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Allyson Charissa T.

BSA – 1
Purposive Communication

Watch the following two commercials on Filipino meal time and closely observe how the
family members communicate with one another.
1. Video Commercial of Lucky Me- The Most Disturbing Dinner,
2. Video Commercial of Lucky Me-Hapag-Usapan Commercial

Directions: Answer in your own words. Write the questions first before the answer.

Answers the following questions:

1. What went wrong in the communication of the family members?
The main reason is the lack of proper communication. In the first video, the
father did not try to listen to his son’s reasoning and he just jumped into a
conclusion that he was just playing around without knowing his full story as to
why he was late coming home. He didn’t give him a chance to talk which
causes the boy to feel so distant towards his family and would rather want to
eat alone and not with them. The father also did not try to understand his son
and just ended up bursting his bubbles which causes a barrier for proper
communication. In the second clip, the boy was trying to talk to his parents
but his parents are busy with their work thus, the boy was feeling left out and
felt like they don’t care about him at all.

2. What could have worked better in their communication?

An effective communication requires understanding of the receiver’s ability to
understand the message you are trying to send. The communication of the
family could have worked better if they all set aside their troubles and
personal work and burdens for a while during their meal time so they would
have the time to talk and listen to their family member’s story and how their
day went.

3. How can meal time promote effective communication and family bond?
Meal time is one of the most important parts in family bonding. It is the
simplest bond a family can have but still promotes an effective communication
and stronger relationship with each member. However, effective
communication during meal time can only be achieved if the sender and the
receiver are both willingly to understand one another. It promotes effective
communication and family bonding because it is the only free time for family
members to talk and check up with each other. In addition to this, the food
would taste much better if the environment is at ease and everyone is having
a great time.

4. How important is meal time for Filipino?

In the Filipino culture, family is the number one priority in almost any
household. They value their family first more than anything else. Meal times
for a Filipino family helps them boost their relationship with their family
members and it is also one of the best times to bond with them. They share
their personal stories with their family and try to at least forget their troubles
for a little while during their meals with them. It is also the time to share
peace, values and blessings that their family have.

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