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Lesson 2

Creativity, Imagination and Expression in

Art Appreciation
Lesson Objectives:
1. Determine the role of creativity, imagination and
expression in Art Appreciation
2. Recognize the importance of creativity in art.
3. Create an artwork that depicts creativity, imagination
and expression.
Defined as the capacity to produce images, ideas
and sensations in the mind without any immediate
input of the senses ( Bryne,2005).
It is the process of forming images in the mind that
have not been previously experienced by our five
senses as in the case of fantasy, fairytale or fiction
( Fabiani,2009).
According to Albert Einstein regards imagination
as “more important than knowledge. Knowledge is
limited. Imagination encircles the world” (
What is Creativity?
Is what sets apart one artwork from another
When one not yet seen anything like it or when it is out
of the ordinary
Creativity should be backed with careful research on
related art to avoid such conflicts
⚫ The act of turning new and imaginative ideas into
reality (Ward,2003).
⚫ It is characterized by an ability to associate, question,
observe, create a network and experiment (
⚫ When one sees the world in a brand new way to find
concealed patterns and make connections between
occurrences to come-up with the solutions.

THINKING ⚫ In a nut shell, if you

have ideas and you do
not do something
PRODUCING about it, you are
imaginative but not
Augustin Fuentes
Author of “The Creative
Spark: How Imagination
Made Humans
He articulated that there
is no better way to flex
one’s creativity muscle
than to do art (2017).
“Without art, we’re not human. The ability to
imagine and to take that imagination and make it
into reality is one of the things that is really
distinctive about humans. Whether its painting,
building airplanes, or figuring out how to make a
paycheck last to the end of the month, it all
stems from the same creative capacity. And
there is no better way to flex that creativity
muscle to do art, be exposed to art, and to think
about art.”
The Role of Creativity in Art
Creativity requires thinking outside the box.
Often used to solve problems that have never occurred
before, conflate function and style and simply make
life a more unique and enjoyable experience.
In art, creativity is what sets apart one artwork from
It is done creatively when we have not yet seen
anything before, when it is out of the ordinary.
⚫ A creative artist does not simply imitate or copy other
artist’s work.
⚫ He does not imitate the lines, flaws, colors and
patterns in presenting nature.
⚫ He embraces originality, puts his own flavor into his
own work medium creative piece.
ART as a product of Imagination,
Imagination as a Product of Art
✔ “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For
knowledge is limited to all we now and understand ,
while imagination embraces the entire world, and all
there ever will be to know and understand”.
✔ Imagination is not constrained by the walls of the
norm, but goes beyond that.
✔ Through imagination, one is able to craft something
bold, something new and something better in the hopes
of creating something that will stimulate change.
✔ Imagination allows endless possibilities.
✔ Artists use their imagination that gives birth to reality
through creation
Art as Expression
An artist has freedom to express himself the way he
wants to.
There is no specific technology in expression.
This makes people’s art not a reflection of what is
outside or inside in them, but a reflection of their inner

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