X Listening Script Smart English

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Unit 1

Activity 5

Good afternoon.

My name is Jade Gadner. I’m a new employee here. Maybe I will need a lot of time to get
used to here. So I will need some helps from you all.

Previously, I had worked in various reputable companies in Iceland. This company is the
third company I work for. So, as much as possible I will do my best for this company so that
this company can make more progress and get higher profit.

Well, that’s a simple introduction I can do. Again, I beg the cooperation from all of you.

Thank you.

Activity 6

Listening Script

1. He is awkward to serve the customer

2. She was chatting about her day at school
3. He is having the lunch in the cafe
4. She gets annoyed and refuses to eat
5. She reads her message from her friend
6. The place is not quite crowded
7. The place is a food court
8. The place is a lobby at the hotel
9. Those people know each other
10. The people come there for dining


Activity 6
Situation 1
Adit had passed on his final test semester test. On the way home, he meets Sekar, his friend.
She congratulates and compliments Adit.
Sekar : Hi Adit, How are you doing?
Adit : I am fine, thanks.
Sekar : It’s very nice to meet you here, Adit. You look great today. I love your new hair
Adit : Thank you very much Sekar. You look great too.
Sekar : Thanks Adit. By the way how was your test? Have you got the result.
Adit : Yes, I have got it. You know what, I have passed for the final test, I’m so happy
right now.
Sekar : Tha’ts great. Congratulations! How’s the score?
Adit : Thanks God I got the highest score for the test.
Sekar : Wow that’s amazing. I know you are very smart. Well done.
Adit : Thanks for your compliment, Sekar. You are so kind.
Sekar : Never mind It’s my pleasure

Situation 2
Fajar has won the national novel writing competition. The next day Intan and Baskara come
to his house to congratulate him
Intan : Is it true that the newspaper’s headline said Fajar?
Fajar :What news!
Baskara : The news about you winning the national novel writing competition. Is it
really you?
Fajar : Yeah. It is me.
Intan : Congratulations! We are happy for you
Fajar : Thanks a lot guys
Baskara : It’s a terrific job, Fajar
Fajar : Oh no, I guess it’s just my luck

Activity 3
Situation 1
Baskara comes to the library for returning the borrowing book. He comes there in the
break time.
Baskara : Good morning, Mrs. Sekar I would like to return this book.
Librarian : Good morning ,You have passed the limited returning time. It had to return
Baskara : Sorry ma’am. I was absent yesterday. I planned to return it by asking Intan to
give here
Librarian : Ok, but you have to pay the fine, Rp. 5000.
Baskara : Ok that is all right. Here you are
Librarian : Thank you

Situation 2
Melati : So, what about you, Duta? Do you have any plans?
Duta : Definitely! My dad and I are going to go fishing. We plan to go fishing in a lake
near my uncle's house. Would you like to come with us?
Melati : I don't really like fishing. I would rather stay at home than go fishing. What about
you Intan?What would you like to do on the long weekend?
Intan : I have made a plan with my mother about what to do on this long weekend. We are
going to practice baking cookies.
Duta : Are you going to bake choco chips cookies like that the last time?
Intan : Well, yes. That is my favourite. But we will also try to make ginger cookies.
Oh, would you like to join me to learn baking cookies Melati? You can come to my
Duta : It's a good idea! Or will you go fishing with me and my dad? 
Melati : Uhm, not fishing I guess. But I think I would like to bake cookies with Intan. Thanks
for asking me to join you Melati. 


Activity 4 and 5

Pink Beach is just one of the many amazing features of Komodo Island that make it
truly a Natural Wonder of Nature. Located immediately west of Flores Island in East Nusa
Tenggara, Komodo Island is one of three larger and many islets that make up the Komodo
National Park, and is particularly well-known as the natural habitat of the Komodo dragon.
The Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard, and takes its name after the island.

We can take a moment to appreciate panoramic views of turquoise seas, green rolling
hills, blue skies and fascinatingly pink sands. Aside from the obvious relaxation amidst this
picture perfect scenery; Komodo is not short of interesting activities to partake in. Once you
have finished taking in the magnificent surroundings, take a dip in the waters and uncover the
marine beauty that Pink Beach has to offer.

The corals of the Pink Beach’s underwater gardens are in excellent condition, with
hundreds of species of both soft and hard corals, and thousands of species of fish. Pink Beach
is a terrific choice for snorkelers and beginner divers as even the shallow waters are home to
an abundance of species to keep you more than entertained.


Activity 5
Announcement 1
Ladies and gentleman, your attention please! The Coast Express from Los Angeles is now
arriving on track 2. Please meet passengers as they will be entering the station at door number
nine. Also, the Flying Eagle, bound for Spokane, Boise, Missoula, and Denver, will be
boarding in 10 minutes on track number one. Please have your boarding passes ready, and
line up at door number five. If you have not yet checked your luggage for the Flying Eagle,
you may do so now at the booth next to door five. If you have not yet exchanged your ticket
for a boarding pass, please do so now at the ticket counter next to door number three. You
will need a boarding pass, not a ticket, to be able to board the Flying Eagle. Thank you.

Announcement 2
Announcement in the plane
Attention please!!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 4B7 with service from Hong Kong to San
Francisco. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in
approximately seven minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time
and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask
that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all
personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the
duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Mountain Airlines. Enjoy your flight.

Announcement 3
Announcement in the beach

Attention, please!

Today, the waves are high. It's quite dangerous to swim in the sea. We have marked the
dangerous spots, but we recommend you to stay close to the beach, and not going for a swim.
As for those who really want to swim, do not swim to far away from the beach and the
lifeguards. But, if you don't swim and want to do something, just go to the nearest Activity
Post. There, you will find fun activities and games.

Thank you for your attention. Please stay careful

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