Student Sample - Authentic Learning - Lesson Reflections

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HHS Chant-Collaborative Activity Reflection

For the HHS Chant I was in a group with Redacted, Redacted and Redacted. My role in the group was
a leader at times when people didn't have any ideas or weren't saying anything. An example of this is
when we were doing choreography. I stepped up and gave an idea for the first move to get the
creative juices flowing.
In this task I did well in these skills 'share ideas', 'step up and be a leader' and 'listen to each other'.
For 'share ideas' I said any ideas I had even if I didn't think they were that good because some ideas
are better than no ideas. Like I said before I stepped up to be the leader when it was needed to get
the ball rolling. The last skill from the cake worksheet that I showed in this activity was "listen to
each other'. Every time someone had an idea I would listen and show good audience skills.
My team did well at sharing the responsibility by letting everyone come up with ideas for different
parts of the chant. We were also compromised. If we had too different options, we would talk it
through and see which one worked better and what the whole group thought. This made our team
success full because we all had a say and if we disagreed, we talked about it to see everyone opinion.
I feel like I didn't master 'Stretch yourselves' because of a couple reasons. Firstly, you can always
improve on this skill and I can see myself doing that. Secondly, I didn't stretch myself as much as I
could have by just staying on the line of me confront line or just by stepping one step out of it. Next
time I will try harder and stretch myself just a little bit more.
Our team’s weakness was enthusiasm. When we preformed our chant to the rest of the class, we
didn't put a lot of effort in it. We did all the choreography and said all the words, but we didn't have
much energy. If I had a magic wand to go back and do the task again, I would be more enthusiastic.
Doing just that little thing changes a performance from average to excellent.
Skits-Collaborative Activity Reflection
For the skits I was in a group with Redacted, Redacted, Redacted and Redacted. My role in the group
was a leader along with Redacted. We kept the boys on task and gave feedback. I made sure people
knew what they were saying and where they were meant to be.
In this task I personally did well in these main three areas 'Step up to be leader, be enthusiastic and
encourage and support others'. 'Step up to be leader' is a big one. I had to take charge to keep the
group going. A little reminder was all it took. An example of this when the boys would get distracted
by their friends or something else and Redacted and myself would get them back on track. 'Be
enthusiastic' was another thing that I was good at in this task. An example was when we were
preforming. I got into character and exaggerated my expression and tone. It was really fun to do.
Lastly 'encourage and support others' I always show this one. I made sure everyone knew what they
were doing and if they needed help, I helped.
My team over all was good at these two things 'Encourage and support others and do your very
best'. Examples of one of these was when we were rehearsing, everyone was supportive and gave
feedback on how to improve. Another example of this was if someone messed up a line, we didn't
criticise them we waited for them to try again. 'do your best' wasn’t a hard one and I could tell that
everyone was trying. Some were even going outside their comfort zone.
For me really, I can't see much I could improve one. I felt like I handed the task the best I could. The
only thing I can think of was when we were rehearsing, and people wouldn't put expression on and
really get into their character. It just sounded like they were monotone and bored. This was a thing
that annoyed me slightly, but I just had to remind myself that they were trying their best. I think that
I just had to realise that not everyone has had the experience I have with preforming skits, so they
were still learning the basics.
I think our team only really had one small weakness which was how much expression and acting we
put into our character. It was some peoples first time so that is understandable. If I had a magic
wand and could do the task again, I wouldn't change much maybe working on expression and
exaggeration a bit more.

Directing Statues-Collaborative Activity Reflection

For this task Redacted, Redacted and Redacted were in my group. Throughout this activity I had two
roles, leader when I was the director and a follower who still had a voice. I was leading the
discussion when I was the leader and made sure that everyone's ideas where heard. When I was a
follower I came up with ideas and participated in the discussions and listened and respected the
director and the rest of my team.
I was good at these two skills, 'listen to each other' and 'step up to be leader'. An example of listening
to each other was when I was director, I listened to everyone's ideas and took them in. Going along
with this when I was director, I stepped up to be leader by organising my team in an orderly manner.
My team was good at these two skills 'share ideas' and 'be creative'. We all shared our ideas and
discussed them. My team was very creative with each scene. Everyone had a different perspective
on the scene and that helped to create a fun and enjoyable team. Our team also showed good
'communication' and were very 'enthusiastic'. All of these things helped create a really good lesson
that I laughed and smiled in.
In this activity I didn't master the skill 'compromise'. An example of this was when we were sharing
ideas there were a lot, so we had to compromise and come up with one idea. I normally struggle
with this a bit. I am getting better but still have a way to go. It will just take practice to get better at
My team's weakness in this activity was 'mediate ad negotiate'. Sometimes we would clash a bit and
have a strong opinion in our ideas. After a bit of discussion, we did get over this and it was all good.
If I had a magic wand I probably wouldn't change much. I really enjoyed the activity and my team. I
might just get more into the activity and stretch my ideas a bit more but apart from that I wouldn't
change a thing.

(I know we only had to do one question but I felt like doing all because I really enjoyed the task and
it was easy to reflect on)

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