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ee (sj ASS) eee = et eS oe United General Manufacturing a BIQTECHNICA Chairperson of Biotechnica Description: 1.68m, £949, 54 years old, long dark brown hair, tall and slendor in the way ofthe 20th Century fashion models, Always dressed in| the highest of fashions and most expensive make- "Notes: Fermerly @ major fashion mode, and stil ory beautiful, Leertia contol one of Earths largest corporations. Her family isa major investor in Biotechica, and she recently engineered a take over of the board of retrs. ‘She has a passionate opinion about everything. and expresoes bersef without any resovations. Although she has said repeatedly that she has no political ambitions, she is @ vocal advocate of improved Eath/Peiades relations. Wile she has 2 reputation nthe industry fr somewhat hasty dec- sions. since taking the ChairofBiotchnica, she has | nt had any major suocesses o fale, Important Stats and Skills INT 9, TECH 6, EVP 7, ATT 8, Expert: Earth Corprations +6, Economia +7. Personal Grooming +10 Wardrobe and Sivio+8 Datalink Nanobodies,Ierediby cool clothes. irre ed Wi The Stellar Armaments Command ithe ond ofthe Unification War, itbecame apparent that the USSA was going to have to extend some sort of armed presence throughout the Solar Systom. Thore were ‘already too many space habitats to depend upon econom- {pressure as 8 method of enforcing USSA directives, and extra- terrestrial colonies wore boing used as havons for thoso oppos~ ing the USSA ... including a good many of the Megacorps. Some ‘of these still voice ns of rebuilding their industry throughout the Solar System without direction from the EEG. Ectrame plans such as breaking up Mercury fr its resources to dumping asteroids into Jupitor to harvest the resultant gas plumes were put forward, Some ofthese plans would threaten the balance of planctary ecosystems, andthe de Tha Solar Armaments Command grew out of the combined surtace navies ofthe Unification Wars, but bgan o mutate as soon asthe size of its mission became apperet. Tho navies ofthe 2st and 22nd cents \were small, computer-divn affairs, in continual communication with and largely un by command headquarters. Most of them were ute hy dependent on satelite data and evaluations from “higher up The ob of policing the entre Solar System requires addressing amajor problem: Distance. (On Earth, the most distant coneunication took a second. In space, a message to Luna took four sec: conds ound-p. coud tak hous, even days, os patch and receive a communication to the Belt or the Jovan syste. Cea, the “remote-conto” mode of temmand would nat do tall Instead, command bases oul have tobe establishod at several points inthe sys tom, complete wit depot facts for personnel and sips. Thema shape ofthe SAC resembled the navies of two cen- {ures pas, with bases tobe scattered throughout the system inorder to suppor individual ships and squadrons. These ships and task foros ‘would be largely functioning on their own nititve, reporting to the near est command center and refering decisions to higher command only in the ease of important matters. Each captain would have the capability and responsibilty of enforcing USSA directives on his or her own (although thay ae often subject to review by Wardens; se below) This command structure proved to be quite elective in curbing smug- les, deteting and tacking down space terrorists, and keeping an eye on potential woublemalers. Using smal cutrs and relatively few lpr ships, the SAC managed it job ona smal budget considering its pal bea). As the yeas passed, a new knd of ship was added, a fleet tender that could cary and supply whoa ails of et, Melton, and fighters, serving as ‘amobile base, Th SAC bagan marshaling it forces around the tenders and fixed bases, evolving into a force witha shorter leash on its captains. The tenders provided closer conto, the possibility of reinforcements, and res ‘cue cpabilis for eine ships. Some captains, angered at the return of ‘8 restive higher echelon, resigned and joined the Blt community ‘Te new system became suddenly necessary when nteligence caught wind ofthe “Snowll” operation. Several tenders were moved into the Belt 10 intereept the astored as it progressed. It was these unit that, ‘were accused of accidentally fragmenting the iceberg and sending it ‘down to Mars in poses Sil the SAC seemed vicicatd and their pres ence inthe solar system reinforced. ee [ar ee f wed i 2146 saw the suprise acquisition ofthe Shunt dive. The SAC (row the Stollar Anmaments Commend) ‘immediatly moved to construct ships to travel othe Pleiades, there to establish an SAC base and begin constuctng the factories to construct new Fleet Carrs theofficial nam forthe now, set suficont ‘model ofthe old fleet tender to help poze the new worlds and protect them from inevitable corporate raiding Uni Soingens dectaration of war over the Ranoxs Ile sis, the SAC had been organized as a police frc; military. ‘organization within the SAC was small, represented by the Strike Force created during the Snowball War. This is rapidly changing, espe- ial since the Battle ofthe Norther Rings has given the hawks on the Miltary Coun the weight they need to push for fll militarization. 1 The Mission of the SAC “The SACS basic mission was to provide a forcible means to monitor the ‘activities of humanity in space, and to prevent the unscrupulous from flaunting the ets ofthe SEC. In practic, this took the form of conduct ing searches of space vessels, of pursuing and stoning space pirates and teroriste—the Midnight Sun didn't restrict its atts to just Earth— and using remote sensors to monitor potential trouble hotspots, suchas the Asteroid Belt setloments With the development of Shunt dive and mankind's expansion into the star, the SAC was assigned another duty, that of providing protection for the SOC scouting ventures. Each SCC Shunt crisis accompanied bya SSAC bttlerides), Melons, and fighters. These are not merely reserved to the defense ofthe scout group, but ae actively employed in assisting the scouts in patrol and exploration missions. The new war with the Pleiades Confederation has changed the mission of the SAC once again, forcing it to abandon the old enforcer outlook in favor of ful military stance, dicated to fighting the Confederation and the other enemies of mankind

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