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Semester III
Assignment 1


Submitted To:
Prof Prakash Pandit

Submitted By:
Medha Sur
Your job selling Coca-Cola to your old college has proven more difficult
than you imagined. There seem to be many influences on your buyer’s
behavior that you did not expect.

1. What environmental factor might exist?

2. Organizational factors?
3. Interpersonal factors?
4. Individual factors?

Answer: -
• Marketing decisions must take into account some environmental factors to create an
accurate picture of the marketplace and the company's standing within it. Consumer
behavior refers to the selection, purchase and consumption of goods and services for
the satisfaction of their wants.
• Time and Season: - Time is an important factor that affects the demand of Coca-
Cola. For example, the demand for Coca-Cola will increase during summers.
Initially the consumer tries to find what commodities he would like to consume as per
the climate specifically in case of soft drinks. So, it may be winter or monsoon season
and hence most of the people don’t consume cold-drinks during that time. Hence, due
to this reason it might be happen that it was difficult to sell coco-cola for me during
this time.
• Social: - The consumer makes an estimate of the available money which he can
spend. So, it may happen that in order to save money he don’t want to waste money in
buying such kind of soft drinks.
• Economic: - Mainly college students don’t income and also specially they are in
friends’ group. Hence it might happen that if one person in the group don’t want then
whole group won’t take coco-cola in order to save money or they don’t need it at that
• Competition: - Many substitute products have launched in the market and specifically
college is in the day time so people don’t like to consume Coco-Cola during day time
hence shift to an alternate drink like lassi, Mazza.


• The organizational factors mean that elements which influenced the way that the
organization, and. everybody within it, behaved.
• In a college after a hectic schedule the students and faculty like some energy drink so
mostly faculties prefer chai or coffee whereas the students like mostly lassi, ice cream
or Mazza for the refreshment.
• It may happen that due to my bad management technique the students and faculty
have to wait for a longer time so they stop buying Coco-Cola from me.
• Quality: - If the seller doesn’t maintain the quality of the product like if he doesn’t
keep it in freezer or don’t serve it cool then it will reduce sells. Hence, I was not able
to maintain the quality which reduce the sales.
• Price: - Demand of Coca-Cola is affected by price of other aerated goods. If the price
of Coco-Cola is expensive than that of the local market then the sales will get
decrease. Hence, in order to maintain my profit, I have increased the price of coco
cola than market price hence people stop buying from me.

Ans 3:

• Interest: - During this young age most of the students are very health conscious and
fitness freak. Hence, the consumer might be in diet and wanted healthy drink so
he/she don’t want to spend money in junk foods.

Ans 4:

• The individual factors are the factors in which consumers are strongly influences their
buying behaviors. These factors vary from person to person that results in a different
set of perceptions, attitudes and behavior towards certain goods and services.
• Income: - Most of the students don’t earn money so they don’t want to spend much
money in buying this.
• Influencers: - The youth mostly follow the celebrities and sportsman. So, in social
media false image regarding the brand occurs then the youth will stop buying it.
E.g.: - In a press conference Ronaldo was offered two bottle of Coco- Cola but he
replaces them with water bottle so this impacted a loss of 4 billion.
• Price: If the price of Coca-Cola will increase, other things remain constant,
the demand of customers will decrease. Hence, I was charging more as compare to
that of the market.
• Each individual processes the information received in different ways and evaluates
the products in his own personal way. It might happen that the consumer might like
Pepsi, Mazza, lassi etc. as compare to that of coco-cola.
• Customer expectation: -
(a) Reason 1: Rumor can be the reason for not meeting customer expectation and
hence there is reduction in sales. If the brand image is bad of a particular product
the sales will automatically decreases.
(b) Reason 2: If consumers expect the price of Coca-Cola to fall in short run, they will
demand less of it in present.

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