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Subject: ENGLISH Unit - 1

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
1 UNIT -1 (A) 1. Reading Comprehension: TEXT BOOK • Teacher asks the learn- • Learners are asked to • Finds the other disabled
Reading: • Reads the text material (A) Reading: ers to read the picture read the story once person and learns from
Attitude is with Comprehension Attitude is at page 2 and answer the again. their lives to encourage
Altitude • Identifies details, Charac- Altitude questions that follows • Answers the questions himself.
ters, main ideas, sequence • Asks the learners to given
of ideas and events in tex- analyse the story. • Thinks about the • Reading - c “I will do it”
tual and non-textual ma- a. The attitude of Nick’s disabledness of Nick
terial. parents and encourages himself
• Compares and contrasts b. The experience of as an optimist.
characters, events and Nick in the school and
relate them to life. society as a disabled
• Answer questions orally man.
and in writing on a vari- c. The positive attitude
ety of texts of Nick established
and encouraged
himself as an optimist
and became a won-
derful motivational
2 (A) Reading: 2. Vocabulary: TEXT BOOK Learns new vocabulary • Usage of adjectives/ ex- II. Pick out from the text that
Attitude is • Infers the meaning of un- related to the text. pressions which is supports nick’s attributes
Altitude familiar words by reading Dictionary • Refers dictionary to nearest in meaning to Text Book - 9
them in Context. Thesaurus find the meanings of the words underlined
• refers dictionary, thesau- the words. Text Book page - 10 Pick out from the text 5 new
rus in order to find mean- • List of adjectives which III. words each day and find
ings, spellings of words. TEXT BOOK describe Nick Vujicic and IV. Fill in the blanks with their meanings.
• usage of synonyms ant- Page: 8 () them words that match.with
onyms and pronunciation • Identifies positive and the descriptions in Text
in speech and in writing. TEXT BOOK negative qualities and Book page - 10,11
Page- 9 tick () or (X) respec- • Tick () the most ap-
• learns one word substi- tively propriate word on page
tutes • Teacher explains one - 29
word substitutes at
page 28,29

Subject: ENGLISH

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
2 (A) Reading: 3. Grammar : Text Book • Teacher says and • The grammatical part -
Attitude is • Communicates accurately Page - 11,12 writes an example for given in the text book is
Altitude using appropriate gram- Defining relative clause. I, II & III in the text
matical forms. If the clause defines the book page no: 12
• Defining and Non-defining subject it has no commas.
relative clauses. • Non- defining relative
clauses do not define it
adds some extra infor-
mation separated by
commas or a hyphen.

3 - 4. Creative Writing : Text Book • Bringing the ideas from • The learner is given • The learner can write the
• Writes biographical sketch Page - 13 birth to death/ till last home work to write an- bio-sketch of another
with the given details of a details in a Chronologi- other biographical person.
person cal order sketch by giving another
• Learner will be ex- persons details.
plained about how to
write a bio-graphical

UNIT - 1 (B) 5. Reading Comprehension: Text Book Teacher reads the story • Learners are asked to "If you thinks" by Shive Khere
Reading: EVERY• Failures are stepping page - 14 -20 and tells that every great read the given reading • Study skills at page no. 21
SUCCESS stones for success person in the history has text again with the help
STORY IS • Reads the text with Com- a failure. of Glossary given at
ALSO A STORY prehension and good un- But trying again and page no: 18,19.
again made them a suc-
OF GREAT derstanding.
cessful person.
FAILURES • Learns Glossary Asks the learners the
• Comprehension comprehension questions
• Study skills at page no. 20
• Teachers Glossary
• Explain Comprehension
at page No: 20
Subject: ENGLISH

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
4 UNIT - 1 1. Listening & Speaking: TEXT BOOK & Teacher reads the listen- • Listens to news details Listens and tells stories from
(B) Reading: • Responds to oral instruc- All India ing passage from the text on TV and radio, video different sources and tells
EVERY SUC- tions and announcements Radio English book at the end. programmes on sug- them to siblings and friends.
CESS STORY IS in school and public places News • Attitude is everything. gested websites. • Do the oral activity
ALSO A STORY viz. Railway stations, bus • Asks the learners to lis- • Tries to converse with • Project work
OF GREAT station and act accord- ten carefully the story family, friends and • Check your personality
FAILURES ingly. events in sequential or- people from different
• Engages in conversation in der professions in English.
English with people from • Asks the learners to ar-
different professions such range the sentences in
as bank staff, railway staff the correct order.
etc. • After listening learners
• Speaks short speeches in are asked to work in
morning assembly. pairs to discuss the ad-
• Oral Activity vantages and disadvan-
• Project work tages of travelling
• Check your personality. abroad.

Subject: ENGLISH Unit - 2

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
5 UNIT -2 1. Reading Comprehension: Text Book • Teacher asks the learn- • Learners are asked to Comprehension at page - 44
• Reads the text with Com- ers to read the picture read the story again
at page 36 and answer
prehension the questions that fol- • Asked to answer the
• Identifies details charac- lows questions given
ters, main ideas, sequence • Teacher reads the story. • Thinks about the char- Reading - C
of ideas and events in tex- • Asks the learners to acters and their role. “The Brave Potter”
tual material. analyse the story.
• Asks the learner about
• Answers the questions different characters and
orally. events.
• Asks the learners why
they are doing such

5 UNIT -2 B. 1. Reading Comprehension: Text Book • Reads the story ex- • Reads the playlet. Iden- Learn five new words each day
The Dear • Reads the text with Com- plains characteristic of tifies characters and list
Departed prehension a playlet. them
(Part - II) • Identifies details, charac- • Asks questions on the • List the events of the
ters, main idea, events in playlet. play.
the text • Presenting the play in • Grasping the contents
• Answers questions orally the form of a story. of the play.
and in writing • Assigning the charac- • Learns about the self-
• Knows the characters of ters from the play to ishness of people.
Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jor- the students and asked • Answers the questions
dan and other perons them to perform their on the text at pg.51 I and
parts. II, III, IV on page - 52.

6 UNIT - 2 B. 2. Vocabulary: Text Book • Asks the students to • Picking the Latin and Reads all the things done in the
The Dear • Infers meanings of words write plurals of some Greek words and writ- class once again
Departed by reading them in con- Dictionary Latin and Greek words. ing singular, plural
(Part - II) tent Thesaurus • Datum - data / Axis - forms from text. Pg.53
• Refers dictionary thesau- Axes • Interjections picking
from text pg.54
rus to find meanings and • Explains exclamations/
• Compound adjectives
spellings interjections. Ah! pg.55
• Uses them in sentences • Compound adjectives - • Indiomatic expressions
• Learn irregular plurals clear - sighted used in the text on pg.57
Subject: ENGLISH

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
• Learns plural forms of • Words often confused
some Latin and Greek differ in meaning.
words • Ex: Except - accept
• Learns exclamations, com- • Rewrite the paragraph
pound adjectives, confusing after correction
words & idiomatic expres- " Idiomatic expressions
sions 1. get one's own way
2. for ages etc. using
them in own sentences.

7 B. The Dear Grammar: Text Book • Explains the usage of • Does the exercises • The student is asked to
Departed • Usage of 'enough' as an page-58 enough as an adjective given at page no. 58, use the learned grammar
(Part - II) 'adjective' or an 'adverb' and an adverb 61, 62, 66 and reads all in his daily life with others
• Usage of articles at differ- • Explains when the ar- the examples, explana-
ent contexts often omit- ticles are not used be- tions given in the text
ted before common nouns. fore common nouns. book from pg. 58 to 67
• Compound prepositional • Explains common
phrases like according to, prepositional phrase • Fill in the blanks at pg.
because of, instead of • Explains the usage of it’s 66 to 67.
• It’s time time it’s high time, it’s
• The simple past and the about time.
present perfect tense. • Usage of simple past
and present perfect
tense from page no.64
to 66,67.

8 Writing: Text Book • The teacher explains • The learner reads again Study Skills:
• Learns to convert the play pg. 67 how to convert a play the story and practices • Analyse the data and write
into a story. into a story. a letter to write his a report on “On the world
• Learns to write a letter to • The teacher explains friends. Grand parents Day” on pg.
a friend. how to write a letter on 68,69.
a given theme.

Subject: ENGLISH

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
8 Unit -2 (B) Study Skills Text Book • The teacher reads the • The learners are ex- • Project work
The Dear Listening & Speaking: page no.09 listening passage bus pected to form a group at page no.
Departed • The learner listens for in- Bus 65 65 at page no. 209 in the and ask one of them to 76
(Part - II) formation and responds questions Text Book. explain any funny inci-
accordingly pg.69 • Asks the learners to dent they have fol-
" Responds to oral instruc- answer the questions lowed.
tions. given True/ False orally
at page no. 69

Subject: ENGLISH Unit - 3

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
9 UNIT -3 Reading Comprehension: Text Book • Teacher asks the learn- • Reads the text and an- • Reads the text and tries to
A. Reading - • Reads the text with Com- page 81 to 84 ers to read the picture swers the questions un- learn 5 new words each day
“The Journey” prehension on page 80 and answer der comprehension I, (C) Reading: What is my
(C) What is my • Sequence the events in the questions that fol- II, III on page - 85, 86 name?
name? the lesson “The Journey” lows • Learner is asked to read
• Identifies details, charac- • Reads the text from the text with good pro-
ters, main idea. page 81 to 84 'The nunciation, stress and
• Reads, compares, con- Journey' intonation
trasts, thinks critically and • Ask the learners to un-
relates ideas to life. derstand the lesson and
compare the Characters
of Father and Son mov-
ing in opposite direc-
tion at the end.
Subject: ENGLISH

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
10 UNIT -3 Vocabulary: Text book • Refers the glossary at • Learner is asked to do • The learner is asked to
(A) Reading • Infers meaning of new page No. 89 page No.85 and dictio- the exercises given un- read, understand thor-
“The Journey” words by reading them in nary to know the mean- der 'Vocabulary' in the oughly all vocabulary from
context Dictionary ings of words and their Text Book on page no. 87 page no.86 to 89.
• Refers Dictionary thesau- Thesaurus usage in sentences. I - A, B on page no. 88 C,
rus to find meanings spell- • Learns the compound II - A, B on page no.89
ings of words etc. words
• Uses them in sentences. • Learns the
a) Duplicative words.
Eg. Bye bye
b) Alternative words
eg. Dilly - Dally &
Chit - Chat
c) Rhyming type
words. Eg. Super -
10 Grammar: Text book • Teacher explains the • The learner is asked to -
• Learns adverbial clauses page No. 91- usage of As, Since, if, do the exercises to fill
As, since, because, if, 92 because, when. up the blanks using the
when. word given in the brack-
• Communicates grammati- ets on page no.92
cal forms using adverbial

11 UNIT -3 Creative Writing: Text book • The teacher explains • Summarise the essay • Study skills on page 95,96
(A) The • Learns to summarise the page No. 92- the learner how to ‘umbrella morals’.
Journey paragraph 93 summarise the text • Alfred George
" Study skills given. Gardiner.

Subject: ENGLISH

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
12 UNIT -3 (A) Listening & Speaking: Text Book on The teacher reads the lis- The learner listens the UNIT - 3
The Journey • Listens to the paragraph page: 210 tening passage for UNIT story and answer the (C) What is my Home?
(B) Reading: and comprehend the theme -3 at page: 210 aloud with questions asked on page Do the project work at
Once upon a and answer the questions UNIT - 3 good pronunciation, no.97 page no:111
Time. asked. stress and intonation. • Recites the poem loudly
Poem: Once upon a time: • Identifies the theme
• Recites the poem, under- Reads the poem loudly and the tone of the poem
stands and appreciates with proper stress, into- • Answers the questions.
• Identifies the theme and nation.
• Asks questions orally and • Encourage the learner
in written to talk about the theme
Project Work • Discuss the tone of the
• Asks questions on the
Subject: ENGLISH Unit - 5

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
13 UNIT -5 Reading Comprehension: Text Book • Teacher asks the learn- • The learner is asked to • (C) Reading: A Tale of
(A) Reading: • Reads the picture and Page No 151 ers to read the picture write the answers to three villages.
Environment. Comprehend it to 155,156 on page 150 and answer the comprehension • Grammar on page 174,
(C) Reading: A • Reads the text and com- the questions that fol- questions on page no. 175, 176
Tale of three prehend it. • Reads the text from 151 156 and II pick out cor-
villages. • Sequence the events in to 155 'The Environ- rect choice on page 157
the lesson ' Environment' ment'
• Identifies details, charac- • Allots the characters of
ters, main ideas Wangari Mathai' (WM)
• Reads, compares, con- NHK Radio to students
trasts, thinks critically and and ask them to act.
• High lights the determi-
relates ideas to life.
nation and reaching the
• Reads a variety of texts for goal to grow plants &
pleasure. trees.
14 Reading: Vocabulary: Text Book • Refers the glossary at III. Fill in the blanks with -
(A) Environ- • Infers meaning of new page no.156 the appropriate
ment words by reading them in • Explains the meanings forms of the under-
context of words given in the box lined words on page
• Refers Dictionary, thesau- on page 157. 159.
• Explains one word sub-
rus to find meanings, spell- IV. Ticks the correct op-
stitutes ecology, Envi-
ings of words. ronment tions of the given 1-
• Use the words in context. 10 on page: 160

14 Grammar: Text Book • Learns Non finite clauses • Underlines the non-fi- -
• Learns finite and non-finite Page No 160 which has no subject nite clauses into follow-
clauses. to 165 Finite clause has sub- ing sentences pg;161
• Reported speech conver- ject. (B) page no: 162
sion. • Explains how to convert • Write the following into
direct speech into reported speech
indirect speech. pg:164, 165

15 Creative writing: Text Book • Explains how to write • Writes an imaginary in- -
• Learns how to write con- Page No 165 conversations, takes in- terview at page No: 165
versations, interviews terview.

Subject: ENGLISH

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
16 UNIT- 5 Poem: Or will the dreamer Text Book • Reads the poem loudly • Recites the poem loudly -
(B) Reading: wake? Page No 166, with proper stress into- • Identifies the theme
Or will the • Recites the poem, under- 167 nation. and tone of the poem.
dreamer stands and appreciates. • Encourages the learner • Answer the given ques-
wake? By • Identifies the theme and to talks about the tions in the text page:
Medora events. 168.
• Discuss the tone of the
Chevalier • Asks the questions in oral poem
and in written to get the • Asks questions on the
answers. poem.
16 Listening: • Teacher reads loudly • Answers the questions Study Skills on page 170
• Listens the passage page passage on page 212 “A on page 169
no: 212 talk by an Environmen-
Study Skill talist”

16 Project work - - - Project Work page : 178

Subject: ENGLISH Unit - 6

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
17 UNIT- 6 Reading Comprehension: Text Book • Teacher asks the learn- • The learner is asked to • Learns atleast 5 new words
(A) Reading: • Reads the picture and Page No 183 ers to read the picture read the text once again a day at home.
My Childhood Comprehend it to 187 at page 182 and answer and identify the events
(C) Reading: • Reads the text and com- the questions that fol- in "Unity is Diversity" (C) Reading: "Unity in
“Unity in prehend it. lows • Comprehension ques- Diversity in India"
• Reads the text from
Diversity in • Sequence the events in tions given at page no:
183 to 187
India” the lesson 'My Childhood' • Explains the story and 188
• Identifies details, charac- asks some oral ques-
ters, main ideas tions
• Reads compares, con- • Highlights the incidents
trasts, thinks critically and of unity in diversity like
relates ideas to life. a muslim boy partici-
• Reads a variety of texts for pate in Hindu proces-
pleasure. sion etc.
• Muslim boy eating at
Brahmin teacher’s house

18 Vocabulary: Text Book • Explains suitable words • Tick the appropriate • Vocabulary on page 204,
• Infers meaning of new Page No 189, to fill the blanks. meanings of the given 205
words by reading them in 190 words
• Refers Dictionary, thesau-
rus to find meanings, spell-
ings of words.
• Use the words in context.

18 UNIT - 6 Grammar: Text Book • The teacher explains • Refers to a dictionary -

(A)Reading: • Learns the linkers like 'on Page No: how to use linkers 'on and group them
My Childhood the whole' 'however' etc. 190, 193 the whole', 'however', according to the function
• Joins the sentences using 'though' etc. they perform
the linkers. • Explains the passive a. Page:191
form when the agent is b. Page:192
• Passive voice without
not given. c. Page: 192
Agents. d. Page:192
• Edit the paragraph
page 193

Subject: ENGLISH

Learning Source/ Activity

Week Lesson
Outcomes Resource Classroom Self learning Optional
19 UNIT - 6 Creative writing: Text Book • Teacher explains how • Write a 'Diary Entry' on • Writing on page 205
(A) Reading: • Learns how to write 'Diary Page No:194, to write a diary both humanity of Kalam in
My Childhood Entry'. 195 orally and in written the class room
• Learns to write personal form.
letter. •Explains how to write
aspects related to the
• Identifies the aspects re-
heritage of Kalam and his
lated to the heritage of village.
Kalam and his village •Explain how to write a
reply letter.
19 Speaking: Text Book • Teacher reads the les- • Oral Activity -
• Listens to passage at page Page No:212 son at page no:212 and i) Role play
no:212 & 213 asks questions at page ii) Group Discussion

19 • Study Skills Text book - - • Study Skills

Page no. 197

20 UNIT-6 Poem: "A plea for India" Text book • Reads the poem loudly • Recites the poem loudly • Read the poem again and
Reading: B • Recites the poem, under- Page no. with proper stress and once again. again
A Plea for stands and appreciates 198, 199 intonation • Identifies the theme
India • Identifies the theme and • Encourages the learner and tone of the poem.
events to talk about the • Answers the given
• Asks the questions in oral questions at page 199.
• Discuss the tone of the
and in written to get the poem
answers. • Asks questions on the

20 Project Work - - - • Project work on page no.


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