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Hello, if you’re reading this, don’t.

I’m just trying to do a really long essy in

order to pass 5 documents in scribd :’))) pls bear with me ahuhu. So, what are
we gonna talk about?? I can’t—I don’t have any topics in my mind right now.
I’m bored, but I literally need sources and uhm, answers to finish my modules
HHAHAHAHAHAH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what am I even doing, do you know
that the water we drink is from the generation of our parents, our parent’s
parents, or our grandparents rather, our great grandparents, great GREAT
grandparents and so on ? I hope you know what I mean. The water we drink
today is just water from the bottom of the seas to the nearest lakes and to
our faucets, it’s just gets filtered and filtered. Therefore, drink your water
beetches, drink plenty!! HHAHAHAHHA so now, that’s a topic.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa uhm do yall also know,
Shrimp’s hearts are in their heads? For shrimps, having organs in the head is
far more useful and safer than having them in the tail. That's because the
head is covered with thick protective substances. OH AND ADDITIONALLY, do
you also know that bananas contain a natural chemical that can make a
person happy? Yes, maybe you need bananas in your life, if ever you feel
down in the dumps lmfao. Any of the foods we eat naturally contain
serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood, and generally make
you feel happier. Bananas are an example of nutritious food that may help
promote the mood-boosting benefits of serotonin. HEEHEE moment.
Do you also know?
Volcanoes on Pluto spits out ice !! YES HAHAHAHA
It is said that two possible ice volcanoes have been identified on the surface
of Pluto. Unlike Earth volcanoes that spew molten rock or lava, Pluto's
volcanoes - if that is what they are - would likely erupt an icy slush of
substances such as water, nitrogen, ammonia, or methane.

So that’s it, thank you (?) for reading even if it’s just filled with random
nonsense! Maybe you’ll see me again, or not… GOODBYE

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