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September 16, 2021

To the members of the NSDP State Central Committee:

We are writing today to formally notify the committee that the motion to amend
Article III Section 1 Bylaw A (motion 5) has been withdrawn. We also write to
provide clarity regarding a committee called Nevada Democratic Victory, which is
currently functioning as an unauthorized agent of the Nevada State Democratic Party.
Normally, we would not send a letter such as this one to the entire SCC, but after
attempts have been made to influence the results of an upcoming vote by
communicating directly with all of you, we feel as though it is necessary to share the
full story, and enlighten the members of the SCC as to what has been happening to
limit the function and authority of the NSDP.

In regards to motion 5, it is our belief that the committee can no longer engage in a
meaningful, unbiased debate in considering this motion. In the past few days, various
individuals have attempted to influence the results of this vote through emails and
calls to SCC members, and in doing so, have significantly misrepresented the purpose
of this motion. In the interest of party unity and preserving fair debate on proposed
motions as outlined in our bylaws, motion 5 has been withdrawn and will not be
considered at the upcoming SCC meeting.

In June, Nevada Democratic Victory filed with the Federal Elections Commission as a
local committee and subordinate organization of the Nevada State Democratic Party.
In doing so, they intended to establish themselves as a “coordinated campaign,” which
is an entity capable of supporting multiple candidates in one election cycle, and
spending more money on those campaigns than would normally be allowed for by a
PAC. Coordinated campaigns in Nevada have always been managed by the state
party, because in order to function as a coordinated campaign, an entity must affiliate
with a state party’s federal committee—this is a stipulation of federal election law and
the standardized procedure used by state parties around the country. At the time of
their launch, no effort was made by any individual to involve, or even notify the
officers of the NSDP of the coordinated campaign. In essence, Nevada Democratic
Victory has excluded NSDP from any  oversight of the coordinated campaign,
while forcing NSDP to accept all of the liability for the organization’s workings.
This would mean that all potential penalties and consequences of any mistakes or
willful misconduct will fall on the elected officers, executive board members, and
state central committee members of the NSDP. We support all of our elected officials,
and respect their willingness to work with Nevada Democratic Victory, but cannot
allow NSDP to be liable for the organization’s actions, without the oversight of the
NSDP officers and the SCC.

Since June, NSDP officers and staff have attempted to engage in conversations with
representatives of Nevada Democratic Victory, so that we could come to an
agreement in which Nevada Democratic Victory would be allowed to continue
functioning under the authority of NSDP. In other words, we have attempted to
establish mutually agreeable terms of affiliation with Nevada Democratic Victory in
the same nature as every other coordinated campaign that has ever existed in Nevada.
We have notified the FEC that Nevada Democratic Victory falsely claimed, to the
Federal Government, affiliation with the Nevada State Democratic Party.

As the elected leaders of the Democratic Party in Nevada, it is our job to elect
Democrats up and down the ballot. One of our primary functions in this role is
overseeing a coordinated campaign capable of expanding our majority of Democrats
across the state (see NSDP Bylaws Article I Sec. 2). The NSDP structure is
established to give every Democrat a voice, and we intend to do that: empowering
communities across the state, registering thousands of new voters, and electing
Democrats to office at federal, state, and local levels, which so often have the most
direct impact on the daily lives of Nevadans. We are intent upon doing the jobs the
SCC has entrusted to us, and are working hard to ensure that our organization is ready
to oversee the effort to win in 2022.


Judith Whitmer, NSDP Chair

Jacob Allen, NSDP First Vice Chair
Dr. Zaffar Iqbal, NSDP Second Vice Chair
Ahmad Adé, NSDP Secretary

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