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Totally Normal Human Adult

A print-and-play by Hekla Björk Unnardóttir


Totally Normal Human Adult is a one-day live-ac- For a whole day, from the time you wake up ‘till the
tion roleplaying game for one player about being time you go to bed, you must larp a Totally Normal
– you guessed it – a Totally Normal Human Adult. Human Adult. What that means, depends on how
The larp takes place in your home, but in-crowd you made your character. Maybe it involves work-
gameplay is available as an opt-in feature. This ing out, taking their meds, or going to work. This is
means you can play the game either purely on lo- a so-called sandbox larp; where you are free to do
cation, or out in the ‘real world’ – or both! as you want (within the limits of reason, of course).
The decisions you make during play have conse-
quences in the game world.
You will take on the role as a totally normal human TASKS AND BREAKS
adult, who is totally able to live up to society’s total-
ly not-unreasonable standards and other people’s This larp uses a game mechanic called tasks.
expectations of them. They take their medicines at These are small things you- erm, your charac-
the correct times, call family members to hear how ter, needs to accomplish during the course of the
they’re doing, do the dishes, and all sorts of other game. Don’t worry, there is no win or lose condi-
stuff other people can’t be bothered to do. tion in this game – it’s a larp not a competition –
The player character is called whatever your name so you don’t have to complete all your tasks, but
is, they’re your exact age, and look exactly like doing some of them will ensure that you have
you. They have a tragic backstory where they nev- something to do. Before the game starts, plan your
er got stuff done, but then something unexpected character’s tasks for the day you plan on playing. A
happened in their life that turned it around 180 de- task can be anything your character feels like they
grees. What that unexpected thing is up to you to need to do that day. Your character can have 4, 6,
decide. Maybe it was playing this totally not meta 8, 10, or 12 tasks for the day, depending on how
game about being a Totally Normal Human Adult much play you want.
that spurred the change, maybe it was something
else – who knows? SAFETY MECHANICS
These pre-defined aspects are only the founda-
tion of your character. Your task is to flesh them Larping a Totally Normal Human Adult is hard
out. Just remember that you’re playing a Totally work. So here are three things you can do if you’re
Normal Human Adult, who gets things done when feeling overwhelmed or if you’re just bored.
they’re supposed to be done, and goes the extra
mile when they can manage it in their busy sched-
ules. Relevant questions to ask about your char-
acter could be: Ask the Audience Eliminate Two Tasks
When you’re bored When it’s too much
What do they do? Create a poll on your so- Roll two dice equivalent to
cial media platform of you number of tasks, and
choice where you ask your cross off the numbers that
audience what you can do correspond to the tasks on
What are their obligations to others? in the larp. your task list.
Call a Friend When you need it
Call a friend to help you figure out how to com-
What rituals and routines are important to plete the task. Or if you just need to vent or
them? cry or complain, calling a friend is always an
option.They will listen and be supportive.

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