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MAPEH 9 ASRTS - ______

Name:______________________________ P.E. - ______
Grade and Section: ___________________
HEALTH- ______
MUSIC TOTAL = ______
MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter that corresponds to your correct answer.
1. The period that is also known as “Middle Ages”.
a. Medieval b. renaissance c. Baroque d. Primitive
2. The Following are characteristics of Gregorian chant, except;
a. Plain Song b. Free Tempo c. Used neumaes d. Polyphonic Texture
3. Popular music during the latter part of Medieval Period which is not bound by Catholic traditions.
a. Sacred Music b. Instrumental Music c. Secular Music d. Solo Music
4. Believed to have marked the renaissance music.
a. The use of Lute instrument. c. The birth of Gregorian Chants
b. Start of secular music compositions d. Establishment of Concertos
5. The event that paved the way for a wide distribution of Renaissance Period’s compositions.
a. The invention of printing c. The discovery of earth’s actual position in the solar system
b. Martin L uther’s protestant reformation d. The invention of compass that enhanced navigation
6. Refers to the primary form of sacred vocal polyphony.
a. Motet b. Mass c. Madrigal d. Troubadour
7. Most of mass music’s text were set to melismatic. Melismatic means...
a. One note set to one syllable. c. One note to many syllable
b. Few notes set to one syllable d. Many notes to one syllable
8. Which statement is true about the Baroque Period?
a. Known for the simplicity of the musician’s c. Early composers favored homophonic texture.
b. Music compositions are accessible d. Melodies are less dynamic
9. A Baroque music style developed mainly by imitative counterpoint.
a. Fugue b. Oratorio c. Toccata d. Chorale
10. A concerto referring to a presentation with full orchestra and a soloist.
a. Concerto Grosso b. Solo Concerto c. Basso Continu d. Tutti
11. Art is derived from the Latin word ARS. The term ARS means __________.
a. imagine b. skill c. creative d. active
12. Art is also known as the totality of human activities. The following are importance of art to humans EXCEPT..
a. Express feelings of love. c. Give satisfaction to talented people.
b. Develop character, proper attitudes and values. D. Encourage budding sportsmen.
13. Cave paintings encompass any parietal art which involves the application of color pigments on the walls. In what era
when these types of arts dominated as the people’s means of communication?
a. Ancient Egypt b. Classical Greek Era c. Prehistoric Era d. Romanesque Era
14. Kerch style is an attic red-figure pottery named after the Crimean city of Kerch. The following were the most common
shapes of this classical vase painting EXCEPT
a. wine container b. bowl for water and wine c. low bowl w/ two handles d. low handles and lid
a. It is extremely primitive and mysterious. d. Dramatic representation of movements.
15. Which of the following is NOT a relevant nature of Pre-Historic sculpture?
a. Symbolic elements were widely used.
b. Sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not a human artistry.
c. Carvings may have mythological or religious significance.
d. Materials used in sculpture vary according to region and locality.
Choose the letter that corresponds to when the classical artwork was modeled.
16. a. Pre-Historic 18. a. Ancient Egypt
a. Gothic Era b. Gothic Era
b. Ancient Egypt c. Greek Era
c. Medieval Era d. Medieval Era
17. a. Greek Era 19. a. Greek Era
b Ancient Era b. Medieval Era
c Medieval Era c. Ancient Egypt
d Gothic Era d. Gothic Era

18. a. Ancient Egypt 20. a. Medieval Era

b Pre Historic Era b. Romantic Era
c Medieval Era c. Gothic Era
d Gothic Era d. Ancient Egypt

21. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports Officiating b. Sports Psychology c. Sports Science d. Sports Youth
22. In games, which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the official possess?
a. Balance b. Endurance c. Power d. Strength
23. For sports official to have lean muscles, what type of food should they eat?
a. Carbohydrates b. Fats c. Iron d. Protien
24. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes. Sports officials do not have the
luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what's the best drink to take?
a. Energy Drinks b. Soft drinks c. Sports Drink d. Water
25. What lifestyle-related disease will an official have if he/she continues to smoke and eat without cholesterol-rich foods?
a. Cancer b. Diabetes c. Heart Disease d. Stroke
26. Sports officials mostly use their arms for signaling. What fitness component will be developed with this regular
a. Cardio Vascular Endurance c. Muscular Endurance
b. Flexibility d. Muscular Strength
26. Aside from improper eating habits, what habit also causes diabetes?
a. Genetics b. Jogging c. Environment d. Sedentary Lifestyle
27. Officiating has a high physical demand, especially in sports like basketball, soccer and combative sports. What should
the referee do PRIOR to doing his/her officiating task?
a. Warm up b. Dynamic Stretching c. Static Stretching d. Instantly proceed with officiating
28. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
a. Save money during sports competition
b. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official.
c. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities.
d. All of the above
29. What is the BEST value that a sports official must possess?
a. Fairness b. Punctuality c. Unjust d. All of the above
30. First aid activity are the following statement below except;
a. Have a victim lie down with his/her feet elevated c. monitor the victim for signs of shock
b. Keep the victim cool d. Call the doctor’s attention right away
b. Elevate the affected joint d. all of the above

Identified that one of the environmental issues that affect people’s health is the typhoon, and one of these is the
YOLANDA. Make a poster or collage about the damage caused by typhoon YOLANDA in some parts of the Visayas
Creativity 4 3 2 1
Neatness of Work 4 3 2 1
Message 4 3 2 1
Interpretation 4 3 2 1
Total 20 points

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