Internship Report Guidline

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Guidelines for Internship Report

Use white bond paper A4 size paper should be used. Only one side of the paper should be used.

Length of the Report

The length of the total report (beginning form chapter one till the end. Annexure not included.) 50 pages
at the maximum and 25 pages in the minimum.
The length of annexure should however be not more than one –forth of the total report.

The margins of 1.5 inches on the left and one inch on the right-hand side of the page should be
maintained. The last line of writing should be one inch above the bottom edge of the page including the
footnotes. Top and bottom margin should be 1 inch each

Space of 1.5 should be used between the lines of the text. Indented quotations and footnotes should be

Page Number
Page number should be placed at the bottom right corner of the page.

The numbering of the pages must be done consecutively in Arabic numerals from the first page to the end
of the text (including the appendices). The pages in the introductory sections (preface table of contents
etc.) should be numbered with small Roman numerals e.g. I ii, iii etc, one inch from the bottom of the
page. All page numbers should stand alone without periods, hyphens or dashes.

The students ought to approach their supervisor from time to time for advice. The supervisor's
recommendation is a must for the submission and approval of the report for final evaluation.

Font Size
The font size for the Chapter Title should be 14 and in capital letters and made bold. The font for titles
must be 12 and written in capital letters and made bold while for subtitles the font size has to be 12 and
written in small letters with only the first letter of each words excepting articles, prepositions etc, in the
capital. The subtitles must also be made bold. For all other cases font size should be 12.

Citation & Reference.

The APA (American Psychological Association) method of citing and referencing should be used.
Format of the report

All internship reports must be produced by means of computer word processing and must meet similar
standards of quality. The paper must be of the appropriate grade, acid-free, plain white, with no ragged
edges. The printing must be of what is called `letter quality': it must be as clear and dense as if it were
typed using a carbon ribbon. A laser printer is recommended.

PU has prescribed the length and specific formatting of text (font or typeface, text size, spacing, etc.) for
the report. You should be able to format your report in the style as prescribed.

Evaluation of Internship Report

The faculty supervisor, possibly your field supervisor, and the evaluation committee formed by PU,
evaluate your internship report placing equal emphasis on content and literary quality.

To receive a good grade the internship report should follow the structure and format as prescribed in the
document. Additionally, the report should be of high literary quality free of grammatical and spelling
errors. Grammar and spelling errors result in an automatic "unsatisfactory''.

The internship report has to be submitted to the faculty supervisor allowing at least one week for the

No. of Copies of Final Internship Report

Each candidate shall submit the original and two complete and signed, bound, copies of his/her Internship
Report to the Ace Placement Cell.
The copies will be distributed as follows:
Original – PU Evaluation Committee
Copy 1 – Faculty supervisor
Copy 2 – Field/Agency supervisor (if required)

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