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Based on the data that we gathered in our two-way anova, we can say that there is a significant

difference between the methods used. Through analysis we observed that the all the data points are
normally distributed where alt 2 is the most normally distributed. In the equal variances test, the data
showed that the time intervals overlapped which means that at least one factor is different.

The f test, where we compared the variances of both the initial method and the alt 2 method,
resulted in the p value being higher than the 5% significance value which means that the two methods
are not equal which we can closely relate to our results in the equal variance test. In the two-way anova,
we found that the Since the significance level is 0.05 which means that the students and interaction
effect have no significant difference while the methods are statistically significant.

We used the data collected in a two-way anova where we found that there is a 0 probability
that the averages are the same

the alternate methods used to collect the cards proved to be faster than the initial method

A two-way ANOVA test reveals the results of two independent variables on a dependent
variable. ANOVA test results can then be used in an F-test, a statistical test used to determine whether
two populations with normal distributions share variances or a standard deviation, on the significance of
the regression formula overall.

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