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Autumn Leaves

A Solo Write & Roll Game by Michael Isaacs

Leaf Decay Track

Oak Leaf Maple Leaf

Color Die
1 Brown(B) Complication Chart
2 Red(R)
3 Orange(O) 2-3 Add Brown to both Oak Leaves
4 Yellow(Y) 4-5 Add Brown to both Birch and Grape
5 Purple(P) 6-8 Add Brown to 2 Leaves of Your Choice
6 Your Choice 9-11 Add Brown to both Maple Leaves
Birch Leaf Grape Leaf
12 You got lucky this time

Completed Leaves: ______ x5 = ______
Adjacent Matching Colors: ______ x2 = ______
Remaining Leaves to Decay: ____ x3 = ______
Leaves of single Color: _____ x1 0 = ______
Maple Leaf Oak Leaf
Game Play: Scoring:
Autumn Leaves Each turn you will roll all 3 dice. Add up the number of leafs that
A Solo Write & Roll Game by Michael Isaacs Mark off the number on the Decay die on have been completely filled and multiply by
Summer has come and gone. The trees the leaf fall track. If the Decay die is a 6, 5.
have grown tired after a long season, and mark off 5 leaves on the Leaf Decay Add up the number of leaf portions
it's time to find someone that will paint Track, add the other two dice together. that are adjacent to portions of the same
their leaves in vibrant autumn shades. and consult the Complication Chart. color. Do not count portions that are
That job has fallen to you . Brown. To be adjacent they must share an
When the Leaf Fall Track is edge, not a point. Multiply this number by
What you need to play: completedly filled in, the game ends when 2.
you finish this turn. If there are still unmarked leaves on
the Leaf Decay Track, multiple the
When the Decay die isn't a 6, number remaining unfilled by 3.
- 3 six-sided dice, one of which choose one of the other dice to be the For every leaf that is completed with
needs to be a different color to represent Leaf die, and the remain die to be the the same color, including Brown, add 1 0
the Decay die. Color die. Pick an area of the leaf bonus points. Total these numbers to find
specified by the Leaf die and write in the your final score.
- Pencil or Pen. Optionally you can letter representing the Color die result. If
use crayons or colored pencils of autumn the Leaf die indicates a leaf that is
colors. completed, swap the dice. If that leaf is full,
then the turn ends.
- A copy of the game board.
Example Play: On your turn you roll the 3 dice and
get 2, 4, and a 3 on the Decay die. After filling in 3 The Brown areas are adjacent, and the Yellow
Goal: leaves on the Leaf Decay Track you choose to use areas are not. No points are earned because
To completely color all 6 leaves the 4 as the Leaf die and the 2 as the Color die. adjacent Brown areas don't score.
You then choose an area on the Grape Leaf to
before the last leaf falls from the trees and mark with an R.
winter begins. A perfect leaf will score a total of 25
points. 5 for being completed, 1 0 for
adjacent color, and 1 0 points for being a
Set up: single color.
Great news. The tree leaves are ________
ready and waiting for you get busy coloring The game ends when either the last
them. Once you've gotten every thing you Next autumn, try and improve your score.
leaf falls from the trees (the Leaf Decay The trees appreciate your help.
need to play, you are ready to go. Track is filled) or when the last area of the
last leaf has been colored.

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