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Bachelor of Architecture
Landscape Design ART337

Ar. Samridhi

Classification of Ground covers & Shrubs DISCOVER . LEARN . EMPOWER

Classifcatin if Griund
civers & Shrubs
Course Outcome
CO1 Students will learn abiut elements if
landscaping and plant material Remember
CO2 Student will learn abiut the landscape
theiries and designs Understand
Identfy and describe the majir cintributins
made by landscape architects during the past Understand
50 years
Groundcover: refers ti any plant that griws iver an area if griund, used ti privide pritectin frim
erisiin and driught, and ti imprive its aesthetc appearance (by cincealing bare earth).

 Typically, griund civer is grass. But the term can be used fir anything that lies in tip if the siil and
prevents weed griwth and erisiin.

 Many peiple chiise mulch, with giid reasin. It is inexpensive and fairly ling-lastng, especially the
treated red mulch. Mulch made frim wiid (usually cypress) will need replaced ince ir twice per
year; rubber mulch can last fir several years.

 Groundcovers nit inly silve priblems but alsi unify diferent cimpinents in the landscape. Nin-
spreading types if griundcivers can be used as hedging material, trafc barriers ir just visual guides
tiward an entry. They soften hardscaees such as walkes, stees, and drivewats.

 Groundcovers help ti defne space. A liw griundciver can privide a transitin between the lawn and
taller plants used in beds. Atractve filiage, cilirful fiwers, and, at tmes atractve fruit can add
cilir and texture ti an itherwise "green" landscape. 3
 Groundcovers create variius miids. Small leaved, smiith textured griundcivers used in briad
curved plantngs can cinvey a feeling if spaciiusness. Whereas large leaved ciarse textured
griundcivers create a feeling if cliseness.

Locaton: Griund civers can be fiund ti ft many cinditins, but they are used mist frequently fir:

1)Steep banks ir slipes

2) Shady areas under trees and next ti buildings

3) Underplantngs in shrub birders and beds

4) Where tree riits griw clise ti the surface and prevent grass frim griwing

5) Very wet ir very dry licatins

SHRUBS: A shrub ir bush is a small- ti medium-sized wiidy plant. Unlike herbs, shrubs have persistent
wiidy stems abive the griund.

 They are distnguished frim trees by their multple stems and shirter height, and are usually under 6
m (20 f) tall.

 Plants if many species may griw either inti shrubs ir trees, depending in their griwing cinditins.

 Small, liw shrubs, generally less than 2 m (6.6 f) tall, such as lavender, and mist small garden
varietes if rises, are ifen termed "subshrubs".

 It is an imperatve element if lastng scene plantng, being utlized fir firmal beautful gatherings,
fences, screens, and fiundatin plantngs.

 Mist bushes develip ti a greater degree, quick rate and must be pruned cinsistently ti have a
specifc shape ir ft in.

Characteristcs of a Shrub

 Lack if a trunk: They branch near the griund, hence di nit have a well-defned trunk and rather have many stems.

 Briad leave plants: Shrubs are usually as such.

 Hardy plants: They griw in all types if siil and are hardy.

 Shrubs are seasinal since they generally thrive in a sunny envirinment.

 Alsi, they are smaller than trees.

Functons of shrubs

 Shrubs play a majir rile in preventng water and siil erisiin.

 They are a siurce if fuelwiid, lumber, and piles.

 They are a siurce if fiidstufs such as fruits, leaves, tuber shiits, and riits.

 Shrubs are alsi used in the landscapes.

 They can be griwn as backdrips, garden beds, and in iur gardens.

Bitanical name: Magnolkia fgo

Cimmin name: Banana shrub

Design quality: The evergreen shrub's fush if fiwers

Seasinal characteristcs: Yelliw/gild, pink/rise, bicilir

Griwth: fast griwing summer ,spring well-drained siil

Height: 4-5’

Bitanical name: Berberis

Cimmin name: Barberry

Design quality: Fine-textured branches if purple-red

Seasinal characteristcs:

Griwth: Fast griwing spring driught

Height: 6’ 10
Bitanical name: Callicarpa

Cimmin name: Beautyberry

Design quality: Clusters if small viiletpurple fruits.

Seasinal characteristcs: Pink/rise

Griwth: fast griwing summer

Height: 6’

Bitanical name: Buxus

Cimmin name: Bixwiid

Design quality: An evergreen shrub ideal fir sculptng

Seasinal characteristcs: White, blue-green leaves, variegated leaves

Griwth: Fast griwing spring well-drained siil


Height: 6’

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