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GEED 10033: Readings in Philippine History

NAME: Bajandi, Jamil M. ACTIVITY #3


INSTRUCTION: Discuss the item thoroughly. Write the question before each answer. Your
answer should contain at least two (2) paragraphs of not less than four (4) sentences each.
Your answers may be written in English or Filipino. Do not forget to write your full name in the
upper left corner of the paper and your course, year and section below it.
1. Discuss what makes Pigafetta’s account on Magellan’s expedition and Fray de
Placencia’s account on the customs of the Tagalogs essential in understanding pre-16th
century Filipinos. What conclusion can you make?

Pigafetta's report is the primary source of much of the information we have on Magellan and
Elcano's journey. Pigafetta is the only source for Magellan's Circumnavigation because of this,
his biography at Magellan's Expedition has provided us with a wealth of information about our
history, society, practice, and way of life prior to the sixteenth century, allowing us to better
understand our forefathers and their way of life. It's vital to remember that Pigafetta was one of
Magellan's most famous leaders, since without his narrative of Magellan's journey in our region,
we would have had a difficult time understanding our culture until the Spanish arrived. But,
thanks to his description of what transpired, we were able to better comprehend ourselves and
think about what we were about to embark on.
Plasencia had some suspect opinions about us, based on what he wrote in his account,
because some of his use of words clearly reflected his distaste of others, the Filipinos, which
can be observed especially when he refers to us as "Infidels" because of our customs, culture,
values, and way of life. And Antonio de Morga's account in the book Sucesos de las Islas
Filipinas was unusual in that Morga was a layperson, not a religious chronicler, which would
have made Morga's account more "objective" than Pigafetta's, whose accounts are skewed due
to his religioushistory as a friar, which could have influenced his story. Morga was not only a
Catholic missionary, but also a much more humane to Filipino. In the end, he was not just an
eyewitness, but a crucial participant in the events he related.
GEED 10033: Readings in Philippine History

NAME: Bajandi, Jamil M. ACTIVITY #4


INSTRUCTION: Read and understand the Kartilya ng Katipunan (Unit II, Lesson 2 pp.48-53),
and answer the items below. Your answers may be written in English or Filipino. Do not forget to
write your full name in the upper left corner of the paper and your course, year and section
below it.
1. Choose two (2) of the teachings of the Katipunan and expound each by relating them to
personal experiences in life. Your answer should contain at least three (3) paragraphs
consisting of not less than four (4) sentences each paragraph.

“Ang taong matalino’y ang may pag-iingat sa bawat sasabihin; matutong ipaglihim ang dapat
ipaglihim. This implies that you will know the person who is wise in words only because he is
full of caution and knows how to keep secrets and he knows everything to say. For example, if
you are told a secret that should not be revealed to anyone because you are the one he trusts,
you must keep it a secret because if you are smart, you know what will happen and the
consequences when you do it. The tongue is said to be the most dangerous part of the human
body. Because many words come out of our mouths that produce sins.
Personally, things that other people shouldn’t know are still known to be to the detriment of
others. Secrets should remain secret because it is a unique secret that only you or I should
know. I chose this because there are things that others shouldn’t know anymore because it only
brings guilt or confusion for other people. If you are smart you should first think about what is
good for you and for other people. This implies that a wise person should only know what he is
doing, saying or thinking. He must consider whether it will have a bad effect or not. If anyone is
hurt or hit. Whether it matters or not. Bad words should be avoided. You must be trusted by your
Huwag mong sayangin ang panahon; ang yamang nawala'y mangyayaring magbalik; ngunit
panahong nagdaan ay di na muli pang magdadaan. The second teacing I chose is related to the
motto “Time is Gold”. It means our appreciation of time. There are things in ourselves that we
waste time on even if they are not important and the opening up of things that can be done now.
An example of this is about our repenting of our past sins, which had the opportunity that was
really allotted to you to repent would just be opened up. It's a pity that tomorrow you may not be
able to do it because He has already taken your life. We must do good, let us not waste our
lives, because tomorrow we may not find the day that has passed, opportunities may return but
time may never return.

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