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English Writing 3 – Cause and Effect Essay

C/E Name:莊鈞翔 Kevin
The Reasons of World War 2
In history, there’re plenty of wars were happening. There’s a worldwide war

which affects the trend of the world. This war can divide into two areas, Asia and

Europe. Also, there’s a turning point in the war. It’s the key to make the U.S become

the most influenced country in the world.

In 1900, Eight-Nation Alliance invaded China. After that, the alliance won the

war. China was divided into several parts. Among these countries, there’s a country

which is located in Asia. It is called Japan. They colonized North China and

conquered the resources there. Because of this background, Japan begins to plan some

war during the two world wars. In 1937, Marco Polo Incident, also called the

Lugouqiao incident was broke out. Japanese declared that there’s a soldier was

disappeared. After that, they pretended to find the missing soldier to invade Beijing.

Due to this incident, the Japanese began to conquer plenty of areas and become one of

the worldwide enemies.

In 1933, the Nazi government was founded in Germany. Adolf Hitler was

selected to be the chief. In 1939, the army invaded Poland. Furthermore, allied with

Italy, they conquered most of Europe. In 1940, Germany, Italy, and Japan established

the Axis Nation in Berlin. However, they attacked the Soviets. They forgot the

historical event which happened in Napoleon’s times. They lost the war. They started

to fade in history.
English Writing 3 – Cause and Effect Essay
C/E Name:莊鈞翔 Kevin
There’s a turning point in World War 2. There’s an incident that influenced the

whole war process. In 1941, Japan attacked Hawaii Pearl Harbor. This incident

irritated the U.S to join World War 2. First of all, the U.S entered Europe against the

Nazi government. Although the American army almost won every war then, several

places were controlled by Nazi Germany. That’s called Western Europe. The Axis

occupied it and ready to fight for the U.S. Yet, the Normandy War broke out. The U.S

army used the beachhead to confront the Axis. After that, they succeed to recover the

lost land in Western Europe. Nazi Germany evacuated Central France. Also, they

became weaker and weaker. In the end, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in Berlin. The

Europe part officially ended. Nevertheless, the Asian part wasn’t as easy as the

European part. Because the Japanese had controlled most of the islands in the Pacific

Ocean, the U.S army had to take more time the recapture the lost lands. Also, the U.S

was shocked by Japanese spirits. Japanese hired the teenagers to become the

Kamikaze, which means Japanese used life to exchange for the sinking of a warship.

It sounds horrible, isn’t it? In the end, the U.S threw two atomic bombs on Nagasaki

and Hiroshima. The emperor of Japan was surrendered. Finally, World War 2 was


War is not the way to solve the problem. If there’s some conflict, just use the

wisely way to face it. Nowadays, people are wiser than before. The war isn’t
English Writing 3 – Cause and Effect Essay
C/E Name:莊鈞翔 Kevin
necessary. I hope that everyone can live in peace.

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