the uncomplete crossword
question, 4) the students blamed the puzzles by their knowledge. By
other students who made mistakes in using it, students would try to
answering the question, 5) The remember the English word and
students were noisy and did not pay would practice to be brave in writing
attention the the teacher’s the answer in front of the class. The
instructions. The causes of the researcher would focus more in
problems were: 1) the researcher teaching pronunciation. She would
only asked the student to fill the give more practice pronunciation to
crossword puzzle by letter that write all students one by one. It was done
in folded paper and it can not trigger to help students how to pronunce
the students’ memory to remember word correctly. The researcher would
the word, 2) in practicing pay more attention to the students
pronunciation, the researcher asked who made chaos and noisy during
all the students to imitate what teaching and learning process. She
teacher say collectively and it can would warm up the studens’
not control the pronunciation motivation to be active in teaching
individually, 3) the researcher did learning process.
not pay more attention to the
students who made chaos and noisy Acting
during teaching and learning process. In this activity, the students
write the letter on the blank box.
Cycle 2 After the letter could form an
Revising Plan English word, the teacher spelled the
Based on the result of letter and followed by students.
reflection above, the teacher and the There was a distinction between
researcher planned to solve the English language and Indonesian
problem which had occurred in cycle language. In English language, the
one. The researcher planned to written was different with the
change the form of crossword pronunciation. So, the teacher taught
puzzle. In first cycle, the researcher how to pronunce the word correctly.

The students imitated after the puzzles in teaching learning activity

teacher till they could pronunce the could warm up the students’
word correctly. To introduce an motivation to learn English. Finally,
English word, the teacher mentioned the students paid attention in
the meaning of this word into teaching learning activity because
Indonesian language. She asked the the student took part in that activity.
student to memorize the word so that It built an enjoyable situation
they could use this word in a because it was simple and easy for
sentence. students. So, they could actively
follow teacher’s instruction.
The observation Reflecting
toward the research implementation Based on the observation
in Cycle 2 was also done by the result, teacher and the researcher
collaborator. The teaching learning reflected the implementation of cycle
process by using crossword puzzles two as follows: 1) the students could
in the cycle also showed the pronunce the word correctly, 2) the
students’ improvement on students remembered the
vocabulary mastery and the effect of vocabularies taught and their
teaching learning process. meaning, 3) the students were active
The result of observation in following the lesson and became
showed the improvement on more focused on the lesson, 4) the
vocabulary mastery. The score of students were not ashamed to answer
post-test two is better than the one of the question.
post-test one. The mean score of The teacher and the
post-test two was 80. Besides, researcher concluded that the use of
students had motivation in following crossword puzzles could improve
the lesson. Those showed better student’s vocabulary mastery and
improvement from the previous test. make the teaching learning activity
The effect of teaching effective. Each cycle of the research
learning process by using crossword showed an improvement. The
puzzle was indicated by the achievement of the students’
following facts. First, the students vocabulary mastery increased. The
were more active in following the mean score of post test one was 69.
lesson. Second, most of the students The mean score of post test two was
were not ashamed to answer the 80. The students could pronounce the
question. Third, students became less word correctly and more fluently
noisy. They could focus more on the than before. So, the students’
lesson. Fourth, the use of crossword pronunciations improved. The

students could remember the crossword puzzle could improve

vocabularies taught and its meaning. English vocabulary mastery
especially in spelling, pronuncing,
The teaching English by using and meaning. Crossword
using crossword puzzle gave the puzzle was a medium to improve
good effect to students. The students students’ English vocabulary
were more active in following the especially young learner. This
lesson because the use of crossword medium creates enjoyable
puzzles built the students’ motivation atmosphere to the class, it can warm
in following the lesson. So, the up the students’ motivation because
students could focus more on the students take part in this activity.
teaching learning activity. Most of In this activity, The students write
the students were not ashamed to the blank box with the letter. After
answer the question given by the the letter could form an English
researcher. word, the teacher spelled it followed
DISCUSSION by students. There was a distinction
The last step of this action between English language and
research was discussing the result of Indonesian language. In English
the research as a final reflection. language, the written was different
Firstly, teacher and researcher with the pronunciation. So, the
identified some problems as follow: teacher taught how to pronunce the
(1) the students’ vocabulary mastery word correctly. The students imitated
was still low; (2) the effect of after the teacher till they could
teaching learning process was not pronunce the word correctly. To
good. The causes of this problem are: introduce an English word, the
(1) The teacher used the same teacher mentioned the meaning of
technique each time in teaching this word into Indonesian language.
vocabulary. (2) The technique that She asked the student to memorize
teacher used cannot motivate the the word so that they could use this
student to learning English. (3) The word in a sentence.
source that teacher used was limited, The action reseach had been
only from a textbook. It made the implemented in two cycles. In the
students feel so bored. So, they were first cycle, the researcher introduced
not active and did not pay attention new English words to students about
in teaching learning process. parts of the body by using crossword
Based on the problem puzzles. She explained the new
found, one of the appropriate method words and their meaning to student.
in teaching vocabulary is using She also taught them how to spell
crossword puzzles. The use of and pronunce the words correctly.
They were also drilled in pronuncing

the words, such as: eye, cheek, ear, Based on the problem found
hair, head, knee, neck, face, hand, in the first cycle, teacher and
nose, elbow, lip, legs, mouth, tooth, researcher planned to improve the
finger, arm, eyebrow, tongue, and teaching learning activity in cycle
toe. They practiced to pronunce the two.
word although they made mistakes in In cycle two, the use of
pronuncing the words. The result crossword puzzles of parts of the
was not good enough. The mean score body could show the improvement of
of pre-test was 50. The mean score of students’ vocabulary mastery and the
post-test 1 was 69. Some of the effectiveness of teaching learning
students had difficulty in pronuncing process; the improvement of
the words and remembering the students’ vocabulary mastery
English word and its meaning. included: 1) The mean score of post-
Based on the classroom test 2 increased to 80; 2) The students
situation, the effect of teaching could memorize the words and its
learning process was better than meaning; 3) The students could
before. It could be seen through their pronounce the words correctly. The
paticipating in teaching learning effects of the teaching learning
process. The students were more process could be indicated by: 1)
active although there were some The students were more active in
students who made noisy. It was seen following the lesson; 2) Most of the
when the teacher divided the students students were not ashamed to answer
into some group. They fell into chaos the question; 3) The students became
and confusion. The students actively less noisy; 4) They could focus
followed the teacher’s instruction. more on the lesson and could be
They actively imitated what the actively follow teacher’s instruction.
teachers said and tried to pay The students could pronunce the
attention in teaching learning activity word correctly and more fluently
because they took part in this than before. So, the students’
activity. They were enthusiastic to pronunciations increased. The
struggle to come forward to the class. students could memorize the
Some students bravely wrote letters vocabularies taught and their
on the blackboard and spook up the meaning.
English word. They could answer the
question although their answer was CONCLUSION
false. But some students were still The result of this action
afraid to answer the question because research shows that the improvement
there were some of students who of students’ vocabulary mastery and
blamed the other student who made the effect of teaching learning
mistake in answering the question. process; the improvement of
students’ vocabulary mastery could

be seen in the increasing of mean score Case, Doug. 1994. English Puzzles 2.
of pre-test 50, post-test 1: 69 and post- Oxford: Heinemann
test 2: 80, the students could memorize Publishers
the vocabularies taught and their
meaning and pronounce the words Coady, James, and Thomas Huckin.
correctly. So, the students’ 1997. Second Language
pronunciations improved. The effects Vocabulary Acquisition: A
of the teaching learning process Rationale Pedagogy.
could be indicated by: the students Melbourne: Cambridge
were more active in following the University Press
lesson, most of the students were not Elliott, John. 1991. Action Research
ashamed to answer the question, for Educational Change.
students became less noisy so, they Philadelpia: Open
could focus more on the lesson and University Press
could be actively follow teacher’s
instruction. Jones, Peter Watcyn. 1992. It’s
From the statements, it can be Crossword Time.
concluded that crossword puzzle is Middlesex: Penguin Group
able to improve the students’
Mills, Geoffrey E. 2000. Action
vocabulary mastery and the teaching
Research: A Guide for the
learning process of using cossword
Teacher Researcher. New
puzzzles give good effect to students.
Jersey: Prentice Hall inc
BIBLIOGRAPHY Nation, ISP. 1986. Language
Burns, Anne. 1999. Collaborative Teaching Puzzles.
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