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          (a)     (i),(ii)    Award ONE mark for both items correct:

•    (i) frog;

•    (ii) ant or spider.


(iii)     Award ONE mark for any two of the following:

•    fox;

•    hedgehog;

•    squirrel.

(b)     (i),(ii)           Award up to TWO marks for two correct responses in any of the
following categories:
NOTE: only one scoring response can be credited from each category.


•    migrate/fly south;

•    fly to a warmer place.

          Alternative food sources

•    find an alternative food source;

•    feed on scraps left by humans.

Food storage

•    (collect and) store food.

Increase body mass

•    eat more before winter;

•    put on weight before winter;

•    build up/use fat reserves;

•    grow thicker feathers.

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•    grow more feathers.

Seek warmth/shelter

•    roost/group together with other birds;

•    group in/find a sheltered place;

•    shelter in an old nest;

•    fluff its feathers to trap air.

Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect

science, suggesting that birds build a shelter:
•    build a nest;
•    line its nest with warm materials; [birds usually nest in
     springtime in order to breed, not to survive the cold].

Do not give credit for an insufficient response:

•    lose weight;
•    get thinner; [these are a consequence of not eating];
•    eat more [does not specify when];
•    hibernate.


          If you are unable to award two marks

award ONE mark for one correct response.

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