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Chapter: Computer Virus

Computer virus 02
What does computer virus do? 02
What a virus can do? 03
What a virus cannot do? 03
Warning signal 03
Advantages of virus 03
Disadvantages of virus 04
Types of virus 04
 Program virus
 Boot virus
 Macro virus
 Melfare
Types of antivirus 05

Chapter: Operating system

Operating system 06
Function of operating system 06
 Memory management
 Processor management
 Device management
 File management
 Other important activities
Types of operating system 07
 Batch OS
 Distributed OS
 Multitasking OS
 Network OS
 Real OS

A computer virus is a software program. A A virus tries to take control of the computer
computer virus is a type of malware that are system it has infected. It must copies of itself
very harmful and can seriously damage the and tries to carry out the often harmful tasks
hardware, software or the information that it is programmed to do. This process can
stored. Virus has the ability to makes copies happen so quickly that the user is not even
of itself, and to attach itself to other program aware that a virus is present in the computer.
or files. Viruses are harmful. They can range Some viruses are programmed to activate
from displaying irritating messages to make themselves at a certain date/time. Such
all the documents inaccessible or even delete viruses check the system clock continuously,
them. Viruses generally latch on a host file and create havoc when the set time or date
and when they execute they infect other files arrives.
or program. Boot sector, resident, Macro
Viruses can
viruses and file infector are some examples of
also infect
new files
A virus may or may not be destructive. In created on
some cases, viruses can erase data or corrupt the infected
programs on the computer. Viruses are computer, or
written by expert computer programmers the contents
and intended to run on computer systems of USBs
without the user’s knowledge. (Or any removable storage media) that
In the same way that biological viruses enter are inserted into such a computer. They
our body and attack certain cells, computer attach copies of themselves to these
viruses enter a computer system and attach new files and/or files on the storage
themselves to an item like the startup area media.
(boot record) or an executable file (a file with
a. exe extension).
Characters not appearing on the screen when
typed, then it is possible that a virus has
affected the programs that control the
Different viruses
display or the keyboard. If you are unable to
do different
open files, probably a virus is responsible. The
things. A
computer’s hard disk is not physically
computer virus
damaged, but the data and program stored
could be capable
on it may be corrupted or damaged.
of any of the
following: Here are some of the most common signs of
 It can infect executable program files such a virus attack:
a word processors, spreadsheet, and
 The computer runs slower than
operating systems.
 It can infect disks by attaching itself to
 Applications take longer to load or do
special program on the hard disk, called
not work properly.
boot record. These are the program that
 Unusual error messages appear on
the computer uses to start itself up.
the screen.
 It can infect files that are attached to email
 You notice change in size.
messages or copied to disks and USBs. In
this manner, it can spread from one  You notice
computer to another. that the
hard disk
has more
files than it
There are certain had earlier.
things no program can
do. A computer virus is  The computer restarts on its own.
a program; hence, it cannot do the following:  You see distorted menus and dialog
 It cannot infect files on write-protected
discs, such as CD-ROMs.
 It cannot infect computer hardware such as
monitors and keyboards. It infects only Computer viruses have no
software. advantages except to the
creator (though it is not
recommended that you
make one). The creator can make it do
anything, such as getting personal
information, or taking control of a person's
When you experience
machine. However, if the creator is tracked,
strange behavior such there are serious consequences.
as screen distortion or

the memory and the hard drive is being used.
 No Complete Protection.
 Viruses can cause many problems on
your computer. Usually, they display pop- Computer viruses can be categorised in different
up ads on your desktop or steal your ways. One of them is by their infection targets. If
information. Some of the more nasty ones we group viruses by their target, we can divide
can even crash your computer or delete viruses into the following categories.
your files.
 Your computer gets slowed down.
 Some the application won’t start. In more technical terms, a computer virus is a type
of malicious code or program written to alter the
way a computer operates and is designed to
spread from one computer to another. A virus
operates by inserting or attaching itself to a
Software that is created specifically to help detect, legitimate program or document that supports
prevent and remove malware (malicious macros in order to execute its code.
software). Antivirus is a kind of software used to
prevent, scan, detect and delete viruses from a
computer. A boot virus (also known as a boot infector, an
MBR virus or DBR virus) targets and infects a
specific, physical section of a computer
In modern worlds there are many advantages of system that contains information crucial to the
antivirus some are following: proper operation of the computer's operating
system (OS).
 Protection from viruses and their
transmission MACRO VIRUS:
 Block spam and ads A macro virus is a computer virus written in the
 Defense against hackers and data thieves same macro language as the software it infects —
 Ensures protection from removable devices common victims include Microsoft Excel and
 Protects your data and files Word. Because they target software rather than
 Supercharge your PC systems, macro viruses can infect any operating
 Firewall protection from spyware and system. So a macro virus can infect a PC or Mac.
phishing attacks

Malware is intrusive software that is designed to

In modern world there are many disadvantages of damage and destroy computers and computer
antivirus some are following: systems. Malware is a contraction for “malicious
software.” An example of common malware
 System Slowdown. Using an antivirus
includes viruses, worms, Trojan viruses, spyware,
program means that a lot of resources from
adware, and ransomware.
The following is necessary for an antivirus program
to be effective:

 It should run in the background at all times

 It should be kept updated so it recognizes
new versions of malicious programs.
 The user should run full disk scans
periodically this checks all the files on a
computer system
 It should have the capability to scan email
attachments and files as they are
downloaded from internet.

Some popular antivirus programs are:

 McAfee Virus Scan

 Norton Antivirus
 Kaspersky Antivirus
 Quick Heal Total Security
 Microsoft security essentials
 Avast

Following are some of important functions of an
operating System.
An Operating
System (OS) is  Memory Management
an interface  Processor Management
between  Device Management
computer user  File Management
and computer  Security
hardware. An,  Control over system performance
operating system is a software which performs all  Job accounting
the basic tasks like file management, memory  Error detecting aids
management, process management, handling
input and output, and controlling peripheral  Coordination between other software and
devices such as disk drives and printers. users
Some popular Operating Systems include Linux
Operating System, Windows Operating System, Memory management refers to management of
VMS, OS/400, AIX, z/OS, etc. Primary Memory or Main Memory. Main memory
OPERATING SYSTEM: is a large array of words or bytes where each
word or byte has its own address.
An operating system is a program that acts as an
Main memory provides a fast storage that can be
interface between the user and the computer accessed directly by the CPU. For a program to be
hardware and controls the execution of all kinds of executed, it must in the main memory. An
programs. Operating System does the following activities for
memory management −
 Keeps tracks of primary memory, i.e., what
part of it are in use by whom, what part
are not in use.
 In multiprogramming, the OS decides
which process will get memory when and
how much.
 Allocates the memory when a process
requests it to do so.
 De-allocates the memory when a process
no longer needs it or has been terminated.

In multiprogramming environment, the OS decides

which process gets the processor when and for
how much time. This function is called processing

scheduling. An Operating System does the
following activities for processor management. OTHER IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES:

 Keeps tracks of processor and status of Following are some of the important activities
process. The program responsible for this that an Operating System performs −
task is known as traffic controller.  Security − By means of password and
 Allocates the processor (CPU) to a process. similar other techniques, it prevents
unauthorized access to programs and
 De-allocates processor when a process is data.
no longer required.
 Control over system performance −
DEVICE MANAGEMENT: Recording delays between request for a
An Operating System manages device service and response from the system.
communication via their respective drivers. It  Job accounting − Keeping track of time and
does the following activities for device resources used by various jobs and users.
management −
 Error detecting aids − Production of
 Keeps tracks of all devices. Program dumps, traces, error messages, and other
responsible for this task is known as debugging and error detecting aids.
the I/O controller.
 Coordination between other softwares and
 Decides which process gets the device users − Coordination and assignment of
when and for how much time. compilers, interpreters, assemblers and
 Allocates the device in the efficient way. other software to the various users of the
computer systems.
 De-allocates devices.
A file system is normally organized into
directories for easy navigation and usage. These
directories may contain files and other directions.
An Operating System does the following activities Following are
for file management − the types of
 Keeps track of information, location, uses,
status etc. The collective facilities are system.
often known as file system.  Batch OS
 Decides who gets the resources.
 Distributed OS
 Multitasking OS
 Allocates the resources.
 Network OS
 De-allocates the resources  Real-OS

BATCH OS: Advantages of distributed OS:

Batch OS is the first operating system for  Failure of one system will not affect
second-generation computers. This OS does not the other systems because all the
directly interact with the computer. Instead, an computers are independent of each
operator takes up similar jobs and groups them other.
together into a batch, and then these batches  The load on the host system is
are executed one by one based on the first- reduced.
come, first, serve principle.  The size of the network is easily
scalable as many computers can be
Advantages of batch OS: added to the network.

 Execution time taken for similar MULTITASKING OS:

jobs is higher.
 Multiple users can share batch The multitasking OS is also known as the time-
systems. sharing operating system as each task is given
 Managing large works becomes some time so that all the tasks work
easy in batch systems efficiently. This system provides access to a
large number of users, and each user gets the
. time of CPU as they get in a single system. The
tasks performed are given by a single user or by
different users. The time allotted to execute one
task is called a quantum, and as soon as the time
A distributed operating system is a recent
to execute one task is completed, the system
advancement in the field of computer
switches over to another task.
technology and is utilized all over the world that
too with great pace. In a distributed OS, various
Advantages of multitasking OS:
computers are connected through a single
communication channel. These independent  Each task gets equal time for
computers have their memory unit and CPU and execution.
are known as loosely coupled systems. The  The idle time for the CPU will be the
system processes can be of different sizes and lowest.
can perform different functions. The major  There are very few chances for the
benefit of such a type of operating system is that duplication of the software.
a user can access files that are not present on his
system but another connected system. In
addition, remote access is available to the
systems connected to this network.

NETWORK OS: Of such applications are very strict. Such systems
are built for life-saving equipment like
Network operating systems are the systems that parachutes and airbags, which immediately need
run on a server and manage all the networking to be in action if an accident happens.
functions. They allow sharing of various files,
applications, printers, security, and other Soft real-time OS:
networking functions over a small network of
computers like LAN or any other private The soft real-time OS is the operating system for
network. In the network OS, all the users are applications where time constraint is not very
aware of the configurations of every other user
within the network, which is why network
operating systems are also known as tightly
In a soft real-time system, an important task is
coupled systems.
prioritized over less important tasks, and this
Advantages of network OS:
priority remains active until the completion of

 New technologies and hardware can the task. Furthermore, a time limit is always set
easily upgrade the systems. for a specific job, enabling short time delays for
 Security of the system is managed
future tasks, which is acceptable. For Example,
over servers.
virtual reality, reservation system, etc.
 Servers can be accessed remotely
from different locations and systems.
Advantages of real-time OS:
 It provides more output from all the
resources as there is maximum
Real-Time operating systems serve real-time
utilization of systems.
systems. These operating systems are useful  It provides the best management of
where many events occur in a short time or memory allocation.
 These systems are always error-free.
certain deadlines, such as real-time simulations.

Types of the real-time operating system are:

Hard real-time OS:

The hard real-time OS is the operating system

for mainly the applications in which the slightest
delay is also unacceptable. The time constraints


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