J. P. Rizal Ext., West Rembo, Makati City: University of Makati Higher School NG Umak Department of Social Sciences

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J. P. Rizal Ext., West Rembo, Makati City

Course Title Title
Society, and Politics SOCIETY, AND POLITICS

Learning Objectives 1. distinguish the different concepts that surrounds culture, society, and politics;
2. examine concepts that highlight reality as part of their personal discernment;
At the end of this module,
the students should be able
3. determine the concepts that brings complication to save our culture from
There are so many barriers that separates us from one another. What would solidify
this claim would be the presence of distrust among people. Some scholars believe that
“cynicism” or the belief that one’s motivation are driven by self-interests, is identified as a
proximate cause for this division. As a result, bigotry or intolerance brought by the fact that it
is against or different from one’s view, prevails within our society. David Hess (2003) identified the presence of
“outdated norms” in some books such as in law and linguistics. Their prevalence despite
modernity, continue to take its course with humanity and is a manifestation that a challenge
was imposed upon us. On the other hand, most of us are unconscious about how we derived
some of our impressive sets of belief, customs, and traditions which in reality are created to
meet our needs (Giddens, 2006). Therefore, this topic would like to give light on how we shall

address an issue which many consider as a constant or perennial in nature.

Activity # 1

Directions: Get a 1 whole sheet of pad paper. Make an exposition of your personal
experience during the implementation of the Enhanced Community Quarantine and its
transition to the General Enhanced Community Quarantine in Metro Manila.

1. To begin with, make a recall about the status you and your family had during
those times. Make a detailed narration of it.
2. Second, was there any incident that you can recall during those times that survival is an issue? What was it
and why?
3. Lastly, did you noticed how the behavior of the people changed during those times? Elaborate your
observation by revealing some important details.

Prepared by: Melvin L. Peñafiel Jr., LPT

Society in a nutshell:

Society is considered as a permanent organization for this is where we humans rely for our
survival. Furthermore, each member of the society is interdependent to one another so as to
achieve such objective which exists until death. One unique characteristic of society is being
dynamic because it is subjected to constant change for it has been considered as a requirement for
survival be it slow or fast in pacing. But what facilitates such characteristic would be its reliance on control. To bring
conformity and solidarity, man should be subjected into a system that would subsidize resources which will allow
mobility among people. Therefore, progress will be at reach among people. Furthermore, people had their own set
of beliefs about how development is achieved. So, we have to set boundaries or limits because of this predicament.

Conflict and Development in the Society

Sociologists have studied about the various concerns that surrounds problems
within the society. To demonstrate such thing, they analyzed the mobilization of people
within and throughout the society. They found out that opportunity is one of the main
personal reasons why people move from one place to another. Moreover, what seems to be
considered as indispensable dilemma is indifference. Sociologists found out that inconsistencies brought by
generation and orientation matter is the reason behind such problem. A typical example of this would be the so-
called Generation Gap or contrasting opinions brought by difference of generation. Furthermore, development in
the society began when it had assumed different roles that catered the needs of the people. This statement would
be seen by the rise of different societies such as industrial, pastoral and agricultural societies.

Culture in a nutshell:

Culture indicates the social heritage of man as it builds consensus about his/her

inherent traits indicating the becoming of a person’s identity. Moreover, it patterns the
behavior of individuals based on their respective social construct or the ideas perceived by
people about a certain group. It has a profound effect among individuals as it raises awareness about its influence
on the various aspects of life. It is usually taken for granted as they are presumed to be normal or natural because
we just simply follow those without any question.

Culture within us:

Sociologists gave another certain definition of culture as something considered as

learned and shared ways of believing and of doing. Therefore, it penetrates our life at an early
age that immediately becomes part of our taken-for-granted assumption on our perceived view
of normal behavior. As a result, what makes culture important is because it serves as the lens
through which we perceive and evaluate what is going on around us. Furthermore, David Hess posited the view that
we all have our different institutional spheres. (Hess, 2003) Therefore, the point that should be raised is how to
achieve greater understanding of one another. In doing so, we need to point out our indifferences. Consequently,
at this point, studying culture promotes tolerance that would eliminate racist views as it provides us framework on
how important are these in developing our mindset about what humanity really is all about.

Politics in the Sociological lens:

Politics is usually viewed by the Sociologists in a general manner. To emphasize such

statement, they studied the conduct of behavior and actions that were undertaken through an
analysis of the strategies that were used to do such thing. It focuses on the central question: why
do people obey especially in situations where it is not in their objective interest to do so? Moreover,
sociologists also focus on the relationship between the rulers and its citizens. In doing so, they would usually study
the practices that were made both by the government and the people. As a result, sociologists study the structures
of the society that were built to know the distinction between power and domination, ability and capacities and
local and global level.

Prepared by: Melvin L. Peñafiel Jr., LPT


Directions: On the blanks provided, write the word AGREE if the statements are verifiable and DISAGREE if the
statements are unproven or mistaken.

_____________ 1. The removal of a system by where a man is placed would encourage mobility among people.

____________ 2. Man’s survival was considered as one of the reasons why society is subject to constant change.

_____________ 3. It is through culture that we become aware about humanity.

_____________ 4. By studying the society, Sociologists were able to postulate the source of conflicts among people.

_____________ 5. By observing alone, the natural habitat of man that Sociologists were able to find out the
relationship between and among the social structures.

Assignment: Analysis Paper

Read and make a personal review of at least three news report, local or international from three different reputable
news agencies about racial discrimination. Then, make a comparative assessment of the three by analyzing the
statements that were made by that news agency if they are appropriate or not. Lastly, applying what you’ve read in
the introduction and content section, do you think studying culture and society is enough to address these


Explanation (5 Points) You are able to defend your argument.

Demonstrated Knowledge (5 Points) You were able to directly link what you have learned.

Completion (5 Points) You were able to completely answer the questions.

Workmanship (5 Points) You were able to craft a good output.

Timeliness (5 Points) You were able to submit it on time.

Originality (5 Points) You were able to create an output based on your own ideas.

Saluba, D. J., Damilig, A. D., Carlos, A. F., Barlan, J. M., & Cuadra, J. F. (2016). Understanding Culture, Society, and
Politics for Senior High School. Malabon: Mutya Publishing House Inc.

Henslin, J. M. (2015). Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. Boston: Pearson.




Prepared by: Melvin L. Peñafiel Jr., LPT

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