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Lambeth Arts Email Bulletin – April 2011

Lambeth News

• Cultivate Expressions of interest are open

The big one is back. Lambeth's flagship event, the Lambeth Country Show,
returns this July 16 and 17.

Lambeth Arts and Events will again facilitate Cultivate, the Cultural Olympiad
themed area with a stage and participation marquee, exhibition and
workshops for all.

In addition there are limited spaces available in the Cultivate 'Village' - a

collection of small marquees (3m x 3m) which are available free of charge to
local organisations to be resident at the show, to promote their work and hold
community outreach workshops. For enquiries about space in the village
please contact Rosella Hart on with an outline of what
you would do with the space if you had it for the weekend

If you are interested in performing delivering workshop activity please go to

the link below, fill in an expression of interest form as per the instructions.

Deadline for applications is 12 April.

To apply visit:

• Funding application training (Dance)

As part of Lambeth's work with Playsport London there will be a full day of
training in fundraising for community dance groups, in particularly looking at
funding applications. The training will be delivered by LVAC on Saturday 16
April and will run the whole day (likely 10am to 6pm) There are 6 free places
available. Please note this is by invitation only.

To be considered for a place please reply to this email in no more than 200 words, with the

o Your name
o Contact phone number

o your current teaching activity in Lambeth including the style of dance and target users

o how you would benefit from this training, and particularly what work you are currently
developing that you are writing funding applications for.

By Friday 11 April, to

• Lambeth Inspired Festival

Are you interested in creating 2012 related work? The Lambeth 2012 team is
hoping to support the development of Lambeth based 2012 inspired
performances or installations, in any art form; throughout 2011 and 2012.

There are a lot of opportunities for arts organisations and artists to perform
and engage with 2012 related events and programmes.

Genuinely 2012 inspired work could:

Be performed / installed around the borough, possibly in a festival context, to

engage residents and attract visitors at Games time.

Link into key 2012 experience zones at the Southbank and beyond.

Link into the Cultural Olympiad 2012 Festival and other pan London cultural

Contribute to torch relay celebration moments if appropriate and route


Provide content for any Lambeth based celebration events.

If you are interested in finding out more about the proposed Lambeth Inspired
Festival please contact:

Anastasia Dailianis

2012 Development Officer

Ph: 0207 9267078

• BT launches search for storytellers of London 2012 Games

BT is looking for people from all walks of life to share their experiences of and
thoughts about the London 2012 Games in a variety of creative ways.
Whether budding writers, social networkers, amateur photographers, film-
makers, artists or musicians – anyone with an interest in London 2012 can
apply for the chance to tell their stories.

Applications remain open until June 2011. The chosen storytellers will be
invited to submit their stories, tweets, photos, film clips and blogs for
publication on a dedicated website from 27 July 2011, to help mark one year
to go to the London 2012 Olympic Games.

For more information visit:

• Registration for Open Weekend 2011

Now in its fourth year, Open Weekend 2011 is part of the 'one year to go'
celebrations. The open weekend dates are 22 to 24 July

Successful registrations will be given access to the Open Weekend brand

centre, helping you promote your event and involvement with London 2012.

For registration and information visit

Exhibitions, Events and Shows

• Tea House Theatre presents...A Royal Wedding Street Party

Ladies and gentlemen, in celebration of the nuptials of Prince William and

Miss Catherine Middleton, Tea House Theatre invite you to join them at a
quintessential London street party in the beautiful Vauxhall Spring Gardens
park, within earshot of the bells of Westminster Abbey.

Guests are encouraged to enter into the spirit of things, bringing a culinary
offering of their own (a generous prize will be awarded for the best cake) The
wireless will be tuned to the BBC for uninterrupted audio coverage of the
wedding itself. Bingo, animals from Vauxhall city farm and a Teahouse
Theatre vs The Black dog public House cricket match are some of the
entertainment. You are all invited to don your gladdest of rags, pack a picnic,
bring a bottle and your sporting gear and join Teahouse to toast the
newlyweds in style

Outside the new Tea House Theatre (formerly the Queen Anne Pub)

Vauxhall Walk

Vauxhall Spring Gardens

29 April 2011
9am – 6pm

Teahouse are recent arrivals to Lambeth, and have converted the former
Queen Anne into a teahouse, actors centre and arts hub, and welcome
contact and enquiries from all members of the Arts community.

For more information contact Freddie on 07870 564 777 or at

Or visit

• 'What Now' weekend showcase

'What Now' is a weekend showcase of works by emerging independent dance

and visual artists. This year the festival includes installations, performances,
lectures, photography and books, exhibiting choreographic thinking in diverse
forms throughout Siobhan Davies Studios.
16 to 17 April
Weekend pass £12, £10, £8
Day pass £9, £7, £5

For bookings call 020 7091 9650 or email

• Entelechy Arts: Family

Entelechy Arts presents another in its series of dance events for older people
and their families, at Siobhan Davies Dance. Family will be a unique blend of
contact improvisation, gentle movement, relaxation and social dance
combined with live music performance.
Advance booking is required.

20 April
2pm to 4pm
Free admission

To book, contact Lou 020 8694 9007 or

• The Big Lunch 2011

The third annual Big Lunch will take place on Sunday 5 June.

Big Lunch is the Eden Project’s initiative that aims to get as many people as
possible to have lunch with their neighbours once a year.

Thousands of events have taken place and nearly a million people have
participated each year since the campaign launched in 2009. From small
intimate affairs, to full blown street parties with bouncy castles and hog roasts,
Big Lunches have been held in all types of community around the UK. And
research shows that it really works; people feel closer to their neighbours as a
result of The Big Lunch and many find it’s just the spark that their community
needed to bring people together.

Big Lunch provide a starter pack which contains a step-by-step guide to help
you get your event off the ground, plus invitations, posters, 'crowd cooking'
recipe ideas, stickers and more which you receive on registration

Register your Big Lunch event online at or call 0845 850 8181 to
speak to one of the team.

• Chopin statue reinstatement at the Southbank Centre

The polish heritage society will be reinstating a long lost Chopin statue
outside the royal festival hall. The statue was originally donated by the polish
government and peoples in 1975 to Britain as a gift in thanks for the help the
UK government gave to Poland during the World War 2.

To celebrate this, there will be a free concert at the Purcell room at 12 noon
given by Alexandre Ardakov. There will be 250 free tickets available to
Lambeth community organisations.

Wednesday 18 May, 11am

For more information and to secure a ticket contact Teresa Sawicka at

• Southbank Centre Festival of Britain

22 April to 4 September 2011

Southbank celebrates the 60th anniversary of Festival of Britain at Southbank

Centre with a four-month festival of British culture and creativity.

Recent announcements and highlights: London In Love, Chorus!, Lang Lang

Inspires, Stewart Lee's Austerity Binge, E4 Udderbelly Festival at Southbank
Centre, London Guitar Festival and the Light Fantastic Weekend. Each
weekend features a host of events and workshops.

For more information visit:

• 'Hanging Out' seeking older people to contribute

Full Spectrum Productions is looking for enthusiastic older people to take part
in a project exploring the cultural diversity of the 1950s and 1960s youth
scene in Camden, Brent, Lambeth and City of London. Hanging Out looks at
the immense changes that occurred in popular and social culture in 1950 and
1960s and is a collaboration between the Imperial War Museum London,
Museum of London, and Brent Museum with Spectrum productions.

If you want to share your experiences with young people on growing up in the
1950s/1960s then this project is for you.
For more information contact Full Spectrum on 020 7692 2711 or

Or visit

• Still Moving Dance exhibition

Siobhan Davies Studios, London SE1

Admission free

Exhibition runs to 9 April then tours South London Boroughs

Still Moving is a touring exhibition of works by emerging photographers from

Siobhan Davies Dance’s Capture dance photography project; and Seven
Ways South, a film commission by Lucy Cash and Becky Edmunds. The
participants of Capture worked with professional dance photographer, Pari
Naderi, to examine the creative opportunities and technical skills of capturing

For more information, and touring venues and dates visit:

• Streatham Festival 2011

Streatham Festival Association is inviting Streatham’s organisations,

businesses and residents to take part in this year's festival, which will run from
2 to 10 July.

The Streatham Festival Association is keen to meet local people and firms
who want to hold events as part of the 9-day programme. Last year saw over
40 events throughout the week, from comedy and film to art exhibitions and
music and dance.

This year is the tenth anniversary of the festival and the theme this year is
‘The Earth’ and lots of creative ideas and a broad range of activities are
expected, to celebrate the planet.

Streatham Festival has also recently appointed a new chair; Chix Chandaria.
Chix was awarded Highly Commended for Best Woman in Business and her
company, Hix & Buck, was also awarded Highly Commended for Best Small
Business by Lambeth Business Awards.

In recognition of the importance of interacting with young people, a new role

of Youth Engagement Officer has been created, and is occupied by Terance

Or for more information contact The Festival Press Contact

is Helen Smith on 07775 763161

Or visit:

Funding, Awards and Competitions

• Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund

The Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund, run by the Museums Association,

focuses on time-limited collections work outside the scope of an
organisation’s core resources. The MA will award museums, galleries and
heritage organisations. Organisations can apply for sums between £20,000
and £100,000. In 2011 the application deadlines will be 31 May and 31

For more information


• DCMS/Wolfson Museums & Galleries Improvement Fund

This fund supports projects which improve the quality of displays, public
spaces, environmental controls and disabled access in museums and
galleries across England. Bids for the first round of awards will be invited from
eligible applicants in April 2011.

For further information visit:

• Tudor Trust

Tudor is one of the larger independent grant-making trusts, which funds

organisations working across the UK. It aims to help smaller, under-resourced
organisations that offer direct services and these groups do not have to be
registered charities. There is no maximum or minimum grant amount. Grants
can take the form of core funding (including salaries and running costs),
development funding, project grants or capital grants for buildings or
equipment and are usually made over one, two or three years.

For more information visit

• HLF Heritage Grants Scheme

Heritage Grants Scheme funding is available for projects of £1million-

£5million that relate to the national, regional or local heritage of the UK. To be
eligible for funding a project must:
- Help people to learn about their own and other people's heritage
- Conserve the UK's diverse heritage for present and future generations to
experience and enjoy
- Help more people, and a wider range of people, to take an active part in and
make decisions about heritage.
The next closing date for applications is 11 April 2011.

For details, see:

• Sita Trust Enhancing Communities Programme

Grants are available to not for profit organisations, community groups, parish
councils, local authorities and charities for projects that make physical
improvements to community facilities and historic buildings / structures. SITA
will accept applications from projects which are within 3 miles of qualifying
SITA UK waste processing sites.

Application deadline is 10am, 18 April 2011 for the Fast Track Fund (formerly
Small Grants Scheme)

For more information visit:

Training, Courses, and Competitions

• Morley College Access to Higher Education Programme Open Day

Thursday 7 April 2011

10am to 2pm

Morley College

61 Westminster Bridge Road

London SE1 7HT

The Access to Higher Education programme is designed for musicians who

play an instrument, sing, compose or produce tracks and want to study music
at college or university.

At this open day you can find out about Morley's Access to Higher Education
Diplomas and Pre Access courses in Music and Music Technology

• information about the courses

• an opportunity to meet and speak with tutors and current students

• taster workshops

• a tour of the college and its facilities

• a student performance

• refreshments provided

To register your interest email or call

020 7450 1889

For more information visit

• LVAC Monitoring and evaluation for small groups

Thursday 7 April 2011

10am to 3pm

LVAC 95 acre lane

With greater competition for funding and demand for services, high quality
monitoring and evaluation is increasingly important. This workshop is
designed for small groups (those who have 70 or less paid staff hours per
week) and will consider monitoring and evaluation as a tool for learning and
accountability. Participants will practice developing simple monitoring and
evaluation systems and frameworks. This event will appeal to a range of
learning styles, and include plenty of activities and group discussions.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

For information contact Charlotte Hennessy

• Clore Leadership Programme Chair/CEO Training Day

The Clore Leadership Programme, in partnership with the Cultural Leadership

Programme, is offering day-long courses for Chairs and CEOs (or Artistic
Directors) attending as a pair.

The day will take place on Thursday 19 May, 9.30am to 4.30pm at the
Whitechapel Gallery, London, and will cover issues such as artistic risk,
financial information, legal responsibilities, strategic planning, diversity,
recruitment and succession planning.

For more information contact Alisha Whittington 020 7420 9434

Or visit

• Art as a Business masterclasses

A series of masterclasses delivered by Michael Atavar. Michael Atavar is an
artist as well as a creative consultant resident at Oval House and the author of
‘How To Be An Artist'.

The seminars will run on the last Wednesday of every month in the Red
Studio at Oval House Theatre, 52-54 Kennington Oval, London SE11 5SW.
Cost is £10 per session if attending as an individual, or £30 per session if
attending as an organisation. Payments can be made in advance to confirm a
place, or can be paid on arrival.

The confirmed masterclasses run as follows:

- ‘Methods for Surviving as an Independent Artist’ on 20 April 5.30-7.30pm.
- ‘Making Approaches and Pitches to Theatres’ on 25 May 5.30-7.30pm
-‘Generating Ideas and Projects’ on 29 June 5.30-7.30pm.

Contact Michael Atavar to confirm a place by emailing, and using the subject line ‘Art As A

Oval House can deliver a full range of services designed to develop the
creativity of your business. Please contact to
discuss your requirements.

Oval House Theatre 0207 582 0080

For more information visit

• Dance Proms: Working Together in Celebration of Dance

The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD), the International Dance

Teachers’ Association (IDTA), and the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), have
joined forces with the Royal Albert Hall to launch Dance Proms, a national
celebration of dance in all its forms and a celebration of the unique
relationship between students and their dance teachers.

UK members from the three organisations are invited to video and submit a short dance piece online;
featuring original choreography performed either as a solo, couple, trio or group performance by their
students in any dance genre.

A variety of acts will then be selected by a respected panel of professionals to

come together to perform live at the spectacular Royal Albert Hall on Sunday
13 November 2011. Registration is now open and the closing date for
receipt of uploaded videos is 11 May 2011.

For more information visit

• Age to Age: Intergenerational practice seminar 8 April 2011

This half day seminar for arts, health and community practitioners and
volunteers, from Age Exchange, will introduce intergenerational practice.
The session will include presentations by intergenerational specialists, as well
as best practice and current activity in the community and further afield.
Participants will also have the chance to take part in workshops delivered by
Age Exchange, Entelechy Arts and Magic Me exploring practical activities and
exercises used to create intergenerational work through movement, visual
and performance arts and reminiscence.

For further information contact Malcolm Jones at Age Exchange Theatre on

020 8318 9105 or email or www.age-

Opportunities and Jobs

• Mandinga Project and Administrative Assistant Internship

Mandinga are seeking a Project and Administrative Assistant Intern to join

their small and busy team in the Mandinga office and studios in South West

The successful candidate will work as part of the core staff team under the
supervision of the Company Project Manager / Administrator to provide
administrative support to all aspects of Mandinga’s work.

Placement is 2 - 3 days per week over 3 months. Interviews will be held

between 14th and 15th April 2011.The next placement will commence from
Monday 18 April 2011. A pre-paid oyster travel card will be provided to cover
the cost of travel to and from work. The deadline for applications is 12
noon, Monday 11 April 2011.

For an application pack please contact Claire Horton on 020 8674 6560 or email (writing ‘Project and Admin Intern’ in the subject line).

• Actress wanted to play Nigerian nurse

A production inspired by Bob Marley Music called 'Bob Marley the Kids Salute
You' is looking for an actress who is Nigerian or who can perform Nigerian
accent. The production is based on Bob Marley's childhood. The monologue
is comical. The work is unpaid. If you are interested then please telephone
Lorna Blackman on 07948320299

• Small World Dance and Wellness Centre Brixton

The Small World Dance and Wellness Centre is a community studio with a
focus on different types of movement and dance from around the world. The
venue is approximately 544 square feet with sprung floors and private
access and is only a 3 minute walk away from Brixton station, located in the
Eurolink business centre.

Small world are looking for a dynamic range of dance, yoga, movement and
meditation teachers to use the space.

Part of the ethos of the centre is to provide affordable space for hire to
community groups, and the long term goal is to be a community dance and
wellbeing hub where practitioners and local residents can share their
experience and culture.

For more information please contact Anna Kemper on 07984114679 or at

• Coin Street Conference Centre

Is offering new and existing clients 25% off meeting room hire throughout
March and April 2011. Their flexible spaces can cater for a wide range of
meetings and events.

For information contact or call 020 7021 1650

News and Resources

• Gozart Giant Puppets for Hire

Gozart uses puppetry to bring people together, build community and make
change. They specialize in giant puppetry, masks, and street art to create
highly participatory, issue-oriented, outdoor theatre that is accessible to all.

Gozart uses art as a vehicle for community building and education to promote
cultural diversity. Gozart have a selection of giant puppets available for events
over Summer 2011 and also facilitate carnival art workshops.

For more information contact:

Or visit

• My first job in film: new website

My First Job In Film is a website designed to act as a conduit between the UK

Film Industry and the variety of individuals who wish to join the industry as
new entrants. The role of this site is to allow industry participants to post
available opportunities online and new entrant members apply for them
directly though this site. Industry participants can then sort and select their
candidates all online quickly and easily.

For more information visit

• Voluntary Arts Network

The voluntary Arts network have a wide range of information and resources
available, as well as regularly updates funding information and networking

For information visit

• Leadership Works website from CLP

The Cultural Leadership Programme (CLP) team

has developed the Leadership Works website to
host a diverse range of leadership content -
evaluative essays, video case studies and
leadership journeys - which mark the key outcomes
from the Programme since its launch in 2006.
Leadership Works is designed to be intuitive, dynamic and interactive and
content can be explored by type, theme or tags. Each page also features
suggestions for related reading, links and videos. Content will be added over
the following weeks so do keep checking back.

For more information visit:

• ACE National Portfolio

The Arts Council England National portfolio funding programme decisions are
now public. The National Portfolio will provide funding to 695 organisations
from April 2012.

It replaces ACE regular funding programme, which will end on 31 March 2012

To see which organisations are part of the portfolio visit:

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