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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

College of Business Administration

Department of Marketing Management




1. What is the reason why the prices increase significantly in the first
The main reason for the significant price increase in the first quarter of
2021 is that the value of production of agriculture and aquaculture products in the
Philippines has decreased. This situation is known as "cost-push inflation," in
which a lack of supply/products combined with sufficient consumer demand
forces producers to raise prices. Natural disasters, pandemics, and wage
inflation all contribute to cost-push inflation, which is why product prices in the
first quarter of 2021 are relatively high when compared to previous years.
In this regard, here are the following agriculture and aquaculture products
in the Philippines experienced a significant decrease in value of production in the
first quarter of 2021: livestock (-23.2% decrease), poultry (-7.4% decrease),
threadfin bream (-18.7% decrease), grouper (-13.0% decrease), frigate tuna (-
7.3% decrease), and other fisheries (-5.8% decrease).

2. Suggest strategies to increase the production and finish products from

poultry product.
In the first quarter of 2021, the value of poultry product production fell by
7.4%, accounting for only 13.3% of total agricultural production. Ducks (-11.6%)
and chickens (-11.2%) are the most affected poultry products, while chicken eggs
(3.0%) and duck eggs (-11.2%) have seen increases in production (0.7%). As a
result of this situation, the prices of some poultry products have risen, and the
only solution is to devise strategies to increase production in order to meet
demand and avoid inflation in the coming quarters. In that regard, I will suggest
some strategies below that will aid in increasing poultry industry production and
finished product.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Business Administration
Department of Marketing Management

 Biosecurity
- For successful broiler production, well-defined biosecurity practices are
essential. On-farm hygiene, vermin and insect control, and disease
transmission within and between barns can all benefit from effective
 Litter management
- In a poultry house, the litter serves as bedding for the birds. The
condition and quality of the litter have an impact on broiler production
and profitability. Litter management should take into account the type
of material, water quality, lighting, ventilation, and temperature.
 Water management
- Drinking water accounts for 70-80% of the bird's daily water
requirements. As a result, the most important nutrient for poultry is
water. A plentiful supply of clean water will reduce obstacles and
improve performance. Quality, height, pressure, mineral content, and
accessibility are all factors to consider when using water management.
 Feed management
- Birds need easy access to food. Following the feed line manufacturer's
recommendations for the number of birds per feed pan also ensures
adequate feed access. To ensure performance, feed quality that is free
of contaminants such as mycotoxins is critical.
 Environmental management
- Temperature, relative humidity, ventilation, and lighting are all part of
the barn's general environmental management. Understanding how
these components work separately and together can help managers
make better decisions.
 Timely vaccination
- To keep the birds healthy, a farmer should remember to vaccinate
them against pests and disease at the appropriate times, give them
vitamins, and debeak them on a regular basis.
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Business Administration
Department of Marketing Management

 Breeding management
- It entails identifying the most productive females and their male
offspring, and then using these birds to develop a farm-proven line.
 Sustainable poultry production
- Waste from manufacturing or processing can be incorporated into
long-term systems, such as organic composting. Processing plants
should concentrate their efforts on renewable energy and energy to
reduce their environmental impact while also operating at a lower cost.
 Economic literacy
- The owners should become informed about all current economic
issues that may have an impact on their poultry farm's production.
Understanding economic issues gives you the ability to strategize
plans that will benefit your company.

3. Explain what are the factors affecting the decrease of livestock production.
The decline of livestock production (-23.2% decrease) was visible in the first
quarter of 2021, accounting for only 14.2% of total agricultural production.
Production declines of more than 20% were recorded for hogs (-25.8%) and
cattle (-10.2%). Carabao production contracted by -7.4%, goat production
contracted by -6.7%, and dairy production contracted by -1.5%. In this regard, I
will discuss some of the factors that affect livestock production and contribute to
its depreciation.
 Climate influence on the livestock productivity
- Climate and location are unquestionably the most important factors
influencing livestock production. Indeed, climatology factors such as
ambient temperature and rainfall patterns have a significant impact on
the availability of pasture and food resources throughout the year, as
well as the types of disease and parasite outbreaks among animals.
 Diseases and parasites
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
College of Business Administration
Department of Marketing Management

- Diseases and parasites are two of the most serious factors affecting
livestock productivity and production. Animal diseases have a
significant impact on global food supplies, trade, and human health.
Although the burden of livestock diseases has decreased significantly
over the last few decades. The availability and effectiveness of drugs
and vaccines, as well as diagnostic technologies, have all contributed
to this reduction.
 Nutritional influence on livestock productivity
- The rain pattern throughout the year has a significant impact on
livestock production systems, influencing pasture development as well
as disease and parasite outbreaks, and thus animal production
systems and productivity.
 Outdated livestock production system
- It is critical that the livestock production system or management
system used by the owner is current. A modern livestock production
system is critical for generating high-quality, long-lasting products.
There are many types of this system, and the owner should know
which one is best for his farm in order to produce high-quality, high-
value products.

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