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+INDEPENDENT 8/8/08 9:07 AM Page 9

lance a. williams \\ green opportunities

» Performance measurement, partic- of natural resources such as fossil fuels build sustainably was generated mostly
ularly with respect to energy and and water. by young, mid-to-lower-level corpo-
water efficiency, and effective mate- By virtue of the intent of the rating rate leaders, this effort has now been
rials and resources use and reuse – system, all of the essential elements of taken up by the CEOs and senior exec-
Energy and water efficiency are partic- building sustainably are taken into con- utives of some of the most prominent
ular concerns in our era of concerns sideration in a LEED project. members of the Fortune 1,000 club.
about carbon and greenhouse gas emis- » Regional considerations, such as
sions, and the ever-increasing scarcity weather conditions, water availabili- LEED Categories
ty, and securing locally based sus- LEED has evolved from a one-size-fits-
tainable materials in drought-tinged all standard encompassing all elements
areas of the Southwest – Southwest of buildings to one that has many part
Elements of Change states have a variety of weather condi- of the whole.
There have been a number of high-
tions within their boundaries and cer- First there was LEED-NC 1.0 which
impact forces that have changed
tainly cannot be seen as monolithic in measured efficiency in new and exist-
leaders’ attitudes about sustainability,
weather conditions or topography. ing buildings, commercial interiors,
» Market acceptance of green build- core and shell, retail, neighborhood
> The "Al Gore" factor: publicizing the ing, sustainability and the LEED rat- development, mixed-use, schools
views of scientists in ways that the general ing system – It is an established fact and hospitals.
public can weigh in on the debate regarding that urbanization has transformed the Now there are separate rating cate-
the harmful impacts of carbon emissions and
greenhouse gases;
cultural landscape worldwide. gories either released or in development
LEED is predominantly an urban for all of the above building types.
> Broad-based industry education regard- phenomenon. USGBC is very democratic in its
ing green building, LEED and sustainability;
It is a system designed to offer a solu- feedback process and relies heavily on
> Peer pressure and increasing numbers tion: an opportunity for sustainability case studies, economic data and a wide
of professionals becoming LEED- accredited to be an important part of the efforts variety of metrics to make the business
to consult in the creation and operation of to rebuild aging places and effectively case for green building.
sustainable buildings;
plan emerging population centers while LEED is a continually evolving sys-
> The actual creation and renovation of mitigating the harmful effects of ener- tem that relies on member feedback
buildings according to LEED and sustainable gy-hogging buildings. in a way that few dynamic systems can
» Regulatory barriers and resistance boast of doing.
> Case study reports which demonstrate to legislative mandates – With so Within a short period of time, the
the effectiveness of LEED standards; much of their applications well-intend- primary LEED Steering Committee
> Demonstrated increased ROI, and ed, regulators and their mandates have at USGBC is planning to implement
reduced first costs; historically been viewed as hindrances more of a cafeteria-style system where
within the greater built environment. builders can pull from a range of
> Benefits of adopting green O&M strategies Many builders have turned to legal options that better fit their intentions
through effective planning outlined through
the LEED system; remedies to cut through what they see to build sustainably according to the
as onerous requirements and have lob- rating system.
> RFPs and RFQs that require sustainable bied against programs that they inter- It is clear that green building and sus-
components in building projects;
pret as anti-business. tainability will grow as an area of interest
> Industry professionals considering the » Industry leaders’ reluctance to and continue to garner attention as peo-
fate of the world they are leaving behind to becoming early adopters of green ple become more aware of both the in-
future generations;
building, sustainability and LEED – herent challenges and opportunities. x
> Creation of entrepreneurial opportunities This is simply a commentary on the old
and increased growth of the green industry adage regarding “pioneers get the Dr. Lance Williams is executive direc-
arrows” which persisted early on as tor of the U.S. Green Building Council
> Media interest and support for green LEED moved from a concept in the Los Angeles chapter. He is a LEED-accred-
building and sustainability as a general concept collective brain of its initiators to a ited professional and lectures and moder-
and LEED specifically; and functional rating system. ates panels on a variety of sustainability-
> Increased valuation of properties – Although perhaps true in its infancy related topics. He can be reached at
admittedly, a work in progress. even a few years ago, when the drive to

2008 fall b&c southwest 9

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