Be The Change Brochure New

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Name: _______________________________

Date of Birth: _________________________

Phone Number: ________________________
Email Address: ________________________
Home Address: ________________________
City: _________________ State: _________
Zip: __________________

Do you have any special needs or restrictions

(including dietary)? If so, please describe: July 29-31 2011
Atlanta, GA
Be the Change is a drug and alcohol free event.

Hosting: This year’s convergence lodging will

be provided by attendees and staff members
living in Atlanta. Please indicate whether your
family will be able to host or you will need The Be the Change Convergence will take
place at the wonderful Horizons School in
lodging. Atlanta. An ongoing partner and supporter
□ Can Host How Many:____□ Need Lodging of the activist community, Horizons is
located in the Candler park neighborhood
of north east Atlanta, conveniently within
There is a $50 registration fee which covers
short walking distance of both the
food and expenses. Edgewood/Candler Park and East Lake
Please include cash or check made out to: MARTA stations. “Our only hope today lies in our ability to
“Fair World Fair”
recapture the revolutionary spirit and go
For those unable to commute, lodging will
be provided by attendees’ families and
out into a sometimes hostile world
There are limited full and partial declaring eternal hostility to poverty,
staff members living in Atlanta! We are
scholarships available to cover registration racism, and militarism.”
asking that capable attendees provide
fees and travel expenses. Please check below lodging for their fellow convergence
if you would like to be considered for: members. All minors will be separated by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., April 4, 1967
_____ Scholarship gender and sleeping arrangements will be
_____ Travel Expense Assistance highly structured.

You may also register online at

Horizons is located at 1900 DeKalb Ave. Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition
or return this completed form to: Atlanta, GA 30307
American Friends Service Committee
60 Walton Street, NW, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA, 30303 For more information please visit their
You may also fax this form to 404-586-0465.
Once we receive your registration form, we
will follow up with you about further details.
Be the change in your community
On April 4, 1967, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. chose to organize resistance to unjust education budget cuts
delivered a ground-breaking speech in which he famously that disproportionately affect low income people. With this in “This past year’s Be the Change Youth Convergence
made the link between the war in Vietnam and the “giant mind, GPJC is planning the 3nd Annual “Be the Change” was an enlightening and wonderful experience. We
triplets” of militarism, racism, and poverty. Unfortunately, Youth Convergence July 29-31, 2011, at the Horizons School learned ways to actively organize community groups
his message resounds all too clearly today with regards to in Atlanta. Dr. King’s Beyond Vietnam speech will serve as to enact nonviolent social and economic change. The
our involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, and the the “grounding text” for the weekend. After you register we workshops, speakers, and residents of Koinonia were
helpful and very encouraging in our pursuit for peace.
link between our country’s militarism abroad and poverty at will send you a link to this speech. The goal of the
It was a great experience and I can't wait to go again
home. In Georgia, our communities spiral further into convergence is to bring together progressive leaders from all this year!”
poverty while the wars continue to continue. Young people over the state of Georgia to connect the dots between these -Laura Estrada
see no option to pay for school other than joining the powerful social issues and become "the change" in our home Athens, GA
military. Meanwhile, 35,000 four-year scholarships to communities. But none of this will be possible without you!
colleges and universities could have been given for what we Fill out the Registration Form on the last page of this
“The Be the Change Youth Convergence was an
spend on just one day of the war. There is hope that in 2011, brochure and mail it in to become a part of the state-wide
inspirational and effective weekend. I connected with
things are beginning to progressive resistance to racism, militarism, and poverty in other organizations from across the state of Georgia
change, particularly among Georgia. and many of those connections have led to the growth
young people, yet that energy of our movement to inspire positive change in the
and excitement must be world. Being a part of the convergence is a must for
harnessed and focused for any anyone looking to build with a state wide coalition for
a better world. All I
of this hope to materialize. have to say is... See you in May!”
The American Friends - Paul Ayo
Service Committee and the Milledgeville, GA
Georgia Peace and Justice
Coalition are organizing the
third annual convergence for “What at first seemed to be a rag-tag group of young
folks from every corner of the state eventually became
Georgia youth that will allow
a political force to be reckoned with. In the last year,
us to garner this energy. After "Be the Changers" have taken on leadership roles in
last year’s convergence their communities, campuses, and families. They've
dozens of youth from around played important roles in building movements,
the state got involved in their creating legislation, and creating the beloved
communities, organizing community that Dr. King
spoke of. In short, they are being the change we need
around issues that matter to
to see in the world.”
them, building the change - Tim Franzen
they want to see in their Atlanta, GA
communities. Many youth

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