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CHL0010.1177/1747519819889936Journal of Chemical ResearchChoudhary et al.

Research Paper

Journal of Chemical Research

Atomic polarizability: A periodic descriptor 2020, Vol. 44(3-4) 227­–234

© The Author(s) 2019
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DOI: 10.1177/1747519819889936

Shalini Choudhary1,2, Prabhat Ranjan3

and Tanmoy Chakraborty1,4

Atomic polarizability is an essential theoretical construct to define and correlate many physicochemical properties. It
exhibits periodicity and has a relationship with other periodic descriptors. Although a number of scales are available
to compute atomic polarizability, the final scale is yet to be designed. In this venture, we have invoked a new empirical
approach to compute the atomic polarizability of 103 elements of the periodic table, considering the conjoint action
of other periodic descriptors, namely effective nuclear charge (Zeff) and absolute radii (r). The proposed approach is
α = a[(r 3 / Zeff )e 2 ] + b , where “e” represents the electronic charge, Zeff is the effective nuclear charge, r is the absolute
radius, and α is the polarizability. Our computed atomic polarizability follows all sine qua non of the periodicity. Our
model significantly exhibits the relativistic effect too. A close agreement between our computed data and other available
theoretical and experimental results demonstrates the efficacy of our proposed approach. Furthermore, we have
established the polarizability equalization principle in terms of our computed data.

atomic radii, effective nuclear charge, periodicity, polarizability, polarizability equalization principle
Date received: 05 September 2019; accepted: 01 November 2019

Introduction volume and an appropriate set of radii.10 Chattaraj and

Maiti11 have already reported that atomic polarizability
It is considered that the hydrogen atom is an advantageous and hardness of atoms are two periodic properties and
system to be used for an introduction to classical or quan- their periodicity has been established by the maximum
tum methods. Calculation of the polarizability is used to hardness principle (MHP)12–17 and the minimum polariz-
determine the change of the energy level of the hydrogen ability principle (MPP).18,19 According to MPP and MHP,
atom caused by an electric field, and is known as the Stark we can say that an atom with a closed shell structure is the
effect.1 The exact calculation of atomic polarizability has most stable and the least polarizable among all the atoms
potential applications in quantum information processing in each period, and in general, polarizability decreases
and in trapping schemes.2 Bonin and Kadar-Kallen3 have along a period and increases along a group, while the
reported the relationship between polarizability and other hardness follows the reverse trend. Thus, it reveals that
physical parameters. the global hardness and polarizability of elements are the
Atomic polarizability is a size-dependent parameter periodic function of the atomic number. Ghanty et al. have
which depends on the ease of deforming the valence elec- reported the relationship between the size, the polarizabil-
tron clouds of a chemical species.4 Polarizability offers ity, and the hardness of different chemical species. This
numerous applications regarding bond energy and chemi- relationship supports the use of these periodic properties
cal reactions.5 Nagle6 studied how atomic polarizability
can be used in conjunction with the number of s and p
valence electrons. A semi-empirical method has been
1Department of Chemistry, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, India
reported by Miller7 to compute the components of molec-
2Department of Chemistry, Alankar P.G. Girls College, Jaipur, India
ular polarizability along with the dipole tensor. Politzer 3Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Manipal University Jaipur,
et al.8 have also proposed a relationship between molecu- Jaipur, India
lar polarizability (α), volume (V), ionization energy (I), 4Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering, Presidency

and mean local ionization energy. Furthermore, Ghosh University, Bengaluru, India
and Chakraborty9 have also computed global atomic hard-
Corresponding author:
ness taking into account the relationship between polariz- Tanmoy Chakraborty, Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering,
ability and ionization energy. Polarizability can be Presidency University, Bengaluru 560064, Karnataka, India.
expressed with good accuracy by invoking relationship to Email:
228 Journal of Chemical Research 44(3-4)

for qualitative characterization of the hard–soft acid–base For atoms, the value of K was determined by Dmitrieva
concept.20–22 and Plindov36 through atomic oscillation theory, as 0.585,
In this analysis, we have proposed a new equation to whereas Hati and Datta35 used the value of K as 0.792.
compute atomic polarizability invoking the relationship Equation 1 reveals a direct relationship between atomic
between atomic radii and effective nuclear charge. polarizability and the size of atoms. It supports the fact that
atomic polarizability is periodic in nature and can be com-
puted in terms of other periodic descriptors.
Importance of absolute radii to Electronegativity, an important periodic descriptor, has
compute the atomic polarizability already been defined in terms of an energy model as37

During a chemical reaction, the bond distance changes with Z 

a change of covalent radii and molecules become distorted. χ = e 2  eff  (2)
 r 
So, the use of covalent radii places a hindrance on the deter-
mination of the exact values of other periodic descriptors. Ghosh and Chakraborty9 have also proved that another
Ghosh and Chakraborty9 have already established that the periodic descriptor, hardness, is numerically equal to elec-
electronegativity of the atom cannot be an in situ property. tronegativity, that is, χ = η .
The validity of the electronegativity equalization principle So we can assume the following relationship
strongly supports this concept. Also, there is a distinct dis-
advantage of in situ properties that it is not transferable. Z 
χ = η = e 2  eff  (3)
Since atomic polarizability is a similar theoretical construct  r 
like electronegativity, we may assume that atomic polariz-
Szarek and Grochala38 suggested a simple relationship
ability cannot be an in situ property. The use of covalent
between atomic radius, atomic hardness, and electronic
radii has certain disadvantages over the accurate calcula-
polarizability as
tion of periodic descriptors. Over a long period, scientists
r = α η (4)
have utilized reported covalent radii to compute radial-
dependent periodic descriptors.23 However, there has been
From equation (4), it can be concluded that there is a
much debate about whether we should use covalent radii or
relationship between atomic polarizability with effective
not for computing theoretical descriptors.9 The higher val-
nuclear charge and atomic radii.
ues of covalent radii24–27 compared to absolute radii for
We propose that atomic hardness is directly proportional
some atoms demonstrate this anomalous relation. Also, it is
to the effective nuclear charge (ηαZeff ) and inversely pro-
a well-known fact that the covalent radii of atom can be
portional to the atomic radius (ηα(1 / r )) .
transferred from one compound to other. So the use of
From the relationship between atomic hardness, effec-
absolute radii in place of covalent radii will be more useful
tive nuclear charge, and absolute radii, we can propose the
to compute an absolute property of atoms. Ghosh et al.25
computed absolute radii in terms of orbital exponent con-
sidering Slater’s rule. Chakraborty et al.26 also proposed an Zeff e 2
approach for computing absolute radii of the 103 elements ηα (5)
of the periodic table considering conjoint action of two
periodic properties, namely ionization energy and effective Now we have proposed that atomic polarizability is not
2 2
nuclear charge. We have followed this verdict in our com- equal to the parameter r / ( Zeff e ), but it is proportional to r3.
putation and proposed an approach invoking the absolute The proposed equation is
radius of an atom.
 r3 2 
α =a e  + b (6)
 Zeff 
Method of computation
Molecular polarizability is a vital descriptor to explain where “a” and “b” are regression coefficients and “e” rep-
intermolecular interactions.28–32 Polarizability has been resents electronic charge.
established as an essential factor in determining the chemi- In this report, we have tried to maintain the proper
cal reactivity.33 In this analysis, we have tried to propose a dimension of evaluated polarizability as an energy unit. It
theoretical model to compute atomic polarizability invok- is already reported that the exact value of hardness is cal-
ing other periodic properties. culated from the absolute radii, and not from the covalent
It is well established that polarizability is considered radii. In formula (6), we have used the absolute radii from
equal to r3, where r is the radius of the conducting sphere.34 the literature.38 In addition to the resolution of the funda-
The generality of linear volume with polarizability has mental problems relating to the correct dimension of the
been assessed quantum mechanically in the case of atoms. measured quantity and the proper size descriptors of
We can write the following equations as suggested by Hati atoms, many researchers39–41 have calculated the screen-
and Datta35 ing constants and effective nuclear charge theoretically.
We have used the most reliable set of effective nuclear
α = Kr 3 (1) charge (Zeff) from the reported data,9 and have considered
the charge in an atomic unit and the distance in Å to com-
where K is a constant. pute the polarizability in the energy model.
Choudhary et al. 229

Table 1.  Periodic table with computed atomic polarizabilities of the first 103 elements.

1 2
H He
0.09 Periodic Table with Atomic Number, Element Symbol, and 0.02
Computed Polarizability
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne
9.10 1.34 1.51 0.73 0.52 0.54 0.46 0.43
11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
11.80 3.18 5.23 2.19 1.34 1.30 1.02 0.91
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
19.69 6.22 5.09 4.49 4.48 4.33 3.48 3.07 3.01 3.12 3.01 2.24 4.47 2.55 1.97 1.90 1.67 1.56
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
22.14 7.60 5.57 4.63 4.45 4.08 3.80 3.64 3.49 2.87 3.29 2.54 5.01 3.02 2.37 2.22 1.97 1.82
55 56 57–71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
26.99 11.07 3.19 2.47 2.40 2.40 2.15 2.05 2.05 2.00 1.85 7.00 4.16 4.04 2.98 2.40 2.11
87 88 89–103  
Fr Ra
22.05 10.73

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
8.68 10.35 9.92 9.38 8.97 8.62 8.38 7.78 7.91 7.74 7.58 7.46 7.35 7.26 7.73
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
AC Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
10.86 9.63 8.85 7.88 7.46 7.30 7.18 7.11 6.65 6.48 6.31 6.18 6.07 5.98 8.13

Equalization of polarizability In this report, we have computed the molecular polariz-

ability in terms of our evaluated atomic polarizability on
The equalization of the periodic property is an essential the basis of PEP.
theoretical concept and comes into play during molecule
formulation from atoms. Sanderson42,43 first popularized
the concept of equalization regarding electronegativity. Result and discussion
According to his research, when two or more atoms that
are initially different in electronegativity combine chemi- Using our proposed approach, we have computed the
cally, their electronegativity becomes equalized in the atomic polarizability of the first 103 elements of the peri-
molecule. The equalization of electronegativity occurs odic table, with the data presented in Table 1. All elemen-
through the adjustment of the polarities of the bonds, tal values demonstrate a similar periodic trend as expected
which is pictured as resulting in a partial charge on each from the periodic table.25,47 From Table 1, it is evident that
atom. Electron loss causes an increase and electron gain the value of the computed polarizability of the nitrogen
causes a decrease in electronegativity. When an electro- atom is lower than oxygen. This proves the half-filled
phile interacts with a nucleophile, the electrophilicity of shell characteristics of nitrogen. Due to the half-filled
the former is reduced (via electronic charge transfer and shell structure, nitrogen is less polarized under perturba-
other related processes, from the nucleophile to the elec- tion than oxygen. The computed polarizability values
trophile) and that of the latter is increased until they show a minimum for alkali metals and a maximum for
become equalized (roughly the geometric mean or arith- noble gas atoms.
metic mean).44,45 It is expected that as a periodic descrip- It is also apparent from Table 1 that the magnitude of
tor, polarizability is also equalized like electronegativity. the polarizability of mercury and gold are exceptionally
The equality between local and global polarizability val- very low, indicating that these atoms would hold electrons
ues reaffirm this fact. Beg et al.46 proposed an approach to very tightly and are less polarizable. The above observa-
compute molecular polarizability invoking the polarizabil- tions support the intrinsic inertness of mercury and gold
ity equalization principle (PEP) similar to with the relativistic effects of such atoms.48,49
Our computed data successfully explain the half-filled and
full shells of the structures of d-block and p-block
α av =
( α xx + α yy + α zz ) (7) elements.
230 Journal of Chemical Research 44(3-4)

Figure 1.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and ionization energy (IE).

Figure 2.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and experimental values of alkanes.

Lanthanide contraction in terms of atomic polarizabil- From Figure 4, it is established that nitrobenzene has the
ity is also established through our computed data. The highest polarizability as it has both nitrogen and oxygen
same trend is presented in Figure 1, which correlates atoms.
the computed polarizability values with ionization In Figure 5, formaldehyde exhibits the lowest value of
energies.50 polarizability due to the absence of a nitrogen atom.
In order to apply computed atomic polarizability to the A similar trend of polarizability with experimental val-
real field, we have adopted the PEP and computed molecu- ues for cyanomethane compounds is observed in Figure 6.
lar polarizability (mean polarizability) for some com- Cyanomethane has the lowest polarizability in comparison
pounds. The computed molecular polarizability has been to other compounds.
compared vis-à-vis with available experimental data51 in The close agreement between our computed polariza-
Figures 2–10. bilities and experimental results are observed for some
Since alkanes are non-polar compounds and have halo and sulfur compounds in Figures 7 and 8,
only carbon and hydrogens, they require more heat to respectively.
combust. They respond poorly to other polar and ionic The impact of the half-filled shell structure of nitrogen
species. The same trend is observed in Figure 2. Among on the polarizability is distinct in Figure 9.
the hydrocarbons, methane shows the least polarizability Due to the lower electronegativity of mononuclear dia-
and reactivity. For the alcohol series, due to inclusion of tomic molecules, H2 shows the least polarizability. This
a polar oxygen atom, the magnitude of polarizability of trend is visible in Figure 10.
alcohols increases compared to alkanes containing In Figure 11, the computed polarizabilities of some mol-
equivalent numbers of carbon atoms. A comparative ecules such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluo-
analysis of the polarizability of alcohols is presented in rine, sulfur, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are compared
Figure 3. with the ab initio (mean) linear polarizabilities proposed by
Choudhary et al. 231

Figure 3.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and experimental values for alkanols.

Figure 4.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and experimental values for alkenes.

Figure 5.  Comparison between the computed molecular polarizability and experimental values of carbonyl compounds.

Figure 6.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and the experimental values for alkyl cyanides.
232 Journal of Chemical Research 44(3-4)

Figure 7.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and the experimental values for halogenated compounds.

Figure 8.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and the experimental values for sulfur compounds.

Figure 9.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and the values for various molecules.

van Duijnen and Swart.51 A close agreement between the effect is also pronounced in our computations. Comparative
two data is distinct from the Figure 11. analysis with available data, considered as a benchmark,
reveals the efficacy of our proposed equation. Furthermore,
we have computed molecular polarizability in terms of
Conclusion our computed atomic polarizability through the PEP.
Based on the potential energy concept, we have estab- Excellent correlation with experimental data establishes
lished a new scale of atomic polarizability invoking two our model.
other periodic descriptors, namely effective nuclear
charge and absolute atomic radius. Our proposed approach Declaration of conflicting interests
establishes the dependence of chemical reactivity on The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
polarizability. The computed atomic polarizability dis- respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
tinctly exhibits all periodic properties. The relativistic article.
Choudhary et al. 233

Figure 10.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and the experimental values for diatomic molecules.

Figure 11.  Comparison between computed molecular polarizability and the experimental values for some elements.

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