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1. AISYAH RAHMA DINI (1811313017)
2. ANNISA RAHMA YUNI (1811312045)
3. CHINTIA PAULINA (1811311031)
4. INDAH RAMADHANI (1811311035)
5. RESA OKPRIANA (1811312003)
6. SHINTA BELLA (1811311017)
7. SUCI HAYATUL KURNIA(1811312039)
8. TARI RAHMADIYA (1811311001)
9. TAUFIK FEBRIYANTO (1811312009)
10. VEBBY FITRI NURARITA (1811313021)
11. SARI NADHIFA AFDHAL (1811312007)




We thank God for the presence of Allah SWT, because with His help we can complete a
scientific work entitled "The theory of nursing practice".

We thank Ms. Dwi Nofrianda NS.M.KEP as an English Language lecturer and friends who
have helped us in completing this scientific work well.

We realize that this scientific work is still far from perfect, therefore criticism and
suggestions from all parties that are constructive are always expected for the perfection of
this scientific work.

Finally, we would like to thank all those who have participated in the preparation of this
scientific work from beginning to end. May Allah SWT always be happy with all our efforts.

Padang, August 29, 2018

              Group 8

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................................1
1.1 Background....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem formulation......................................................................................................1
1.3 Goal ..............................................................................................................................1
1.4 Benefit ..........................................................................................................................2

2.1 The importance of nursing theory for a nurse .............................................................3
2.2 Nursing as the theory caring ........................................................................................3
2.3 Practical application of nurse in caring theory.............................................................4
2.4 How to create an environment to care for patient........................................................6
2.5 Evaluate nursing practice models.................................................................................7


3.1 Conlusion .....................................................................................................................9
3.2 Suggestion....................................................................................................................9

DAFTAR PUSTAKA........................................................................................................10

1.1 Background
Health care systems change rapidly. Today's nurses face the care of clients who expect
quality nursing care and expect professional care as well-educated health care providers.
Nursing services have an important role in determining the success of overall health
services. One factor that supports the above belief is the reality that can be seen in the health
care unit such as in the hospital, where the 24-hour power must be on the side of the patient is
the care worker. But it is unfortunate that nursing services at this time are still far from what
is expected. This situation is not only caused by the limited number of nursing staff that we
have, but mainly due to the limited professional ability possessed by most of these types of
The nursing process is an answer to problem solving in nursing, because the nursing
process is a scientific method that is used systematically and uses scientific concepts and
principles that are used systematically in achieving a diagnosis of a patient's health problem,
formulating the goals to be achieved, determining actions and evaluating quality and the
results of nursing care.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

1. How important is nursing theory for a nurse?
2. How is nursing as a caring theory?
3. What is the practical application of nurses in caring theory?
4. How to create an environment to treat patients?
5. How do you evaluate the nursing practice model?
1.3 Aim
The purpose of this paper is to fulfill the assignment in the "English" course. Besides that,
the purpose of providing information is so that students can understand how important
nursing theory is.
1. To find out the importance of nursing theory for a nurse
2. To find out caring theory in nursing
3. To know what is the practical application of nurses in caring theory
4. To find out how to create an environment to care for patients
5. To find out how to evaluate nursing practice models

1.4 Benefits
1. giving students information about the importance of nursing theory for a nurse
2. give lessons about nursing as caring theory
3. provide information on how to create a good environment for treating patients
4. provide lessons on how to evaluate nursing practice models

2.1 The Importance of Nursing Theory for a Nurse

1. The existence of nursing theory can provide reasons for the realities faced in nursing
services, both for action or the form of nursing practice models so that various problems can
be overcome.

2. The existence of nursing theory helps members of the nursing profession to understand
various knowledge in the provision of nursing care and can then provide a basis for solving
various nursing problems.
 3. The existence of nursing theory helps the problem solving process in nursing by providing
clear directions for the purpose of nursing actions so that all forms and actions can be
 4. The existence of nursing theory can also provide a basis for nursing assumptions and
philosophies so that knowledge and understanding in nursing actions can continue to grow
and develop.

2.2 Nursing as a Caring Theory

Caring is not something that can be taught, but is the result of culture, values, experience,
and from relationships with others. Nursing attitudes related to caring are the presence, touch
of affection, listening, understanding the client, caring in the spiritual, and family care.
      1. Presence
     Attendance is a meeting between someone and someone who is a means to get closer and
convey the benefits of caring. The presence of a nurse helps calm clients' anxiety and fear
because of the stressful situation
      2. Touch
      There are two types of touch, namely contact touch and non-contact touch. Touch of
contact is a direct touch with the skin. Whereas non-contact touch is eye contact. Touch is an
important part of the relationship between nurses and patients, but touch must be used
according to the limits because their use is limited by strong social norms.
      3. Listen
      Listening helps the nurse understand and understand the client's intentions and help help
clients find ways to gain peace.
      4. Understand
Understanding clients as the core of a process is used by nurses in making clinical
decisions. Understanding the client is a nurse's understanding of the client as a reference for
the next intervention (Radwin, 1995)
       5. Caring in the spiritual
       Spiritual offers a good sense of attachment, either through intrapersonal relationships or
relationships with oneself, interpersonal or relationships with others and the environment, and
transpersonal or relationships with God or the highest strength.

2.3 Practical application of nurses in caring theory

The provision of nursing services based on nurse caring behavior is able to improve
the quality of health services. the application of caring which is integrated with biophysical
knowledge and knowledge of human behavior will be able to improve individual health and
facilitate the delivery of services to patients. Watson (1979 in Tomey & Alligod, 2006) adds
that effective caring can promote individual health and growth. in addition, William (1997) in
his research, found a significant relationship between perceptions of nurse caring behavior
and patient satisfaction with nursing services. Thus, caring behavior displayed by a nurse will
affect client satisfaction.

Nurse caring behavior is not only able to increase client satisfaction, but also can
generate benefits for the hospital. Godkin and Godkin (2004) said that caring behavior can
bring financial benefits to the health service industry. Issel and Khan (1998) add that caring
staff health behavior has economic value for hospitals because this behavior has an impact on
patient satisfaction. thus, it can be clearly seen that nurse caring behavior can provide benefits
for health services because it can improve individual health and growth and increase patient
satisfaction so that it will increase patient visits to hospitals and atfinally providing financial
benefits to the hospital.Caring behavior of nurses with patients

1. Helping clients in ADL.

 2. Make nursing records regarding clients.

 3. Provide knowledge to clients as individuals

 4. Explain clinical procedures

 5. Dress neatly when working with clients

 6. Sit with the client

 7.identify the client's lifestyle

 8. Be happy with clients

 9. Placing client needs before personal needs

10. Be sweet with clients

11. Measuring vital signs of clients

12. Listen to clients

13. Provide information about clients

14.encourage clients regarding aspects of self care

15. Observing the effect of medication on the client

Caring Behavior in Nursing Practices

The action of caring aims to provide physical care and pay attention to emotions while
increasing the sense of security and client safety. then caring also emphasizes individual self-
esteem, meaning that in doing nursing practice, nurses always always respect clients by
accepting the advantages and disadvantages of clients so that they can provide appropriate
health services.
Three important aspects that underlie the need for nurses to care for others. This
aspect is the aspect of the contract, ethical aspects, and the spiritual aspect of caring for others
who are sick.

1. Contract aspect

It is known that, as professionals, we are under contractual obligations for care.

Radsma (1994) said, "nurses have professional duties to provide care". For that, we as
professional nurses are required to be care as our work contract.

2.ethical aspects

Ethical questions are questions about what is right or wrong, how to make the right
decisions, how to act in certain situations. This type of question will influence the way nurses
provide care. a nurse must care because it is a right action and something important. With
care nurses can provide happiness for others.

3. Spiritual aspects

In all major religions in the world, the idea of caring for each other is the main idea.
therefore, it means that religious nurses are caring people, not because he is a nurse but rather
because he is a member of a religion or belief, the nurse must care for the client.

  Caring in nursing practice can be done by developing a trusting relationship between

nurses and clients. The development of mutual trust relationships applies a form of
communication to establish relationships in nursing. Nurses act in an open and honest
manner. empathy means the nurse understands what the client feels. Friendly means positive
acceptance of others that is often expressed through body language, speech of voice,
openness, facial expressions, etc. (Kozier & Erb, 1985 in Nurachmah, 2001). Nurses need to
recognize the comprehensive needs of biophysical, psychosocial, psychophysical and
interpersonal clients. Meeting the most basic needs needs to be achieved before moving on to
the next level.

Caring has great benefits in nursing and should be reflected in every nurse's
interaction with the client, not considered as something that is difficult to realize by reason of
a high workload, or lack of nursing care management arrangementsgood. Favourable caring
implementation will improve the quality of nursing care, improve the image of nurses in the
community and make the nursing profession have a special place in the eyes of users of
health care services.

2.4 Environment care/Independent Room Rooms

The coverage of the posien is everything that is related to the current or during treatment
that can affect the health and stability of the patient while being treated can undergo a period
of time. period of treatment in the health care place (house of sahitpuskeames belch
keschaten and sotageinye. A, Hospitality and equilibrium scope Paslar care room and
environment Ward room cleanliness and environmental care of patients with a discharge

1 Preparing cheerful hygiene patient care from its surroundings

2. Higiena care among patients and the environment B hygiene and health care room patients
and their environment

The purpose of treating patient care and environment

1. To manage the space and peralalanrya for the smooth operation of nursing care for patients

2. To prevent cross infection

3. To establish trust and good impression Paslen and his family and the community to the
hospital C. Environment Senga client's room / room is important sebagei a nurse to memouat
and modify the patient's room / room as comfortable as his house while the room / room must
be sufficiently quiet until paeien and visitors move quickly bebae can eluesa. It is necessary
to regulate the atmosphere of the room to create a comfortable environment such as arranging
the room temperature to maintain adequate relaxation and cleaning the room. Keeping the
room / room clean and organized will make the patient feel more comfortable in the
treatment. aingan and avoid Dar Deu which is

D. Environmental concomitant commar / room klicn In ueuyadi all of these are used for the
start of the election take into account the age of the disease and the normal level of activity of
the client's day. Based on the client's age and the ubiquitous fioic condition, it must be
harvested 200o and 23'c. Bavjaosla from patients who are acutely ill requires a temperature
greater than that, but some critically ill patients have the temperature of the temperature to
reduce the body's metebolise demands. Exotic physical eclipses are always more comfortable
when you want to stay close.

2.5 Profesional Management Practice Model (MPKP)

A. PENGER VN is based on the philosophy, concepts and theories of nursing The era
of globalization and the development of science and technology Leselai demands students, as
well as professions, members of optimal health services Indonesia also develops the practice
of nursing professional (MPKP). OBJECTIVES OF NURSING MODELS

1. Maintain consistency of nursing care

2. Reduce conflict, overlap can the implementation of nursing care by the team

3. Create independence in winning nursing care. 4. Providing dominance and confessing

wisdom from decision.

5. Explain clearly the scope and purpose of virginity care for each team member There are
five components of NIPKP:

1. Professional value

2. Approach management

3. Periodic nursing associations

4. Contact professional experts and awards.


treatment practices, it will always root one of the methods of distribution in this area.

1. Functional methods That is the restructuring of the nursing cruising tasks based on the
implementation of the training process. care or care for care for one or several clients by one
nurse while on duty or on duty for a certain period of time until the client returns.

2.The head of the room is responsible for the division of tasks and receives all reports about
nursing care services. In this method the nursing staff is assigned by the head of the district
for direct care drawings to the patients assigned, for example in the office and ICU.

3. the period of the appointment. The organizer of the nursing service if there is a nurse. Inl
kelormpok was carried out by nurses who were graduated and educated and had their bidarg
calans knowledge. The assignment of assignments in groups is by accusation by the group
leader, always the group leader is responsible for advising the team member before assigning
and accepting the assignment if they experience success. Furthermore, the team leader yarg
reported to the head of the team, as far as the implementation was concerned, but cared for
the client's silence.

4. The Prime Yeitu Care Method is a blessing which is characterized by constant constant
between the patient and the nurse who is assigned to plan, carry out and coordinate the
patient as long as the patient is passed.

.5. The Modu (Distr k) method is a combined antare Me method: the assignment method with
the primary preservation method. This method assigns a group of nurses to care for patients
who come to go home


3.1 Conclusion

From the above discussion it can be concluded that nursing practice methodology is a
means of making a leap from theoretical to practical, thus demonstrating the practical nature
of nursing theory Nursing practices can change when nurses are given the opportunity to
reflect their intentions and actions in nursing as caring theories

Thus the practice of nurses can only be done if the nurse has understood nursing
theory because the practice of nurses must be guided by theory, then from theory can be
further developed as a result of nurse practice

3.2 Suggestion

As for the suggestions in writing this paper for students expected to understand and
know about nursing practice for educational institutions expected to provide advice and input
regarding papers made by group 5
With the submission of this paper, we hope that all readers will be able to know and
understand nursing practice and can provide criticism and suggestions so that this paper can
be better than before thanks


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