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Chapter 1




Inventions are results of the need of the humanity as what this man says
“However, the empirical evidence linking intrinsic motivation to creativity is equivocal”
(George, 2007; Shalley et al., 2004). Inventions are always there but the researchers found out
that there will always be room for improvement and in that the word innovation comes up
because innovation is the improvement of an invention. Researchers found out that the creativity
is one of the key to a better innovation and a good invention. Minds are filled up with passion
and that passion can turn things into reality such as what the inventor of the Turbine which was
made even better by the inventor of the wind turbine. It is all about creating something out of
something to make it become more better and make the last inventor know what was the
mistakes that he has gone. The world and the people are not perfect but improvements will
always be there and there will always be room enough for innovation.
Source: Grant, A. M., & Berry, J. W. (2011). The Necessity of Others is The Mother of
Invention: Intrinsic and Prosocial Motivations, Perspective Taking, and Creativity. Academy of
Management Journal, 54(1), 73–96. doi:10.5465/amj.2011.59215085 
The researchers aim so as the school is to be better than yesterdays best. The researchers
chose the project wind turbine because that is what the researchers heart are into because at this
time in the pandemic life is very hard and money is not the same of the value as of before
because now adays it is very rare to find because of the restrictions that the community
quarantine brought and due also to the pandemic happening in the world today. Wind turbine, as
the researcher were brainstorming that is what came up to their mind because of its beneficial
factor to both the environment and the people. Researchers are aiming to develop a small scale
wind turbine that can generate electricity. The researchers are aiming to develop cheaper and
more durable wind turbine in the future if its God willing. The researchers aim is to create a
sustainable energy plant that could not be also harmful to the pocket and also to our nature
because some energy sources are very efficient yet it harms the environment and the researchers
aims a clean and green source that would also not hurt a pocket of a person.
Wind energy is much more safe to the environment it does no harm too it comparing to
the rising environmental problem cause by the fossil-fuel power plants. The aim is to have a
clean and green energy producing that will do nothing harm to the environtment. (Cullen, Joseph.
2013. "Measuring the Environmental Benefits of Wind-Generated Electricity." American
Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 5 (4): 107-33.)
Theoretical Background
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews This article offers a critical
review of the evolving theories linking sustainability to firms, and discusses their
implications for future renewable energy research. The relationships among
different theories are critically analysed, and the directions for future research are
discussed. The paper shows that, the main theories linking sustainability to firms, in
a chronological order, are: 1) Corporate Social Responsibility, 2) Stakeholder
Theory, 3) Corporate Sustainability, and 4) Green Economics. Currently various
innovative approaches and new theories emerged, such as Co-evolution Theory and
Multi-level Perspective, reflecting three directions of theory development, namely
1) shifting from “what” to “how”, 2) growing use of interdisciplinary approach, and
3) towards broader systems. Renewable energy studies associated with firms and
future research opportunities in this area are also critically analysed.

This article supports our study by their invention, we can get information on their
theory and apply it on our project. This article is very helpful we can get more
knowledge about this by the detail and the process of making a wind turbine, the
techniques and strategy to make it

Project flow
The project is about wind turbine and the goal is to make a do- it-yourself wind
turbine by using these materials simple and readily available materials. The
researchers required to get an idea of what sort of project to do so the researchers
brainstorm to get an idea and did some research on how to make the project then
the researchers wrote a written proposal of the project and submit the proposal for
approval, after, revise the written proposal, Planning for the project and analysing
to make the project better and unique from the original work. Create a budget plan
to buy materials for the project, design the project. Present the project output then
revision of the project and make it better than before. Lastly, pass the project.

Brainstorming to get an idea

Researching videos linked to the project

Writing the written proposal of the project

Submission of proposal for approval

Revising the written proposal

Project planning and analysis

Establish a budget plan

Design the project

Presentation of the Project Output

Revision of the Project Output based on

Turn over of the output


Statement of the project

The project, “Affordable, DIY Wind Turbine”, is designed to help preserve
nature and to help people save money and save energy for a better and sustainable
future. The project aims create an affordable DIY wind turbine that can help save
the planet from further devastation and to give people the opportunity to use
environment friendly and cost-efficient energy source. The project is to be
conducted in Nissi Academy International which is located in Panas, Suba bas bas,
Lapu-lapu city, Cebu.
The wind turbine is a project that is composed of a fan and an engine to
process the generated circular motion of the wind that will be converted into an
energy. Energy that is processed is then stored into a battery. A future project will
then be conducted to distribute the energy in to each other’s houses in a
community. This project is a small scale representation because the researchers
cannot afford a real life and true to life wind turbine. Despite of this pandemic,c
researchers are aiming to give the best project because it is the researcher’s last
year in this institution so the researchers are wanting to leave a mark that despite
this pandemic they still stood the ground and make the best out of every
circumstances that this pandemic has brought about.

Importance of the Project

The benefits and importance of this project will be discussed in details in
this section.
Environment. This project will help in the preservation of the environment
because the energy it produces and generates is non-pollutant, in contrast to the
energy produced by power plants which are harmful to the environment.
Economy: This also benefits the economy in rural places because the rural
areas are the best sites where these can be placed. It's a clean fuel source. Wind
energy doesn't pollute the air like power plants that rely on combustion of fossil
fuels, such as coal or natural gas.   Farmers should not worry because wind turbine
only uses a small fraction of the land.
People in the urban areas. This will benefit the people living in the city
because it the use of these turbines reduces air pollution.

Scope of the project

This project sought to promote the effective usage of wind turbines all over.
This project focuses on meeting the need for cheaper, sustainable alternative
energy sources since there is a rising cost and highly changing prices of oils and
natural gases, as well as their persistently decreasing supplies. The project will also
aim to discuss how wind turbines alleviate a lot of energy problems. Amidst
different alternatives that people have discovered, wind turbines appear to be the
most auspicious option to be executed in various parts of the world.


Project title: Affordable, Do- It-Yourself Wind Turbine
Project Proponents:
Jomel Comiso
Pj Casinillo
Rafael Tupas
Zeian Jacob Bayla
Jonas Bajala

Project location:
The location of this project is at Nissi Academy International in Panas,
Subabasbas, Lapulapu City, Cebu.

Nissi Academy International

Figure 1
Map of Lapulapu City
Advantages and Challenges of Wind Energy. (n.d) Retrieved November 30,
2020, from

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